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Community Event Your Wynn Adventure In 2017

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Pepo, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Pyromanic

    Pyromanic Prism/Pyro#8570 on Discord CHAMPION

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  2. Sabitus

    Sabitus Well-Known Adventurer

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    I had a funny case recently, I passed the quest Master piece and remembered that it was possible to sell the picture for 3 LE, and I started to run along the coordinates, I saw ,that it was far away, already the level 60 mobs had gone,and breaking through level 75 mobs on my 53 I got to Cinfras, because it turned out the seller was there.
    Sorry,if I have some mistakes,I'm not Englishman
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2018
  3. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    i didn't log on once because my account was hacked

  4. Nyrik

    Nyrik Often Bored VIP

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  5. GoodNermss

    GoodNermss Your friendly neighborhood robot

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  6. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    So my Wynncraft adventure was a wacky one.
    So starting from Jan 1, 2017. I was poor, and had well basically no friends to play with.
    I was seeing that A LOT of people were getting 100, contrary to the rare amount before the Gameplay Update, which is when I quit for a few months. I was tipped off by a random person after asking what D Cave was. People were shouting “Dcave my server” and I was wondering what it was.
    When I finally attended one, it was like I was enlightened. I made it through the 90-95 hell hole quicker than that time I ran in that other cross country race. After that, I started grinding Dcave more and more, until I saw no need for it that I had a level 100 rainbow tank.
    And then Corkus came out. A friend who went by AstralPigeon aided me in my corkus adventure. My Knight had also reached 100 at the time, so he said that he’d give me his Alkatraz... as a gift. It was the first mythic I had ever kept. I immediately went to build making, and when I fashioned my alka build, it was like 1 shotting every non boss mob.
    So a bit later, I saw an announcement that mod applications were open. I decided to go for broke and apply. I spent a night on the application, being as honest as I could be to my memory. A couple of weeks later, I receievd a notice of my acceptance. I felt shocked and happy at the same time. I noticed that Zephylox was another part of the conversation. Him and I started talking about things and it led to an epic bromance between us that still lasts to this day. Oh and I passed trial 2 months later along with zephy.
    A couple of months later, I sold my Alkatraz, because there were rumors of incoming nerfs. I sold it for a freedom, and I fashioned motoki1’s build for it. Freedom was amazingly decent.
    In the late corkus update, I met a player named Normalboard. He was a jerk to a lot of people but I began to make friends with him. Strange, isn’t it? He lent me his Thrundacrack, and I loved it. I gave it back since it was only a borrowing period.
    Then the guild fix came out. I found a nearby restarted server and immediately left my dead guild. I went to Feq because I was invited by Toy__. I started to use mythic substitutes, and they were decent, surprisingly. The dungeon and discoveries update came out, and I was playing all the time. About a month later, zephy applied for Snt, so I decided I would too. I made an ultimate decision to leave Feq.
    I got invited to Snt, so I joined. A lot of my friends were already in there and I received a warm welcome.
    That’s all for an epic Wynn story so here’s a substory.
    I bought 100 crates and got 7 godly rewards in a row from a bunch of T1 crates. When people said I was rigging the crates my luck died out lol

    Ok that’s all and moral of both stories?
    Eat a balanced breakfast

    one word story: loss
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
    Crimson Corsair and Spases like this.
  7. ThaUnknown_

    ThaUnknown_ Wynncraft Enhanced Modpack Creator VIP+

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  8. SuspiciousPie

    SuspiciousPie Retired mod, professional pizza and sushi lover HERO

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    Decided to play Wynn again after 1.5 years of absence
    Wooooooo cool new stuff you released guys gj
    Started a new class to get back into Wynn cause I had no idea what everything is about
    after buying lots of dungeon + xp bombs I finally reached level 101
    Applied for mod because why not
    upgraded from VIP+ to Hero
    joined House of Sentinels
    Got invited to do a trial
    had lots of fun during my trial
    full mod now
    SizzlingBacon likes this.
  9. Orangeoink

    Orangeoink Sword and Shield are failing

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    My Wynncraft Story.
    I first played (on my brothers computer, mine didn't have Minecraft)when a friend introduced me to the server about 2 years ago. Which is confusing, cause I remember logging on to the some of the texture pack being there, but some things were not. I was a noob and couldn't even get past Nivla Forest because I was an age, and I only had the heal spell. I eventually did cross by just running towards the end, but eventually stopped playing because I got bored.

    Fast forward to July 2017, after I got minecraft, I had a spark of wanting to play the server. So I looked it up, and started a new class, being archer. I was opened up to the new wonders of Wynncraft. I found the wiki and the forums. I played form dawn till dusk, and it was such a playground to me to experience the joyful ness of the wonderful world I had so dearly missed. The dappled leaves making pleasent rustling noises in the wind, the music bringing back such joyful nostalgia, and the glorious city of Ragni, the military hub of Wynn. Eventually, my brother became curios of what I was playing, and so we played together. He quit after lvl 40, but I forged onward, into Gavel.

    Oh, the smell of the grass in the Llevigar plains made me yearn for adventure! The mucky, damp, decay ridden Dark and Kander Forests brought me to realize that the lore of Wynncraft has weaved itself into so many places, while connecting them all. The crystal spires jutting from Lake Gylia and the tall, luminous mountains of the Cotl.

    I introduced another friend to the wonders, and the spark lit another match. We adventured together, doing quests, bosses and having a good time. He is around 65, while I am 92. I entered an application for Sins Of Seedia, and got accepted. Now I can bond with those who appreciate the things I love.
  10. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I think having joined just this year it's appropriate for me to do one of these.

    I believe I joined around the middle of June and got my first level 100 in around a month, after which I decided to join Snt, having previously been in Arcana which was dying. By this time, I was fairly well-known within the Wynncraft Discord, being one of the most active people there. A few notable events happened whilst I was Snt, like managing to reroll 3 twenty skill point prisms somehow and getting my first stack of LE, doing LI, just little achievements really.

    After a while I started not liking Snt so much, a lot of members were leaving and people started being mean, so I ended up leaving to join a much smaller guild, XYZ which one of my friends was a Chief in. That's where I had my first guild war and really started to get into guilds, for some time I just stayed in that guild however it became inactive after a while so I decided to leave and make my own guild with GoddessLot, called Hall of Fame which I am still the owner of. The day we made the guild, we joined an alliance with Fox, Phx, Snt, Feq, LEF and Spr. At the time we held around ~5 territories and it was really after a few weeks that the guild started to grow.

    We took control of ~16 territories in Ragni and held them consistently for around a month and then we decided to expand more, taking non-alliance territories from all over Wynn and hitting 32 territories, which was our highest at the time and we made #2 on the leaderboards, yet another record for the guild. My biggest help with all of the warring was probably @Gort (enjoy the shout out bb) who is still my co-leader and chief.

    Now, there was another alliance that at time held Gavel and would attack our territories in Wynn if we attacked theirs in Gavel, so we were neutral for a good while. However, since they had the lot better territories our alliance obviously wouldn't be satisfied with this, and after the other alliance's leader threatened to attack Wynn places, the biggest war in the history of Wynn started between two alliances. We had quite a lot of advantages on the other alliance so we managed to wipe them out from Gavel in a few days. Between all of this, we managed to hold the #1 place for about a day and were really proud of getting that far just after two months.

    I can't really say more since that'd be like, right now.

    (My one word answer would be "guilds")
    Gort and Allamak like this.
  11. RoseGoldIsntGay

    RoseGoldIsntGay k e k HERO

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    so do i get free money now
  12. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    The Weird Adventure of a Llama with a scarf

    Once upon a time a llama came back of his long uncountable time back to Wynn in 2017. Looking arround, seeing weird cool new stuff happend. Tested some Mythics he bought and sold and got bored of it because of his stupidness of the indefinable weird looking Llama. After that he met some other nice humans but not other Llamas.

    The weird Llama joined ME and met more nice humans. The humans realised that the Llama is not appreciated about a song named "Beep Beep I'm a Sheep". The Llama got totally bullied the hell out of him.

    The time in Wynncraft I met a lot of meme people. Also I met a Cat and a Sheep, a shirt, a pants, a brain, a swedish person, so many dutch people, and more but I got a memory of a goldfish. thx to the persons btw <3

    My only lovely Mythic in 2017 I had as first was my rainbow America Freedom bow. I had also a lot of other totally garbage IDs Mythics and tried them all out. But the most beautiful and hottest Mythic I still keep from 2017 to today is my lovely Boreal boots.

    In the time of "Non-JPresent-God-Bug Fixes", I was guild bugged, alone, forever, sad. But when the "JPresent-God-Bug fixes" came, I joined my first-non-totally-bugged-forever-alone Guild: HoF.

    At this point, to the end of 2017, it was a nice adventure of 2017 from my site. But still getting overrolled by a Brain that still beeps at me.

    I also made some Giveaways due the fact of my not-soooooo-long break at the end of 2017, arround october.

    Also Pokextreme enchanted me and LarzLapiz called me Wurst.

    ok the end.
    I am also so extremly stupid.

    Pepo, LarzLapiz and xSuper_Jx like this.
  13. PotatoShaga

    PotatoShaga Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    scams someones pure, gives it back
    same person scams my friend
    CountBurn likes this.
  14. CylinderKnot

    CylinderKnot BOOM! TETRIS FOR JEFF!

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    My story called "CK's Misadventures" consists of four parts, which range from levels 18 to 93. All of it happened in the year 2017.

    Part 1/4: Signs can be misleading...
    I don't remember it vividly, but I do remember reaching level 18 and having a hankering for traveling around the ocean for things to do. Nemract was the place to buy a boat because I didn't want to mess with the Seaskipper. Back in Detlas, I saw that the north exit was for Nemract, and the signs said that it was a level 17 area. I thought to myself, "I'm one level above. There's no danger in going!" BIG MISTAKE. I ended up following the signs. Populations of zombies in leather armor turned into populations of skeletons in gold armor as I walked along. Arrows started to fly. Hordes of skeletons followed me. I found the graveyard and thought Nemract was nearby. Thinking that I was near my destination, I got close to the graveyard. Immediately, I had to chug through health potions and run away because the hordes of skeletons were too strong. I ran west and heard a whooshing sound. Looking back, I saw a trail of flames and a whooshing sound again. It was an Underworld Crypt key guardian! The thing was far too strong for me, so I had no choice but to run, but the thing was too fast! I found the giant colosseum of Ancient Nemract and walked through. Four more Underworld Crypt key guardians found me and started chasing after me. With just one health potion remaining, I thought I could turn back. Unfortunately, with the key guardians now at my back and the skeletons in front of me and undead residents of Ancient Nemract on each side of me, I was surrounded. In a feeble attempt to leave with by using Charge, I charged right into a key guardian that jumped right in front of me. I died and respawned at Detlas. Fortunately, the second part of CK's Misadventures did not have such a sad ending...

    Part 2/4: The map is a dirty liar!
    Ahh, the jungle outside the Iboju Village and Troms, a "calm" place filled with free XP in the form of giant green cubes. In my quest to grind for a few levels, I decided to find the Dernel Jungle. I heard that it could be accessed through two little tunnels, and I found one of them, which was full of level 70 stone swords that did lots of damage. "Level 70 enemies in a level 50 area? That strikes me as odd", I thought to myself. After entering the jungle, I saw fascinating ruins and decided to explore. However, I was met with level 60+ enemies including lightning-fast ocelots that constantly were on my tail. I realized that this level-50-area-as-indicated-on-the-map was meant for levels 60-70, so I had to run away as fast as possible. I was already lost, and the map could not help me because the trees obstructed the path. Running around while spamming Charge was not fun at all until I finally found the tunnel with stone swords again. Barely surviving, I ran all the way to Troms and took a long rest. I said to myself, "Level 50, huh? Level 50! Dernel Jungle is totally level 50! What a lie!" I did survive, but that was one unforgettable experience. Next is another unforgettable experience that was unforgettably bad...

    Part 3/4: Trying to Find Thesead, Wound Up in Ahmsord
    Perhaps the climax of CK's Misadventures is found in the Canyon of the Lost, which clearly lives up to its name. I needed to find my way to Thesead (specifically the nearby mines) to start The Canary Calls quest. Unfortunately, opening the gate behind A Marauder's Dues NPC did not cross my mind AT ALL. I spent hours wandering through the canyon and through caves, hoping to find Thesead. For some reason, I had the genius idea that Thesead was near the Bantisu Temple, so I spent time wandering around there. Then, I looked at the map and miscalculated the direction that I had to go to reach Thesead. Specifically, I went in the opposite direction, and I was climbing mountains to try to get to Thesead. After spamming Charge a lot to go up two-block-high elevations, I finally made it on top of the mountains. Carefully, I descended into the city below. After venturing forth, I saw that I was entering Kandon-Beda. OOPS... /kill was not an option because I would simply respawn in Kandon-Beda. I had one last hope: Climb onto the Sky Islands and reach Ahmsord to buy a teleportation scroll. After nearly getting lost in the Sky Islands, I found my way into Ahmsord and bought a Thesead scroll. Even at level 86, I didn't know that you had to go a scroll's respective city at least once for the scroll to work, so I just wasted several emerald blocks. The only other city I could use was Cinfras, so I spent emerald blocks on a scroll for Cinfras and went there. After going back to Thanos and doing some more wandering, I found the house chained to the mountains. Determined, I climbed the path and hopped on the left chain to find a tier 3 loot chest filled with goodies. Being the mountain climber that I am, I hopped onto the mountain and went right to the entrance of Molten Heights. Not knowing that I could literally go right some more and wind up in Thesead, I turned all the way back while being chased by a horde of harpies. Finally, I crossed a bridge and followed the path right into Thesead. At least death wasn't involved!

    Part 4/4: Death Is Fast but Unreliable Travel
    For some reason, I wanted to get into Thesead again for the 500th time or so, but I strayed off the path and decided to do some exploring. Sadly, I got lost! My natural instinct was to do /kill and hope to get teleported to Thesead as a form of fast travel. As I learned, /kill is fast, but it is not exactly reliable because I found myself in Kandon-Beda again! This time, I knew the drill: Head over to Ahmsord and purchase a scroll. I could purchase a Thesead scroll this time since I had been there already, but things didn't go according to plan. I yawned and fell off the wooden spiral staircase. The void grew closer extremely quickly. Quick thinking saved me because I decided to charge into a waterfall. After climbing the waterfall for a bit, I decided to use Charge three times while looking downward to boost me upwards. The server lagged, and only the first two charges registered. Then, I looked forward, and two seconds later, the third charge registered. In a state of sheer panic, I fell very quickly into the void. Thinking of a long death, I immediately did /kill again and anticipated respawning at either Kandon-Beda or Ahmsord. Strangely, neither outcome happened. I respawned in... ELTOM? Fortunately, I could simply charge my way into Thesead, and I did after killing a Fallen Factory key guardian in Eltom. After crazy events, both fortunate and unfortunate, CK's Misadventures ends with a happy ending.
  15. Saveingwolf

    Saveingwolf Master Of Advernture CHAMPION

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    Totally 1 word

    • >Entered heeps hero beta give away
    • >lost giveaway
    • >update relesed 3 days later

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  16. Kolking3268

    Kolking3268 Chill Guy

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  17. Saveingwolf

    Saveingwolf Master Of Advernture CHAMPION

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    PART 3 I ALMOST DID........oops caps
  18. Arkade

    Arkade Who am I? CHAMPION

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    Seriously thats all
  19. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    brother throws cosmic armor into lava
    I afk in lusuco and die
    i start lootrunning and get fourteen legendaries from one run
    corkus exists now
    hyped for dern
    loses white horse by hopper
    no mythic still

    please I swear i went through all of this pain and you still won't give me a mythic
  20. Stupid Steelpid

    Stupid Steelpid Searches for a Fermion, gets a Stardew instead CHAMPION

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    short history:
    made at least 5 classes from level 0 to 81 (3 of them to level 100)
    got 0 mythics
    mobs from freezing heights dropped me a 7/4 mr and 20% spell damage
    sold it 1 hour after
    and got a untradable white horse by breeding 1 normal chestnut and 1 chestnut from a dungeon :P

    also 1 word:

    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
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