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Game Design Crafting Consumables Feels Unworthwhile

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by add 45/45 horse, Feb 3, 2019.

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  1. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    hi i lik e update 1.18 but the COnSumanables feel unworthwhile to craft becaue of SKILL POTIONS
    only 10 eb compare how much effort it take to gether material and in gradient and you will see that it is more efficient to just buy skill potions i mean consider how much effort it take to get matted aerials and ingratitiude even t1 ones i suggest u raise the price of skill potion or buff crafting consumable :)
    Dr Zed, Spinel, WilsonKry and 7 others like this.
  2. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I know that you really want to make your own weapon by your hand but that's the truth, not any player can craft but every player can buy that's the point of crafting it's is to fix the economy (fix mythics), if it takes a long time to make just buy it no need to waste your time on crafting if you don't want to.
    I know that it takes a long time (for the first time) to craft an item that is worth to use but that's the point if most of the player were able to make good crafting items the value of them will decrease, also in the future it will be easier to make buy crafted weapons what i mean that this problem will be solved you need just to wait.

    Oh by the way i didn't say that i disagree with what you suggest i think it's okay to make the price higher.

    Here is an official answer by salted (It's not exactly an answer to your question but i hope it helps)
  3. add 45/45 horse

    add 45/45 horse My Immortal

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    i not say it too hard i say it unwoodwhittle when s kill potions only 640 green rock and you say alchemy good item more strong than skill potion and i say yes but it not last as long AND need more effort to get ingredient for potion when u see t3 ingrocery sell for 0.00025 stacks liquid emerlad coping is worst of all when alchemy uses law of equivalent exchange to make item better than skill potion and coating is weak by design cant beat s kill potion yes it lsat longer but still weak and how easy it emerald is i get 1 skill potion worth in maybe 5 or 6 minutes from loot run... i dont even get t3 ingrappling most of tthe time its not pro blem with difficulty of making good item but with krill potion being more elephant and not need levels
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  4. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I know it's unworthwhile to you and many more players but there are many other players who are willing to make those potions meaning that you only need to get emeralds and buy the potions just like skill potions, it's not the only thing in Wynncraft that is unworthwhile EX: to me mythic are useless why would i wast stacks of Le just for a strong item or loot run for them this is just stupid to me but still there are many other players think of this is a worthwhile just like crafting.
  5. CookedPelvis

    CookedPelvis Famous Adventurer HERO

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    personally I find the process of crafting my own consumables really enjoyable, but I see where you're coming from. I'll bring this up with some higher ups and see what they think.
    Spinel, ReneCZ and add 45/45 horse like this.
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