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Resource Pack Wynncraft: Fables & Legends Resource Pack!

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Rythew, Aug 16, 2023.

  1. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Weekly Progress Update Time!

    Hi Hi,

    It's that time of the week again.

    Before we get started, I should probably explain the future of the pack. As you know, some of the models in F&L are...subpar, to say the least. Examples such as Detlas' Legacy and Phoenix Wing come to mind.

    detlas_legacy.png phoenix_wing.png
    Phoenix Wing is made from 2 cubes. Sure, it has detail, I guess, but it might as well just be a 2d item at that point.
    And Detlas' Legacy looks nothing like its lore, using a tired Tremorcaller palette with very little detail.

    Whilst I could update these problematic models, the fact of the matter is that there are far too many models that fall below my standards, which have improved greatly since the pack's inception. I believe that the new models I have shown in the past few weeks are a great showcase of my new standards. The next update will be a 2.0 update, including all of the Mythic models from F&L 1.9 (excluding ones like Nullification and Convergence (which you'll see later in this post)) and models made exclusively after modelling development of 1.9 had finished.

    I'm fairly sure that I've said this before, but I just want to make clear that the next update will effectively start from 0 again. The old pack will still be available.

    With that boring stuff out of the way, NEW MODELS!!

    Today, it's all about greatswords.

    Void. I really like how the palette turned out for this one. I based it one the Voidstone weapons' palette from F&L, which I also really liked at the time, and I still think is one of the best palettes in F&L.
    Very jarring, but maybe I could give it a new paintjob and give it to another weapon.​

    Anvil Crawler (a suggestion by Bozzy, heavy inspiration from Guts' Dragonslayer from Berserk)
    So cool. It's also massive in-game.
    The above GIF is not the original. I originally made a much bigger version for Bozzy, but chose to scale it down for all of you because, to be honest, it's size isn't for the faint of heart.
    The big one. At times it feels a bit ludicrous, I can't lie.

    Alright, that's all for this week. Another huge thanks to SuspicioustPig for updating the pack for 1.21!

    Take care, and I'll hopefully be back next week with more models!
  2. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    i am on 1.21, put it above everything else before as an attempt to troubleshoot and ... nothing sadly. i'll probably disable both my other packs and see if something is messing up...... i doubt my mods are a culprint but i might even throw everything except wynntils, sodium and CITR and see if something IS messing up

    EDIT: i fucking hate myself its because i unzipped the file because thats what i usually do with my other resource packs im going to. angrily enjoy my iced chocolate
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2024
    Rythew likes this.
  3. weeb

    weeb CHAMPION

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    yeah it's now working for me too
    Rythew likes this.
  4. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Rythew it hasn't been a week yet

    Progress Update Time!

    Hi Hi!

    This week, I've got models. Amazing.

    First, a model which I have yet to put a name to.
    Inverted Spear of Heaven (from JJK)

    If you have any ideas for what weapon I should reskin to this, let me know! SugVon suggested I give this to Nullification, and I suppose I could, but I also really like the model I already have for it.

    Next, the first model for the Annihilation Mythics - Resonance (partly inspired from Ray's model from a very cool pack - https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/annie/gallery)!

    Not sure about the textures for the pylons but I think it's good for now.​

    Finally, Petulance (design also from JJK)
    Cosplay as my least favourite character
    EDIT: Petulance looks horrible when not in the right hand, so please upvote here so that mojank has a 0.1% chance of reintroducing mirrored display slots - https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/30449967891597-Reintroduce-Model-Mirroring. If someone knows why they removed it I'd love to know.

    That's all for now. Progress is coming along nicely, but I'll focus on getting as many Mythics redone as I can. I'll include all Mythics from F&L, even if I haven't updated them yet, and subsequent updates will focus on Mythics. I don't want to give an ETA for the update, but I'm gonna focus on getting the other 4 Annihilation Mythics done, and then revamp a few of my least favourite Mythics from F&L.

    As always take care,
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2024
  5. Saby

    Saby Shaman Supremacist HERO

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    Is there any reason why the resource pack absolutely destroys my framerate when looking at my tome page in the bank? I don't see why it would drop my FPS from over 200 down to 14 when specifically looking at just tomes. Other pages are completely fine, yet it's just that one.
  6. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    That's very strange. I would have thought that looking at a page full of legendary weapons would be worse than a page of items the pack doesn't touch, but I guess it makes sense since all tomes are iron horse armour, which is the same base item as weapons. I'll investigate the issue, but I'm at losses as to what is causing it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Saby likes this.
  7. bob10234

    bob10234 wabaldedablede HERO

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    I would like to see some of the new world event items get textures. Since they all have a theme related to the world event the idea for the model should be related. Like the Spinal Estoc could incorporate magnets in the theme maybe. I LOVE YOU PACK!!!
    Rythew likes this.
  8. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Hi Hi!

    Weekly progress Update!

    I've been continuing with the Annihilation Mythics, and this week, I present: Trance and Bloodbath!

    elephant. the animation broke - the full gold arc should hold for a few seconds before disappearing, and there should be some downtime between arcs. Blockbench doesn't understand that, but it does work in-game.

    that lion head took me about a quarter of an hour to model why do animals' shapes have to be so non-linear
    I think they turned out quite well, and seem rather similar but still distinct. I'll probably tweak Resonance from last week in order to match the palette a bit better.

    So, now I have just Labyrinth and Hanafubuki to do until I am ready to release this update. Coincidentally, they're the two I've been dreading making the most. I've got a rough concept for Labyrinth, but it might not translate well into voxel form. As for Hanafubuki, I have zero idea of where to start. I could make it a katana, but that's kinda boring, plus I've already made 2 katanas for this update (Blossom Haze & Petulance). I've been considering making it a greatsword of some sort, so if you have actually read up to this point and have an idea, drop it down here!

    Anyways, that's all for this week! Come back next week for (hopefully) Labyrinth and Hanafubuki, unless I haven't mustered up the courage to attempt them.

    Take care,
  9. uTa4u

    uTa4u funny elf girl simp

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    Pack doesn't work with CITR since it uses uppercase letters in folder names. Easy fix is renaming all folders to only contain lowercase letters. Enabling broken paths in CITR setting is a fix too i guess, but dev says it's not recommended at all
    luckeyLuuk and Rythew like this.
  10. uTa4u

    uTa4u funny elf girl simp

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    try increasing cit cache ticks in CITR settings
  11. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    I'll have that fixed for next update, though it works fine for me and I haven't changed any settings for CITR. Thanks for the help!
  12. EliteEG

    EliteEG Travelled Adventurer

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    i've tried every way existed in this post but it just not working for me,with or without wynntils,fabric or optifine,literally no other mods installed,i dont know what else i can do
  13. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    You need CITR for the pack to work. I haven't tested it with optifine.
    weeb likes this.
  14. EliteEG

    EliteEG Travelled Adventurer

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    yeah i did,i tried fabric with CITR,optifine,and basically every version available with your pack,
    oh wait i fix it by setting up CITR's config with Enabling broken paths, it requires modmenu and cloth config,also i'm using wynntils too
    my version is 1.21.1
    might work for people having the same problem as mine
    also very good resourcepack,keep on doing this my man
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2024
    luckeyLuuk and Rythew like this.
  15. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Progress Update!

    Hi Hi!

    Labyrinth done, just after the hotfix that nuked trap-stacking

    bull, featuring cool anim that took me the best part of three attempts to get right
    made this bad boy over a single 3hr session
    may trap-stack rest in peace. you were ridiculously broken anyway.

    Animation Still:
    There's supposed to be a pause after the labyrinth collapses in on itself, but as usual, Blockbench doesn't know that.
    In other news, I've received numerous reports that the pack isn't working for a few people. A fix that works most of the time is enabling "broken_paths" in the config file in ".minecraft/config/citresewn.json". If the pack still fails to work, please reach out to me here or on discord under the username 'rythew' so that we can troubleshoot the issue. I might try to get the CIT code simplified a bit so that it no longer needs broken paths.
    An imp isn't an animal, isn't it? Resonance doesn't have an animal head - and therefore, it sucks! Next Time: Hanafubuki! Guess what animal head I decide to sculpt next! I bet a panda, but I could be bluffing? Who knows...

    That's all for now, stay tuned for more coming soon.
    Take care,
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2024
  16. __grif

    __grif i cant stop wynning!

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    Hanafubuki is a japanese word right? it means "flower storm" according to a random website on japanese words. when i think of a panda, i think of china. i am guessing either a crane or a fox (or kitsune) for hana
    also i am in love with all the textures oh my god i can stare at them spinning for hours jhgfddfgh
    luckeyLuuk and Rythew like this.
  17. Hotaga

    Hotaga Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    worked perfectly thanks
  18. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Progress Update!

    Hi Hi!

    Hanafubuki DONE! Plus a Resonance overhaul!

    Ignore the jittering that's a Blockbench issue again.
    Also there's supposed to be a pause after the leaves (gold, might add more definition to them) fade away
    I lied! It was a tiger, not a panada!
    Originally, I wanted a dragon, but I suck so I thought of doing crane, but realised I still sucked,
    so I settled for a tiger, which fits alright. It looks a bit like a T-rex from the front though.
    Also yes, this is a heavily modified Inverted Spear of Heaven I posted a couple of weeks back.
    I'm happy with the concept and execution of every except the gold leaves anim,
    so if you have any feedback for any part of the model, I'd love to know.

    I think it now has an identity of its own, and fits with the item lore a bit better.
    There's supposed to be two pulses of the blood rings before a pause.
    Also crow/canary just cause it's an actual animal now.
    And with that, all Annihilation Mythics are done!

    That's all for this time. Next week/update post will likely be the release of F&L 2.0. Stay tuned for that!

    As always, feedback for any of the weapons for 2.0 that I've shown off is appreciated immensely, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Take care,
  19. __grif

    __grif i cant stop wynning!

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    yippie F&L 2.0!!! looks awesome as hell
    Rythew likes this.
  20. Rythew

    Rythew There is no war inside the Fruman Walls

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    Wynnic Fables & Legends
    Version -2.0- :: The Forge (Release)

    The release of Wynnic Fables & Legends -2.0-!

    It's a fresh restart, and aims to provide unique models to a whole host of different weapons, focusing on the higher-end ones first, and working downwards.

    • Added Nullification
    • Added Nirvana
    • Added Convergence
    • Added Hanafubuki
    • Added Bloodbath
    • Added Trance
    • Added Resonance
    • Added Labyrinth
    • Added Cerberus
    • Added Ysengrim
    • Added A16-L31 Handheld Mortar
    • Added Deliverance
    • Added Blossom Haze
    • Added Infernus Aeterna
    • Added Wanderer's Purpose
    • Added Animosity
    • Added Botched Experiment
    • Added Apotheosis
    • Added Petulance
    • Added The Forsaken
    • Added Judas
    • Added Lunar Spine
    • Added Anvil Crawler
    I'll probably keep using this forums post, but if people think I should use a new one, I'll do that.

    In the next major update, I'll mostly focus on more of the mythics. With F&L 2.0, there will be a few more hotfixes, which are smaller updates addressing more minor and urgent issues that don't warrant a major update. In the next hotfix, I aim to adjust Hanafubuki with some of the feedback I have received (such as making the leaves more apparent as leaves and not fire, and making the gold guard more circular). Next hotfix will also include one or two new weapons. Because of the hotfixes, feedback is more valued than ever, as it will actually take less than a month or two to be acted on!

    That's all for now. Stay tuned for more updates, coming soon*.

    Take care,
    Captain Flavio, Elytry, Saby and 3 others like this.