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Game Design 1.20: Gavel Reborn Feedback

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Novalescent, Jan 20, 2021.

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  1. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    Wow, 1.20… It’s here already?

    The amount of content and reworks that 1.20: Gavel Reborn introduces is insane. It adds plenty of fresh content that is no longer an extension of previous content. Housing, Raids, A whole Guild Rework, I expected all of them to be their own separate updates rather than packed into one.
    That isn’t to say however that the grass is all green. While the premises and ideas of them have been created, the implementation of some of them are questionable. I’ve spent quite a bit of time assessing the content myself, hearing the opinions of other players, or sometimes both. All of what I’ve heard from others is fairly positive, but it’s never entirely positive. Usually everyone has their gripes about something, but in this case I believe the gripes that people have are all in common with one another.

    I’m not here to speak for others though, just for myself. I want to talk about the implementation of the new content, what my thoughts are on them, and what can be done to improve on them. I feel like a decent amount of people would like to know anyway, seeing as this update was coincidentally in-line with most of the suggestions I’ve put out (I was surprised as well).
    I won’t be covering content extensions such as new quests, new boss altars, new/changed items, etc., as I don’t believe those are too important for this scenario and the rest of the community most likely has a better viewpoint of those than I do. Mainly this will be covering the fresh new content, such as Raids and Guild Reworks.

    Afterwards, I’ll give my overall review of the game, although if you don’t want to read through the text walls, feel free to scroll down.


    Housing. The suggestion that many people have memed about and belittled was finally implemented into Wynncraft. This took everyone by surprise, including myself. I don’t believe anyone truly believed that Housing would be implemented anytime soon. But, it seems like Salted did a 180 on this idea and decided to implement it finally. Exciting!

    Or, well, that’s what it looked like at least.

    Now don’t get me wrong. Housing is, in my opinion, a great addition to the game. It allows for groups of people to gather in a common spot to host parties, guilds to be able to have their private ceremonies, and so on. Players can now truly live in Wynncraft, and create their own houses to live in.

    However, I feel it was implemented rather ok. It’s not phenomenal, it’s not good, it’s just ok. Like Guilds were before 1.20, Housing seems to be too cosmetic in my eyes. In reality, I only ever use my House for NPCs that I’m too lazy to access, or because I couldn’t find it in the zone I’m in so I whizz away on my hot air balloon. Other than that, I don’t have much of a reason to build or really use my Housing plot at all.
    Yes, it seems odd given my reputation with my own Housing suggestion, and I’m sure many of you are saying that “Oh so now that you realize you can’t build, you don’t have much use for it huh?” No, that’s not what I mean. Let me explain.

    If you were given the option to have your house within the city itself or on a separate island away from everyone else, what would you pick? I feel like many would choose the city house, simply because you’re closer to everyone and can see people walking around from within your Housing plot.
    Housing is, in my opinion, too isolating. You not only have all the NPCs you need (Besides vendors) in one place so you don’t have to go to interact with other players, but you also never really see anyone from your House. It feels… lonely. I don’t really get to see anyone else. Maybe that’s just me though, as I feel more comfortable when I see other people walking around.

    I believe that it would have been better to create a neighborhood zone of some sort where everyone’s Housing plots would be. At least then you’d have a higher chance of seeing other players, and also getting to see their Houses, even if some of them may not be so appropriate for Wynncraft. That way you don’t feel so isolated from everyone else.
    Now in terms of visitation, I noticed that there wasn’t much to do really. Now you can host your own parties and such, but I think it would be fun if there were some House games to go along with it, and some that you can play with your friends. Laser Tag, Hide and Seek, maybe a bit of PvP (With no SP or item loss of course), all fun activities that I wish that Housing supported so I’d be excited to visit a friend’s House. It would totally boost the social aspect of bringing your friends over to Housing and would let there be fun activities to do with them.

    A light note on this is that Housing doesn’t give many gameplay benefits, besides Build Stands. That’s a neat touch, although I do wish that it had more than that, such as maybe granting a temporary XP Bonus that lasts for a while once you leave your house. Kind of gives you incentive to log out on your plot, as your character could be resting or something while you’re logged out. That’s not too important though, I believe.

    So while Housing did what it needed to do and it was implemented, I don’t particularly think it has improved the social aspect of Wynncraft as much as I had originally hoped. I’m glad I can create my own houses, have small parties with my friends, or visit ceremonies hosted by Guilds. However, I’d still rather AFK in Detlas with everyone walking around me.


    Next, we have a new type of content that is probably the first of its kind in Wynncraft: Raids. Pure, group-oriented content that focuses on teamwork, with an epic boss at the end of it that grants unique and powerful rewards, such as Masteries. I remember one time a CT member said that they didn’t want to add group-focused content because it would feel too excluding. But, it seems, like Housing, Salted did a complete 180 on this and did it. This is the type of content I’ve been wanting to see Wynncraft implement for years, and it has finally come.

    I’m not gonna talk about the individual Raids themselves, more so on the premise of how Raids work.

    Overall, they’re good. I wouldn’t say as amazing as I had hoped for them to be, but I believe they’re in a good spot and have room for improvement.

    The Raid Buffs are a cool feature, however it’s questionable if they were really needed in the first place. If you balanced Raids around players having these raid buffs, what would it look like if you didn’t have Raid buffs and balanced it around them? I believe if it was done correctly then it would’ve been the same.
    However, I’m not saying I don’t appreciate them, they just feel somewhat unnecessary and for the sake of making the player feel “Overpowered” even though the rest of the raid will scale with their newfound power.

    Another gripe I have with them is that personally they don’t match the player-size scale that I expected. I was hoping I’d be able to take a group of 12+ players into this mass-scale adventure, facing off against enemies of immense strength. But, unfortunately it’s only for smaller groups of usually 4-6, and there’s even a level cap attached to each raid. So, in terms of player scale, Raids definitely don’t fit into the grand picture that most MMOs have them in. That may be okay though, given the amount of players that can be present on a World at one time.

    The teamwork challenges are my favorite parts of them. Each room I’ve come across is very interactive in some way, and requires teamwork in order for it to be completed effectively. I definitely don’t think it’d be fun to handle some of the rooms on your own, and it’s quite refreshing to see content like this that basically requires you to party up in order to complete it.
    I believe that some rooms feel overtuned, mainly in the Canyon Colossus raid. I remember doing them on HERO BETA and after some changes they felt fairly balanced and difficult on good levels. However, it feels now like they have way too much HP and are much more difficult to deal with, mainly the Pressure Plate room in Sections 1 and 2.

    The Bosses themselves are quite unique, and they all have different designs to them, with the Colossus boss having the best “scale” out of all of them so far as you’re fighting this gigantic statue. However, they don’t feel as “epic” as I had hoped for them to be. Menacing, sure, but not epic. Their abilities and rotations are also fairly standard, which is strange given that these are raid bosses and you would expect for some more advanced-style moves.

    Onto the rewards now. For the most part, they’re fine. My main issue with them is that they don’t feel very unique. Right now, Masteries and Tomes feel like another form of accessories, except now there are 14 of them and you have to do specific things in order to unlock each slot. There’s also now Charms, a new item type that wasn’t really teased in the changelog. These items provide you special bonuses while they are in your inventory.
    Overall, they’re… just there. It’s more numbers to add onto your character. Damage, Mob Resistance, XP… That’s it, numbers. They don’t bring anything new to the table in terms of progression, it’s just additional buffs to your character. And honestly, if you’re skilled enough I wouldn’t say you need them.
    The Amplifiers are probably the best thing in terms of Raid Rewards, and I find those to be more useful in terms of upgrading your items and such. I’m glad these got implemented for sure, as it will help future endeavors when finding new items and rolling/rerolling though. My only complaint is that the items that have been re-rolled a bunch of times can’t get this kind of bonus. But, there isn’t really much you can do about that, and it’s not a big deal I guess.

    My biggest issue with Raids is the Party Level Maximum. For those who don’t know, Raids strictly require a party in order to enter them. But to do so, the combined level of your group must be below the specified levels. This was a main problem with the Nest of the Grootslang raid, where the maximum level was 320. That meant it was difficult to run it on your main character(s), as you had to find a group of lower level players in order for you to gain entry.
    Furthermore, this raid is required to be done to unlock a Weapon Mastery Tome Slot, so you have to find 3 other lower level characters on your main character(s) and do it with them in order to be able to unlock it.
    I believe that this can be fixed if NotG was changed to be able to house 3-4 players. That way, 3 level 100+ players can do it together while there’s still the 4-player option if you want to do it with your low level friends or are looking for a hard carry.

    Now, this isn’t as bad in the future raids, as those are meant for higher level players and thus have higher levels. However, the reasons why this exists for Raids is really unknown. Sure, it makes it so you can’t bring in 4 higher level players into NotG and breeze through it, but that’s just 1 Raid. The others are more-so aligned with higher level players and are completely fine. I personally wouldn’t mind seeing it better balanced in some way, as I just don’t think it feels good.. There isn’t a level cap on other types of content either (excluding Quests), so why have it here and now?

    Overall, I’m glad Raids are here to stay now. There's still some parts of it that need address, but I believe that with enough development, there could be some epic challenges that come out of these. Raids seem to have the potential and foundation to become a truly massive experience for players, and I can’t wait to see what they make out of them in the future.

    Guild Rework

    The Guild Rework. I’m sure many have waited years for this to happen, and it finally has. This Guild Rework has completely changed the shape of how Guilds function now. And like everything else in this list, Salted has yet again done a complete 180 on Guilds and made them something much more complex and integrating into both the world and community.

    I’m not gonna go over every single detail, as I believe that the magnitude of this rework was enough to warrant its own, separate update, nor do I believe I am the best person to be reviewing this specific piece of content.. And there is a lot to cover and talk about, so get a drink or something because you’re gonna be here for a while.

    Where do I even start? I’ll do the base changes to Guilds, since they’re well, the base.
    The Guild system was completely changed from the ground up. Many things were changed and added to them. Some of them great, and some of them downright awful.

    Firstly, one of the biggest ones is Guild Alliances and Diplomacies. Before, Alliances were an unofficial feature of Wynncraft, and was specifically an honor-bound relationship between a guild. Now, it’s actually in the game, and for a good reason too, one which I’ll get into later.
    Next are the level changes, which has actually been the most infuriating part of this entire Rework thus far. Guild Levels and the rewards gotten from them have been changed significantly. XP amounts required to level up a guild have been re-written, and you now get different rewards for each level. However, this caused the Guild Levels for all existing guilds to be tweaked, and I believe that this resulted in the lost of Guild Levels for some Guilds as a result

    The main issue that has arised from this however is the change to the Guild Member maximum. It has been cut down a good amount for most guilds, and it’s incredibly difficult to gain more slots now, as now instead of gaining slots every level, you gain slots every few levels.
    I’m not sure why this change was needed for Guilds in the first place. More so, why there even needs to be a Guild Member maximum. Aren’t guilds supposed to be a mega-community of players, working together to achieve a goal? I don’t see it very necessary for a member cap that is below even 100. I think that if Guild Members had a static cap of 100 players, preferably more, it would allow for smaller guilds to rise up faster, and bolster the larger guilds even further.

    There is also the Guild Bank now, which sounds exactly like it does. Guilds now have a shared storage that they can store and take items from. Of course, to make sure that finding who ninja-looted the entire bank easier, there is a log attached to each deposit/withdrawal from the Guild Bank. It’s a tad bit annoying however to see so many log messages, as it’s interacted with pretty heavily. I’d rather them be in a separate log of sorts rather than the same log as everything else. Overall though, a useful and neat feature.

    Now, onto the big stuff.

    Guild Wars were the biggest change in this guild rework. There are plenty of changes here, but I’ll try to keep it concise.
    Holding Territories now provide specific types of resources, including emeralds, for your guild. These include Emeralds, Crops, Wood, and Fish. The resources gained from the Territory are then transferred to your HQ, which is a territory that you select to be.
    The transportation of these resources works like trade routes. All of the territories are linked up with each other, and resources are transported between them all until they reach your HQ.
    Of course, to take over these territories you gave to war for them, and the way wars are done now is entirely different.

    Guild Wars are now done by Tower sieges, in which the attackers have to destroy a tower that has loads of HP and defenses. They are further buffed by the bonuses that the Defenders give them by spending their resources, from extra HP, Attack Damage, to even special perks such as making it so players' abilities damage each other slightly.
    Of course, when the tower is destroyed you win the Territory, then you gain the resources from that territory and it will now send Resources over to your HQ every hour. From there, you can use the Resources to enable bonuses from that territory, such as +Gathering XP, Tome Seeking, and so on.

    Now in general, everything about the Guild Update on paper seems great. It’s very in-depth and has some strategy to it. Players can cut off resource lines, there’s proper restrictions and buffs now so that way Attackers can’t just attack the center of a territory bunch, and the resource networking and distribution is all well thought out. Every territory gives something useful and has its own purpose. Not to mention Guild Banks, and extra Territory bonuses that are Guild Exclusive. It’s all neat.

    However, after some minor testing, major observations, and talking to other Guilds, the Guild Update doesn’t seem to have been as pleasing as everyone has hoped.
    The levels and member slots I’ve already explained, but as for the Territories it’s also questionable implementation. Before, Territories were much more beneficial to the Guild and not to the Players. Now, it’s reversed, and it’s arguably more beneficial for players than for the Guild.
    Territories no longer grant that much experience for the Guild, and while you can get Guild Tomes from them, they’re fairly rare and cost a good amount of Fish to upkeep. It's even harder now to level your Guild as with the Guild XP nerfs and XP requirements being so high, you have to be grinding experience even more than before for your guild to level.
    Territories also feel very circular. Most of the resources you accumulate aren't going towards benefitting your actual Guild, such as Leveling. Instead, they go towards buffing your tower defenses and adding small perks to the territories, which will in turn help defend your territory and allow you to generate more resources and so on and so forth... It doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. Whereas in the old system, Territories were used to help level your Guild, which was one of the few, yet good benefits Territories gave. Now that it's heavily nerfed, one could argue that there is no point in taking a part of Wars besides some cool side content and creating super sustain Class Builds to defend against 1-shotting Defense Towers.

    In general… I believe if you asked the general Guild person who has stuck with Guilds for a good while now, I believe that they would say that the Guild Update was somewhat of a net negative. It does bring some positives, but not enough to blot out the negatives that it brings with it.
    It’s unfortunate too. This is something that Guilds have been asking for for years now. And when they finally get it, they’re unsatisfied. Maybe it’s partly the Guild’s fault for not being able to adapt well, but maybe it’s also fault of the new design and outlook for Guilds.
    I believe some of these changes were made to benefit smaller guilds, which is fine. However, it may have sacrificed too much for larger Guilds, and maybe Guilds in general. I truly believe that these changes will create a new generation of Guilds and newer communities, and possibly change the landscape of Guilds for better or worse. Only time will tell as we move forward in this new era.


    So after waiting for so long for many of these features, for many of us who have wanted and wished for these zealously… Did Wynncraft deliver these properly?

    In my opinion, yes and no.

    If I’m being honest, I do not believe that 1.20: Gavel Reborn was ready for release. There were many things that needed to be addressed and improved on, especially Guilds and Raids. Many people still had concerns and complaints about them, and from what I’ve heard it seems that many of them were put aside for later after launch because 1.20 had been put off for long enough. However, I believe that this update would have been more successful with more preparation and testing.
    I've said how Salted has seemingly done a 180 on most of these topics, topics that have been neglected or even refused in the past. I'm glad he changed his mind, however I don't know if I'd call this turnaround on these topics a complete success.
    The biggest issue I have encountered with 1.20 is the sheer amount of bugs still left. It sold it to me when my first completed run of The Canyon Colossus raid after the HERO beta yielded no rewards, not even Emeralds or Amplifiers. I didn’t bother to do the second run out of fear that I would be wasting my time doing it for a bugged reward run. I’ve also seen numerous screenshots and posts about odd build formations, textual errors, and general bugs that feel like they should've been easy to catch and possibly fix.

    I have to be blunt here because there is simply no other way to do so: My patience has been worn out. The update feels rushed. It doesn’t match the hype and expectations that was built up from the teasers and from the trailers. Of course, this usually never happens even outside of Wynncraft, but this feels like it’s below the bar.
    I feel as if I have been led down this path many times before, where an update sounds so promising and so epic that it would be one of the best updates for Wynncraft and revitalize the game. And time and time again, I feel let down by it. I’m not saying that every update is of poor quality. Some of them added some good and even great additions, such as Professions or even the first revelation of a more advanced boss fight, The Eye. But I feel that those goods aren’t enough to allow me to ignore the negatives. It’s getting to the point where I feel like I should restrain my hype for updates until I play it for real, otherwise I will continuously be let down by what I hope to come.

    A trend that I’m starting to see is that some of the new content and additions are not being led by the heart and what feels good to play/use. For example, this reply was sent in response to the growing anger of Guilds losing their levels and member slots. And during the HERO Beta, Salted justified the design of Tomes by giving thorough (yet interesting) explanations of how progression works in Wynncraft and how Tomes add to that.
    However, while math and design principles can be a good basis, it shouldn’t be what it is entirely made of. Content and Systems should be made out of what feels good and fun. What has been done here feels like these additions and changes were done based on logic and principles, but I don’t think many players will accept those reasons because the end result of these don’t feel good. I’m very sure that many players can think of some interesting ideas and changes for these features, and I’m excited to see what comes up in General Suggestions in the following weeks.
    This may be somewhat controversial, but personally for my ideas and designs, I follow what I believe to be fun for both me and the players that play it. Of course, I don’t get it right the first time usually and it requires a good amount of tweaking, but I always like to think what would be fun/challenging rather than what would fit in a set of rules. That’s my general take on design, and I understand that not everyone may agree with or follow it.


    Anyway, that’s it. I’m sure it’s not as positive or lively as some of my other posts, but it’s because I want to take feedback seriously. 1.20 has lots of room for fixing and improvement, and hopefully my feedback and others will help do just that. I’m very sure we’ll be seeing additional changes be made to polish the update more, and whatever that polish is I hope it’s good.

    I don’t mean any hatred or distaste towards the Content Team or Admin Team. I’m just another player that’s frustrated that 1.20 released like this. I believe that there is still light at the end of the tunnel for this update, and hopefully they won’t prove me wrong on that. Hopefully Orphion’s Nexus of Light will release soon and be the great raid that we all hoped for when we first got a hint of it when Gavel released. That is the last bit of content that I look forward to.

    Thanks for reading this, and as always, feedback is appreciated!
  2. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    True, true.
    BethJerry likes this.
  3. aFireBlaze

    aFireBlaze DM another mod if you have any appeals with me CHAMPION

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    This is a very long and well written response on your thoughts of 1.20. Thanks for taking the time to do so for other players like me who are simply too lazy to say anything.
    ThedumbOX and strikeflame5356 like this.
  4. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    could not have said it any better, this is exactly how I and many others feel right now
    Epicness937 likes this.
  5. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Okay, I think the rest of this thread is great and I mostly agree with it but I need to comment on this. Because that’s literally what you should be doing. Keeping your expectations in check is a good thing to do in most situations, especially when it concerns game development in a fixed timeframe. Hype is fun to buy into but it can easily outpace the pace of development, which leads to so, so many issues in the world of video games (case in point: No Man’s Sky, Fallout 76, and Cyberpunk 2077). It’s important to set your own expectations based on what the devs have shown they could do in the past as well as their current situation, rather than where the community as a whole has set their expectations. Plus, Wynn’s a free game; you don’t need to and shouldn’t buy into the hype until you’ve played it yourself.
  6. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    Very well written. I for one really like most of the update aside from the guild rework which as a whole I dislike, and the revamped builds WHICH ALL LOOK LIKE FUCKING EO. And I completely agree with you on how basically everything can be improved
    Gogeta and starx280 like this.
  7. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I think your perspective is really interesting, especially since I think you put a lot of your focus on the update in different places then I did, yet we still kind of came to the same conclusion. I think the best thing I can say about 1.20 right now is that it has a somewhat good framework to support future additions. I don't really care that the new stuff isn't fully featured yet, especially since it means there's a high chance our feedback will shape the future of a lot of these features. That said, what I do care about a lot is open communication and unless we start to see devs talking about what their goals and ambitions for these features are, I think a lot of the seeds they've sown this update won't get the chance to grow into the beautiful flowers they have the potential to be.

    I'm glad you covered the new guild stuff here too, I didn't know too much about it since I never got to try it out in the beta (nobody invited me to their guild :_( ) but it's great to see somebody finally talking about in in a productive way.

    "My patience has been worn out"

    Me too pal, couldn't have phrased it better if I tried. This game has tested my patience for so long only to disappoint me every single time and I'm starting to think my time with the game has come to its end. I really love this game and wish it all the best, but if this is just the way things are from now on then I don't want to be a part of it.
    trex1611 likes this.
  8. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    So you want the old ones back?

    Also they don't it's called a build style...
    I feel like too many people are hating on Wynncraft because it's "not good enough", though we have forgotten how much better the game is than it used to be.
  9. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I'm not hating on Wynncraft, more of saying how it could have been better.

    When you think of Wynncraft being the current #1 Minecraft MMORPG, most players who have stuck around for years have high expectations for it in terms of quality. Those are the people who are the most critical of the game, and want to see it reach its full potential. You could honestly say I'm one of those people.
    These sort of people have taken off the rose-tinted glasses, and start to harp on Wynncraft for how much better it could be if it tried even harder than it is right now. I believe myself that they have not reached their full potential, partially because some of their old systems and gameplay experiences, such as combat, hinder it greatly.

    Wynncraft has come far since its launch in 2013, and no one disagrees with that. However, some of these systems are still indeed reminiscent of what Minecraft 2013 players would enjoy, but it is no longer that time period anymore. Players have gotten better, wiser, and have more experience in much more different RPGs than Wynncraft. They wish to see these factors be taken into account, and wish to see Wynncraft better adapt to this new era of RPGs and combat. They haven't however, and I don't see this happening anytime soon unless they do a massive upgrade/rework of some of their oldest systems, such as combat. (Both for players and monsters)
  10. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    Not you the other people who are like "everything is eo"
  11. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    Also literally no one is complaining about the combat including yourself. It's always about the story or the new quests, and how the old ones are better? somehow? What your talking about is just not what's going on... at all.
  12. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    You can't say some of the new builds don't look like EO and also call it a build style at the same time, they either share a style or they don't (they do). Regardless though, the issue was never that the style is a problem, it's the overuse of that style where it doesn't make sense or belong. Nobody is saying that "everything is eo" people are specifically pointing out that Cinfras looks like EO, it's not nice to strawman peoples arguements.

    Next, it doesn't matter how much better Wynn is now then it was back in 13', it matters how good it is now. The only reason why Wynn is still somewhat popular right now is because it's the only good option out there, if somebody tried to make something similar Wynn would probably have some issues.
  13. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    Someone just said EVERYTHING LOOKS LIKE FUCKING EO look up a bit. I think that having the same tone of textures and build structure isn't a problem, and I like it. It makes everything look vibrant and intriguing, which in my opinion, is a lot better than using 10 blocks to texture the ground which ultimately makes it look worse than just using grass (I used to do this a lot too).

    Also, I think Wynncraft is amazing right now, especially compared to Hypixel's games. I like the newfound creativity in the quests, the storytelling, and the graphics. Hundreds of people work on this, and the result is actually amazing. I haven't played Wynncraft for over a year yet, so I'm not baised because of the past. Most of the people I'm talking about actually say it the past content is better.

    And also three people have tried to make another Wynncraft you obviously haven't researched this very long.
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  14. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Fair enough, idk what that guy is smoking since a lot of the new builds are good, I kind of assumed he was mostly talking about Cinfras but I guess he wasn't, that's my bad :(

    As for it being amazing right now, I can totally see why you find it great, you only have one class at a high level and you probably haven't beaten everything yet. That's not a dig against you, I'm not saying your not a noob or that your opinion doesn't matter because that would be untrue, but you haven't hit the endgame drought yet which is where the games problems really start to show. Once you've beaten all the quests and have all the classes to 105 there's nothing to do and nothing has been done to address that in the past couple years, if you don't count professions then nothing has been done about that in over 4 years. There are some really deep issues with how most of the systems in Wynn work which aren't being addressed at all.

    As for the past content being better, I think there's probably a lot more truth to that then you might think. If you look at Corkus island and compare it to the Silent Expanse, they both take up about the same amount of land (close enough) yet somehow Corkus manages to be a huge immersive area with tonnes of unique content where as the SE is just a straight line, almost entirely made for the EO quest line. Another example that comes to mind is the emerald trail, they've remade it in 2 of the 3 last updates, 1.18's remake was alright but now it's just atrocious, all because they wanted to add a bunch of unneeded garbage to the starting area. Not all is bad, quests have only gotten better imo but there are for sure some areas where the game has gotten worse, or in some cases, a lot worse.

    It's interesting you mention the other "Wynncrafts" since Zentrella probably could have killed Wynn 4 or 5 years ago if the dev hadn't gotten bored, a surprisingly large amount of the people working on Wynn started working on Zen too and a lot of the builds being done there were actually a lot more impressive then anything we have now and a lot of the underlying mechanics were a lot more impressive. The only thing Zen was missing was a lead dev who was interested in working on the project long term. Zen might not have had content while it was around, but it had a much better framework to add content onto. There's a really great video about it somewhere, but if Zen was still around today we would probably be having this conversation on those forums instead. If you're interested you can still find the old world map for it and see some of the stuff they had done in just a year, it's kind of amazing.
    Blizzard102030 and trex1611 like this.
  15. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    Um, I actually like Cinfras a lot, but that's just going into opinions, isn't it.

    I think that SE is supposed to be a straight line because that's what they were going for, a snaking path or road, to dern.

    I like the new emerald trail (but that's the same as Cinfras :/)

    The last thing is that there's even another one other than Zentrella, I forgot the name, but they're active, and has been since I think 2017? I found out about it because of someone's comment on the 1.20 changlog.
    Also I forgot, I don't think the purpose of a RPG should be to stay around afterwards or to redo the storyline, so it doesn't bother me that much. I just restart my account every update and experience the new storyline (if it's redone past ones).
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  16. Blizzard102030

    Blizzard102030 Tombstone Slogan HERO

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    I liked all of your posts because you helped my post/like ratio thanks for that :D
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