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Yuno's Ama And Diary, Latest Entry 8.3.19

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Yuno F Gasai, Mar 15, 2016.


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  1. I want to be you!

  2. You have a great life!

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  4. Meh

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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 27th
    we woke up at 7:30 and went to eat breakfast at 8:00
    at 8:30 we put some finishing touches on our presentations and script
    at 12:00 we had lunch (everyone was nervous af)
    at 13:00 we presented our projects in front of the judges, we were all very nervous as we aren't used to presenting in English at all. the presentations took until 17:00.
    from 17:00 to 19:00 we had some free time so we net on who is going to win and just chilling and singing on the grass.
    at 19:00 we had a barbeque dinner near the reception (sausages, hamburgers and fries with all kind of salads).
    at 20:00 we went to make our posters for tomorrow's ceremony.
    at 22:00 we cleaned the rooms and packed our things.
    from then it was mostly sitting around with everyone until 2am and then I went with the Czech girl and made out with her until around 4am and then we went to snuggle together on the sofa in my room (we fell asleep spooning).
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and S3ok like this.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 28th
    we woke up together at 6:45 and got our stuff ready
    we went to ate breakfast at 7:15 (our last breakfast together)
    at 8:00 we took al our luggage and put it in one room.
    at 8:15 we went on the bus that would take us to Eilat for our final conference.
    I do want to note that the Czech girl wanted to hide the fact that we are together during the entirety of the competition as I was her first kiss and everything but because it was the final day she kinda changed. when the Lithuanian guy saw us holding hands and joked that I belong to him she just took my head and frenched me right in front of his face (his surprised expression was priceless).
    at 9:00 we arrived set up our posters and presented our projects to all of the visitors.
    at 10:00 they started the main event so we all went into the main hall where the energy minister and some other members of the Israeli parliament talked for 2 hours on this and that (you know how politicians are) it is worthwhile to note that although being an international conference they all talked in Hebrew so everyone had to go take translator headsets.
    there was also a kitten stuck in the wall during most of the event, no idea how it got there.
    at 12:00 we went to the dolphin reef to eat lunch and swim around together, we had a wonderful time.
    at 14:30 we went on our bus back home (stopped at Ketura to take our luggage).
    all the way back we sang and made out and drank a bit (thanks to the netherland girl who was 18+).
    when we got to the hotel the oversea participants will stay the night we had to say goodbye and we all cried, we all made so many emotional ties that week and they were all separated at once, it hurt, for all of us.
    when we got back on the bus I found a charger that I thought belonged to the Czech girl (turns out it belonged to the netherland girl) so I kept it in hope I would see her soon.
    when we got to the central train station we had to say goodbye to a lot of the Israeli participants as well which hurt all of us again. then we got on our train to Haifa (Motzkin to be exact) and started our way home, the train stopped for 5 minutes because someone was smoking in the bathroom mid way so we got home a bit late and got to sleep at 1am-ish.
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and S3ok like this.
  3. S3ok

    S3ok Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Such heart breaking day, I get the feeling the next one will be worse (not a bad day, but..).
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Oh you are going to love the rest of the story
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 29th+30th
    I woke up and went to school, apparently the Czech girl will be in Israel for the next three days, they are having a tour of the country (her and the Italian girl).
    turns out they are passing through a nearby city on the tour.
    I make contact with their tour guide.
    I go out of school early (miss a lot of classes) and ride my bike to the train station and but a ticket for the nearby city.
    I get off at the nearby city and start navigating towards the ancient city, at this point my phone is dead and the last time I've been to this city is a couple of years ago.
    I surprise them at the ancient city and join for lunch and a guided tour (another Israeli joined us, he was hanging out with the Italian girl).
    after the lunch (of course I payed for her) and the tour they drove me to the train station and I went back home.
    I kept chatting with her during the rest of the day and turns out they are staying the night in a kibbutz that's a hours drive away.
    I successfully persuaded my mom to drive me there (I had to start drivers ed in exchange).
    we arrived at around 9pm and I waited outside their room to surprise them. oh boy were they surprised.
    we put the bags in the room (they shared the room) so she and me went to find a place to make out in the kibbutz. after around an hour of walking around we settled on a grassy bit near the football field and began sinning.
    at around 2am we returned because it got really cold and it started raining.
    we fell asleep spooning on one of the beds.
    we woke up kinda early and started our hanky panky under the sheets which at a certain point we decided is too loud to do while the Italian girl is sleeping in the same room so we dressed up and went outside.
    we continued to make out on the second story of the hotel (they were the only ones staying there), it also started raining and that's the story of how I got morning head in the rain.
    we continued to chill and sneak kisses until I had to go on the bus to Nahariya and from there I took a train to my city and had my grandparents drive me to school (I planned all this the previous day)
    when I entered class (I only missed the first hour) I was greeted by applause and a confused look from the teacher (I told her I will be late but I didn't tell her why).
    from there on it was a regular school day and then I went home and tried to catch up on my sleep schedule (why do I even try)
  6. Grvphene

    Grvphene Wiki guru VIP+

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    It amazes me how you're always so chaotic yet perfectly organized on your adventures! GG
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I live with no regrets
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    DECEMBER FIRST (new month new me?)
    before I start talking about this I should give you some background. I am in 12th grade in Israel, we have to serve 3 years in the army, no buts. we can however push the serving time back and volunteer for a gap year in some organizations. I decided to try to get accepted into the JNF (jewish national fund), if I get accepted I will basically be in charge of three classes, teaching each of them once or twice a week and planning and going on trips with them once a month. The screening process begins with 120 people that come from outside the organization and around 80 that come from within they all compete on 35 open slots during 4 screening stages, an online questioning form, a field stage, a 24 hour field stage and a personal interview. on December first I had my field screening. I also had an event at the national museum I should have attended from the program I met antra's cousin in. also the Czech girl ive been seeing is staying at a hotel in tel aviv and has her flight at 3 am. now with all of that behind us lets go right into the story.

    I woke up early that day and took a train to the far far south (not that south but it was a long ride)
    when I arrived there we got on a bus that drove us to a nearby hilly area covered with trees stones and caves.
    there we were given a short explanation about the gap year and had a question round.
    after that we were divided into groups of 8 and each group was assigned to a mentor.
    our first task was a navigation race, we were each given a map with 15 points on it and had to navigate to them and back in 45 minutes (we all brought compasses from home).
    mid navigation it started raining but we kept going, no one died from a bit of rain Genesis 6:12
    after the navigation (I only found 13 points) we had to give our short presentations we made before we came there.
    do keep in mind its still raining .
    I did my presentation on snake eagles (it was awesome), I use accessories, made the audience participate, caught their curiosity and made tehm ask questions about the animal and the etymology behind its name (the Hebrew name comes from the Aramaic word for snake and the Latin name is a combination of eagle and hawk).
    after the presentations we had small group projects in which we had to present a random animal.
    then we had a couple tasks we had to do as a group like digging a hole, lighting a fire, making pita bread from water flour and cooking it over the fire, making a rope from plants, making a shelter from the rain, making a wooden spoon and making a dynamic burning coal. it is still raining and everything is soaking wet by now.
    we started by digging a hole with stones and trying to dry some pine needles and lighting them and then continuing to feed the fire with small sticks and needles until it grew, all the will we kept sticks and needles around the fire so they will dry in the meantime.
    meanwhile the rope and shelter team made a rope out of long palm leaves and brought big leaves and made a small shelter between a tree and a couple big sticks that served as beams.
    then we made the spoon by carving out a stick and made dough out of the flower and water.
    we didn't have on what to cook the dough so I made it the Bedouin way by putting directly on the white hot ashes and coals.
    we didn't make the dynamic coal in time but eh, we did enough.
    after that we sat together and were given some hypotheticall scenarios and asked how would we act if that happened to us.
    then we met together and got on the bus and we were told that we will be contacted in a couple of days.
    then we drove back to Tel Aviv (arrived at around 20:30 at the central station)
    my phone ran out of battery and I had to get to the national museum so one of the girls that was with us tried to help me find a bus to get there.
    by the time we found one it was 21:00 and I would have missed the event (shame I couldn't make it).
    so I asked the girl (she cute) to help me fins a bus to Abraham's Hotel in Tel Aviv, when she asked why and I told her my girlfriend is staying there she got sad all of the sudden, hugged me, gave me a peck on the lips and ran off.
    I stood there dumbfounded for some time and then continued to try and find a bus. after a couple of minutes I gave up and went to the ground floor. there I met two other guys from the screening process and they asked me if I need a ride so I agreed and that's how I got to the hotel.
    Now I have no idea which room she is staying in (she didn't want to tell me because she didn't want me to leave everything and visiting her, she was also dead tired). so I went to the reception and asked if she is staying there, they didn't find her but they did find a room written down for the Italian girl she was with. so I wrote a goodbye letter (a really romantic one) and asked for the room number, they said they cant tell me but I can leave the letter with them and they will slip it under her door. I didn't have many options so I chose that one.
    meanwhile in the queue behind me stood a young man dressed in a white suit which turned to be an hotel inspector, so I found myself having a talk about relationships in English with an hotel inspector in south Tel Aviv (the bad part of tel aviv) at 23:00.
    after we finished talking I had to get to the train station (phone still dead), so I asked which direction is it in and went on my way.
    now I'm pretty sure most of you havnt been to south Tel Aviv but its full of immigrants, drug addicts and drunks.
    so here I am walking there with a full backpack and a swiss knife in my hand asking for directions from hipsters and immigrants. on the way I bought two energy drinks (I was exhausted).
    so on the way I passed the central station, its a big 6 story high concrete monster with roads and bridges going in and out of it, really spooky, especially in the rain.
    then I got to the train station and noticed I'm gonna be late for my train.
    but then they announced the train is being delayed because someone tried to suicide on the track, so in a way he helped me.
    so I made it to the train in time and found a nice place to sit.
    halfway the train stopped for a flat 5 minutes turned off its lights and sat still.
    then we started again and the driver announced we are having problems with the breaking fluid so the train has to stop every 5 minutes so the wheels wont catch on fire.
    by the time we got to the Haifa stations the train was dead and they transferred us to another train.
    when we got to my station I called my grandfather (I charged my phone on the train) and he drove me back home.
    then I called a friend told her the entire story and fell asleep.
    oh I also owe a girl a cake for giving me a sandwich during the screening
    Essendale, Aradia Megido and BeeMiner like this.
  9. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Aradia Megido likes this.
  10. S3ok

    S3ok Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    Yes it's interesting. Not gonna lie, most of them I read mostly for the romantic story :p
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    glad to be of entertainment to you
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  12. Grvphene

    Grvphene Wiki guru VIP+

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    You don't need to tag me, I'm watching this thread :)
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    oh, I am honored
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  14. Nin

    Nin Well-Known Adventurer

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    Are you planning to compile all to one post soon?
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I don't think the character limit will let me do it
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  16. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    December 2nd
    now listen up for a totally uneventful day
    I woke up at 7am got ready to school and had 3 hours of biotechnology
    then I went home and caught up with my sleep
    did some graffiti next to the train tracks
    went to sleep
    the end
    well back to ignoring some days, I'll just post highlights from the skipped days
    December 4th
    an English test, a biotechnology test on protiens
    December 8th
    had my first drivers ed, had a staff meeting from the youth group, had a dentist appointment
    December 9th
    a biotechnology test
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    December 10th
    nothing special but tomorrow I had a screening process for becoming a navy officer/serving in the submarine squad and I had to be at 8am at Tel Aviv so I took a train and stayed the night with my aunt.
    so I ate dinner at her place and played with my cousin and their dog.
    December 11th
    at 8am I was already at the army base and after security checks
    we started the day with a two hour talk with a navy officer that explained to us what the job is all about and answered our questions, it was quite entertaining, one guy asked if you needed to know how to swim in order to become a navy officer. (also it turns out there is a ps4 on all subs)
    after that we were given a 20 page question form about ourselves and our families, and we had to write a page about our history (kinda hard).
    after we were done with that we were brought to a computer lab and had to answer a ton of questions about everything ranging from navy stuff to general knowledge (over 2k questions piled together)
    then we had an association test where we were given a lot of sentances and just a minute to continue them.
    there was a lot of spare time so most of us sat down and ate/played/talked.
    some people got another test which I havnt done so I cant really tell about it.
    at the end of the day (17:00) we were summoned in groups and were told if we passed or not (there are three options, navy officers OR subs OR nothing) I passed for the navy officers.
    then I got on a bus to the train station and got home just in time for dinner a shower and sleeping.
    Essendale and Aradia Megido like this.
  18. Grvphene

    Grvphene Wiki guru VIP+

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    Congrats on passing! But don't you have to serve in the army for at least 12 years as an officer? That's how it is in Germany. Do you really want to spend that much time in the army?
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    as a navy officer you need to serve a total of 7 years and a couple of months but most people keep serving and advancing with the ranks.
    personally I would like to get accepted into the submarine squad as they only serve 4 years
    Aradia Megido likes this.
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    skip forward again
    December 12th
    recruiting 8th graders for a district wide activity and party (yacht and everything) (its from the youth group)
    another drivers ed
    December 13th
    a biology test
    December 14th
    recruiting 8th graders again
    English test
    December 15th
    drivers ed in the morning
    photoshoot for the school yearbook
    an activity full recess at the junior high
    December 16th
    a welcoming activity for new members to the youth group
    December 17th
    I talked 2 hours out on my balcony at 10pm with my ex wearing only jeans and t-shirt so I got sick (I live on the 14th floor)
    December 18th
    recruiting 8th graders again
    drivers ed
    helped my friend hit on a 10th grader
    December 19th
    I spent all day home as I was so sick I couldn't speak or even move my head
    December 20th
    only showed up for a bioinformatics test and went home
    December 21st
    I did the math exam early (I was supposed to do it on the 22nd)
    drivers ed
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