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Wynncraft's Exploit Rules

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Kizamy, Jun 17, 2020.

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  1. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    Finally, someone who doesn't blindly accept whatever the moderators say.
    I feel like you've been completely ignoring any argument I've made. I'm NOT saying that this rule should be removed. People are clearly abusing the glitch commonly (or at least were) so it should be equal to other game-breaking glitches (like you said in your argument). You're asking who decides how severe a glitch is, but clearly say that the CTs have different priorities for different glitches. If this is true, then priorities are likely based on the severity of the glitch, which means that the CTs would decide how severe a glitch is (as they have likely been doing). It may be easier to use the current system, but it is not at all fair to the players. In a legal system, is it right for someone who committed assault to an equal to receive the same sentence as someone who committed capital murder? Of course, it would be easier to simply give every criminal the same sentence, but it is not at all fair. I understand that this is a Minecraft server with limited staff, but justice should be prioritized over handing out sentences blindly.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
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  2. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Very good counter point, well put. I would say that the severity of the issue/exploit makes the case different but it really doesn't and Wynn rules are vague enough as-is. I think what does make it different however is that horse glitching was a result of Minecraft's mechanics and engine and couldn't really be changed by the developers until mobs got collision boxes. idk man i just think it's so minor and unconsequential compared to horse glitching, being able to cheese the entire game means people can get loads of LE quickly from quests which does indeed give an advantage over other players but the effects of the skip are so minor like who cares let them do what they want haha. Overall you're 100% right but I'm stubborn enough to still think it's ok.

    And before anyone starts accusing me of personal bias I have literally never been through CUR on any of my chars pls dont hurt me :(
    Dwicey, SmileyAlec and Triactic like this.
  3. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    The fact that people agree with mods doesn't mean they blindly accept what they say. They can have their opinion too

    I didn't say that.

    No. Spread doesn't mean severe.
    (I am not saying it isn't a priority)


    Legal system where you can commit a crime only twice, if your appeal gets accepted and where you have only one punishment (ban) (if there is more, tell me)

    I understand your point of view, but I think we won't agree.
    Mettymagic and Melkor like this.
  4. Matan_boi_224

    Matan_boi_224 Travelled Adventurer

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    This glitch has been known for many year, and I have even seen moderator do it. I think the player should be ban, but not for a very long time. If you ban every player who use this glitch I think 85-90 percent of players who played the last year would be ban, and your server will die. I am not saying it is ok to use, but it is used very much and a warning would be better then ban. Mod and CT should be more focused on glitches like powder dupe and mythic dupe and mob glitch (so OP!!!!!!!!) thank you for reading
    Rypreorow and J_Lo777 like this.
  5. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    I think that we disagree so strongly because I do not understand the point of your argument. It is difficult to understand your points since your posts are somewhat difficult to follow, and therefore I cannot come up with a reasonable counterargument. Also I say that WynnMilkman doesn't accept the mods blindly because what Moe said was so inane and unreasonable that it genuinely made me question the credibility of the moderation team more than I already have. In terms of you saying there's only one punishment in Wynn, temporary bans are always an option but unfortunately is often underused for bans longer than a week.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    Rypreorow, H0Y, J_Lo777 and 2 others like this.
  6. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think it is fair that a player will get unbanned only after the glitch is fixed, but I will agree that two months are punishing enough (for this glitch). (I am sorry to everyone who thought I will not agree with him on anything)
    This might be caused by lacks of punishments. (as said below).

    Can you please elaborate?

    Well, that is a ban too, but still there aren't many options to punish the player. That might be the problem. You can only be banned (mute is irrelevant here)
  7. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    A temporary ban is still, in fact, a ban. That aside, agreeing with the mods that enforcing the rules is good is hardly following them blindly. If you exploit a glitch, you should know that you'll be punished, and that the punishment is a ban. If you consciously make a choice to abuse an exploit, you should accept the punishment. "Less severe" exploits are still exploits. And it's entirely untrue to compare the same offense - exploiting a glitch - to two very different offenses. You can't knowingly commit a crime, get caught, get punished and then whine that it's unfair that you were punished because you thought the punishment would be less severe. "I'm sorry Your Honor, I wouldn't have robbed the bank if I knew I'd get a prison sentence" is not a good defense.
  8. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    I feel like a more fitting analogy would be "I'm sorry Your Honor, I wouldn't have jaywalked if I knew I'd get a prison sentence" I honestly can't believe the lengths people are stretching a 30 second time skip lol. It's not even a glitch - glitches refer to a malfunction in the game system or programming in itself and that isn't really how the skip works as far as I know, it's more of an oversight than anything. It'd be like banning anyone that used 2/4 mana regen concentrations back when they were a thing - it wasn't intended for mana regen IDs to round up like that so they eventually fixed it but it's not like they banned anyone for rerolling Royal Stormy Amulets or whatever during that time.

    Also I just wanted to point out that "Permanent" bans on MC servers are very rarely permanent - if you want to get unbanned you can usually make an appeal and you'll usually be fine. In this case however a mod specifically replied stating that you can't be unbanned until the glitch is patched which I think is extremely shitty for something as tiny and insignificant as this.

    like bro you're literally comparing breaking the entire game's economy which inherently affects each and every (non ironman btw) player. We aren't talking about crimes against humanity here, we're talking about eating an orange in a bathtub in California or whatever that really weird law is. Let the man eat his orange in his bathtub, he isn't hurting anyone. And if he did somehow hurt someone I don't see why he couldn't be unbanned - if he does it again just reapply the ban hammer it's not like there's any irrepairable damage that can occur like with economic fuckery.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
  9. Dwicey

    Dwicey mmmyes CHAMPION

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    I just feel like if rules are loose on things like this, then things which are somewhat more severe like horse glitching could become seen as more normal and acceptable. I definitely don't think the length of his ban is fair though, just because of how long it is, but I also don't feel too bad about it because he did break the rules and you should expect to be punished
    TrapinchO likes this.
  10. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    The rules are already loose though - things aren't explicitly defined and punishments generally go by the golden rule of "don't be a dick". Case-by-case punishments are fine but I feel there should be a chance to appeal because, again, it should be taken case-by-case. If they wanted things to be more concrete perhaps they could define what exactly "unintended behaviour" is or what defines an "advantage to the player".
    Rypreorow likes this.
  11. Melkor

    Melkor The dark enemy of the world HERO

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    I agree that the punishment could be too severe in this case (it's not, as they claim, a one year ban or something, it's until a map update is pushed), if you jaywalk when there's a crosswalk 10 feet away and you are told full well that there's a prison sentence for jaywalking, then yes maybe the sentence is too harsh, but you still decided to jaywalk with that knowledge.

    It's common knowledge that you get banned if you use an exploit and that the ban is until the exploit is fixed. You can't cry foul after the fact because you chose to do something and got the given punishment for it. I see your point here, and I do think that the rules need to be looked over in this particular area, but as they are right now, this was a choice the player made and consequences the player chose.
    btdmaster and Mettymagic like this.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    (for people discussing here)
    Would you take alternative puniahments (e.g. blocking class or trade access, emerald removing, etc.) instead of ban? It is not as hard as ban, but still very punishing.
    Rypreorow and Mettymagic like this.
  13. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    ive been here for quite a while and ive literally never heard of it happening aside from the huge exploits like dupe glitches
    J_Lo777 likes this.
  14. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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    I'm not saying that people agreeing with mods blindly follow them. There are many people in this community who will accept what moderators will say just because they're a moderator. It's not that common to see someone blatantly tell a moderator that they're incorrect/unreasonable. A temporary ban is a ban, but a less severe one, and I believe they are underutilized when it comes to dealing with exploits. You haven't read my previous posts as I have blatantly said that I agree that the OP should be banned for what he did, but I doubt there will be a map push for a very long time and I don't think that anyone should have to wait months on end because they committed something equivalent to drinking in public irl. I have said countless times that I don't disagree that he should be banned, but the rule that states that he cannot be unbanned until the glitch is fixed is somewhat flawed, and I believe it should only truly be utilized for exploits that can actively harm the economy (The most harmful exploits imo).
    I really do strongly believe that the rules should be revised. What's stated on the official rules about glitches/exploits is incredibly vague. Saying that glitches/exploits are things that are unintended by the game designers isn't a specific enough definition, and can be easily confused. For example, Nighthawk shooting the full arrow storm on top of 5 arrows wasn't intended game design, but was anyone banned for doing it? I'm sure that the developers never intended for weathered to completely negate mana cost on the first spell cast after vanishing, but was anyone banned for doing that? It's not even a case of too many players using nighthawk, because almost as many players have used the CUC "Glitch" at some point.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2020
    Rypreorow and Matan_boi_224 like this.
  15. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Btw our discussion is over?
  16. Triactic

    Triactic Below average IQ VIP+

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  17. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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  18. Salkasm

    Salkasm [[Hyperlink Blocked]] Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    Alright I dont see anything constructive coming out of this anymore.

    The QAs have made their statement regarding exploits having to be fixed, and yes this counts for any exploit obviously. Kizami, you are not the first one to be banned for exploits of this grandeur, there have been multiple people banned for doing the exact same thing, as well as similar exploits in the past.

    I mean, yes I agree abusing the same exploit again after being unbanned would be a fairly bad choice... and I see people attempting the same exploit after it being fixed (probably for their own confirmation of it being fixed, not to their own gain). Ive seen people trying another exploitation of a vulnerability that would give them the same result, usually not succeeding from it, but attempts very clearly visible to me.

    Look, im not saying youre the kind of person to do that, but we cannot simply take your word for it. That would not be fair towards the people patiently waiting for it (past and present) to be resolved as well as we wouldnt want to babysit people obviously, to make sure they dont abuse something they have knowledge of.

    Additionally, theres this incentive of a few people that we warn them for anything theyre doing wrong (rule breaks). Quite frankly, if youre aware of breaking the rules, theres no reason to warn. And this one falls exactly into this category. Obviously disputes/arguments and these kind of things are dealt with warns first (usually, but not always) since theres more to it usually. But abuse of exploits, its pretty clear man. The community has pointed that out to you, enough times now, so this aint just something we materialise out of thin air.

    Anyways, I will close the thread now. I will take your comments into consideration (as well as a few regarding this matter) and I will talk to QA management about it.
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