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World Defense & Agility Rebalance(nets More Tankyness, Now Includes Elemental Defense),

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Cosomos, Feb 23, 2017.


Do you believe that this would "fix" Defense and make Defense as good as Agility?

  1. yes

  2. no

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  1. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Damage Reduction Multiplier:
    That is the equation that would allow all the types damage reduction to work with each other without them buffing eachothers buffs. Now for the rest of the thread I will explain what each variable is, why the damage reductions should not effect eachother, and what how this would effect how tanky you are.
    0: Simplified Summary
    The main point of this post is to make Agility and Defense have an equal effect on all types of damage you take. This also includes the Class Defense and the Vanish/War Scream damage reductions, and making them help reduce all types of damage too.

    Also I suggested a change to Elemental Defense that cap it's effectiveness so that it will only reduce/add up to 50% of the damage you should have done. So at worst, you will have you elemental damage halved, and at best will do +50% more damage to an opponent with a weakness to an element

    There are more specifications and minor changes(for the sake of this purpose) in Section 3
    Now the reason I made such a complicated formula is to stop Agility and Defense from snowballing into an immortal warrior that can take x39.0625 more damage then normal. That I believe would be too much and insane for someone to have that kind of damage reduction.

    As we all know if you take 75% less damage that means you can take x4 more damage. Another way of saying that is saying you can take +300% more damage. What this formula does is add up these percentages of extra damage you can take and will reduce the incoming damage by that amount.

    There is one type of exception to this because of how Agility works. In order to make Agility "behave", I had to have put Agility to the top of the fraction. I really won't go into confusing details, but the main thing to take away is that it still works like it does now and will still work with the other defenses in the way I want it to.
    This is a Small Example Table shows what results you will get in terms of how much more damage you can take with certain Agility and Defense percentages. Your Agility percentage is the left column of percentages and your Defense percentage is the top row of percentages.
    Ignore the dots they are fillers for the space, if I used normal spaces then they would get deleted.

    A\D 0% 50% 66% 75% 80% .
    0%. x1 . x2 .. x3 .. x4 .. x5 . .
    50%. x2 . x3 .. x4 .. x5 .. x6 . .
    66%. x3 . x4 .. x5 .. x6 .. x7 . .
    75%. x4 . x5 .. x6 .. x7 .. x8 . .
    80%. x5 . x6 .. x7 .. x8 .. x9 . .
    As you can see you will always be able to take more damage as your Agility and Defense increases, and it does not spiral out of control into being able to take x25 the damage. Also their is your Class Defense and defensive buffs from spells to factor in, but I left them out to avoid unnecessary confusion
    1: Variable Descriptions
    How I look at any type of damage reduction is the amount of damage you I take, 1-Defense%, and then flip the fraction, 1/(1-Defense%). The result I get I then multiply by my max health and then I get what my max health really is like.
    Say I have 80% damage reduction-> only takes 20% damage-> effectively I have x5 the health. However because each health point I have is worth x5 more, that means each health point I regen is worth x5. With Agility and Defense at 80% that then will snowball into x25 the heath and x25 times the regen. Then if you add anymore damage reduction buffs they will have their effects be multiplied by 25 aswell.
    That is why I made this formula so that instead of x5 the health you would get +400% of your base health, and each damage reduction will add it's own portion of effective health. With 80% Agility and Defense what you end up with is 100%+400%+400%= x9 the base health and regen. Still considering Defense's current way of reducing damage it would be an upgrade, and Agility users should see no difference. I also added room for Class Defense and Buffs from certain spells.
    Just to make the formula look better I made the variables contain the confusing parts
    Basically the only way to make Agility not buff everything was to have the Damage Reduction Multiplier was to multiply the damage taken(more damage) by the effective amount of damage reduced.
    C=1/(2-Class Defense)
    B=1/(1-Modified Potion Effect)
    So War Scream will be -15%/-15%/-20% damage and Vanish will be 0%/-15%/-15% damage

    2: Current Defense System
    I would like to thank @motoki1 did alot of testing and calculations to find this result:
    What this shows is the damage Defense reduces is not even close to the damage Agility reduces.
    Because Agility will block all damage when it activates and in these formulas Defense only subtracts from the damage buffs a player has. That means unless the player who is attacking has zero% or less damage buffs(including the element buffs from skill points), then Defense of defending player would be worse then Agility.

    Now if it was zero by some chance, it would reduce the damage before elemental defense would kick in, technically making positive elemental defense more powerful by a Multiple of "D" by reducing the damage by a factor of "D"(that alone is par with Agility). Either way this this does not count Elemental Damage, Raw damage, or Poison damage that Agility has a chance to block(it can negate the attack that poisons you). So either way there is some good and bad things of what defense can block, and it is never worthless it only becomes not as effective as agility in most cases. I have my own opinions about balancing Poison, Cactus, and Raw Damage, but I will save that for another thread.

    Typo caused alot of unnecessary calculations
    Now let's say you have 75% Defense with 1k Elemental Defense and are taking a 2K base elemental damage melee hit, from someone with 100% extra damage(4K total). What this means is that your Elemental Defense would be +60% more effective in this case and you would end up taking half the damage with the defense then you would have without it. Now if you had 75% agility you would have not even taken damage 75% of the time so in this case Agility is twice as effective in blocking damage then with Defense. But that is with a super slow level base damage(Stinger). Now lets say we are using 1K base elemental damage with everything else the same then you would only take 25% of the damage which would be on par with Agility. If we then use only a 800 base element damage weapon you will take 0% elemental damage. The formula I used is:

    Base Damage*Defense%
    1 - --------------------------------------------------------
    (Base Damage*Stats)-Elemental Defense
    It seems like Defense itself heavily relies on Elemental Defense in order to stay relevant to Agility, which I was surprised to see when calculating it. Although it does make sense now why it is like that now, it still puts alot of pressure on getting high elemental defense, when Agility does not need to worry anything to protect you from damage. However for some reason, as shown on the How Damage is Calculated thread, it is almost always inferior in neutral damage and it does nothing against raw damage types. Even with that interesting find about how it works better with elemental defense, it is still not as good as Agility. That is why I why I suggested to change Defense's effect in damage calculation. Also +100% more damage for Elemental Damage would be on the low end.

    3: Changes to Elemental Defense
    As it stands now Element Defense has a problem of completely nullifying the elemental damage of low base damage. Many times it has been suggested to multiply the base damage by the hits per second of your weapon. However I believe another option is actually more superior to this suggestion.

    for Positive Defense:
    if ElementalDamage-ElementalDefence<ElementalDamage/2, then use ElementalDamage/2
    for Negative Defense: (-1*-1=+1, so it is still subtracting Elemental Defense)
    if ElementalDamage-ElementalDefence>1.5*ElementalDamage, then use 1.5*ElementalDamage

    This other option is to simply add a 50%(or so) cap on how much damage Elemental Defense can reduce/add your damage by. Meaning no mater how much Elemental Defense your opponent has you will always remove/add a minimum/maximum of half of each elements damage you should have done.
    The problem with only adding HPS of a weapon is that it would not help rainbow weapons enough to make them usable. However adding a minimum damage for elemental damage would would help all weapons. Although Faster weapons with their lower base damage would still be more vulnerable to Elemental Defense, they already have a much higher base damage then slower weapons, it would not be far off to say Super Fast on average has around twice the DPS of Super Slow Weapons. Now how it would look like numerically and how it would effect negative Elemental Defense is:

    Say you have a 300 Damage Super Fast Weapon, 500 Damage Normal Weapon, 1600 Damage Super Slow Weapon;
    that you have a damage multiplier of 2.5 in total;
    and that you are dealing only elemental damage against a target with 625 elemental defense in your element.

    you would end up dealing 375/937.5/4125 damage to your opponent with my system
    with HPS multiplier you would deal around ~600/~1250/~350(rip Super Slow)
    but if that damage was spread over 2 elements my system would stay the same,
    while the HPS would result in ~440/~940/~0(super rip)

    That is why a HPS multiplier would really hurt slower speeds, because of their bad DPS. Also my suggestion would still let players/mobs deal a reasonable amount of damage no mater how much Elemental Defense they are up against.

    4: Summary of Smaller Changes & Effects on Tankyness
    Hear is a list of Minor changes and specifications:
    -My Damage Reduction Multiplier be use after all damage has been calculated(after Elemental Defense, Spell/DPS/Powders, and Raw) and nothing is immune(Cactus, Poison, Elemental, Neutral, and Raw are all effected)
    *Maybe Class Defense and War Scream/Vanish Damage Reductions do not need to count for certain types(specify which ones if you agree)

    -Agility's dodge counting as being hit so Health regen will be stopped like it normally would
    *Also Life and Mana Steal having the chance to activate even if the attack is dodged, if it does not already

    -Cactus damage becomes dodgeable and will not activate from dodged damage and will use the damage inflicted after my Damage Reduction Multiplier has been applied(Meaning both the Attackers and Defenders defenses will reduce Cactus damage)

    - Poison only being Transmitted on a Melee Attack that was not dodged(this would block Multiple hitting spells from making agility useless)
    *Another possibility would be to have poison only have one chance to activate per spell, if that is too harsh

    All and all Agility users should not get much of a change, and Defense users for the most part should experience more tankyness and an easier time not dying. Also the maximum Damage Reduction Multiplier would be 1/9.5 with a Warrior with War Scream and 80% Agility and Defense

    5: Good ideas that I agree to disagree with
    Now I do like this idea, but already Cactus has taken a good hit in it's damage by it being negatively effected by both Attackers and Defenders. Lets say 2 players are fighting and they both have 50% Agility and Defense, that would mean the total damage taken would be already be at 1/4 of the initial damage(before it would be 1/2). If you where to then have Elemental Defense apply to that it could drastically reduce your the "elemental cactus damage" your suggesting??? More often then not players have good elemental defense to the damage they deal. So to make sure this does not go overboard in reducing cactus damage I will have to disagree.

    Honestly, it makes sense, it could work, and would only need a little of nerfing/buffing. But I really just want straight up equality between Defense and Agility. It could easy enough be balanced to work, with only a few small tweaks to values, but I really want absolute consistency between Defense and Agility. I still do like that idea.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I come to this forums for shitposts and fun, not math class.
  3. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    This is what I get out of your post.

    A = something
    b = something
    C = something...........
    heres what I registered
    Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now you know your abcs, next time wont you sing with me.

    Im just bad at brain so im assuming you had a good post. +1? I guess
    Relflow, Moss, coolname2034 and 2 others like this.
  4. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Uh oh, my bad, that's a typo. But you might have heard that Defense Skill of players do not affect the Elemental Damage, and that is true. I fixed it in my Damage calculation thread.

    Anyway, I think this is a pretty good suggestion. Finally someone found a way to utilize my work. .-. I thought of this too when I was testing damage things in game, and apparently this was why people are saying "PvP is fucked."
    I assume the CT first tried to develop PvE mainly, and because of the mobs don't have ID Boost unlike players, so as a result, the Defense system got fucked up in PvP. It hardly works with players who have a lot of ID Boost.

    I don't even know if I understood exactly what you wrote in this thread (rip my English skills), but here's what I thought and what the damage calculation system should be.
    • Defense Skill of players should multiply the whole Neutral Damage you take (maybe excluding Raw Damage)
    ↑ So this should help Def and Agi being par, right?
    • Maybe Elemental Def calculation should remain as it is, because it seems working fine in most of the PvP situations. (This means having high ID Boost will help them penetrate Ele. Def, unlike the Defense Skill of players for the Neutral Damage.)
    This change of the damage calculation might cause "a bit more of lag" to the game or might take some time for the coders (no, I respect Jumla, trust me), because the reason this problem happened is probably due to the try of lightening the codes.
    ...Well, nvm about that, they should somehow figure out that problem.

    Oh, and here are my thoughts for the small changes you suggested.
    • -even if you dodge with Agility it will still count as a hit and your heath regen will be suspended like it normally would be after getting hit
    Yes I completely agree with this, it's kind of ridiculous that the health regen count will continue even though they got hit.
    • -Cactus will attempt activate even if you dodge and attempt to deal damage without any of your own defensive factors
    • -Cactus damage can be dodged
    About this, I... don't think it should attempt to activate when you dodge just like they do not now. It doesn't make sense only the opponent takes the damage, although it is named "Thorns" .-.
    So I think the reflected damage should also be split into Neutral and Elemental damage.
    First it will reflect the damage to the opponent not just as much as you take, but the damage before your Defense plays in. (ofc all damage is multiplied by x1.5 for mobs, and x0.5 for players.)
    Secondly, the reflected damage is reduced (or multiplied by Class Base Def :p) by your Defense, or you can even dodge the reflected damage. So that is like, defending yourself from the damage done by yourself. (in PvP)
    Yea, that makes sense, if you could imagine the situation. But this is another whole system for the damage calculation, which might take some time to write the code.
    • -Cactus, Poison, & Raw Damage will be reduced by my Damage Reduction Multiplier
    Well, yes for the cactus damage just like I explained right upper there, but I don't think Poison and Raw Damage should be reduced by the Defense.
    Right now, the Raw Damage does not get affected by any Defense values, because that's how the Raw Damage is designed. I think.
    For the Poison... it has a lot of problems, yea.
    Right now, Poison is not getting affected by any Defense stats, and when high Agility plays in, it's just like... "fucked up".
    You might know but one day, they buffed the overall Poison damage, which made them more useful. But it went too much, making a god called @Tsukiyomi who does 5k/s Poison Damage (or 15k/s with courage buffing glitch), which takes only 3 or 4 secs to kill the enemy with the War Scream.
    I understand why they buffed the Poison damage, but apparently it has gone too far. I personally would like to suggest making the Poison damage lower just like before the buff.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
    Saya, Relflow, Cosomos and 1 other person like this.
  5. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    Monster rainbow tank with statue mage = op then, just saying
    tons of def sp + rainbow elemental def + 12k meteor with endurance infinite buff. Plz do that AS YOU WISH, honestly I am waiting it
    Cosomos and coolname2034 like this.
  6. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Yes, what I wrote means Def should be useful as much as Agi.
    And that's not immortal if the current Ele. Def system remained as it is right now, some good one-element weapons, like Stinger, Alkatrash, Apocalypse, or Grimtrap etc... would still penetrate their Def pretty fine.
    Cosomos likes this.
  7. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    if that damage can do 20k+(1 shot my statue tank mage) after ur def system works
    Cosomos and coolname2034 like this.
  8. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Tbh balancing some outstandingly strong weapons should be second part of the problem, I'm only saying that Def should be just as useful as Agi, just like Cosomos wrote in the main thread.
    Cosomos likes this.
  9. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    Thats why the next update takes such looooooooooooong time, u know it.
    Cosomos likes this.
  10. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    Ever considered checking on the Mineplex forums?
  11. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    This is okay, but of course changing one thing presents problems in another thing and so on and so forth, but that's just because MMO.
    Cosomos likes this.
  12. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    To be honest, this seems like a nerf to agility and buff to defence, and I don't know how I feel about that. As of now, it's possible to make incredibly low HP builds, and have the ability to stay alive. With this, it is no longer possible. The real reason that I voted no on this is that I feel it would weaken the feel of agility, the skill point where you take no damage or die to it. It is the dexterity of the defense skills. I would love something like this added for defense however.
    Cosomos and Thom_Com like this.
  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    we first need to nerf a bit the water, then rebalance everything
    i ensure that my assassin has a build with few attack and very few health, but still does a ton of dmg bc i can spin attack 10 times in a row... then vanish 10 seconds and repeat
    Cosomos likes this.
  14. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Lets say you are an Assassin with 0% defense the formula would result in:

    1 - -------------------

    So in the end you would get A/A=1, which means the Damage Reduction Multiplier would do nothing to effect the damage you take an still have you chance to dodge for 0 damage. Basically the only times this would negatively effect agility is if you had another type of damage reduction that is not getting buffed like Defense is(Warrior, War Scream, and Vanish). Also this would mean that Defense and Agility would be more effective and reducing a class's negative defense like Mage and Archer, it would still reduce your tankyness but it would not be as profound as it is now.
    The reason I have Cactus work even when the Cactus user dodges the damage is because that would make agility less useful then defense.
    So would you rather have my suggested system or have your Damage Reduction Multiplier factor in to the damage reflected and have Agility stopping Cactus from activating?

    Honestly if my system ends up making the Raw damage types(Poison, Raw Damage) too weak I would have them be buffed by Strength and Dexterity like neutral damage would be. But that is only if they become UP, an option incase they get nerfed too hard. For Cactus I doubt it would become UP in PvP and if it becomes too strong in PvE you would get AFK Grinding

    Also I am am correcting the typo now. Time to find everytime I mention the typo.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
  15. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Well, after I read that formula you finally added, I think I finally got what you wanted to suggest in this suggestion. :p
    I completely agree with your way of calculating Agi/Def/Class Base Def/Spell Buff Defense together, it would fix the current system Agi/Def stacks each other. (so I gave you a like on the post ;3)
    Also, that is only for Neutral, right? Elemental Defense calculation system should stay the same, because Ele. Def is working pretty fine.
    The reason I said Cactus should not be activated when you dodge the opponent's attack is because it totally does not make sense. You're reflecting the damage that you didn't even take.
    Also I think Thorns/Reflection should be more related to Defense than Agility in general, so yea.
    For this, as I wrote before, Poison or Raw Damage should not be affected by any Defense factors, because it is designed to work like that (it's completely my assumption), and it's working fine right now.
    If you have more of your own opinions to fix Poison/Cactus/Raw Damage, I wanna hear that.
    For last, I really couldn't think of that formula of balancing the Def stats, so I wanna say good job to you.
    +1 support now :3
    Cosomos and Pokextreme like this.
  16. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Unfortunately, I must say no. It is not really possible to make Defense equal to Agility without the Damage Reduction Multiplier effecting Element Damage. I also agree that on your opinion of Element Defense, but really unless Agility stops blocking Elemental Damage, then Defense must effect Elemental Damage. As you can tell by my formula when you start to get a high Defense% and Agility% it is designed to not snowball into a super tank, and the smaller buffs from you class or certian spells become more and more overshadowed. Even if the typo was made to only apply for elemental defense, it would end up being worst then the Damage Reduction Multiplier. No one is going to want Agility to be nerfed, so I made the formula to alow both Defense, Agility, and anyother factors to work together without an extreme snowballing effect that would make a War Scream Warrior with max Agility and Defense. Basically instead of suggesting a max damage reduction of effectively x39.0625 the health, I instead made a formula that would only be x9.5 times the health. Again this will effect both Raw, Elemental, and Neutral Damage if I where to make an exeption Defense would not be equal to Agility. Also I really don't want to suggest a nerf to Agility, but if it makes you feel better the C and B buffs do not have to work for elemental damage, I know it is not much though.
    This is really the only time Defense has something that Agility does not, but still if I am going to make Defense equal to Agility then I am going to have to make Agility equal to Defense too. If you need an explanation; lets say you are deflecting the spell back to the Spell Caster, and are making a counter move on the Melee Attacker.
    I know that everything is designed to work in a certain way, but because Agility has a chance to dodge those damage types then Defense should help block those sources of damage. As a side note Agility has a chance to negate the hit that poisons you, so you won't get poisoned in the first place.
    Well to be honest the reason I want all damage types(exept your Cactus using your Strength and Dexterity) to be effected by basically all of your stats and your opponent's stats, is because I consider a mobs large health pool to be it's Defense and Agility all massed into it's health. With this I see mob's having their own "defensive stats" and would mean that their "defensive stats" are always activating when they are taking damage.
    So because of this perspective of mine that would make raw damage types(Cactus, Raw Damage, and Poison), that both ignore the attackers Strength and Dexterity and the defender's Defense and Agility, to be not as effective against mobs because it would be weaker against a mob who's "defensive stats" is always working and stronger against an actual player where Defense is not working.
    That would lead to these damage types to be weaker in PvE and stronger in PvP, so you end up with some strange balance issue where something is too strong in PvP and too weak in PvE.
    Also why I want Dexterity and Strength to be effect these damage types is so they can be nerfed a good deal, so you would have to be a bit more invested in damage to get good results in these damage types.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2017
  17. motoki1

    motoki1 The Damage Calculation Scientist HERO

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    Okay, let me sum up some points I'm thinking of here. I understand both opinions, but I think we're getting hit to a big problem here.
    The reason I keep arguing that Raw/Poison or they shouldn't reflect the damage when they dodge, is because I don't wanna make the game anymore shitty. It also should respect the reality, not just the game-balance. I know we need to consider the game-balance, but when we lose reality from the game, the game is no longer gonna be fun.
    That's the problem we're hitting, and the direction of your opinion is to buff Def so that Def/Agi would be more equal. The point I'm talking is, Def and Agi is not the same. I know they work similarly, both reducing the total damage you take. Def, you actually get hit but you reduce the damage. Agi, you do not reduce the damage but you "dodge" the whole attack. Making Agi more useful than Def as a result, that's where you want to fix. Right?
    But by trying to fix that problem, the game system has to be more ridiculous in your ways. If we were to make Def/Agi completely equal, Thorns/Reflection would have to reflect the damage that you didn't even take, Poison damage would have to be dodged by Agi or reduced by Def.
    When we have Def/Agi at the same time, I think the formula you made at the top of the main thread would work fine, so that's good there.
    For Thorns/Reflection, I know you want to make Def/Agi equal here as well, but I don't think Thorns and Agility should be cooperated. Def is about the tankyness of the player, and Agi is about the speediness of the player. Imagine when an attacker deals 1000 damage 5 times to the 2 defenders, one having 80% Def and the other having 80% Agi, with 100% Thorns. The one with 80% Def would reflect 200x5 damage, and the one with 80% Agi would reflect 1000x1 damage. Well hey... we didn't even need to make them reflect the damage they dodged.
    We might could leave Poison unaffected by any Defense factors so it would be just equal for both Def and Agi. (maybe with some nerf) I understand the problem here. Def players would have to take more Poison damage than Agi players. But remember what I said, "Def and Agi is not the same." If we could recall the general system of Elements, back to the Gavel release...
    ... Earth > Thunder > Water > Fire > Air > Earth ...
    and that repeats. Meaning Earth is weak to Air, Air is weak to Fire. To explain these more clearly, Earth players are weak to Air players, while Earth players do a big one shot with slow rate, Air players would dodge them all and hit Earth players a lot. I cannot explain these completely because I'm not a master of PvP or elements... someone might know more.
    Anyway, every stats has its own weaknesses and its own advantages. Like Agi has an advantage of dodging any damage, but takes a big damage if they failed to dodge. We must respect the advantages and weaknesses of each elements when we suggest a change like this.
    Back to the Poison problem, nevertheless, we need to make Poison damage reduced by Def, if Agi dodges the Poison attack.
    Please remember what I said, we need to respect the reality, and the advantages and weaknesses of each elements.
    Okay, I think I finally got what you were thinking about the Raw damage.. Let me confirm what you're saying.
    Basically, the mobs have higher HP and players have lower HP. The players compensate the low HP by having their own stats, Def and Agi.
    Because of the CT mainly develops about PvE, all the damage amounts are designed to fit in PvE fights.
    With your this theory, all the damage reduction should be affected to all kind of damage. Players have Def/Agi skills because that's the point of the game and what makes the game fun, and players' HP were made lower than mobs' HP since they have Def/Agi skills making players' HP higher in effect. amirite
    Back to that problem again, if we were going to make Raw type damage affected by Def/Agi, it opposes the aspect of reality. Really, the only solution I could think of here was to make players' HP proportionally higher to Def/Agi damage reduction, but that does not make sense for Agi.
    So as of now, I could only say "nevertheless, we need to make Raw/Poison damage reduced by Def, if Agi dodges the Poison attack."
    I don't know if we could have any better solution for this big problem, reality and game-balance.
    Do you have any ideas that fit both reality and game-balance aspects for this Raw type damage?
    And at last, I don't think Cactus damage should be included to this Raw damage type, that doesn't even make sense reflecting damage being Raw damage, please read this again.
    holy shit why am I so bad at writing a long reply
    I'm truly sorry that I cannot use English properly ._.
    or did I even reply to your points... wait wat
    Cosomos likes this.
  18. sami ~

    sami ~ ヽ(*ᗜ*)ノ VIP+

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    Me wantz to shitpost, not 2 math.

    I'm bored, don't judge.
    Cosomos likes this.
  19. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Just some thoughts:
    1) Raw damage should not be modified by defence, it ruins the purpose of the ID.
    2) I could see poison being affected by defence however. Mabye Raw is only affected by agility, poison is stopped by defence.
    3)I'm worried that, while mathematically it works out, you might be overbidding defence playstyle wise. Agility should be slightly stronger cause your putting everything up to chance. Defence can let you be unkillable, or approach that, but agility never can.
    Cosomos likes this.
  20. Cosomos

    Cosomos Well-Known Adventurer

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    Now let's just try to work out poison damage, Raw Damage is really not too bad as is.
    Currently poison is OP after an old buff, but before it was about half as strong. It was buffed because it was useless in PvE and still is not that good now in PvE. So to have it do more damage to mobs and less damage to players I suggest it is reverted to 3/4 of the strength it is now, but Strength and Dexterity can increase it's damage. Also I would have Defense, Agility, Class Defense, Spell Defense Buffs to reduce it's damage, and have it only be activated on a melee hit to prevent multiple hitting spells making Agility useless. This would make it more effective against mobs while having it be weaker against players in a more natural way

    Now Let's try Cactus.
    It should not be negitivly effected by the users own stats, too me that does not make sence that you would weaken you self by investing in defenses. But maybe it should be negitivly be effected by the Attackers and Defenders defenses and take a back seat in the damage department. Either way as long as it is being weakend by the defenses of the person on the reciving end of the cactus then it would be an equal with Agility.

    Now for some thoughts on Raw Damage
    Against mobs it is not bad, but I would like to see it do some more damage by being effected by Strength and Dexterity because it really does not do much when you compare it to a strong enough weapon. However the main concern I have is that it will pierce defenses other then Agility, as you know I do not like that and it would make it stronger in PvP. So I would want it to be either effected by all defenses, but to make them even having non of the defenses(including Agility) would also work. So that is why I want Raw Damage to behave in that way.

    Now please tell me some final thoughts on why you disagree with some parts.

    I said cactus does not get effected by your Strength and Dexterity

    For crying out loud your English is impeccable, and you can explain my ideas better then I can. Stop Apologizing XD
    Pokextreme likes this.
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