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Yuno's Ama And Diary, Latest Entry 8.3.19

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Yuno F Gasai, Mar 15, 2016.


What do you think about my life?

  1. I want to be you!

  2. You have a great life!

  3. Sounds interesting

  4. Meh

  5. I'm not impressed

  6. Boring

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  1. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Atm no.
    Antra's cousin broke up with me in may and rejected me twice since then.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 11th
    I woke up at 4am for guard duty
    some kid decided to bring a military grade sticklight to while he slept I just threw it under his mattress.
    two kids got up to go to the bathroom and grab something warm to wear.
    at 5am I woke up the next person to guard and went to sleep (quickest 1 hour guard duty I had in my life)
    at 6am some of the kids woke up and started making noise so all the instructors woke up and made sure everyone stays silent in their sleeping bag until we get told to wake everyone up.
    at 6 and something this kid decides he wants to stand up and make noise so I just walk up to him, put my hand on his shoulder and say "lay down kid" he thought twice about doing what I said, so I helped him reach a decision, I just moved all my weight on his shoulder so he fell on the mattress and stayed there.
    at 6:30am we turned on the lights and woke everyone up.
    we helped them roll their sleeping bags.
    then we made them breakfast and helped everyone get their bags ready.
    we a quick staff meeting about the night and all the instructors said that one of my kids walked off last night and talked about someone that was killing animals and that she wanted to watch (she said the same to me yesterday)
    spooky girl.
    then we got everyone on the bus.
    the bus drove off and I helped get the car ready with the gas tank and some other stuff for the afternoon activities.
    we cleaned the shelter and I rode my bike back home.
    I took a shower and then went with my family to my great grandma's birthday (she's 93)
    we had a bbq with everything and we built rujums
    then we had fruit salad and cake and went home
    I took another shower and went to sleep
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2017
  3. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 12th
    drivers ed

    February 13th
    math and a biology lab

    February 14th
    no school but I went to get a recommendation letter from a teacher
    valentine and all
    I studied for my history final
    at 9:30pm I started talking with my ex at 00:16 told her that I still love her
    then we moved to the phone, she rejected me again.
    so that's how I spent my valentine, talking to my ex till 1 am

    February 15th
    was supposed to study all day for my final but didn't do shit
    at 4:30 I went to the school to represent my biotechnology class in from of a middle school

    February 16th
    studied my ass off
    2000 years of history in my head and I finished studying an hour before the final
    2:30 the final starts and its just me another kid and the tester (we are supposed to be 14 kids in the class)
    at 3:50 I finish the final and go to the labs
    I need to represent again in front of another middle school
    finish representing and go home

    February 17th
    biotechnology lesson (genetic engineering)
    a quick chemistry lab
    I had the teacher go over a design I made of a smoke grenade (she said it should work but she cant let me make it in the lab)
    went home and had drivers ed
    did nothing for the rest of day
  4. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    Why is your life so much ch more interesting than mine?
    Also will u post a picture and of urself
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I just skip the boring stuff and go out a lot wherever someone is coming or not.
    And if I have a choice I pick the one that will make the most interesting story.

    About the pic I have one in the pic thread but ill upload it again here
  6. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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  7. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 18th
    woke up
    ate breakfast
    got my bag ready for the school's field trip (a 4 day one)
    we went to visit my great grandma and watched noting hill with her
    went back home and found someone that can drive me tomorrow to the pick up station
    went to sleep early
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 19th
    woke up at 5:30am and dressed up
    made myself a sandwich and went downstairs to wait for my ride
    we drove to the nearby parking lot where the busses waited for us
    at 6am the busses drove off
    we reached wadi feresh at ~12am and did the hiking trail which was pretty nice
    at 5pm we got to the camping grounds and set up our tents (I slept with a girl from my class).
    then we didn't do much until dinner and nightfall then we sat in a circle, played guitar with the whole class and the medics.
    then we slept coz we had a long day
  9. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    What time zone do u live in
    And wats ur real name (totally not building up to kidnapping u)
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I live in Israel so UTC +2
    my first name is Yoav and it was my forum name for a while.
  11. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 20th
    we went to Har Cfachot near eilat and climbed to the top (beautiful view to Israel Jordan Egypt and Saudi Arabia)
    then we climbed down the other side and took a bus to the city
    we had 2 hours of free time in eilat so I went with friends to eat at a café (I have a membership card so 10% discount for all of us)
    we also went and bought beers coz why not
    so we had to hide from the city police patrols and the tourist police.
    so we didn't really do anything then we returned to the busses and started driving back to our camping grounds
    15 minutes away from the city the driver stopped in a bus station near samar and he went outside with the medic, we then saw the medic on the phone.
    now I don't know how many of you have a medical background but if your medic is on the phone it means an ambulance is on the way.
    so the driver got evicted to the hospital and we were stuck without a driver.
    the only way to get another driver was to let the other busses drive back to our camping grounds and then have two drivers drive back on a bus and drive us back.
    so that's how we waited 3 hours on the side of the road.
    so we had an interesting discussion with our teachers and played what are the chances (we got a couple of nude photos out of that)
    then we had a rave party on the side of the road until the busses came.
    so we arrived at the camping grounds at around 20:30.
    we ate dinner had a giant dance party in the desert (I also phoned my ex to tell her what happened)
    now technically girls and boys aren't allowed to sleep together so we were on edge altho we weren't doing anything but sleep (it was also freezing so we had so many cloths on ourselves we couldn't do anything).
    in the tent next us there were boys and girls just sitting and talking and all of the sudden we here teachers so they come out and the whole fucking staff team including the principle is around their tent.
    after all that happened we went to sleep.
  12. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 21st
    we woke up and split between busses
    we went to do Ma`ale `Eli in the HaMakhtesh HaKatan its a 6km hiking trail which was pretty fun.
    at the end we returned back to the camping grounds made dinner and went to sleep after another party.

    February 22nd
    we went to the biggest dune in the country, a 160 meter high sand dune where the entire grade played in the sand(its the thinnest sand I have ever touched)
    after that we drove back home (a ~6hour drive)
    we got home, ate, showered and went straight to bed
  13. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 23rd
    we had a day off after the trip
    just stayed home washed all of my dirty clothes and caught up with my anime and youtubes
    S3ok likes this.
  14. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 24th
    woke up and went for 3 hours of biotechnology
    after that we went to the chemistry lab and did a quick experiment
    then I went home and we got ready for the weekend
    we went to a resort in the north with the rest of the family (21 people)
    played games with my cousins and passed the time
    we had dinner together and I went to sleep pretty early coz I was absolutely exhausted
  15. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 25th
    we ate breakfast talked a bit had a quick birthday celebration and split each to their home
    we got home, made burgers and went to sleep
  16. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Febraury 26th
    went on a strike until 12am because of the ammonia tanks in Haifa
    went to school and studied biotechnology and English
    went home and started to get ready for the navy officer's screening day (its a 4 day process)
  17. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    February 27th-28th
    woke up at 6am and went to the train station at 6:30am
    took the train to Haifa and arrived at 7:00am
    we got on the busses and drove to the navy base.
    we were divided into groups of 50
    we were shown around the different types of ships and submarines.
    after that we got back on the busses and went to the training camp.
    we were checked that we were medically ok to go the screening process.
    we were divided into divisions (each housing 15 kids) I was number 56 in division 3.
    we were given US uniform and we went to the sea.
    we put life vests on and stood in a row with our arms entwined and we were told to go backwards until we were chest deep (we were still in uniform and shoes).
    then we were told just to float on our backs and we stayed like that for 15 minutes.
    we then went out and hanged into another set of us uniforms and an info book we had to memorize whenever we could.
    then we each got a backpack with a bag of sand in it (I estimate 7-8 kg).
    after that we got a kitbag full of uniforms, water flasks, blankets, coats, ropes, belts and some other random stuffs just to make it heavy.
    we were ordered to always have the bags and water flasks full and on our person.
    we were then introduced to our commanders that were in charge of just giving us orders and trying to break us
    so we had to go around the entire base and solve puzzles and math problems while facing physical challenges.
    we had to do 30 push ups everytime we got something wong or if we spoke out of line (which is always) and we had to do them with the bags and flasks on us.
    we had to dig a hole deep enough that we could pass our flask standing trough it. if we touched the line on top of the hole we had to go down for 10 push ups.
    we had a pull the rope competition which was crazy hard.
    and they also just walked us for no reason to random places and made us run and form threes or random shapes.
    we had to calculate different speeds of subs and to answer which will come first back to the base and if a Russian sub destroyer could shoot it
    we had to build a 2x2 topographic map of Israel with everything we can find.
    we had to choose 7 out of 14 given people that will survive a nuclear holocaust to continue the human race.
    after all of that we went to the dinner hall were we were given 15 minutes to eat and be out in threes.
    after that we were ordered to change into sport cloths and be out in the main plaza of the base.
    we were ordered and checked if we can do 32 push ups (no problem but after a whole day of doing them with the bag and flasks I could barely do them.
    then we were taken for a 3km run. now, I'm etter at sprints and short runs, 3km is way out of my comfort zone. I finished 98 out of 165.
    then we were ordered to change back into uniforms and form threes by divisions in the side plaza.
    we were then ordered to sleep (no idea what time it was, they took all of our watches and phones away.
    so we each shoved our personal items under the bed and put the backpack to the foot of our beds and used the kitbag as a pillow, horrible idea, the kitbag is huge and solid.
    I didn't sleep at all but we weren't allowed to move at all.
    sometime at morning (I guess 3am) I went and asked permission to go to the bathroom.
    as I was doing my business I hear the commander yelling that we have 2 minutes to form threes outside.
    I made it.
    then we grabbed our backpacks and flasks and went to form threes in the main plaza.
    then the lieutenant commander of the base came forward and read out a list of numbers, I was one of them.
    he informed us that everyone he read out failed the physical exam and is out of the screening process.
    we were separated from the rest of the kids and grabed our personal stuff and returned the army's stuff.
    we got back our watches (it was 4am) and we had to wait for the guys at the administration to wake up.
    at 8am we were outside the base and walked to the train station.
    I took a train and a bus home (bought blu on the way, another vending machine ate my money)
    as soon as I got home (8:30) I turned on the boiler and went to sleep.
    I woke up at 14:00 and took a bath and ate lunch.
    then I went to sleep again until 17:00.
    I was so sore I couldn't move at all.
    I ate dinner caught up on school and went to sleep again.
  18. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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  19. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    what do you mean?
    luck had nothing to do with this.
    I am out of shape and I didn't train to pass the screening process.
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    March 1st
    I stayed home as my body was too sore
    literally did nothing

    March 2nd
    went to school
    nothing special

    March 3rd
    Friday, tbh I don't remember anything

    March 4th

    March 5th
    biology test

    March 6th
    we went on a trip on biotechnology
    we tested human DNA (including our own) and used some nifty machines

    March 7th
    stayed home

    March 8th
    I had to print out all of my chemistry reports (~30 pages) and study for a math test

    March 9th
    I had a math test (yay)
    studied an hour of biology
    one hour of biotechnology
    went to civic project meeting with the teacher
    had my English pre final
    turned in all of my chemistry lab reports
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