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World Quest Suggestion: Conquest Of The Fallen Fortress (lvl 99)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by highbread, Mar 7, 2018.



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  1. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Well, it's here. The last quest in this questline.
    I genuinely hope you enjoy this one, I spent a lot of time on it.
    Lets get this started.

    Quest Name: Conquest of the Fallen Fortress
    Minimum Level: 99
    Length: Long

    Stage 1: Talk to the Head Engineer in the Sanctuary.
    Rejection Dialogue:
    Head Engineer: Do you have any business with me? People should know how busy of a man I am.
    Head Engineer: If you were level 99 or so, maybe you'd be worth my time.

    Quest start dialogue (must have Defective Core and Unpowered Machine):
    Head Engineer: Hello, welcome to the Sanctuary Workplace! What can I do for y-
    Head Engineer: Oh, it's you. As it happens, I know exactly why you're here.
    Head Engineer: You want to power that machine, correct? It should be easy for me.
    Head Engineer: If you wouldn't mind, could you show me your unpowered machine, as well as your defective core?

    After talking without items:
    Head Engineer: If you don't have those items, there is nothing I can do for you. If you wouldn't mind, please get them for me.

    Stage 2: Show the Head Engineer 1 [Defective Core] and 1 [Unpowered Machine].
    Head Engineer: Hm, I see.
    Head Engineer: Ok, as you can tell, this machine is lacking a power source.
    Head Engineer: I believe that your defective core may be able to act as a power source for the machine.
    Head Engineer: Don't worry about it breaking down for our energy reading machine, that had to do with a coding error.
    Head Engineer: The core still contains a substantial amount of energy to power something by the likes of this.
    Head Engineer: I'll just take those for a moment...and, done!
    Head Engineer: If I'm correct, that machine should help locate that Sky Fortress...I'm not entirely sure wh-
    You feel a sharp shake in the air. Winds are blowing stronger than usual.
    Head Engineer: Oh...oh no. No, this can't happen yet! Go, hurry over to the leader of this Sanctuary!
    Head Engineer: His name is Obis, and he's just at the end of the main hall. Quick, there's no time to waste!

    After talking dialogue:
    Head Engineer: Did you not hear what I said? Go, fast!

    Stage 3: Find Obis and ask him what to do next.
    Obis: Hello, you must be the human everybody here has been talking about.
    Obis: I'm sorry I cannot properly introduce myself, as time shouldn't be wasted with something like that in this situation.
    Obis: That machine you have, you need to use it. It will tell you where the ruined Sky Fortress lies in the void.
    Obis: Once you arrive at the fortress, you'll need to figure out what to do yourself. Nobody here has any information about it.
    Obis: ...In the case that you are too late, I'd like to give you this charm of mine. For what you've done, you deserve it.
    Obis: Good luck, for the sake of this land.
    1 [Sanctuary Charm] given to player.

    Stage 4: Go to the location the machine reads off.
    As you reach the location, the wind blows stronger. You are blown off the edge, just as last time.
    As you land, a gentle breeze cushions your fall.
    And in front of you...
    Lies the colossal fallen Sky Fortress.

    Stage 5: Enter the fortress.
    ???: Well, look who it is.
    ???: It's been a while since I've had a visitor. Even then, they don't live long enough to be any good company.
    ???: Maybe you'll be an exception.

    Stage 6: Explore the first room of the fortress.
    In this first stage, there is a fairly empty room. On one side of the room, there are wind spirits locked into cages. In order to progress, the player must stand in the correct spot and dodge the concentrated air blasts from the spirits. If they player is hit with an air blast, it will deal minor damage but knock back the player quite a lot. After enough air blasts have hit the back wall, it will collapse, leading into the next room.

    Stage 7: Make it over to the second room.
    In the transition over to the second room, the player must complete a difficult parkour section. In detail, the parkour jumps itself are quite easy, but the mechanics involved can be extremely difficult. For example, the first jump would be a simple jump, but you land on a pressure plate, which boosts you up. At the peak of your jump, you must press a button which will boost you to the side, over to where you need to land. That's just a small example of what types of mechanics there would be.
    After completing the parkour, there's more dialogue:
    ???: You know, I wasn't always like this.
    ???: This malevolent husk of a being, talking of tearing everything apart. At first, it was nearly the opposite.
    ???: Watching over the Sky Islands, protecting the area from devastation.
    ???: But, the villagers. They let their greed get the better of them. It was absolutely sickening.
    ???: So, I laid waste to their land. I taught them a lesson, in hopes that they would learn from it.
    ???: But no. They never changed, not even the slightest.
    ???: And now, the cycle will repeat.

    Stage 8: Unlock the door in the second room.
    The second room is quite combat based. On 2 sides of the room, there are teleporters to small arenas. There are powerful bosses in each room. The first boss is called a "Storm Spirit". It has an extremely fast movement speed, but cannot do a basic attack. Instead, it spams the slow and meteor spells. Low on HP, it has 85k. The boss in the second room is called a "Lightning Spirit". It moves extremely fast, and has a very fast attack speed. However, its damage per hit is somewhat low. After a while, it will explode. It has 90k HP. The two bosses drop keys which will be used to open the door. Once the door is opened, there is more dialogue:
    ???: Oh, I'm quite sorry. I haven't introduced myself yet.
    Derecho: My name is Derecho. I am what is left from a once powerful force of nature.
    Derecho: When I laid waste to the Ahm's region, I used too much of my power. I tore myself apart just like that land.
    Derecho: Since then, I've been waiting here in my lair, watching through the winds.
    Derecho: Waiting to gain my power back. Waiting to see if they would change.
    Derecho: I must clarify myself here. I don't happen to have anything personal against you.
    Derecho: But, you're in my way. And that is absolutely unacceptable for me.

    Stage 9: Avoid the trap in the third room.
    Inside of the third room, there lies a trap. Upon entering, the floor will start to steam. Blocks that are steaming will soon disappear, and if the player falls down into the floor, they will have to restart the challenge. After completing the challenge, there is once again more dialogue:
    Derecho: If I may ask, what is it that drives you like this?
    Derecho: Surely it couldn't be a reward. Nobody would ever risk their life in such a manner.
    Derecho: Are you simply following good morals? Do you think something good will come from this?
    Derecho: Why would one ever go to lengths like this? And finally...
    Derecho: Even if you do succeed, even if you do manage to beat me, manage to save that land...
    Derecho: Will it even be worth it for you in the end?

    Stage 10: Confront Derecho.
    Derecho: So, you've arrived at long last. To be honest, I was expecting you sooner. But that doesn't matter.
    Derecho: The thing is, you don't really think that I'm going to let you fight me, right? I won't waste time like that.
    Derecho: There's many things I can handle, you know. Ironically, I like peace. I can take a bit of calmness.
    Derecho: But then there's things I dislike. There's greed, those sickening villagers, and people who get in my way.
    Derecho: See you soon.
    The floor breaks, and the player is sent to a lower level of the fortress.

    Stage 11: Get back up to the main level.
    The player is sent to a dark area, filled with "Broken Wind Spirits". These enemies are slow, have 1k hp, and use the pull spell occasionally. They mostly exist for visual appeal.
    Killing these spirits drop items called "Breeze Essence". By putting 15 of these in a hopper, the player is launched up to the main level.

    Stage 12: Find your way back to Derecho.
    After getting back to the main level, the player must walk across a bridge. Every so often, gusts of wind come and the player must stand in a safespot to avoid being blown off the edge. If the player is blown off the edge, they will need to restart.
    After completing the bridge, they will find themselves in a large room with 3 crystals.

    Stage 13: Destroy the first energy crystal.
    Derecho: I don't know what I was expecting there. I was half hoping you would die from the fall, but it's clear you didn't.
    Derecho: Oh well. It stalled you, giving me more time to build up energy.

    In order to destroy a crystal, the player must climb on top of it and right click where it indicates. Upon destroying the first one, dialogue appears:
    Derecho: Wha-? No! You idiot, those are the sources of my power! If you break the others, I will not hesitate to kill you.

    Stage 14: Destroy the second energy crystal.
    Derecho: Human. If you break the last crystal, I will tear you to bits. I'll kill you, and you'll be torn apart, just as the islands are.

    Stage 15: Destroy the third energy crystal.
    Derecho: Remember how I said earlier how I had nothing personal against you?
    Derecho: Well, now I do. Human, you have no idea what you've done to yourself.

    After the dialogue, the player is blasted by air onto the top of the fortress. The area is circular, and Derecho is standing in the middle of it.

    Stage 16: Defeat Derecho.
    Derecho: You know, I used to like the villagers. I tolerated their greed, I disregarded their wrongdoings.
    Derecho: All until that one day.
    Derecho: When the decay first struck, I was aghast. I was filled with confusion, rage, sadness, and all else.
    Derecho: Because of their greed, they had doomed their beautiful land.
    Derecho: ...I remember how I said I wouldn't fight you myself. Going back on something like that, I guess it makes me no better.
    Derecho: Deep inside, I just want the best for everybody. But the way I see it, as long as that disgusting race exists...
    Derecho: Well, that won't be possible, will it? What a hilarious thought.
    Derecho: Oh, look at me. I must be going on and on. Perhaps I'm just trying to delay this fateful fight.
    Derecho: I would, in all honesty, like to avoid all these conflicts. But as it happens to be, I guess that won't be possible.
    Derecho pauses.
    Derecho: Well, you've come all this way. I suppose I can't stall any longer, as much as I'd wish to.
    Derecho: Come now, I can see it in your eyes. You want to battle me, to restore the balance of the energy.
    Derecho: Here's your chance. After so many years, you're the first one to get this far.
    Derecho: And regardless of the outcome, you'll be the last as well.
    Derecho: A one on one duel. You against me. Come, fight me, my friend. A battle of the ages, a battle to decide it all.

    Derecho is an extremely difficult boss, at lvl 150. He boasts a solid 5 forms, all based on a different element, all between 200k and 400k hp. He uses all types of spells in all forms, except for arrow storm for his melee forms. His thunder form does the most damage, with 200k hp. His fire form does the least damage, with 360k hp. His earth form does a hefty amount of damage, with 280k hp. His water form attacks from a range, dealing moderate damage, with 320k hp. Finally, his air form is his most powerful form. It has 400k hp, and does rapid burst ranged damage. All of his forms are fast, but his thunder form moves at about CoW speed. The thing that makes this fight balanced, is that he is alone. He has no minions, no gimmicks, nothing. Just a duel between the player and him. Upon defeating him, you get some dialogue:
    Derecho: ...well, I guess you did it. Congratulations. You have a strong will, my friend.
    Derecho: Ugh, damn it all. I should have expected this. I saw your strength, through your journey in the machine, through the lower Sky Islands.
    Derecho: Perhaps I was wrong. Perhaps I was wrong to be angry at you. Perhaps the villagers aren't so horrible, if someone like you is helping them.
    Derecho: Look at me, changing all of my thoughts as I'm about to die. It must seem so pitiful.
    Derecho: Here, take my amulet. I don't deserve something like this.
    Derecho: Goodbye, [username].
    1 [Derecho's Amulet] given to player.
    The player is blasted by a jet of air back to the sanctuary.

    Stage 17: Inform Obis that Derecho has fallen.
    Obis: Derecho...so he was the true cause. We should have known it was him, as it seemed our ancestors did.
    Obis: If you didn't notice, we don't have any greed in this sanctuary. All of us follow good morals.
    Obis: You may have been told about the "safeguard" in this place. Well, that's the safeguard.
    Obis: We have no greed here, so therefore we believed that we may be spared.
    Obis: But now, he's dead. Defeated by you. It feels like a huge weight has been taken off of us all.
    Obis: You are most definitely deserving of this, so I will grant you access to the Angel's Sanctuary.
    Obis: That area is a strange place. I've heard rumors about there being a powerful Angel inside. I haven't gone in, for the sake of my own safety.
    Obis: Human, thank you so much for everything you've done. I wish you good luck in the future.

    Quest Rewards:
    1 [Sanctuary Charm]
    1 [Derecho's Amulet]
    40960 [Emeralds]
    8750000 XP
    Access to Angel's Sanctuary

    The Sanctuary Charm is a ring. It gives no HP, and has no reqs. Its base stats are 8% Spell Damage, 8% Loot Bonus, 8% XP bonus, and 10% Melee Damage.
    Derecho's Amulet is a heavy offense based necklace. It has -200 hp, with a 85 AGI req. Its base stats are 12% Walk Speed, 10% Air Damage, 10 Agility, and -2 Defense

    The Angel's Sanctuary is a lvl 100 boss altar. It contains a boss called "Angel of Chaos". The Angel of Chaos is alone in the fight, but still quite powerful. It has 3 forms, the first with 125k hp, the second with 250k hp, and the third with 375k hp. The first form is insanely fast, and attacks with rapid ranged. It's AI makes it run away if attacked. The second form is slightly slower, and has the charge melee AI. The third form is very slow, but spams charge spell quite often. Additionally, all forms use the pull spell, as well as slow.
    When killed, it drops 5-10 Chaotic Feathers. The feathers are used for a merchant, where you can buy endgame weapons.

    I won't go too much into detail here cause I'm not really the best at making items, but using 7 Chaotic Feathers, you can buy a Thunder bow, a Fire Wand, an Earth Dagger, and a Thunder Spear. All of these are level 100 legendaries.

    not done yet tough luck dud

    Thanks for reading!

    Part 1: Sanctuary of the Skies
    Part 2: Fragments of the Fallen Fortress
    Part 3: you are here
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  2. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    10/10 quest better than the first
  3. Xylium

    Xylium (SNT) House of Sentinels (Council) Nerd HERO

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    Great quest idea man! Hope it does gets accepted. Goodluck as well :D
  4. wecklerie

    wecklerie is ur dad lol

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    make the reward 20 LE yes
  5. J mun

    J mun Snoisty VIP+

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    gimmie all dat LE tho
  6. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    While this is a good concept and all, there's a fundamental issue with it.

    The Wind Fortress is only going to be optional content.
  7. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    wait that's a thing that exists in-game?
    i wasnt aware of this
    this quest doesn't or shouldn't have any relation to that
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Item lores have alluded to it, and a song was written for it awhile ago. However, it's optional content, so it's definitively on the backburner. I know for sure I've confirmed it as an eventual thing somewhere, with permission...
  9. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    A few questions: How many abilities will each of Derecho’s phases have, and due to how hard Derecho may be, would there be things such as an enderchest, an emerald merchant and a potion merchant in a prep room before the boss fight, and what is Derecho’s level? And if you die, how will you go back to Derecho?
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018
  10. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    All of his phases use all spells equally, except his melee forms do not use arrow storm.
    When the player dies, they are sent to the Sanctuary. However, upon returning to the fortress, there will be teleporters to the boss fight. The player will be able to prep at the sanctuary, and the teleporter will act as a checkpoint.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2018

    DJTHEDIAMONDPIG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    one word, wow
  12. sinnochi

    sinnochi Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This is, by far, the most detailed and amazing quest I have ever seen suggested. I really hope that this gets implemented, and I would love to try it out (although rn I would get one-shotted xD) The amount of work put into this was clearly a lot, and I love all the features and loot it would yield.
  13. herobrian11

    herobrian11 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I think Derecho should be renamed to gale and be slightly more tuned to air
  14. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    1. that name is already taken
    2. the name derecho fits perfectly
    derecho: "a line of intense, widespread, and fast-moving windstorms and sometimes thunderstorms that moves across a great distance and is characterized by damaging winds."
    3. he is already very tuned to air. all of his forms have some aspect of air, and his strongest form is air by a very long shot.
  15. herobrian11

    herobrian11 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    where is the name gale used? have not seen it
    and as well will the items you get in this quest have lore based on Derecho?
  16. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    the name gale is used in multiple items, and a boss for the air division of the qira hive is named "spirit of gale". there is also lore surrounding a relationship between gale and ohm.

    the items will have lore about derecho
  17. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    song when
  18. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    tonight hopefully
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