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Guide Submitting An Effective Bug Report

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Clam Lady, Mar 2, 2019.

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  1. Clam Lady

    Clam Lady Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    [​IMG] Effective Bug Reports[​IMG]

    Hi! Do you want to submit a bug report, but aren't quite sure what to include? Do you want to ensure that the bug afflicting you is solved as quickly as possible? Well, this may just be the guide for you! This guide will cover common bugs and their solutions, details that are helpful to include in your report, and the DO's and DON'T's of reporting bugs.

    I also highly recommend checking out this FAQ thread (pinned in the Bug Reports section) made by Colin, but I will cover a lot of that thread's material in this guide as well.

    If you're unsure where to submit a report, click on this link and select "Post New Thread" UNLESS: your bug report could potentially be exploited, or you are submitting a report regarding purchases from the Wynncraft store. To submit an exploitable bug report click here and for bugs/issues regarding purchases please email [email protected].

    What do I include?

    You can speed up the process of fixing the bug you reported or getting help with your dilemma by including the right information in your report. If nobody has to ask any questions or clarify anything about the bug in question, it can be handed off to the CT that much faster, or if it's a problem on your end then other people can help you out much more easily.

    As a general rule, I find the following to be helpful information to include in bug reports:

    • What version of Minecraft did you encounter the bug in?
    • Were you using any mods?
    • If possible, try to recreate the bug in vanilla 1.12.2. Does the bug persist there or was it resolved when you switched?
    • Did you try switching worlds (/hub) or relogging and trying again?
    • If possible, include some screenshots and/or a video showing the bug. This makes it a lot easier for others to understand the bug you're reporting and potentially spot the issue.

    I find some other information is also useful in certain situations:

    If your bug involves a quest:
    • What does your quest book say?
    • Have you tried retracing your steps from the beginning of the quest to make sure you did not miss a quest trigger or something similar?
    If you are reporting a map error, such as an out-of-place hole in the floor or something similar:
    • Make sure to include the coordinates of the error.
    • Screenshots are especially helpful, as they let the builders know exactly what you're reporting.
    • Before you report the error, make sure you try switching worlds and checking again. Some missing blocks are either client-side or an issue with the world's loading.
    If your bug involves a mob, make sure to include:
    • The name of the mob
    • The coordinates the mob spawns at (if applicable)
    • A screenshot of the mob

    Finally, a few other things to remember:

      • Be patient. The CT is busy with new content and other bugs, so if they don't fix your bug right away please don't make it a big deal.
      • Don't insult the staff, the very people who are responsible for patching all these bugs and maintaining the game. This one would seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised at how often people end their report with, "Wynncraft sucks, the staff team is stupid, everything good is invalidated by this one minor bug". You're just hurting your own chances of getting help.
      • Please don't just say, "This quest is broken". It's almost impossible to fix a bug if you have no clue what the bug is or when/how it activates.
      • Before you submit your bug report, check to make sure it's not a duplicate of another issue. You can either manually check through the first ~10+ pages or use a search engine to check for you. If you fail to do this, don't be surprised if your issue is called a duplicate and you are linked to a similar report.
    When submitting a bug report, remember: more information is better! It's much easier (and as a result, faster) to fix a bug if the report is thorough and detailed.

    Common Bugs

    The bugs listed here are some of the more common ones I've seen and are often easily solved.

    Bug: I lost my quest item and now I can't finish this quest! Help!

    Solution: Try /fixquests. This should return most missing items that are needed to complete a quest. In the case of a full inventory, you should be prompted to make space for the missing item and try again. If this still doesn't work, your item might be stored in your bank or another class's inventory. After you've tried all of this without any results, you should submit a bug report on the issue.

    Bug: I lost my non-quest item! Is there any way I can get it back?

    Solution: Unfortunately there is nothing to be done here. Wynncraft has a strict no-refund policy, so even if you have proof of your item's loss staff will be unable to give you another. In the future try using /lock to secure your items. To ensure that this doesn't happen to anyone else, please submit a bug report using the guidelines outlined here.


    Bug: I'm stuck in a hole, a wall, the ground, a box, etc.! What do I do?

    Solution: If you have any teleport scrolls on you, use one of those. If not, do /kill with enough soul points (open your inventory and hover over the teardrop in the bottom right to view how many soul points you have and what you'll drop upon death). If you're afraid of dropping too many items when you die, I would recommend taking a break from Wynncraft until you have enough soul points.


    Bug: This mob drops an incorrect or bugged item/doesn't drop the item it's supposed to!

    Solution: Submit a report as normal. The report should be pretty much the same as any other, but please make sure to include the mob's name, the approximate coordinates that the mob spawns at, the name and description of the incorrect item, and maybe a screenshot of the item (if applicable). I would also like to stress that you make sure nobody else has submitted a report on the same mob/item by going through the recent pages of the Bug Reports section and/or by performing a search with Google or a similar engine (type something along the lines of "wynncraft [mob] drops [bugged item]" or "wynncraft [mob] doesn't drop [item]"). Duplicates of these types of reports have been especially common lately for some reason.


    Bug: I killed a mob and it dropped a weird red X. It appears invisible in my inventory and whenever I try to hover over its item slot, my game crashes. What's going on?

    Solution: This bug usually arises from using an old version of Minecraft. A mob will drop an item with the ID of a vanilla item that didn't exist in whatever version of Minecraft you're in. The game doesn't know what the heck you just picked up, so it crashes. Switching to 1.12.2 should solve the issue.

    Bug: My resource pack is broken! Everything looks weird and I'm using a fish to chop down a tree. How do I fix this?

    Solution: This could be caused by several things. The most obvious one is if upon first joining the server you declined the resource pack download. If this is the case, launch Minecraft and go to your server list. Select Wynncraft (don't join the server) and click "Edit" in the bottom left. Under the server IP should be a toggle labeled "Server Resource Packs". Make sure this is switched to enabled. If this does not help, your download of the WynnPack may have been corrupted, broken, etc. To solve this, navigate to your .minecraft folder (usually located in the %appdata% folder) and open the folder called "server-resource-packs". Delete "legacy" or anything with "Wynn" in the name. If neither of these work, you may have overwritten the WynnPack with another resource pack. Make sure that any other packs are disabled. After trying all of this without success, submit a bug report. A lot of this was taken from this thread by Salted, which you might also find helpful.


    Bug: I've found a bug in the Dwarves and Doguns questline.

    Solution: Submit a bug report, but please do so in this megathread created just for Dwarves and Doguns. You'll have more direct contact with the people who can fix your bug and it'll clog up the rest of the Bug Reports section less.
    Bug: My tutorial is glitched and I can't finish it! Is there any way to fix this?

    Solution: Try doing /fixstart. This should reset your tutorial and teleport you back to the beginning, allowing you to re-do and hopefully complete King's Recruit. If the issue persists, submit a bug report.

    Bug: I was doing the quest Fate of the Fallen and I died while in the past/a quest trigger didn't activate so I got stuck and did /kill to get out. Now Telvu refuses to make another portal and I can't go back. How do I finish the quest?

    Solution: You can still finish the quest, just go back to Nesaak and retrieve another staff from the bank. Then, you must walk back to the Time Valley and enter the Door of Time again. Once you're inside, throw the staff onto the altar just like you did before and redo the quest up to the point where you died/got stuck.

    Bug: I was doing the quest Frost Bite and I reached Theorick's vault, but Eppo was nowhere to be found. The teleport out of the vault isn't working so I'm stuck, and I can't even complete the quest! What do I do?

    Solution: Unfortunately there is no solution to this at the moment. If you need to get unstuck, use a teleport scroll or do /kill with enough soul points. You will likely be unable to finish this quest until a fix for this is pushed, and there is no way of knowing how long that may take. I would recommend moving on. Do your other quests, run dungeons, or check the Wynncraft map for grind spots if you need alternate sources of XP.

    Bug: I was doing the quest The Corrupted Village and I went into the tunnel, triggering the cutscene. However, now I can't access the entrance! What do I do?

    Solution: There should be a stone button on the ground in front of the wall. Give it a press and the entrance should be revealed.

    Now that you know how to make your report as effective as possible, it's time to squash some bugs!

    Happy reporting! ^-^

    @Bear_Force @Altakar I'm sure I missed a bunch of stuff, anything I should add/change?
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2019
    Bixlo, Novalla, RicRicc and 22 others like this.
  2. 3:

    3: farlands pumpkin farlands pumpkin HERO

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    Genuinely, nice thread. Too bad 99% of the people reporting issues won't read it.
    RicRicc, RazorGuild, Tsuneo and 3 others like this.
  3. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    This probably helps the 1 person doing all of them.

    Also before you post anything, these should pop-up in your face
  4. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    this should be pinned in bug reports
    CraftedMS and Clam Lady like this.
  5. Clam Lady

    Clam Lady Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks! It certainly makes my life easier the more people read this ^-^
    sshh, let me dream
  6. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    looks good actually tbh, can't think of any other annoying stuff I see

    though if you add that if you died in an offmap area in a quest, redo all the triggers to get to said offmap area(does not apply to Dwarves and Doguns because I have not done those yet)
  7. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Honestly at this point I have stopped reporting bugs.

    What's the point when I tried to report bugs and weeks later they still aren't fixed? Made like 4 or 5 reports since the Economy Update but none of them got fixed/single reply from the Wynncraft Team.

    I have given up.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    How would you know they haven't been fixed?
  9. CraftedMS

    CraftedMS The Goat Boi

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    Actually gonna bookmark this page for reference whenever I file a bug report for now on as I do confess of making a poor bug report before, but either way great guide and would definitely help those few who report bugs.
  10. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Ok maybe not all of them, but some of the bugs i reported last time still isn't fixed


    1: Structure Void outside Detlas bank that prevents Mage teleport - jpresent told me to tag him in that thread, but guess what? Till now it's still not fixed. Basically anywhere with Structure Void will block Mage teleport.

    2: Server Lag causes items to disappear in Item Buyer GUI - It's not fun when you put 8 items into Item Buyer, but then only 7 items showed up in the Item Buyer, where the last one disappeared because of lag. It's quite hard to replicate it, you need a laggy server.

    3: Renaming pets are bugged, Whether is it through /rename of the Use Menu > Pets > Nametag. Still not fixed.

    4: The sprint bug that basically still depletes your Sprint Bar even when you ride a horse. Had been there for over a year and never got fixed.

    Other bugs I reported on Discord
    1: Some ingredients are still Junk Items, I told Silvermirror but I don't think it's even fixed at all. The Llevigar Goblins drop junk items.
  11. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    Wow! That's an amazing thread ^-^
    Let me add some stuff to your list...

    The entrance after the cut scene in the tunnel during the quest "the corrupted village" doesn't show up.

    There's a stone button on the ground in front of the wall. You should push it and then the entrance would reveal.

    I died or logged our or used /kill in Theorik's mansion during the quest "Frost Bite" and now I can get access to the mansion/ stuck in a black box

    There's no solution for this bug so far. Please stay tuned and we will make sure to update you as soon as possible.

    Bug: Maro's Eye doesn't drop.

    Solution: That's a known issue with no solution yet. Please stay tuned on this thread [INSERT LINK] and we will make sure to update you as soon as possible.

    I'm sure that there's more stuff that you can add so let me look up for this.
    Good job on the thread again ^-^
    Clam Lady likes this.
  12. Clam Lady

    Clam Lady Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Ah, you're right. Forums are being a little odd on my end right now, I'll add those later. Thanks! :)
  13. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    Also ,I'm sorry for the double "spoiler". I tried to fix it for more than 10 minutes but it only became worse xP
  14. Awesomah

    Awesomah Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Of course I won't read this and post another thread where I rage out recklessly
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