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Last Activity:
Dec 9, 2024
Aug 30, 2017
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May 25
the ever downward descent
IM ingredient tinkerer


former 1000+ day counter moth, Male, from the ever downward descent

Item Team

1496 - Oh, sorry about that weird interruption. Someone thought it'd be a good idea to contain me for research. Obviously, that went poorly. Oct 31, 2022

Altakar was last seen:
Dec 9, 2024
    1. Altakar
      Day 783 - Everyone always wants to know why everyone was called to the depths. No one questions why they decided to stay.... a bad decision.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
      2. highbread
        yo they got free gas down here
        Nov 18, 2020
    2. Altakar
      Day 782 - There was initially control, and then there wasn't. Then the illusion of choice returned. It's been replaced by existing in limbo.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    3. Altakar
      Day 781 - Would sleep be worth it this late? It's simply rushing your nightly trip into oblivion, and you're going to miss fun destinations.
      1. Linnyflower and Castti like this.
    4. Altakar
      Day 780 - There's always an imperfection somewhere, whether it's just one or an accumulation of many, but is fixing it truly worth the time?
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
      2. one_ood
        Nov 15, 2020
        Bart (MC), Chrysitis and cirogg like this.
      3. Bart (MC)
        Bart (MC)
        imperfections must be rebalanced, ,, , , ,, , ,,,
        Nov 16, 2020
    5. Altakar
      Day 779 - I think the weather probably has no idea what it's doing. I clearly remember mid-November being a lot colder than it is right now.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
      2. Mistrise Mystic
        Nov 18, 2020
    6. Flynn Taggart
      Flynn Taggart
      Wait a minute how did you fall into the vortex in the first place? Perhaps you could have someone rescue you
      1. Castti likes this.
      2. Skylaar
        Anyone who gets pulled into the vortex/void stays there forever
        Nov 13, 2020
      3. Altakar
        my own free will, thank you very much
        Nov 14, 2020
    7. Altakar
      Day 778 - Friday the 13th. Supposedly cursed, but probably not. Today was pretty chill apart from a construction crane thrown in the vortex.
      1. Linnyflower and Castti like this.
    8. Altakar
      Day 777 - Huh, it's a strange number today. Probably means nothing though; the only important days are days when things start falling apart.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    9. Altakar
      Day 776 - It's kind of hard to figure out how people are going to piece their lives back together. But then again, who am I to be the judge?
      1. Linnyflower, ocel0tgirl and Castti like this.
    10. highbread
      how's the weather
      1. Kahsol, Altakar and Castti like this.
      2. Altakar
        pretty good but someone keeps dumping their garbage into the vortex and I still haven't found that person yet
        Nov 10, 2020
        Castti likes this.
      3. highbread
        Wow! How strange! I sure hope you catch that rascal which ISN'T ME soon.
        Nov 10, 2020
        Bart (MC) and Castti like this.
      4. Altakar
        -loads sniper rifle with malicious intent-
        Nov 10, 2020
    11. Altakar
      Day 775 - This is definitely not normal. Nothing in the previous thirty or so pages of this wall is normal. Maybe the next few pages. Maybe.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    12. Altakar
      Day 774 - The library in my dreams shows up with less and less books. I'm not sure who's taking them considering the text is indecipherable.
      1. Linnyflower and Kahsol like this.
    13. Altakar
      Day 773 - A lot of useless garbage has been floating in the void. There could be something useful in the piles and piles of worthless trash.
      1. Linnyflower and Skylaar like this.
    14. Altakar
      Day 772 - Well... that was an eventful night. I also remembered how awful it feels to have a shirt stuck to your back because of s w e a t.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    15. Altakar
      Day 771 - Some monitors were thrown into the vortex earlier, displaying strange images. Today all of them turned off at the exact same time.
      1. Linnyflower and Castti like this.
    16. Altakar
      Day 770 - Everyone always looks for their goals, ignoring their long journey and the last destination that everyone will eventually stop at.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
      2. boykisser
        i'm looking for my goats have you seen them by any chance
        Nov 6, 2020
        Druser likes this.
      3. Altakar
        I did see a few wandering around that empty bookstore, might be a good place to start
        Nov 6, 2020
    17. Altakar
      Day 769 - Well, with that announcement showing up, guess this weekend will be a lot more interesting. Hopefully it'll also also be relaxing.
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    18. Altakar
      Day 768 - Tonight can only go so well from this point. All I can do is just rest and hope that I don't wake up to the dawn of the apocalypse
      1. Linnyflower likes this.
    19. Altakar
      Day 767 - I'm feeling a lot better today. Not sure what it is though but having tomorrow off from school is definitely gonna help with that.
      1. Linnyflower, Bart (MC) and Castti like this.
    20. Altakar
      Day 766 - Note to self: Do not eat those frosted cookies from Walmart. They taste awful and cause really weird changes to moths for a month.
      1. Linnyflower and Skylaar like this.
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  • About

    May 25
    the ever downward descent
    IM ingredient tinkerer



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