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Why Adding More Spells To Every Class Wouldn't Work Well

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Samsam101, May 5, 2021.

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  1. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Sneak-casting, middle click, etc
  2. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    I think spells need a major update. Compared to the evolution of builds and quests spells hardly changed. The content team had years to improve builds and quests and now it is time they put some of their focus on improving spells. I agree, making and balancing spells is difficult but I think you are vastly underestimating the ability of the content team. I tried making some myself and they seem reasonable, I'd imagine the content team could create something much better. Even if spells are unbalanced well... does it matter? Wynncraft isn't a pvp game it is pve and in pve games unbalanced stuff isn't that bad. I think many players are willing to ignore the balancing issues new spells will come with if it means improving combat.
    starx280 likes this.
  3. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    I really, really, just don't want more spells in general. The 4 spells each class is given are enough IMO, I'd rather not have a bunch of spells to choose from and stuff. Old players would be forced to practically relearn the game and I imagine some new players will be confused on how the new system works

    I'd rather the alternate spells be either an optional buff to the existing spells or exist from Major IDs
  4. Novalescent

    Novalescent Retired Wynncraft Systematic Recreation Developer HERO

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    I think that adding new spells would feel a bit overwhelming at first. But once it's been awhile you'd get use to it. Adding more spells would definitely improve the playstyles and lessen the reliance on items and class builds to create playstyles. Instead we'd have spell builds and people would mix and match spells to create their favorite styles. I think it'd be healthy and fun for everyone.
    starx280 likes this.
  5. IceBear

    IceBear Ice Bear says hi VIP+

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    Old players would have a new mechanic to enjoy. More spells means more options if you don't want to learn the new spells you don't have to use them. Also I'd imagine a lot of old players would like having some new and fresh in the combat. As for new players they again they don't have to learn the new spells. I'd imagine new spells being a more endgame thing and new players sticking with the default spells anyways so it won't cause any confusion early on.
    starx280 likes this.
  6. Samsam101

    Samsam101 Star Walker GM CHAMPION

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    Fair enough, but I still can't imagine new spells being added. I think it would be cool for some people, but i really don't see it happening. Who knows, though. Raids and housing were heavily suggested last year, and we got those, so maybe it isn't unrealistic to believe that more spells could be added, too
  7. mama Luigi

    mama Luigi Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    The moment ice bear speak in 1st person.
    starx280 likes this.
  8. Lousyre

    Lousyre Famous Adventurer

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    Try uprooting your totem while shifting.
    chyp5 likes this.
  9. ImmaDonut

    ImmaDonut Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    I had an idea of choosing an "ultimate" spell that could be 1 of 3 for each class, it would be a seperate activation then a R- combination. It would be very powful but on a 1-5 minute cooldown and I think each one could fit a type of architype for each class, thus not needing any extra spells as I think all the current ones are great. You can check my post in general suggestions for more info. There would be a menu (maybe in the tome menu) where you could select which ultimate you wanted to have equipped and they would unlock with level.
    starx280 likes this.
  10. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    It looks like your argument is that spells will either be strictly better or worse. If spells were added, this'd just... not be the case.

    Assuming that wynn wants to keep the three R/L click system, new spells means you would be able to swap out the spells for others.

    I agree this is bad. But it's also a strawman argument.

    The way every game I've seen use swappable spells, is that the spells become more useful in some scenario and worse in another.
    'Super arrow' could be a replacement for bomb arrow.
    Bomb arrow is archer's best answer for AOE, so a swap spell should be worse at AOE than bomb arrow. But more single target damage and something else for combo potential with other spells because that's fun.

    Bomb arrow has a 250% spell multiplier. Super arrow could have a 300% spell multiplier, some testing should be done to see where the balance should be.
    Super arrow just fires a single arrow that doesn't explode or bounce of. Perhaps add a slowing debuff for like 3 seconds similair to bash for combo potential with arrow storm and easier to hit the next few shots.

    Super arrow still does less damage than arrow storm at close range, so it's still better for archers to get up close if they want to kill as fast as possible. But Super arrow now makes long range sniping alot better for archers in exchange for losing the ability to easily handle hordes of mobs.

    Coming up with this took me 10 minutes, I'm sure the CT could do better. Difficult to balance isn't a good argument, this content team has balanced things which are much more difficult to balance.

    The thing is, the ct seem to have decided to fix the problem most games try to fix with swappable spells (boring and non-stop similair gameplay with little to no strategic costumisation as well as not feeling like your own decisions for your character matter because everyone with that class is statistically the same character.) in a different way: Builds and major IDs.

    The reason for swappable spells is to switch up playstyles, and builds do that. My poison rhytm warrior plays very differently to my praesidium heavy melee warrior.
    Besides, they've added major IDs which basically swap out one spell for another. Cherry bombs being the best example.
    These major IDs specifically swap out one spell for another, so I think that major IDs are the content teams answer to people wanting to swap out their spells for other spells.
    Last edited: May 10, 2021
    WithTheFish and Druser like this.
  11. QKhanh2308

    QKhanh2308 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    A simple reason to not have more than 4 spells, there are no combination slot left open.
    As a not-archer, you can only have RLR RRR RLL RRL. First one must always be R so you don't trigger an attack. A 4 combination and you will spend more time casting the spell, which means lower damage.
  12. Thyme23

    Thyme23 Well-Known Adventurer

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    imo just add more major ids, even an item with a simple major id design like nighthawk and pure can change your playstyle just a bit
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