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Resource Pack Wynncraft Retextured - Unique Armor Textures And More!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Tmtravlr, May 17, 2020.

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  1. Tmtravlr

    Tmtravlr Travelled Adventurer

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    Hmm... how about this? I kept the space-y feel since the item names suggest it (visor, vest, etc.) but I changed the color to purple since I noticed the color of the leather armor is light purple ingame, and I added the meteor shards to the center of the armor (It's a bit hard to see the blue meteor shard with my skin, since I have a blue shirt, but it's in the middle).
    Sadly, I don't think there's a way to do different armor textures with the same items with just a vanilla resource pack (I had looked into doing that quite a bit before when I was making an adventure map). You can make the item textures different with different damage values, but that won't change how the armor looks. You could make different helmets using item models (using a non-armor item with durability like a hoe or something), but you can't normally put those on your head, so you couldn't equip it.

    I wonder how they did it before, since I heard some of the armor used to have unique textures.

    I actually can't run wynncraft without optifine anyway... For some reason the animated textures in the pack make it suuuper laggy, like unplayably so, but I can disable the animations with optifine which removes the lag. I've had that issue with some minecraft modpacks too, especially with the chisel mod. Not sure why. Probably my graphics card.
    NotFunny, Cloud__ and btdmaster like this.
  2. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Significant improvement to be sure, definitely captures the feel of the labs you find in ???
    Not armor textures, when a player wore a piece/set of armor it'd edit their skin and make it look like the armor is attached to the player's skin, while the actual *armor* wouldn't render at all. They removed it because it caused issues for Mojang with players constantly changing skins.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    The server actually used to have custom textures, however not by this method. It actually CHANGED your skin however mojang did not approve and told them to stop.
    I would really like to see this added to certain sets however not everybody uses Optifine (myself included).
    Why do I not use Optifine? Well for some reason my computer is unable to handle a mod that barely changes anything and reduces lag.
    Anyway, I guess they could add this as a little thing for Optifine users. Itembound is fun to play around with and the same could apply in this scenario.
    I'd like to see all of the old sets that had skins (like the Santa set) get skins with this and also the same for new sets. It would also be cool to see the santa set seeing as it was only finished recently. How cool would it be if every set had their own unique skins? Ones i'd like to see are the Adventurer set (Maybe some kind of caped hero?), Champion set (Maybe tower of ascension patterns with some kind of cape and gold pieces?), Clock set (The final product is basically a grandfather clock costume), Morph set (Each piece is the normal armor piece but encrusted with the namesake mineral), Santa set (Although not an official set, it could look like a santa costume) and finally literally every item (By this I mean they could have special skins for all non- skinned items that add capes, gloves and etc. You could add these at a town's clothing store ((i guess)) and are purely decorative. They would cost a few items ((Maybe mob drops, scrap and emeralds?)) and just make you look cooler. This would take the CT a lot of effort because they would have to apply the skin to every single armor. Plus it would be annoying to apply the same things and combinations to every item. This isn't a skin suggestion or update suggestion, more like a suggestion to the CT revolving around this idea..)

    Those are my suggestions. If you want to make them, then good luck. And if you've already made them, I'd like to see your take. ( i know you've already made the champion set, clock set, morph set and adventurer set however i have suggestions for how you could make them better.

    Although I said that I don't use Optifine, I do have the 1.14 version in my launcher. I tried this out and it's really nice. Keep it up!

    Edit: Removed ones visible in the picture, left ones that I either didn't see or still think my idea could fit better.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2020
  4. Tmtravlr

    Tmtravlr Travelled Adventurer

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    Whoa, that's cool! I would have liked to see that. At least it's still possible to add custom armor textures with optifine. Even if some people can't run it...
    Is that an actual armor set? I don't see it listed in the wynndata when I search for sets.
    Oh so it's a set without actually being a set... huh
    I just made a quick texture for it. What do you think?
    This is what I have for the adventurer set. I figured it was comfortable adventuring gear (especially since it is such low leveled).
    Here's the champion set I made
    This is the whole clock set (I retextured the accessories too)
    For the morph set... I went through quite a few ideas, all of which turned out looking bad, until this one. The color "morphs" from gold through stardust, with a white decoration tying the whole thing together, and I did the accessories for that one too.

    Oh in a totally unrelated note, I tried putting the uth symbol in the corrupted uth belt, but there was no way to do that without making it huge. XD So now it has a massive belt buckle. Hopefully it doesn't look too silly.
  5. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    If the belt buckle's that big why not make it into a fleshed out frontal chestplate?
  6. Tmtravlr

    Tmtravlr Travelled Adventurer

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    It's technically a pair of pants... XD There's no chestplate in the corrupted uth set.
    Are you sure Veekhat is a mooshroom? I looked up a video of someone doing the quest to see what Veekhat looks like, and I didn't see anything about him being a mooshroom. He was apparently a minotaur.
  7. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Maybe they're overalls :O
    He was a mooshroom minotaur
  8. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Looks nice, the names of the items are: Santa Hat , Santa Boots , Santa's Pants , Santa's Coat if you want to apply them. This is the rarest full set in the game so I doubt I'll ever see anybody wearing the full thing. I have 2 pieces of the set so if I wanted to try it on it would be kind of hopeless
    I saw that in the image but left it there because i kinda liked the idea of it having a cape. I guess the logic that it's low leveled makes sense.
    I left that in because I felt like the champion set would be a darker blue and have ToA patterns on it because of the lore that the patterns on the tower tell some kind of story. Also I really liked the idea of a cape. It just feels like it would work for something called ''champion''
    Yeah I saw the necklace in game because i have it. The accessories look nice but I feel like it would be smart to make it look like a grandfather clock seeing as the proportions of players fit it perfectly
    I think he's based on the Minoshroom from the Twilight Forest mod.
    Looks better than what I had in mind
  9. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I would also like to suggest that you skin the original endgame armor (Blue mask, Adamantite, Crystal and Stalagmites) as they previously had skins as seen on the wiki. Plus I use adamantite so it would be cool :P
  10. Tmtravlr

    Tmtravlr Travelled Adventurer

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    You sure? I grabbed some screenshots from a few videos showing how to do the quest. This one was from a video from October last year, so not super old. Unless they changed him since then. There are some mooshroom guys running around the room, but Veekhat isn't one of them.

    Oof maybe... It already took me so long to get the armor to look clock-like without looking terrible. XD I might play around with that idea.
    JaydonTheWarrior likes this.
  11. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Ah... Just my mind messing me up I guess, but still, the current texture for the set is a bit too much cow.
  12. TrapinchO

    TrapinchO retired observer of the wiki VIP+ Featured Wynncraftian

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    Can you move the central white piece up a bit and put into its place blue one? Like the three meteors with white in the middle
  13. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I have another suggestion. There is a collection of items that are not a set called the Zodiac set. Here's the link to them on the wiki. Maybe base the items on the birthstones they are linked to?

    Also I'm not sure if you have done the Matryoshka Shell but it's an item with 20 powder slots. It's very noted among the community so it would make sense if it had a special skin.

    And maybe for a side project or something to do after you have most armors done, you could look at some quest items that don't look like what they're supposed to and change them. Not sure if that can be done with blocks, but i'm sort of thinking of the crystal shards. They do represent their basis well but it would look cool if they were like a small crystal or something.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2020
    Jraqn and TrapinchO like this.
  14. aws404

    aws404 Wynn CMD VIP+

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    Hey there!
    I’m really excited to see someone working on a project like this again! I collated WynnArmour back in the day (when I had free time lol) and thought I would drop the github link here if you want any inspiration. Mine was more of an attempt at a college continuation of armour skins but there are some cool unique textures in there too. Good luck! https://github.com/aws404/WynnArmour
  15. Jraqn

    Jraqn shaman best girl HERO

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    I tried it out, looks great!

    two things:

    - the LI scrolls are missing a texture
    - the retexture of the scrolls seem a bit off imo, for some reason they dont match other wynncraft textures, might be because of the flatter colors but idk.

    other than that its really good!
  16. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    bumping to keep the thread from dying
  17. Demmon_Wolf

    Demmon_Wolf Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'M doing it tow
  18. Tmtravlr

    Tmtravlr Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey guys! I took a little break, but I'm back! Here are some things I worked on:

    Veekhat's set:
    Looks a lot less cow now, but I left the udders in because they're in the item name. XD

    I also made some icons for the skills in the skill screen:

    I added some icons for the server and hub select screen too. They have the number of players that change colors to red and yellow from lag or a full server like the normal clay blocks do. The hub icon selected has a green outline around it too to make it more obvious.

    And I also swapped the blue and white meteor shards in the meteor armor, thanks for the suggestion TrapinchO!
  19. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    I love the changes made, but is there a way to download these changes?
    The latest version on the site provided is still the first release.
  20. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I think the version is still WIP
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