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World Wynncraft Postal Service - Send Mail And Items To Others Ingame! [55 Supporters!] [offline Trading?]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by PikaLegend, Dec 29, 2018.


Wynncraft Postal Service?

  1. Yes

    60 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Salutations Everybody,

    I believe many players have faced a similar problem as I do, attempting to trade with someone else who happens to have a completely different timezone from you, or having trouble to contact friends and others in game when they happen to go offline quickly. Even gift-giving or giveaways can sometimes be tough! Today I shall re-propose a fix: an ingame Wynncraftian Mailing Service!​

    How it works:
    In every Major Town of Wynncraft (Detlas, Cinfras, Corkus City and more), there will be a Courier NPC that the player can interact with. This NPC is the main person to talk to for sending and receiving letters! (No, a quest won't be needed to unlock such a service, that would be a bit tedious.)

    Despite it sounding simple, to make sure it is as effective and easy to use, it is quite challenging! Here's three main parts of the suggestion to break things apart a little.
    - The Inbox / Outbox
    - Reading Letters
    - Sending Letters

    The Inbox:
    Clicking on the NPC will bring up the Inbox, as shown:
    This is the Inbox. Letters that was received by the player would be stored here and can be previewed, alongside some other helpful buttons for navigation!


    are stored in this inbox. Unread Letters are displayed as blue (Enchanted Books). Trade Requests are displayed as Emeralds.

    Similar to the Bank, there are multiple pages to store these letters, and can be accessed using the arrows.

    The Outbox (minecart in a chest) is where all letters that are sent by the player can be read.
    The Mail Settings allows the player to toggle the type of mail they can receive.
    Three types of settings that can be used.
    All Mail Allowed (Green Tick): Allows all mail to be received.
    Only Friends Allowed (Yellow Tick): Only receive mail from your friends list.
    No Mail (Red Cross): Turns off Mail entirely.
    Toggle Trade Request (Emerald): Either allow, or disable trade request letters.

    This setting is to allow people to prevent "spam mail" that they may not want to get!
    Search Mail allows player to search for specific mail based on what they are looking for!
    Example of Searching functions that can be used:
    Search by Letter Titles (Name Tag)
    Search by Player Name (Player Head)
    Filter by Attachments / No Attachments (Chest)
    Filter by Trade Requests (Emerald)

    Similarly to bank searching, it would return mail that contains what the player is looking for! This makes mails much more useful and convenient to use.
    The Deletes All button would delete all letters in the inbox, of course with a confirmation like this:
    Write a Letter allows the player to purchase a letter and write to a player! (For 3 EB)

    Reading Letters: [​IMG]
    A letter titled "Meet up at Detlas" with an item attachments

    In the Inbox, the letter would be shown in a preview format, showing the Title, A Preview, Writer, Time, and Item Attachments (if any).

    As shown, it would not have Attachment written underneath instead. Simple!

    The player can access the letter by clicking on it, which shows the following menu.

    Each button has its own uses, here's another picture consolidating their uses:

    The Sender: Displays their name and the time of sending. Provides information of the Sender and can also be clicked to send a friend request.

    Read Mail: Shows a preview of the mail when highlighted, but will show the full letter when clicked. Works similarly like the quest book!
    See Attachments: Allows the player to view the item contents the mail came with and take it! Items taken cannot be placed back into the attachments, to prevent people abusing this for extra bank space.
    Reply to Mail: Write a new letter that is addressed towards the sender!

    Delete Mail: Deletes the letter.

    Report Mail: Reports the letter to the staff team, with reason.

    Sending Letters
    Using the Mailing System, players can buy letters to write for others! To send letters, the player must click on the "Write a Letter" book and quill in the inbox! This menu will be brought up.

    From Left to Right:

    Discard Letter: Deletes the letter entirely.

    Receiver: Clicking on it will bring up in chat an option to type in the name of the receiver, which the letter will then go to.

    Write Letter: Clicking on this will bring up the Writable Book GUI, which the player can write in! Upon entering a title and pressing "Sign and Close", the letter will be complete and ready to be sent! At this point, the letter can be sent once a receiver is selected.
    Attach Items: Insert up to 8 items for sending, which can be taken back as well. If the player cancels the letter, the items are placed back into their inventory / dropped on the floor with a notification.
    If the player does not write a letter but sends items only, then a default preset letter will be used!
    As always, you cannot trade untradable or quest items, and only up to 8 items can be placed in each letter!
    Send Letter: Clicking on this when it is green will send the letter, alongside its payment. Each letter may cost 1 EB (Not too expensive, but not too cheap either, deters abuse of the system for extra storage space). If it is yellow, it means there are insufficient payment, while red would mean a receiver needs to be selected.

    Trade Request Letters

    To make trading much more easier, a trading system can also be implemented within this Wynncraft Postal Service! (Now it is our all time favourite, ey?)
    Trade Letters would have a "Trades" tag underneath!

    You can access this menu by clicking the "Initiate Trade Request" button in the Inbox! Each Trade Request Letter costs 2 EB (Only the person initiating the trade has to pay. Let me know if this is a bit unfair, and how I could change it).

    It looks complex, so here is a Legend which consolidates the features of this menu.
    The Recipient can be selected by clicking on the head on the left, and then typing their name in chat! (Similar to Write a Letter)

    Read Letter would allow you to read the original letter as well as other replies that the trade may have gotten.

    Reply would send a normal letter to the recipient if they would like to discuss more about the trade (See Write Letter). This is optional.

    Delete and Cancel Trade would cancel the trade entirely, and the items would be returned.
    The Attachments shall contain the user's items.
    Report would report the letter to the staff team, with reason.

    Send Letter would send the reply attached to it (if any) alongside an update of the trade. If this is the initiating trade request letter, they will have to pay 2 EB.

    Trade Box: Similar to actual trading, this system uses a double confirmation system before the trade is finally completed. Both parties will have to click the tick until it is both green, and then finally the trade will be complete.

    Now, a trade system like such sounds very complex, so I have constructed a "simple" flowchart (but not really) to help explain it fully!
    Ah man, this flowchart is horrible! But hopefully the point gets across.

    To quote, basically, anyone can cancel the trade at anytime (to get their items back), and the trade (with those exact items) must be confirmed twice by both parties before the trade is fully completed.

    Extra Notes
    -Normal Letters costs 1 EB, while Trade Letters costs 2 EB.
    - If a person writes a letter but closes the menu, the letter would be saved and can be revisited the next time they press the "Write a Letter" or "Send a Trade Request" (So that items, progress will not be lost!)
    - Letters with Attachments will be shown with an "Attachments" tag, while Trade Letters will be shown with a "Trades" tag.
    - There may or may not be a 30 seconds cooldown between every letter sent.
    - Recipients who have their letters set so that you cannot send them a letter would give an error message saying that you cannot send them a letter. "Sorry, the recipient does not allow you to send them a letter."

    Not everyone uses discord and not everyone uses the forums, which is why while it is quite a simple concept, I believe this is a great addition that will improve the Quality of Life and community interactions overall; and definitely more interesting than the boring and overused /mail command!

    However, I do feel like this suggestion is still a little flawed and needs improvements. As always, discuss your thoughts and give feedback down below!
    Update 1 (02/01/2019):
    * Added Example Screenshots for Mail Settings and Search Mail
    * Added setting in Mail Setting to toggle trade requests (yep!)
    * Updated a few screenshots to accommodate the new trade system.
    * Added Trade Letters! Allows players to trade items via mail! Trade Letters will cost 2 EB.
    * Added Extra Notes for extra details about the system for balancing purposes (And easy to miss out details).
    * Changed price for normal letters to 1 EB each, now gift giving is much more affordable.
    * Added Functionality in Read Letters to be able to add a person as a friend by clicking their player head!

    Update 2 (07/01/2019)
    * Small Changes to ease the eye and Grammar Mistakes fixes.
    * 40 Supporters! Woohoo!
    Older Examples of Mail Suggestion Threads:
    Wynn Postal Service
    Delivery and Letters
    Mail System
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2019
    MartinNemi03, 7Mile, Robbee and 20 others like this.
  2. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    This is pretty much a modern version of this
    Same name, too
    (Wait you put it in the thread, ech I'm too lazy to remove it)

    Overall great for roleplay (and possibly trading), sending messages to offline players, alongside gifts (secret santa is gonna be way better)
    Might not really be useful, but would be a fun thing to mess aroung with
    trex1611, Ghalt, mouldy and 1 other person like this.
  3. Dexmio

    Dexmio Ling Ling 40 hours a day. CHAMPION

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    Well, I personally think this is a great idea, and if this come true it will definitely be a lot handier.
    PikaLegend likes this.
  4. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Pretty much, I would prefer to make a different name (I don't know... The Corkian Postal Courier Highway?), but "Wynncraft Postal Service" is actually quite a sick and simple name upon searching up for similar suggestions, so I stuck with it!

    Mainly for Secret Santa I agree haha, since I have been having really tough trouble trying to find my partner online who I am suppose to gift to this year, but it seems like he only comes on every 3 days or so for an hour. I think that is what ignited my passion for suggesting this lol
  5. Slime1480

    Slime1480 Slime Shady Staff Member Moderator CHAMPION

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    I think this suggestion is pretty good and well detailed.
    But I think people would prefer to use discord or other things to commumicate, just because it's free.
    But for the items that you can give with this metod, in my opinion is pretty good.
    Also another idea could be to trade through the postal courier, because as you said, there are people with different timezones.
    So, player 1 puts an item in the section "Trade" and player 2 puts another one while player 1 could be offline (this can be faster than meeting eachother)
    Then, to complete the trade, it's like the normal one.
    (If you already said this, sorry but I didn't see it xD)
  6. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Heh, you can just message them over the forums to tell them to come on, you know? I did that and it was a success! While it does ruin some suspense, you can replace that suspense with the suspense of "when am I gonna get it" from waiting for a while before the message
  7. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    That is a good idea, I did initially thought about that as well, but I really did not know how to implement it in a way that it is effective and user friendly (You can actually see that I actually did place a search mail function for "trade requests", but I didn't ended up actually writing anything about trading! Oof).

    This suggestion to be honest is actually inspired by another MC server (Called Mysticrunes, albeit less popular mmorpg server now) who uses a similar method of "postal service". Because of the fact that the forums on that server was quite dull, unpopular and a bit boring, and that there wasn't an official discord server, most people prefered to use the ingame postal service to send letters, materials and gifts between friends and guildmates. The cool thing is that they even used the mailing system as a way for players to receive the money they get from the items they sold in the Auction House, as such making the mailing system quite a big part of the game. We don't have an auction house in Wynncraft, but over the post trading sounds like something worthwhile indeed.
    Slime1480 likes this.
  8. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    That's the first suggestion I wanted to make a really long time ago. Yours is so good tho! So much detail! Really great stuff :D
    Definitely gets my support
    Dexmio likes this.
  9. A Human

    A Human Definitely not an alien. VIP+

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    I love the idea! This sounds like an amazing and simple way to trade with people, especially for those owning a shop. When someone says they’re interested in the item, you send them the item and they send the payment. Perhaps there could be a way to make mail ‘unopenable’ until payment is sent, to prevent scamming?
    PikaLegend likes this.
  10. HyperHypa

    HyperHypa UWU

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    It’s pretty good
    Though make like a time limit
    Ex: You can’t send more right now, wait for [] minutes/minute!
    PikaLegend likes this.
  11. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    I am not really sure if a time limit is needed, I prefer to keep it open for people who likes to send mail to multiple different people. Of course some people might choose to use this system for spamming, but then again 2 - 3 EB per letter does add up a lot which would deter players from abusing it for spamming (Upon thinking, I might reduce the price to 1 EB per letter, while perhaps trade letters would be 3 EB per trade, or I can just even it out and suggest it both to be 2 EB per any letter).

    In addition there is also a way to prevent receiving mail from people who are not in your friend list. That way, you have to be trusted in order to send mail to that person. And there is also a report user function as well, and I might consider a block user function too.

    I will consider it!

    I prefer a more open ended trade system, where the other person can counter trade and such, and any items can be used as payment, not just LE.

    How does this idea sound, it is still a WIP and might feel quite clunky:

    Person A has 1 LE and would like to trade a Prism from Person B. They purchase a "trade request letter" for 2 EB.

    Person A writes a trade request letter to Person B about wanting to buy their prism, and places 1 LE into the trade window. If Person A changes their mind after sending, they can cancel the trade (the letter will be in their outbox) and take back their items at anytime (in case Person B happens to be inactive, as such making Person A unable to access their items). If they make a mistake and accidentally placed 1 EB instead, they can switch it out (accessing the letter in their outbox) and resend the letter, and the trade letter in Person B's inbox will be updated.

    Person B comes online, sees the trade request letter in their inbox (indicated with an emerald item) and opens the letter and reads it. They are unhappy about the price, and would like 2 LE instead since it is a 15 sp prism. They place the prism in it trade window, however they reply to the letter asking for 2 LE instead, and they do not confirm the trade. Similarly if they change their mind after sending, they can cancel the trade and both parties will get their items back from the trade letter.

    Person A comes on and sees that the letter is now in their inbox, and has been updated. Person A places 2 LE into the trade, and then confirms the trade. Alternatively, they can cancel the trade as well and get their LE back, and Person B would get their prism back from the letter when they come on.

    Person B comes on, happy about it, and confirms the trade. Person B gets the 2 LE from the inbox.

    Person A comes on and gets the prism from their inbox, the trade is complete.

    That sounds complex when written out, but it is actually quite simple. This system kind of works similarly to the actual trade window, in which both parties have to agree for the trade to continue, and that they can cancel at anytime to get their items back. However, there is no need for a yellow tick confirmation since they are doing it separately, as the yellow tick is only used to show that "I am done, your turn".

    One issue is that there is a possibility if implemented wrongly that this system could cause a dangerous dupe exploit (eg what if Person A cancels the letter while Person B was reading the letter, and what if Person B confirms the trade at the same time as Person A cancelling the trade). Another issue would be that this feature may become totally obsolete if it turns out to be less convenient than it may seem. For example, if Person A writes a trade letter, sends it, and then realized Person B was online all along, they would have wasted 2 EB on the letter and will have to cancel the trade.
    A Human likes this.
  12. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    To prevent spam, maybe have the cost stack up by 1 EB if letters are sent within an hour or two...?
    PikaLegend likes this.
  13. sulphursmite

    sulphursmite Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    yes just yes,
    salted needs to see this
  14. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Bump and Thread Update!

    Update 1 (2/1/2019):

    * Added Example Screenshots for Mail Settings and Search Mail
    * Added setting in Mail Setting to toggle trade requests (yep! Trade Letters!)
    * Updated a few screenshots to accommodate the new trade system.
    * Added Trade Request Letters! Allows players to trade items via mail! Trade Letters will cost 2 EB.
    * Added Extra Notes for extra details about the system for balancing purposes (And easy to miss out details).
    * Changed price for normal letters to 1 EB each, now gift giving is much more affordable.
    * Suggested Functionality in Read Letters to be able to add a person as a friend by clicking their player head!
  15. err0r

    err0r wasting my time

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    This is really good. I had a similar idea, but this is very detailed. For me it is really hard to exactly say when I will be on the server, and I think a lot of other players have the same problem. This would make trading much easier.

    I support your idea!
  16. xboxguy50

    xboxguy50 Stuck with the name I have ;-; VIP

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    Without a doubt, that should be a feature in Wynncraft. I've wanted to trade items with people and suggested we have a separate server for ONLY trading but this sounds way better by the way you explained it.
  17. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Update 2 (07/01/2019)
    * Small Changes to formatting to help ease the eye. Grammar Mistakes fixes.
    * 40 Supporters! Woohoo!

    Thanks for the support towards the suggestion! I am pretty happy with the amount of support this thread has gotten so far (although it wasn't as explosive as the Item Lock suggestions yet, I still think it is a nifty small QoL addition to make the game more "lively").

    A few of my main concerns right now is whether or not it is actually possible on the coding side of things, since this feature could potentially be a load heavy feature (meaning that Wynncraft has to store every single letter in like their storage systems, which could be quite large if you think about it), and also if this suggestion would be "worthy" or "fitting" to the Wynncraft Theme, in which a Mail System may not fit in to an action MMORPG setting.

    I will keep in mind however, perhaps one day when this suggestion gets the attention of some staff members, we might get an answer!
  18. Bear_Force

    Bear_Force Yup, still the same Bear HERO

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    Amazing idea :D
    Totally support it ^-^
  19. BerriiBunnii

    BerriiBunnii Sleepy Cat Kid VIP

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    Buump. I totally need this my friends and I don't play at the same times due to work and school so this'll be a lifesaver.
  20. Robbee

    Robbee Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wow, probably one of the most detailed suggestions I've seen in recent times. But personally this seems like "too much effort" for "not enough benefit", I would rather like to see the devs working at directly gameplay-related things, like additional spells or things like that, such a mailing system isn't something I would miss at the moment. But thats just my opinion on that, maybe other people see this different.
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