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Wynncraft Isn't What It Used To Be

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by bloww, Jan 26, 2019.


Do you think wynncraft was better before?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. it's always been the same

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  1. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think the main problem with the game as a whole right now is people getting burnt out. Its getting more and more content but people keep getting more exasperated with the community, the staff, and the updates. Also its not like the old features when the community was at its "height" were objectively more fun, they were just newer. It sounds shitty but if people want to have more fun for longer they just need to play less. Its not shocking that a minecraft mmorpg doesn't have enough content to keep people happy for a decade of constant play.
  2. Pastersnacks

    Pastersnacks Emperor of History HERO

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    Can someone explain the 101 drama that happened? I have a vague understanding but am still a bit confused.
  3. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Once the new levels got added; everyone who was lvl 101 got turned to 102, and not 103 or a bit into 103.

    Before 1.18, lvl 101 took the xp gained from going from lvl 1-100 as its xp requirement. So if you had to get 50 million xp to get from lvl 1 to lvl 100, you'd have to get 100 million xp to get from lvl 100 to lvl 101.

    Nickel, for example, before the update had 1000% xp on lvl 101 before 1.18 w/ one of their classes. They're now lvl 102 and have only a fraction of the xp they once had.

    Now, of course, as most people would, people were mad about this as all the xp they spent grinding and all those hours just went "bye bye lmao"

    and jpresent's excuse for this was: I did it so you'd have more motivation to explore

    (as if the 12 new profession levels available wasn't motivation enough)

    And more people got mad, soon some CT said it was karma for abusing CSST and stuff like that, which is a fucking making the situation worse in its own right since they completely ignore the fact that BEFORE 1.16 people got to level 101 without it, and now all that time is now gone.

    and then the thread was locked.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2019
    Isabeau37, Gogeta, gigi2oo2 and 14 others like this.
  4. Pastersnacks

    Pastersnacks Emperor of History HERO

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    Thanks for the info
  5. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    No problem.
  6. Johnny Mcgeez

    Johnny Mcgeez zzzzzzzzzz CHAMPION

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    fuck jptheflipepper
    blow w, Moss and bloww like this.
  7. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    imo the golden era of wynn was when the modsquad existed. ignoring the fact that you could totem on players at the time, the modsquad made these little events and funny little experiences for new and old players by trolling and spooking people. nowadays, the mods are ultra strict, and have 0 fun whatsoever.
    Not A Nub, gigi2oo2, Tisaun and 16 others like this.
  8. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    bit of an exaggeration but ok i can see your point
  9. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    i mean there was alot more that was cool and good during that era but to keep things short and sweet im just mentioning the modsquad
  10. FrozenJelly_

    FrozenJelly_ noting here HERO

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    CSST ruined everything
  11. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    csst is our savior from the 400 hours of constant freezing heights grinding

    besides after a while we would've just done corrupted lost sanctuary
    Tisaun, Lexwomy, SUPER M and 3 others like this.
  12. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    FF master race
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  13. FrozenJelly_

    FrozenJelly_ noting here HERO

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    well i grind my self to 101 in ToA with archer before 1.14.1 gameplay update so csst just ruined those time now with everyone can just "oh lets do csst for easy 101" and now with the whole 101-102 thing too
    Happy New Year likes this.
  14. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    It took around 250 or higher CSST runs to get from 100 to 101 before this update.

    A CSST run takes around 4 mins

    4 x 250 = 1k minutes

    it'd take 16 hours straight of CSST without breaks to get from 100 to 101

    and that is counting out the crashes, the bugs, the wait times in between dbombs, etc.

    And sleep.

    And having a life outside of wynncraft.

    It took me around 30-40 hours of playtime to beat Skyrim (by that, I mean to kill the Ebony Warrior) after beating it once before, literally one of the largest and greatest RPG games to have ever existed.

    It takes like, half that time just to go from 100-101.

    let that sink in.

    CSST boosted player retention and brought in desperately needed money for the server. and i have no clue why you grinded TOA when freezing heights existed back in 1.14. The amount of time it takes to get from 100-101 is unnecessary without CSST and the 2 extra SP and 5 health is nice to have, so.
    Tisaun, SUPER M, WilsonKry and 3 others like this.
  15. FrozenJelly_

    FrozenJelly_ noting here HERO

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    ToA was way better in term of xp with dxp bomb if you are grinding for 101, freezing heights is way too less exp to be faster than ToA at that point
    Gogeta, WilsonKry, PikaLegend and 2 others like this.
  16. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    I'm gonna pull a @bloww here and just replicate the initial post.
    There are 2 problems that I see with wynncraft right now; regardless of who's at fault for causing/ignoring them, I think they're problems.

    I've talked about mythics on other threads AND directly to Salted on said threads explaining how I feel about them; or more specifically the RNG behind them. I think that having a class of items that you can find which also have a ton of potential in combat and are worth more than other items is a pretty standard MMO aspect and fits in with wynncraft. I have no problem with the idea of Mythics, just like Legends, Rares, Uniques, or Normal items. My problem is that there's no consistency with Mythics. Example: I have a friend who has played wynncraft for 4 years, but was actually active for those 4 years, unlike myself lurking on the forums. They never found a mythic and used the Market to get anywhere because they could never find one despite having played more than me (that's not a challenge, I haven't played much). I got a mythic very early on when I was playing though: "Less than 1k chests, only 66K mobs kill, already found 1 mythic though LOL." - Me in profile post. Now here's the thing: No one should ever feel bad about finding an item in a video game. People find items all the time and it should be extraordinary to get a rare drop like a mythic, but you shouldn't feel bad about it. No. No. No. I felt really bad after I found it and started to actually learn what the item was like and how much RNG was associated with it. I felt bad that I got something that few people ever will given mythic's current rarity; Mythics are ultra rare for seemingly no reason. Now that we know mythics are absurdly rare IMO, now I'm going to explain why that's a problem. However, I'm lazy and don't like repeating myself, so I'm going to use the same information I wrote previously here instead:
    Salted opens with a characteristically Salted post; instantly dismissing the other person and posting some single line intended to kill the conversation in their favor. Whenever I see that I instantly know they don't care, so I make it my personal mission for them to understand the consequences of not doing anything instead of trying to convert them to my way of thinking. My hope in doing so was, even if they don't do anything about mythics, it will be all on them after mythics completely take over the market, drain the fun of the game and kill the player-base, all while the community has told them repeatedly what the problem was and suggested solutions. I could rest my case there, but I want to put my quotes here too so that people don't need to open too many new tabs if you're on mobile ;).
    The Market is doing the same thing with uniques, rares, and legends to the new craftables. I'd say we're seeing the same thing again, but that's not a clear enough picture to paint the comedy here. Craftables are cool and add a new aspect to the game, but only dedicated players, players that have been playing long enough to have mythics, actually have access to the higher level crafting recipies. SHOCKER I KNOW. Stop using the same solutions. They didn't work before, they don't work now, they won't work again. Just stop and listen. Drop rates are fucked. It's that simple. By giving the most active and dedicated players access to the best items in the game, you're forcing everyone to spend exorbitant amounts of time to get to 100+ in professions. I'd argue that's worse than hunting for mythics because it has the same problem: only the most dedicated players get the best tier of items in the game. You've made the same situation as before, except you added an amount of time for completion, rather than an arbitrary drop rate. That's the only option right now: play till you drop dead like the top profession runners pulling 24-48 hours play sessions. That's just not how games should be made. That's how I feel about it: Grinding is a tool to indicate progression, but wynncraft uses it incorrectly.
    It is one thing to be informal or just talk back and forth on the forums. It is another to be rude seemingly every other time you post at someone who you don't agree with. It's not hard to jump from constructive discussion to aggressive or downright insensitive. I understand that players are just being themselves and the CT are Volunteers that have lives on top of wanting to work with wynncraft. I get that. But what we've been seeing SPECIFICALLY with regard to 1.18 and the way Feedback was handled was just stupid. Players were attacked for having opinions and giving their take on the update. I don't care who you are but that's just unacceptable. Even worse, I saw that coming from the TOP! @Salted I don't know what was going through your head or the mush brains that was the 1.18 Hero Beta Feedback section but you reinforced player's decisions to quit the game. I expect more from the leader of the CT. Is it too hard to ask for some civility? Players giving EXTENSIVE and detailed feedback shouldn't be told their opinions don't matter. THAT is just beyond wrong. I have a personal hatred for you because of those comments. I didn't like you previously; all your posts were passive-aggressive or just annoying/trollish, but that was actually crossing the line into attacking other players and I won't stand for that.

    The only fix to this problem is to learn from mistakes you've already made. Dwelling on the past keeps us from moving on, so lets work to not be so hostile. The CT wants to continue building the game and the dedicated players are interested in supporting the game they've played for years now. We already know ignoring the community doesn't work. You've succeeded in alienating your most dedicated supporters. Now it's time to listen a little more earnestly and work to integrate suggestions rather than suppress them. As I said, the IM have rebalanced the mythics extensively. Now it's time to actually make meaningful changes to drop rates and make that information public for all items, from uniques to mythics. Starting with blatantly false wiki pages, all we know is that the CT has mostly been held back from detailing game mechanics that aren't related to damage or quests. Every other aspect of the game could use more information dumps for the community to get everyone on the same page and have the same facts. tldr: Work with community, not against. Need more information on game.
  17. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I think it's a little early to say that crafted items are going to become like mythics, although it depends on how common T3 ingredients end up being. Once enough people reach higher levels, I'd imagine crafted items would start to decrease in price.

    I generally agree with the rest of your post though.
  18. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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    Hey I'm properly trying to stay out of this, but just out of interest how would you guys actually recommend the CT/Admins dealt with the whole 101 thing? I'm not trying to imply that our way was the best way I just want to see what other ways you think would've been better.
  19. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    In my opinion, the best solution would have been to take the XP the player had earned since reaching level 100, and calculate their new level based on that XP. E.g. someone who was 80% of the way to level 101 should have been level 103 with ~40% XP (don't know exact numbers so that's just a guesstimate). People with enough XP to reach 104 should have become 104.
    Isabeau37, Gogeta, SUPER M and 2 others like this.
  20. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Level up every 101 to 103, I’m assuming
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