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Yuno's Ama And Diary, Latest Entry 8.3.19

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Yuno F Gasai, Mar 15, 2016.


What do you think about my life?

  1. I want to be you!

  2. You have a great life!

  3. Sounds interesting

  4. Meh

  5. I'm not impressed

  6. Boring

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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    October 27th Friday
    We worked on the garden and built parallel bars from steel pipes and concrete work the help of a father.
    Then I went to meet Aya at the intersection and we walked back to the mechina.
    We went for a quick trip in the woods around the kibbutz.
    She joined us for the test of the schedule (classes, Shabbat dinner and Kiddush)
    Then we had a Ted talk night we hosted which was great.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    October 28th Saturday
    We woke up and ate cake with tea
    Then we had a class with the head of the mechina
    After that me and Aya went for a walk in the kibbutz which was great.
    Then my parents came to visit so we joined them for lunch at a restaurant (it was really fancy and yummy)
    After that I have my parents my laundry and took some fresh cloths from the car.
    On the way back from the mechina another guy time us someone got hurt in the basketball court so we climbed the fence to help him (I got a nice scar from the fence)
    Then I will Aya to the parking lot and her cousin came to pick her up
    So I kissed her goodbye and went back to the mechina.
    Then we had parasht hashavoua were we talked about how some peeps in the Bible may be vampires.
    Then we had Shabbat songs, havdala and dinner.
    After that we just sat and talked and packed for negotiation week
  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    October 29th Sunday
    We woke up and got ready to go on navigation week in the North
    We packed everything on the bus and slept on the way
    When we got there we we're split to four groups, three were navigating with the staff and the fourth (my group) was navigating alone
    At first we got a bit lost but we reached the end point together with the rest of the groups (~3 hours)
    Then the night navigation was just doing the same track backwards so we adjusted our path and did it in an hour and 40 minutes (one of us dislocated his knee)
    We were the first to get back to the bus so we unloaded it and set up camp.
  4. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    October 30th- November 2nd
    We navigated in couples day and night, ate and slept at camp.
    We got spooped so many times by animals (attacked by a wild boar/ hearing deep breaths from riverside vegetation/ giant spider climbing on my bare body/ owls/ bats)
    But I liked it, I'm good at navigating and the scenery is amazing especially at night.
    On the final day we had a wake up call at 4am after finishing night navigation at 11-12pm
    We had a hole with a stretcher with a girl on it. We're kinda used to it now.
    Then we went to the beach and had a BBQ party.
    Then I went back home to eat and sleep
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 3rd Friday- November 4th Saturday
    The train was under maintenance so I took a bus to Aya and just spent the weekend there.
    We cooked a lot and made creambo (it's a sweet biscuit cookie with marshmallow cream on top covered with chocolate, we made purple cream and put a different liquor in each one.
    We also made eggplant tomato rolls with Gouda and pesto.
    We also picked olives and started pickling them.
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  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 5th Sunday
    Woke up and walked Aya to her bus
    After that I just chilled around in their house and then hey parents drove me through Judea (the West Bank) to Jerusalem.
    Then I took a bus to the market and bought food and drinks.
    Then I took a bus to the mechina.
    The Aussies were on something from the agency so we talked in Hebrew.
    We mass cleaned the mechina, had dinner and then the Israeli songs class and went to sleep.
  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 6th Monday
    We woke up, ate breakfast and took a bus to Tel Aviv.
    They're we had a speaker that talked about gentrification.
    After that we had a break for lunch so me and another girl went to a foot start Asian food place and ate shrimp ramen with sweet potato fried in Gouda cheese. It was amazing.
    After that we went to the pride center and had a lecture with a Q&A session.
    After that we had the amazing race kinda thing so my team gave up and we went to eat hot dogs instead.
    Then we had some more break so we are malabi.
    After that we had a lecturer from the Tel Aviv municipality.
    Then we went back to the mechina.
    We ate dinner, I texted Aya goodnight and I went to sleep.
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 7th Tuesday
    we woke up at 0600 and had some army training
    then we showered and cleaned the mechina
    at 0800 we ate breakfast
    0900 we had a jewish peoplehood class
    1100 charlotte from SWU came to talk with us
    1300 we had lunch
    1400 we had committee time
    1530 onoe of the staff memebers gave us a "Yosh for dummies" lesson (Yosh being the abbreviation of Judea and Samaria in Hebrew)
    1730 we had a guest speaker that talked about peace
    at 1900 we ate dinner
    2000 we had a quick activity in our family groups about priorities
    2100 we had a meliah (we all sit in a room without the staff and make decisions about the mechina)
    then I texted aya goodnight and went to sleep
  9. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 8th Wednesday
    woke up at 0630
    I had to make breakfast so I wasn't at the morning activity or at the cleaning
    we had breakfast at 0800
    then we had a guest speaker from another branch of the mechina that gave us a lesson about gender and sex.
    at 1100 we had a current events class
    at 1145 we had a quick activity about yosh
    then we had strength training
    at 1300 we ate lunch
    at 1400 we had committee time
    at 1545 we summed up the past week and talked about it
    at 1730 a staff member ran a class
    then shvilim, a Scandinavian program joined us so we hosted 3 Norwegian dudes and a Swedish guy
    at 1900 we ate dinner
    at 2000 we hada a class about yosh (the Scandidudes joined us)
    at 2100 we had a campfire, songs and smores with them
    then they left so we put out the fire, took a shower (I texted aya) and went to sleep
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 9th Thursday
    woke up at 0600 and went downstairs for an army prep thingy, they talked about morality in the army.
    0730 we cleaned up the mechina and at 0800 we ate breakfast
    at 0900 we had a leadership class
    at 1100 we had a journalist come and talk about yosh, it was probably the most interesting guest lecturer we had and we are thinking of bringing him again
    at 1230 we had strength training
    1300 lunch
    1400 committee time
    then I went with the head of the mechina and some other guys to drive two couches to the mechina (we had to drive with no doors so the couches wont fall off
    at 1530 we had a class that explained what we will be doing in yosh week
    1630 we had a class ran by one of us about smth (I don't remember)
    1800 we had dinner with the host families (we returned early to prepare for a thing)
    2000 we started a boring lesson that turned midway to a surprise goodbye party cause one of the members is leaving to be a paramedic in the army so we had a big party for him.
    after everything I showered, texted aya and went to sleep.
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 10th Friday
    we woke up at loaded the bus
    then we drove to Efrat which is in Judea (south of the west bank)
    there we unpacked and set up in their community center
    then we dressed up, went to synagogue and then to our hosting families for dinner
    I went with one of the aussie girls to a british family which was kinda weird, the father was an archeologist at the western wall so we talked about his work for a while.
    then we went back to the community center for a discussion about something and then sleep
  12. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 11th Saturday
    we woke up late and got dressed for lunch at the host families
    this time I went with two Israeli girls to a Canadian family, the food was meh but we talked with them a lot and then played catan with the kids which was great.
    then we came back to the community center to hear some lecturer talk and then we made dinner (pasta with tomato sauce)
    after that we had Havdalah, a talk with a doctor in the nearby medical center and then we came back.
    I texted aya goodnight and went to sleep
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 12th Sunday
    We woke up and carried all of our stuff up to the street, there we started cooking breakfast and making sandwiches for the day.
    Then the tivon branch of the mechina joined us and we started packing the buses.
    One bus with the girls went somewhere (idk where) and the bus with the boys went to a yeshiva (place where religious boys can go study the Bible and postpone the army service).
    Turns out it's really easy to get a weapon of you are in Judea and Samaria, most of them had M16's
    We talked with them for a bit and then we met with the girls next to the cave of the patriarchs.
    From there we walked around Hebron and saw some places (it looks like a post apocalyptic ghetto).
    Then we went into the building on top of the cave (Muslim authorities don't let non Muslims enter the cave altho it's not holy to them).
    Then I went with some other kids to unpack the bus where we slept. The other mechina didn't send volunteers so we unpacked their bus too.
    Then we set up in a school gym for the night, cooked dinner, had a lecturer and discussion groups and called it a day.
    I called Aya and talked with her for an hour or so and then went to sleep.
  14. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 13th Monday
    We drove to halamish on an armored bus.
    There we had a tour of the kibutz (we got distracted cause there was a Palestinian riot on the next hill with tear gas and flash grenades.
    Then we had a lecture from an Holocaust survivor.
    Then we ate dinner (I went to the market to buy some stuff)
    After that we had a father of a family that got killed in a terrorist attack dinner years ago.
    Then I texted Aya goodnight and went to sleep.
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 14th Tuesday
    We woke up and loaded the bus.
    Then we went to mt.kabir next to shechem (nablus) we had a lecture there from a right wing speaker (the view was amazing)
    Then we went to a settlement I forgot the name of to eat pizza and have a tour of the settlement.
    After that we were supposed to meet the commander of the area but something happened so we went back to the settlement to visit our guide and sat in her house and talked for a while.
    Then we went to the Jerusalem mechina and slept there for the night
  16. XxDiCaprioxX

    XxDiCaprioxX Corrupted Gylia Arch Wizard

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    Got not much to say...

  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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  18. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 15th Wednesday
    We woke up at 5am and packed up the bus
    We drove to the temple mount (the most holy site for Jews and the third most holy site for Islam (Jews aren't allowed to pray there and have to pass security guards to get in)).
    We went for a tour on the temple mount (kinda weird).
    Then we were given some free time so I went to a cafe with friends.
    After that we had a tour of Jerusalem (it was kinda interesting but we were so tired).
    After that we returned to the mechina and unpacked everything and showered.
    Then we hosted another branch of our mechina and listened to breaking the silence with them (the majority didn't agree with them).
    After that we went to sleep.
  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 16th Thursday
    We woke up and ate breakfast
    After that all the branches of the mechina came and we had a couple speakers in the auditorium.
    After that I packed my stuff and got on a bus to Aya.
    Then we ate dinner and went to sleep.
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    November 17th Friday
    We woke up and ate breakfast
    Then we drive to the train station and took a train North (she had a seminar and I went back home)
    When I got home I bought some food and drive to the hospital to for some thing for my jaw.
    Then I did laundry and ate.
    I watched some flash and texted Aya.
    I went to sleep alone (I usually sleep with someone in the room)
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