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SPOILER Cinfras Got Changed

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ReneCZ, Nov 9, 2021.


Do you Like the new Cinfras more then the old one?

  1. Yes

    33 vote(s)
  2. I liked the middle one

    8 vote(s)
  3. I like the 1.20 one more

    12 vote(s)
  4. I liked the slabby mess pre 1.20 one more

    18 vote(s)
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  1. ReneCZ

    ReneCZ Rene Media CHAMPION

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    Cinfras went from this (I got the screenshot on servers that had 9 hour uptime, sadly all those servers restarted, so you won't be able to find this anymore) RIP:
    To this, which can be found on servers with 9-3 hour uptime, but will not stay in game for long:
    to this, which is in game now on servers with uptime 3 hours or lower:
    A thread explaining the changes can be found here: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/a-comprehensive-review-of-the-new-new-cinfras.296585/
    but it didn't provide any pictures, so I decided to create my own thread picture friendly and video friendly since I'm a youtuber or whatnot:
  2. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    absolutely terrible changes besides for the scroll shop entrance IMO
  3. Someone_WC

    Someone_WC The Sone VIP

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    Tragic. I cry every time. Can we get 1.19 cinfras back now?
    Fox, AIexxx, TravusThaSlime and 4 others like this.
  4. Emogla3

    Emogla3 az is bad 2: the movie HERO

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    i think this looks pretty good and adds a nice contrast to the rest of the town
    Sg_Voltage, cmosier and ReneCZ like this.
  5. Bananazein

    Bananazein nako HERO

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    Contrasting to other opinions, I felt like the change was better. Not only did they get rid of that annoying lamp post in the middle, but they also made it look like a brighter and more modern city rather than a torn-down mid-century build.
    squirtail, Sg_Voltage and ReneCZ like this.
  6. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    cinfras is meant to be old tho :pensive:

    agree tho the lamp removal is great
  7. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    these three screenshots show the differences very well. cinfras was (and I guess still is) my favorite built area in game ever since its rework in 1.20, and this change feels incredibly unnecessary. the brick pathing is ESPECIALLY unfitting as bricks are hardly utilized within the city itself outside of said paths. cinfras had its own unique distinction with its well textured gray aesthetic alongside the buildings and roofing with various flags and extra details to provide the color, and now by changing the pathing to bricks it starts to encroach on corkus’ style and loses its own distinction. just looking at the first screenshot, you can really tell how much smoother the detail is.

    ultimately, while I still prefer the earlier versions of 1.20 cinfras, I think this is something that too many people are making a fuss over, just like when 1.20 and the reworks were revealed. it is, quite literally, impossible to please everyone especially when it comes to build aesthetics and it’s important to make compromises when doing so
  8. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    the issue here is these changes were made at the behest of one person complaining in a thread

    this was not general community feedback, it was one person dictating how cinfras should be changed because they couldnt follow a road or some dumb shit like that
    Someone_WC, Samsam101 and Dream like this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Nice no more car accident while running to forgery!
  10. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    in complete and utter fairness, you’d want to be in their position too. try to look at this more objectively. the term community feedback has a loose definition and here you imply that it must be a sentiment held by multiple players, when really what it actually means is any feedback held by someone in that group of people. and while we personally dislike it, you can see just how many people actually like the new changes. if you were really devoted behind a certain idea, you’d want it to be implemented as well. and if the content team member even agrees with you, then are they morally in the wrong for having such opinions?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  11. bonlol

    bonlol Well-Known Adventurer

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    ooo, very nice! A lot of the larger towns iirc have solid stone based blocks as flooring/paths so its cool to see bricks being used as paths as well as generally just being used outside of corkus like this.

    Good change IMO
    Bananazein and ReneCZ like this.
  12. Skylaar

    Skylaar erm HERO

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    Half the game: Complains about a city and how it needs to be changed
    *Update comes to change the city*
    That same part of the community: Complains about how the city didn't need to be changed
    cmosier, Sg_Voltage and ReneCZ like this.
  13. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    Everyone agrees, that lamp was a real dickhead lol
    That's just simply untrue. every change except the road color change was at the request of quite a few people and done because I agree with. The road color change was my idea.
    starx280, fishcute, Ninja_VK and 6 others like this.
  14. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    I think you make some good points about how it had the textured grey aesthetic, and how the bricks are different. I think it just makes the city look nicer and less drab. It was never meant to look like an old kinda abandoned city, and I feel the old grey gave off that vibe. I had planned this rework to keep the old grey, but I made it brick while I was testing different colors, and trying out old road ideas that never got in, because I felt it looked nicer and gave more life to the city. I don't think it's at all fair to say it looks like Corkus. Corkus uses bricks on its roofs... that's kinda it. Maybe on a few walls too. I think it's unnecessarily restricting on builds to say you can't use brick as a prominent block because it looks like Corkus.
    Skylaar likes this.
  15. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Regardless of whether the new Cinfras is an improvement, I don't agree with it. It seems to be a trend in Wynncraft's development to overhaul old builds to something with a very different style. There are several problems I find here:

    Firstly, the context doesn't get updated with it. What I mean by this is that surrounding builds still have their old style, so one or both of them look out of place. The quests, music, NPC dialogue, mobs, and other not-directly-related stuff doesn't get updated to match the new aesthetic either. Take Nivla Village, for instance: it used to be a village suspended in the trees, but Chapter 8 of Ragni's Library still mentions it as such. It's also far less interesting and magical now, but that's not the point. Maltic used to be a 100-year old village created by Villager settlers, but it looks way more modern now. Again, regardless of these builds' qualities, this problem gets created and persists.

    Secondly, it's a waste of time on both the CT's and the playerbase's part. All the time that gets spent towards rebuilding for the sake of itself could be spent on rebuilding truly outdated things (the Ice Islands perhaps) or building new things. If the CT has time to spare, then this shouldn't be a problem! But they don't, because they've got an ever-hyped playerbase that demands the next update come out in less than eighteen months.

    Thirdly, I believe it's indicative of a mindset I am by principle against. It's the mindset of "old is bad, new is better". Plenty of old builds are great: the ToA, Time Valley, Almuj, Llevigar, Rymek. It would be a disservice to the people who made them if the new builders were assigned to remove and replace them. In the most extreme case, the entire map gets razed, and everything that once used to be Wynncraft would be gone. There's an analogy I could make with a certain Ship of Theseus here. I must admit, old Cinfras had some atrocious slabspamming, which they fixed, but then they introduced an annoying lamp. They've fixed that, but now the colour palette is even more all over the place. If they get it wrong again next time, they'll have to fix it again, and if they get it right, it still won't matter! Because in a year or two, the new CT will look at it and go "we can do better", but then they don't, and the cycle repeats. So, put simple: if it's broke, they fix it, then when it ain't broke, they fix it again anyway.

    I've seen what the new builders can do, they're clearly very talented. I believe the problem lies with the direction and management. An entire team can't look at old Nivla Village and collectively go "let's remake it out of dull bricks and mortar", it was probably the decision of one or two people. I don't know whose fault it is, but I do see it as a fault.
  16. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    This remake was mostly done for gameplay reasons. You are talking about if ain't broke don't fix it, but a lot of people thought it had problems that needed to be fixed. The whole reason this was done was because of a lot of feedback on gameplay problems with Cinfras. The only real style change was the road which only took 5 minutes and was not a burden to anyone making it.
    Violet Knight, Skylaar and Sg_Voltage like this.
  17. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    No it wasn't, stop looking for unrelated reasons to be angry, if you have an issue with the build say what the issue is, don't do this roundabout thing where you want to be angry and have no feedback so you try to pin your anger on something completely unrelated.
    Glad you have some pictures, I forgot to take any so I'm happy to have the opportunity to see what the old center used to look like without searching too much. Really crazy how much more open it feels despite not really being all that different, couple doors got expanded. Also my first time seeing the yellow and it's definitely a massive improvement from the green. Great work!
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  18. Dream

    Dream Hero of the lost atoll Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Hello @Sg_Voltage, I am angry and you WILL hear about it. Sincerley,
    An ANGRY forum user
    On related note, Ron is a wynn boomer, let the old man complain they have nothing to do all day. @ron111701 go back to fishing nerd
  19. ron111701

    ron111701 proffa CHAMPION

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    i actually have talked about why i specifically dont think it fits, just not in this thread, i didnt see the need to repeat myself across like 3 different threads, but for a tl;dr:

    rather than serving as an accent color to contrast cinfras, the red & yellow road is too dominating color wise so it ends up not fitting. cinfras is meant to be dark, cramped, and old - it felt like an incredibly old city, especially with the original walls that now sit in the middle of the city as a sign that its grown past its original boundaries - this sense history gave it a unique feeling amongst cities in wynn as most are quite open and dont have that sense of growth. im not a fan that the uniqueness cinfras had is being stripped away for something worse than what was there originally. the brick roads dont fit color wise, and rather than serving to accent the darker shades of cinfras like the color trim did or the banners do currently, it dominates it, especially at a ground level where players are mainly.

    the brick roads could work if the roofs regained their color trim - but in general its kinda e

    fuck the lamp tho glad its gone

    (as an aside i think a dark brown path would probably work better? id have to see it for myself but i think a dark brown path wouldnt contrast/break the city's palette too much while also providing a warmer feel that people seem to desperately need)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2021
  20. Castti

    Castti Kookie HERO

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    Its factual that the lamp sucked thanks

    CT Goated
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
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