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Wynn too easy?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Wiihacker0, Dec 26, 2022.


Is wynn too easy?

  1. Yep

    21 vote(s)
  2. Nope

    32 vote(s)
  3. Early on, yes

    16 vote(s)
  4. Early to mid, yes

    17 vote(s)
  5. lol late game is way too ez, literally solo greg everyday with depressing stick

    15 vote(s)
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  1. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    he was nerfed a long time ago. Longer ago than From the Mountains and All Roads to Peace are old so I will admit that it is not on the current balancing standards.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  2. Bilbo_Zwagginz

    Bilbo_Zwagginz Change house of twain quest.

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    I actually struggled with amadel on my warrior, they do so much damage up close its ridiculous.

    However i feel like later on a lot of the quests bosses become extremely easy to kill, everything just dies so fast due to so many classes having high damage options.

    Level 60-80 has a few rather hard bosses, especially garvan, levels 30-50 also have a few slightly challenging parts.

    However until lvl 30 the quest mobs feel easier than the actual mobs you find exploring.
    CoolVictor2002 and shacers like this.
  3. LuCoolUs

    LuCoolUs Nerd CHAMPION

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    This is interesting to know ty. Honestly all I can say from my own experience is the last time I actually faced a Quest at level was like over 3 years ago so I have no way of judging how balanced a normal playthrough feels currently. All I know is that newer Endgame Quests like Breaking Point specifically have some random mobs in them that are pretty hard to survive when you just run than with completely random gear like a 400% ws archer. What I'm trying to say with that is it actually takes decent gear which I'm not to sure how good that is for a player on their first playthrough just trying to complete a Quest. Then again they are about to face TCC after so maybe a slight test of skill makes sense.
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