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World The Cinfras shadow update situation

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by fungamerlol, Nov 9, 2021.


Tell me what you think of the changes I suggested

  1. They wouldn't fit in too well

  2. They could help improve the nee Cinfras slightly

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  1. fungamerlol

    fungamerlol Ct applier supreme Builder

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    As most of you already know, Cinfras got a slight revamp in the recent shadow update.The reason behind this,I suppose was to make the path not blend into walls as well as add some colour.While I like the colours and the idea of a brick path and a revamped center point I believe it could have been pulled off in a cleaner way.As of now the centre point is a bright yellow ring,which stands out far too much and doesn't fit in with the buildings around the centre point.In order to fix this I belive the center should be similar to detlas,mainly the dark trim around the center point.I also believe the centre could've of been a pillar for the party finder to rest on or a lamp post like the previous Cinfras.As for the paths they are quite messy,which doesn't make much sense if we consider ,that Cinfras is a well established and high maitenence trading town.Currently the paths have a very random texture kind of like what we could achive using a 90%bricks,10%hardened_clay world edit brush.A solutiob to this could be having the hardened clay be a trim block around the bricks for the path.
    I hope who ever is reading this thread and currently is a builder for wynncraft to take all previous notes into account.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  2. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Granite or light gray terracotta may fit better as a trim

    Also there's literal broken pieces of bridges and such scattered around Cinfras
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  3. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    While I agree there could be better choices for the center to replace the yellow, I don't agree that it standing out is an issue, the point is to draw you to the center where all the important stuff is and it does that extremely effectively. Deltas has the giant purple crystal, Troms has a gold ring too (iirc), really, a lot of cities have a pop of color in the center to draw you there and I think it's good design. I pitched for wood to be there when it was green but ultimately I think the new center with the yellow is far better than the green which itself is already leagues ahead of what was there before.

    For the party finder, I'm also not a fan of it's location, it's probably my biggest issue as of now which is a good thing considering it's really more of a nitpick. Honestly, he should probably be in the guild hall but if he needs to be in the city center he should be against a wall instead of out in the open. That said, there should absolutely not be a pillar in the center. The lamp was horrible and its removal is the second biggest upgrade the city got. Reversing that would just ruin the great thing the new update has going.

    The fact that the paths are well used means it would make more sense for them to be messy since they're worn. Bricks get dirty which is what the clay is supposed to be, they're supposed to be dirty. Maybe a pattern could look okay but in my experience the brick texture, especially the Wynn brick texture is much better suited for mixing rather than patterns. I also think the roads look great, much better then before and they already have a trim so I really don't see how your suggestion would really change anything besides remove the little bit of different texture the roads have.
    Nukewarmachine and Ninja_VK like this.
  4. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    what update.....
  5. Ninja_VK

    Ninja_VK RainbowsRcool VIP+

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