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Guide Wynncraft Optimization Threads

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Cubed, Jun 15, 2024.

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  1. Cubed

    Cubed I'm realistic. Being pessimistic is a side effect. VIP

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    This is not recommended if you want to experience the game truly, but if you're stuck or on your second playthrough and just want the best/quickest way to max (without anything special), here you go:

    1. Do the worthwhile quest at your level: [All Worthwhile Quests]
    2. Then grind xp: [How I Level Up!], and if you need a specific grind spot follow this: [List Of Grinding Spots], but generally whatever grinding party in the party finder that is at your level will be the fastest
    3. Once you reach the level for your build, buy it from the Trade Market - follow this guide [Meta Gear For Leveling]
    4. Once you reach max level, buy a good build [2.0 Non Mythic Build Collection]
    5. Until you can afford a mythic, then use either [2.0 Mythic Builds Collection] or [Sugo's Mythic Build Emporium], or find one yourself

    And there we go, a step-by-step guide to taking the fun out of Wynncraft.
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