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Why Isn't Wynn More Popular Than Mineplex?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Rucker_, Jan 23, 2016.


Is Wynncraft better than Mineplex, building and plugins wise?

  1. Yes, Wynn is better

    193 vote(s)
  2. They are both the same

    19 vote(s)
  3. No, Mineplex is better

    7 vote(s)
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  1. i eat bees

    i eat bees i eat bees HERO

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    I have a few things to tell you, First off, Making a question poll like this on the Wynncraft forums would surely make it look like people love Wynn more then Mineplex, Maybe because you've made it IN THE FORUMS OF WYNN, And well, Let me tell this like that, Mineplex has a lot of noobs, And Wynn well... No, The reason is, That not like Mineplex, Wynn is hard to get, People like the 7 year olds who play like Mineplex and hack all day don't like things like reading dialogs, Puzzles, Trying to figure out how to use skill points, Soul points, Custom armor... Custom weapons... Custom mobs... You get the idea, It's hard to them, So they get attracted to servers like Mineplex and Hypixel, Which is actually very good for us, It means no noobs, No hackers, Less players, Less lag, And of course, More attention by the staff members for each player, Which is very very good here, Unlike Mineplex, Where the staff members are never online and when they are, They don't do anything, Another reason for noobs that play in Mineplex to not play here is hacks, You understand, The much as I hate hackers, They can't be stopped, But in Wynncraft, There might be fly hackers, But only a few, And they would get kicked because of the anti-cheat or just banned by moderators, The thing is, That in Wynn hackers can't harm any other players at any way, Means they have nothing to do here, And for the last thing I want to tell you, Think about it like that.

    Prime time in a normal day:

    Avg players - 25,000
    4,000 in lobby.
    12,000 noobs.
    2,000 hackers.
    7,000 ingame.
    And maybe 3-5 staff members.

    avg players - 1000.
    50 in lobby (Aslong Jumla didn't spill his coffee).
    150 noobs.
    30-40 hackers.
    800 ingame.
    5-10 staff members.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2016
    Rawb, Oh_Yeah_MrKrabs and Gogeta like this.
  2. Plasma~

    Plasma~ Antishitposter

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  3. CheesePrince13

    CheesePrince13 Eternally Inactive HERO

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    BDoubleO100 and Generikb, both fairly large channels, did an LP on Wynncraft just before the "Rediscover the Province" update. That's how I found this server :3

    Edit: Now that I think about it, ChimneySwift also played on the server for quite some time back when Wynn was really popular. He was part of the reason why, along with Littlewood.
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