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World Champion Rank Is, As Of Now, Extremely Toxic And Needs Changes.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by liual, Feb 26, 2021.


How long does it take for you, a non-champion player, to get into a world with bombs?

  1. Roughly the same amount of time as before.

  2. 0-5 minutes

  3. 5-10 minutes

    0 vote(s)
  4. 10-15 minutes

  5. 15+ minutes

  6. I don't even bother trying to join bomb worlds anymore because they are always full.

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. liual

    liual buy my ignis =) VIP+

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    *DISCLAIMER: There is already a thread discussing this exact topic. You can contribute to the discussion there so that the mods can comfortably find all the information in the same place.
    Firstly, I want to make it clear that I do not dislike the idea of the champion rank, it is simply that the combination of champion features makes the game very unfair for all other players.

    Any vip+ and lower pleb that has been doing proffs as of late knows how painfully hard it has become to get into full servers. Before Champion rank came out, you had a decent chance to get into a full world by sitting in the hub for, say 5-10 minutes. Now it is nearly impossible. (For reference, I'm VIP rank.)

    I expect you to know about the Champion features already, I will not explain them in depth here. These are some of the common for and againsts:

    1. Bomb bell gives an unfair advantage, but this is alleviated with a "random timer" and bomb discord.
    Answer: Yes, the bomb bell does give an advantage, especially since not all bombs are pinged on the bomb discord. This in itself is slightly problematic since the bombs that do end up getting pinged on the bomb discord usually don't get pinged on the instance that the bomb drops. Depending on the random timer though, this in itself is not a huge issue, and can be balanced.

    2. /switch to swap from world x to world y.
    This command is a good feature in a vacuum, though combined with bomb discord and bomb bells slightly more questionable. With the new hub server selector where there are not only more worlds to chose from, but also worlds that go above the 64 item stack limit. For example, world 79 would display as a 64. Looking for the right server which just got pinged on the bomb discord takes a lot longer than before, which means that /switch will always be astronomically faster.

    3. Champion slots
    Oh boy this feature sucks major donkey. The idea is not a bad one, but the implementation is just not thought through. With champion slots filtering down to the regular worlds slots, and combined with points 1. and 2., it's nearly impossible to join a bomb world as a lower rank. Champions will not only swap worlds quicker than you, but they have essentially guaranteed first dibs on any world spot.

    Solution to this?
    Well there isn't a simple yes or no answer to this problem. Some say that there is no problem at all. Personally I think there definitely is. While it would be nice for champion slots to be separate from normal world slots, this would make champion rank less appealing. 5 slots is not that much. I could maybe see 10+ separate champ slots working, but that might just be a bit too laggy for servers? I don't know.

    Not considering the separate champion slots idea, I believe the best option to be sort of a queue systems, where champion slots filter down for every other open world slot. This would give champions half of the world slots, while the other half is left to the rest of the playerbase. This should be fair considering that champion rank is a minority of players, though the "every other" number can be changed depending on how pay-to-win you want Champion rank to be.

    There are definitely a lot more suggestions out there, but I feel like this one is simple enough to be easily implemented.

    Note: Sorry for the essay, but I really do believe that these features need a change. Let me know if you think I'm wrong and please vote in the poll if you are not champion rank.

    *Edit: The biggest problem is really just the filtering down of world slots. The other points are just the cherry on the top.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2021
    ThedumbOX, TheEpicCajun, Azu and 4 others like this.
  2. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    I personally would add a little cooldown additionally on /switch, so u won't be able to spamswap servers. Yes the features are broken rn.
  3. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    That doesn't stop people from being able to more easily swap to bomb parties though.
    The ability to instantly fill a bomb server is honestly the only issue I have with it, otherwise I think that it's a really nice perk (obviously I'm a bit biased) that's pretty fair; it makes it super easy to join other people for co-op and means that I don't have to wait in the lobby trying to find the server my friend is on with a number above 64 without actually giving me a sort of gameplay advantage.
  4. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    /switch is a super useful command and should honestly be given to everyone.
    ThedumbOX, ReneCZ and IceBear like this.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    No one has clearly ever made a similar thread in any shape or form before, I admire your boldness to call out this topic in such an original way.
    dr_carlos, ThedumbOX, one_ood and 4 others like this.
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    That's probably not possible, they said that saving data quick enough for it to work is really resource intensive. I normally don't buy into the garbage the devs say regarding limitations, but this is probably one of the few cases where they're actually right, after all, players have a lot of data which needs to be saved and verified then loaded, the faster you need to go the harder it gets.

    That's also the only really convienent feature Champion has, I would rather see the bomb bell and the slots gone over removing that.
  7. 19kss

    19kss Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    /switch best command ever added, why cry
    Toaster likes this.
  8. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Ice Bear would like to see /switch be for non-ranked players in the hub so they can find 64+ worlds easier.
    starx280, Wiihacker0 and Toaster like this.
  9. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    My idea would be that if there are free slots, champions would take those and if the 40/40 is full, they would go to the champion slots, but once someone leave the normal slots, so it becomes 39/40, the players in champion slots would stay in the champion slots, so it would be like 39/40 slots and 1/5 champion slots, so that normal players could get into the normal slots
    Toaster likes this.
  10. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Based on the number of likes and messages he has, his inactive on the forums.
    He most likely didn't see any of the other threads or knew about them.
    Honestly, the repeat of the same threads, from different people, who are relatively unaware of one and another kinda shows that this is in fact an issue.
    dr_carlos, starx280 and liual like this.
  11. Toaster

    Toaster He/Him CHAMPION

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    Then maybe champion could have unlimited uses of the command per day? Nons will have fewer, and each rank will get more uses per day of /switch
  12. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    tbh i think for /switch in particular it would be better to keep it hero+ only and give other ranks access to a similar command that only works in the lobby, as said above

    champion would still get a pretty good advantage from just never filling normal slots from champion slots
    they still get access to both normal and champion, which, assuming 1 out of every 8/10 players is champion, could roughly double the speed to get into a full world, even disregarding /switch and stuff, without actually disadvantaging anyone else at all
  13. liual

    liual buy my ignis =) VIP+

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    I'm aware that there are a lot of threads on this already, but if everyone completely avoided creating new threads for their opinions the mods would have a much harder time noticing the playerbase's complaints. I don't spend much time on the forums but from the stuff I went through I felt the need to give an input on my own. A comment on a 10 page thread would get drowned out quickly.

    If I'm going to have to be frank with you, calling out people who don't spend as much time on the forums for expressing their opinion is toxic and harmful to the community, and you should really refrain from doing so. I get that reading the same shit over and over again might get tiring, but there is no reason to be rude about it to people that don't spend as much time on the platform.
  14. alexphilgab

    alexphilgab The Godsent CHAMPION

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    I cant even use /switch so ...
  15. Azu

    Azu A-mage-ing

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    Reposting what I said in the Bomb Bell thread. It's a bit late for the Devs to remove these features from Champion without causing an uproar, so alternative solutions that keep the essence of the Champion rank whilst stripping it of the PTW aspects are needed!

    liual likes this.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss HERO

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    You are contributing nothing useful to solving the issue at hand by going over the same points people did already in the original thread over ten times, so I don't know why you would need to make a whole new thread about it. I myself see this as you doing harm by dragging people away from the main discussion which is the clear point of reference for the content team based off which they make their decisions regarding this matter. People making exact same threads makes it very difficult to analyze things, when there could be just one discussion you could easily refer to.

    The "I wouldn't have been noticed in the 10 page thread" argument I do not understand whatsoever, since your comment there would be literally the first thing people would see at the moment of you posting it and it would have bumped the thread onto the main page and giving the issue more attention.

    This reminds me of the guild update situation, where literally every monkey simultaneously thought it would be a good idea to make a thread about it and say that guild update is bad, instead of sticking to the original one Cath made and thus giving the CT once again a clear point of reference based off which to act on.

    You not knowing something is only your fault and this isn't even a hard topic to cover on forums, search bar exists after all. I didn't want to be rude, I just found this very funny, so I'm sorry you feel this way.
  17. liual

    liual buy my ignis =) VIP+

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    Fair enough, if I had the will/time to, I should spent more time looking through the thread, even if it was very lengthy. My intention was to describe my own experiences on a slightly different point from that of the main thread (the head post was mainly on bomb bell) and I did at the time not bother to read through all 10 pages of comment to find the things I mentioned here. This was lazy on my part, as I simply wanted to voice my opinion on what I wrongly assumed to be a different topic. My post (combined with others) will probably dilute the overall conversation for mods/admins, which is something I didn't consider when making this thread, or as an issue at all really.

    ... Which is why I stand by my point that comments on new (or just unknowing) posters need to be less toxic. Instead of mocking people that aren't as aware of things as you are, you could just plainly tell me that I was diluting the conversation and that another larger thread is a better place for this conversation. I get that you're probably very irritated about all of the "monkeys" that keep reposting the same stuff and diluting discussions, but you shouldn't be taking that irritation out on me, or at least without clearly explaining things first. Hell, if I hadn't replied to your thread like I did you probably wouldn't have told me of the dilution of the issue, and I would have continued posting reposts of the same stuff. Instead of improving my suggestions I'd eventually stop voicing my opinion at all if it was received mockingly.

    Maybe your intention wasn't to be rude, but that's what most people would interpret it as.

    Anyways, I'll edit my post with a disclaimer about the main thread.
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