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Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Druser, Apr 23, 2019.

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  1. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Regarding Matrojan in particular, the only phases with challenging elemental defenses for my RTE was 7th or 8th (whichever has Heal) and 10th phase. On my highest-leveled class, I typically use Water for the first 2 phases, Air for the next 3, Thunder for the next 4, and Air again for the last one.

    Does Matrojan actually have low elemental weaknesses? On my regular build I typically do about 20-30% more damage against the weaknesses (though all my weapons are Very Fast/Super Fast so that might have an effect).

    Corkus Accipientis 2nd phase and at least 2 of Idol's phases have Heal, but it's still more reasonable to get through those because they don't have 280k health.
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  2. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    At absolute highest it has -100 in one element defense. When it's weak to two, those defenses are split to -50 each.
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  3. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I think the biggest difference between matrojan and qira is weapon selection. If your weapon can't penetrate enough of her defense, then you'll be doing big goose eggs +raw damage if any, like I did ~190 on bombs with pre-nerfed Freedom AND Qira and ~1k on curse using bombs if thunder rolled high. Qira is only a bad boss fight because of the current elemental defense system, not because the other aspects of the fight (the minions and spells are good). On the other hand, Matrojan is good because it has strengths AND weaknesses which allow players to actually do meaningful damage through some element AND requires than players diversify to exploit those weaknesses from phase to phase like @Druser explained. With Qira it's all or nothing.
    What are its elemental strengths though? Are they high enough to block RTE?
  4. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Mind that Qira has 300 in every element defense, while the Idol has, last I checked, ~380 in two elements when it has dual defenses, and twice that in a singular when it swaps to a singular defense. This gives it 150 element defense in its final form when that total is split between all of them.
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Update: Just tested against Qira again.

    RTE (T6 waters) - no Water damage, 0-70 Air on storms, around 500-1600 Air on bombs.
    Bob's Mythic (T6 waters) - 70-120 Water on storms, 1700-1900 Water on bombs (never saw it go above 2k).

    Heavy Flamethrower appears to last about 4-5 seconds, so that's about 6-7 seconds lost every time that happens. There's also Web, during which I can't exactly attack without inevitably getting hit by a projectile (if I Escape spam sideways I can usually dodge the projectiles by a small amount until Web disappears, provided Qira isn't right next to me).

    At best, let's say I can get off 2 bombs and 3 storms per cycle (9+5 natural, costs 3 and 2 respectively, so that's 12 out of 14 mana used per cycle), and hit the full middle stream of every storm (in practice I get closer to 70-80% of the middle stream), using Bob's Mythic. Each bomb is around 215 raw spell and 1800 Water, so 2k bombs. Each storm is 20 arrows per stream, so 15 raw spell plus about 95 Water is 110 * 20 = 2.2k for a full stream. This gives me a peak dps of ~3k, assuming I can stand in close range without getting bothered by minions, shot by a projectile, or interrupted by Heavy Flamethrower/Web. I did get shot once while testing, which brought me down to whatever the equivalent of one heart is (didn't have a chance to look because I died to a minion right afterward).

    Actually getting Curse is practically impossible with RTE and very difficult with Bob's Mythic (eats up about 20 seconds).

    Edit: Tried one more time by charging up Curse beforehand. I got her to 220k before she Healed and killed me with Flamethrower.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
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  6. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Then this makes perfect sense. Aren't those forms the water idols? It would make sense then that those forms were blocking most if not all of the damage from water weapons/powders. The difference is Idol has some weaknesses which means at least one of a player's spells is likely to do some damage on those forms. The last form is obviously tankier because it has universal defenses, but Qira has universal defenses over all phases which makes it the longest fight. That combined with the spells and minions, as @Druser described, makes it also the hardest of the two (idol and qira).
    feelsbadman buff capricorn
  7. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Without double checking using the formulas for damage calculation, given these results for RTE and our expected 995-3049 water and 504-4623 air, the real damage is roughly:
    expected elemental damage - 10*enemy defense
    all before criticals.
    That means only damage rolls over 3000 for water would inflict anything and air damage rolls over 3000 would inflict up to ~1600.
    In conclusion, the average damage against Qira is not
    it's actually closer to ~1.7k dps which is not nearly enough to beat the heals.
    Swapping in our numbers for your maths:
    275000/1.7=162 rounded up which means ~2:42 (mins:sec) to get through phase 1 if damage is constant (no misses) and you don't die (which is likely at best). Now if she heals 10% of her casts every 5 seconds, then 50 seconds in we'd expect her to have cast heal once. This means after 50 seconds
    then @Druser is in trouble. Since our damage is being measured in seconds anyways, then 1700*50 = 85000 after 50 seconds. 275000-85000 = 190000 therefore @Druser can barely get over the heal wall if all his attacks average 1.7k and he never misses. If he even misses 5k damage then it's over.
    edit: I fixed a small mistake with qira's heal being 50 seconds.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2019
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  8. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Since @Druser gets over the heal wall, then how long does Qira take with the build when played perfectly? That's just a lot of repetitive math, so it's easy. After 50 sec, Qira is back to 270000. 100 sec later she is at 185000 before healing. Since healing is CurrHP+(Max*40%) then 185000+110000=... 295000... is the threshold actually max-(max*40%) or is it smaller? @Selvut283
  9. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Threshold is the point where current health times 1.4 equals max health, hence at 200k she can heal to 280k (max).
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  10. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Ah, the equals max was throwing my stuff off. Continuing the math:

    Since @Druser gets over the heal wall, then how long does Qira take with the build when played perfectly? That's just a lot of repetitive math, so it's easy. After 50 sec, Qira is back to 270000. 100 sec later she is at 185000 before healing then we add healing and repeat. We keep going till we get 0, where phase 1 ends. If every 50 seconds she heals once, then it will take 7 heal casts or 350 seconds or almost 6 minutes to get through phase 1.
    Heal 0: 275000
    Heal 1: 266000
    Heal 2: 253400
    Heal 3: 235760
    Heal 4: 211064
    Heal 5: 176489.6
    Heal 6: 128085.44
    Heal 7: 60319.61600000001
    can't heal from <0
    7*50 = 350 sec or 5:50 mins:sec.
    So yea, 5 mins for phase 1 if you're perfect. Infinity if you miss 5k damage consistently. This sounds like it'd even be a challenge for @YYGAYMER
    YYGAYMER likes this.
  11. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Is that exactly what your stats were? Your damage results are too high against qira (300 in all ele). Motoki's calculator says your average bomb damage should be ~900 (921 exact) given the stats in that build link. You either got a lot of DEX rolls (1% chance for every attack) or you literally max rolled all of your attacks (1.6k max on normal bomb arrows). Using the numbers in the calculator, you cannot get over the heal wall by a clear margin.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Those are my exact stats. I might have messed up on the high end for RTE bombs but I don't think I did.
  13. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Oh, you gave 500-1600 as the range of values. Yea that's exactly what we'd expect. That means you can't get over the threshold to begin with and all the other stuff was redundant. @Selvut283 There's your correction.
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