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Wynncraft Survivor: Canyon Of The Lost - Season Over

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by JoshLegacy, Apr 9, 2018.

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  1. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Episode 3
    Welcome back folks to Wynncraft Survivor. Last time, the castaways competed in a nice game of river polo, resulting in another victory for the Thanos Tribe. Meric and Muchwrath become the first people on Exile Island, where Muchwrath is given the option, and chooses to, defect to the other tribe. I don’t know what he was playing at, but Bantisu clearly wasn’t happy to have a foreigner in their mist (and I guess they thought he and/or Meric was hiding something from the island). Shame to see him go so soon. So what comes next? Let’s find out on Wynncraft Survivor: Canyon of the Lost. *cue intro*

    Blind leading the Blind: "Six castaways from each tribe would be blindfolded and tethered together in pairs. The remaining castaways sits out. Each set of tribemates have to locate a bucket in the maze, navigate the rest of the maze to a tower, fill the bucket with water from the tower, return to the beginning of the maze, and empty the bucket into a container which would raise a flag. Once the water container was filled enough to raise a flag, the process would have to be repeated again, this time filling the buckets with corn from a different tower. The first tribe to raise both flags wins."

    Bantisu Tribe wins! They win a kerosene lamp, rope, blankets, pillows, and a tarp. They also get to exile someone from the losing tribe. They choose FinnDestroyer. FinnDestroyer gets to choose someone to go with him. He chooses Wommby.
    (Still Maro Peaks in the ocean.)
    FinnDestroyer and Wommby are on Exile Island.
    There are 2 bottles on the island. One contains an idol clue and the option of mutinying to the other tribe. The other contains nothing.

    Wommby finds the bottle with the options.
    He takes the idol clue, but doesn’t mutiny.
    A Crate Idea:"In pairs, the castaways race across a field to retrieve six large crates painted in their tribe's colors. Once all six crates are retrieved, the tribes would have to stack the crates into a staircase with the name of their tribe properly aligned along the sides. The first tribe to complete the staircase and get all of their members up the staircase to the top of a platform wins."

    Thanos Tribe wins Immunity from the Tribal Council!

    • Altakar, Moss and Jemainauri form an alliance.
    • No one has found the tribe idol.
    • Wommby returns from Exile Island. He shares his clue with Azura.
    • The tribe idol is re-hidden (Muchwrath had it).
    • Someone has found the tribe idol!

    "Welcome Bantisu Tribe to Tribal Council. Here you all submit anonymous vote for a fellow tribe member. The person with the most votes, will have to go." Everyone votes. “If anyone has an immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.”
    Wommby gets up and walks to the podium. “I would like to play this idol on myself.”
    “This is an immunity idol, all votes against Wommby don’t count. Once the votes are read the decision is final.”
    The first vote goes to..NPCGrain.
    The second vote goes to...NPCGrain.
    The third vote goes to...Azura.
    The fourth vote goes to...Azura.
    The fifth vote goes to...Azura.
    The sixth vote goes to...NPCGrain.
    The seventh vote goes to...Azura.

    "Azura, the tribe has spoken."
    Azura's torch is snuffed out. He leaves the game.
  2. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    dear god

    thanos got immunity 3 in a row .-.
  3. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Be happy, your on the winning team.
  4. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    bet you it's not going to turn out so well next episode
  5. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Muchwrath had the idol, then it is immediately wasted by Wommby.

    But, hey, I'm in an alliance, so that's pretty lit.
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  6. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    Guess I’m next.
    It’s weird how they just move up a certain ramp along who to exile
  7. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Episode 4
    Welcome back folks to another episode of Wynncraft Survivor. Last time, Bantisu manages to win their first challenge of the season; an reward challenge where they not only get some useful camp supplies but also get to send Finn Destroyer to exile island (along with Wommby). There Wommby finds a bottle with an idol clue in it but decides to stay loyal to his tribe. Bantisu loses the immunity challenge to Thanos yet again making the game 3-0. Wommby instinctively uses it...only to find out nobody voted for him (similar to how Muchwrath found the idol, didn’t use it, and was voted on by half the tribe). With the Bantisu idol re-hidden, who knows who hands it’ll end up in. It’s time for another episode of Wynncraft Survivor: Canyon of the Lost.” *cue intro*

    Shoulder the Load: "Three members from each tribe will have a pole across their shoulders. Each round, weight (20 lbs.) will be added to each pole. The decision about which tribe member gets the weight will be made by the other tribe. When the weight becomes too much to bear, the tribe member will drop the pole and be out of the challenge. Last person left standing wins the reward for their tribe.”

    Bantisu Tribe wins! They get to raid two items from the losing tribe. They also get to exile someone from the losing tribe. They choose Jemainauri. Jemainauri gets to choose someone to go with him. He chooses NPCGrain.
    (Still Maro Peaks in the ocean.)
    Jemainauri and NPCGrain are on Exile Island.

    There are 2 bottles on the island. One contains an idol clue and the option of mutinying to the other tribe. The other contains nothing.

    NPCGrain finds the bottle with the options.
    He take the idol clue and chooses to mutiny.
    Try-Any-Angle: "One tribe member at a time races along a winding path to retrieve a puzzle piece. Each puzzle piece is a large wooden triangular prism with letters written on each of the three faces. Once eight puzzle pieces are retrieved, they need to be placed in their correct spot in a frame. The pieces would then need to be rotated to display a scrambled phrase. The first tribe to solve their puzzle wins."

    Thanos Tribe wins Immunity from the Tribal Council!

    • Jemainauri and NPCGrian return from Exile island. NPCGrian keeps the clue to himself.
    • MarioYoshiBoo and FinnDestroyer bond a lot.
    • Someone found the tribe idol!
    • HowToZombie’s, (Meric)’s, Nuggets, and NPCGrain’s alliance dissolves.
    • The idol is re-hidden.
    • No one has found the tribe idol.

    "Welcome Bantisu Tribe to Tribal Council. Here you all submit anonymous vote for a fellow tribe member. The person with the most votes, will have to go." Everyone votes. “If anyone has an immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.”

    “Very well then, once the votes are read the decision is final.”
    The first vote goes to...Meric.
    The second vote goes to...HowToZombie.
    The third vote goes to...Meric.
    The fourth vote goes to...Meric.
    The fifth vote and player leaving is...Meric.

    "Meric, the tribe has spoken."
    Meric's torch is snuffed out. He leaves the game.
  8. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager QA GM CMD CHAMPION

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    coolname2034 likes this.
  9. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Episode 5
    “Welcome back folks to Wynncraft Survivor. Last time, Bantisu once again wins the reward challenge but loses the immunity challenge. One could say that this losing streak is resulting from a lack of teamwork. That person would most likely be correct as the prominent alliance within the Bantisu Tribe comes to an end after 4 episodes; and Meric, on of its members, is booted of the show. Will the Bantisu Tribe get it together or were they just doomed from the beggining? Let’s find out on Wynncraft Survivor: Canyon of the Lost.” *cue intro*

    Dizziness As Usual: "A tribe member sits on a spinning platform at one end of the playing field. Another tribe member starts at the other end and races across to the platform, grabs a rope and pulls it back to the starting line. The rope is be wound around the base of the platform, causing the platform to spin as the rope is unwound. When the 'puller' returns to the finish line, the sitting tribe member, now dizzy, would have to race across a balance beam to the finish line. The tribes race against each other in rounds with the first dizzy tribe member across the finish line scoring one point for their tribe. The first tribe to score three points wins."

    Bantisu Tribe wins! They win a trip to a cafe. They also get to exile someone from the losing tribe. They choose NPCGrian. NPCGrian gets to choose someone to go with him. He chooses Nuggets.
    NPCGrain and Nuggets are on Exile Island.

    There are 2 bottles on the island. One contains an idol clue and the option of mutinying to the other tribe. The other contains nothing.

    Nuggets finds the bottle with the options.
    He takes the idol clue, and chooses to mutiny.
    Water Mortar: "Two tribemates from each tribe would alternate launching balls from a slingshot while the remaining tribemates have to catch the balls with handheld nets. Catching a ball would score one point for their tribe. The first tribe to reach five points wins."

    Thanos Tribe wins Immunity from the Tribal Council!

    • Nuggets and NPCGrain return from Exile Island. Nuggets shares his clue with Jalapeno9.
    • Someone has the tribe idol.
    • Wommby and BlueSlimerino talk about how their tribe is literally dying and bond a lot.
    • Someone found the tribe idol!

    "Welcome Bantisu Tribe to Tribal Council. Here you all submit anonymous vote for a fellow tribe member. The person with the most votes, will have to go." Everyone votes. “If anyone has an immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.”

    “Very well then, once read, the votes are final.”
    The first vote goes to...HowToZombie.
    The second vote goes to...Wommby.
    The third vote and player leaving is..HowToZombie.

    "HowToZombie, the tribe has spoken."
    HowToZombie's torch is snuffed out. He leaves the game.
  10. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager QA GM CMD CHAMPION

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    oh boy i got a ntofication - i mudt have been voted off
    wow our tribe was bad
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  11. Altakar

    Altakar former 1000+ day counter moth Item Team

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    Holy crap, everyone bailing out of Bantisu Tribe.
    euouae, FinnDestren and JoshLegacy like this.
  12. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    Let’s hope we get lucky.
  13. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    As I already know what's gonna happen, I can at least tell you this. It gets better.
  14. Wommby

    Wommby 2 galleons 1 lootrun CHAMPION

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    Wait, so you simulate everything beforehand?
  15. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Okay, at least on the winning side. Should survive a bit longer.
    The sharing of the clue will probably help get a bond or something.
    Also, a 5 lose streak?
  16. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP

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    Theres literally like 2.5 times as many Thanos tribe people than Bantisu .-.
  17. JoshLegacy

    JoshLegacy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Episode 6
    “Welcome back folks to Wynncraft Survivor. Last time, Thanos Tribe continues their domination over Bantisu bringing the score to 6-0. As if realizing the state of his tribe, Nuggets chooses the mutiny option during his stay on exile island, joining his old buddy NPCGrian on the winners team. Bantisu loses HowToZombie to Tribal Council, leaving the tribe with only 2 castaways on it. How will these 2 castaways fair against a team of 9? Let’s find out on Wynncraft Survivor: Canyon of the Lost.” *cue intro*

    When Pigs Fly: "The tribes have five minutes to build a barricade of poles tied together with ropes inside two frames of the opposing tribe. The tribes then have to toss small ceramic pigs from tribemate to tribemate through the two frames, trying not to break them against the barricade or dropping them. The tribe that tosses the most number of intact pigs through the frames after ten minutes wins."

    Thanos Tribe wins! They win a trip to a waterfall and a barbecue with hamburgers. They also get to exile someone from the losing tribe. They choose BlueSlimerino. NPCGrian gets to choose someone to go with him. He chooses MarioYoshiBoo.
    (This time it’s Dead Island.)
    BlueSlimerino and MarioYoshiBoo are on Exile Island.

    There are 2 bottles on the island. One contains an idol clue and the option of mutinying to the other tribe. The other contains nothing.

    MarioYoshiBoo finds the bottle with the options.
    He takes the idol clue, but doesn’t mutiny.
    Sandstone Shootout: "Each tribe uses a slingshot to shoot out a tile in three towers full of sand. After a tile is broken, the sand will be released from the tower which causes a bag of puzzle pieces to be released and the tile at the next tower to be uncovered. The same tribe member could do all of the shooting with the slingshot or different shooters may be substituted. Once all three bags of puzzle pieces are collected, two tribe members then have to assemble the puzzle to win the challenge."

    Bantisu Tribe wins Immunity from the Tribal Council!

    • MarioYoshiBoo returns from Exile Island. They share the clue with FinnDestroyer.
    • FinnDestroyer, Jalapeno9, NPCGrian and Nuggets form an alliance.
    • Someone has the tribe idol.
    • Wommby and BlueSlimerino take some time apart.
    • Someone has the tribe idol.

    "Welcome Thanos Tribe to Tribal Council. Here you all submit anonymous vote for a fellow tribe member. The person with the most votes, will have to go." Everyone votes. “If anyone has an immunity idol and would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.”

    “Very well then, once read, the votes are final.”
    The first vote goes to...Moss.
    The second vote goes to...Nuggets.
    The third vote goes to...Nuggets.
    The fourth vote goes to...Moss.
    The fifth vote goes to...Nuggets.
    The sixth vote goes to...Nuggets.
    The seventh vote goes to...Moss.
    The eighth vote goes to...Moss.
    The ninth vote and player leaving is...Moss.

    "Moss, the tribe has spoken."
    Moss's torch is snuffed out. He leaves the game.
  18. FinnDestren

    FinnDestren Lonely lore enthusiast

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    What in the world happened to Bantisu?? There's only two!?
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  19. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    wow guys what did I even do >:(
    JoshLegacy likes this.
  20. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Whew that was close
    At least i am in an alliance
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