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What's Your Wynncraft Unpopular Opinion?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by •WhiteWolf•, Apr 12, 2021.

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  1. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    • Lari is a good character
    • Mythic Boots are cool
    • Feathers Fly Pt2 is garbage
    • Discord is for losers
    May come back with more later idk.
  2. MlecznyHuxel99

    MlecznyHuxel99 Fruman walls guy VIP+

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    Time for a REAL unpopular opinion: Misadventure on the Sea is overrated and I would never call it the best quest in the game (I would probably put it in top 10 tho)
    Son_Omega_Dan, Uniimog, xKar and 10 others like this.
  3. ThedumbOX

    ThedumbOX I swear I’m straight HERO

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    I you get too many likes on your post, it is no longer unpopular
  4. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    my most liked post is on this thread
  5. Xeabia

    Xeabia A creative mind who's clumsy as heck HERO

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    Oof, this one is going to get a lot of flack.
    I honestly prefer a more linear storylines than the open world with quests being all over the place for Wynn. Don't get me wrong, the sense of adventuring, wonder, and doing things at your own pace is great, but it feels like there's almost no cohesiveness to make me fully invested with the world around me. Look at some of the quests that have a Questline, like Wynnexcavation, Iron Heart, Aldorei's Secret, The Envoy, Realm of Light, Feathers Fly, Dwarves and Doguns, and A Journey Beyond. They are some of the most memorable quests since it feels like a whole bunch of worldbuilding is about to untold before you. It makes me care about characters, my environment, how this world works, and gives plenty of memorable moments to create very interesting Lore and characters. However, with how distanced quests feel, I feel like I don't fully soak in how grim and dark the world of Wynn is, and my character doesn't really interact with the world around them, except when quests build off of each other. And if I feel like I don't make much of an impact, then I lose investment in the world around me.
    Here's some more short unpopular opinions that can be very polarizing.
    - Reject Lavi and Ava, Maxie is best boi
    - Gathering Professions is bad (Crafting is good tho)
    - Prof., Soul, and Item Bombs should not exist
    - Guild Wars system Pre-1.20 was better
    - Vanish and Blindness Mob Abilities should be removed
    - The Hero of Gavel is a great quest and the Emerald cost is worth the experience
    - Lari is a very good character
    - Half-Moon Island Pre-1.18 was better than the one we have now
    - % Spell Cost Reductions are way too powerful
    - Mesa is actually a good area to explore and adventure
    - Pre-1.20 Realm of Light area was as good as 1.20 Realm of Light
    - Charms should be able to be sold to the Blacksmith
    - 1.20 Aldorei Part 1 is a good quest overall, but I will admit the end is bad and conflicts with Aldorei Part 2
    - Lost Sanctuary is better than Underworld Crypt or Sand-Swept Tomb
    - The new Pet system for 1.20 is bad
    - Champion Rank is a waste of money
    - The texture pack should have more textures for Armors rather than just Leathers, Chainmail, Iron, Golden, and Diamond.
    - The Nether PvP was better than the Hunted System
    - Trade Market has done more harm than good to the community
    - There is way more toxicity in this community than what most people give Wynn credit for.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    Quint, kioph and Potatomancer like this.
  6. sn0w____

    sn0w____ A storm is coming...

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    Thats me chilling on the forums for 11 months between updates.
    starx280 and Greedus like this.
  7. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    Galleon (the boots) is shat on way too often for its potential in heavy hybrid w/ poison (it sounds doomed but imo it has a lot of potential due to how Curse works on poison). It is pretty niche imo but it is very good in that niche it fills
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2021
    starx280 and kioph like this.
  8. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Since I heard some people discussing lost sanctuary earlier - Corrupted Lost Sanctuary is the 3rd best corrupted dungeon, only beaten by CUR and CSST.
    Potatomancer and penguinbnuuy like this.
  9. DogeTennant

    DogeTennant Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I like it when quests are easy with no puzzles, short, and with no unskippable dialogue and/or cutscenes

    The only reason I probably have this perspective is the fact that I've done all quests 3 times (except the new ones from 1.20) so whenever an easy, fast quest gets reworked to be longer, have more lore, and be more cutscene-ny, I'm like "please no..." And whenever there is a long cutscene like in DnD and I suppose in RoL there is one, even though I didn't play it, I always think to myself... "WHERE IS THE SKIP BUTTON?!?!!"

    edit: that's also why I'm planning to return to Wynn once 1.20.2 comes out, I haven't been playing actively since August 2020
    RenZenthio likes this.
  10. xKar

    xKar hello wants up CHAMPION

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    - Corkus is one of the most useless additions to the game.
    - The mesa, desert, the ocean and the jungle have huge potentials of being the greatest areas in the game.
    - Raids are a very mediocre experience.
    - Another quest like ??? should be introduced for Fruma or Dern, the community needs to unite for a quest again.
    - Fantastic Voyage was the greatest quest in the game, especially because of the lore it introduced to the game, if it gets its rightful rework without ruining the lore-revealing aspects, it would be the best again.
    - Old demon cave grinds was the best endgame era.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
    starx280 and DaCorruption like this.
  11. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    I try to do the newer quests in one go (without doing /class or logging out) out of fear of softlocking them on accident
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
    starx280 likes this.
  12. TS_potato

    TS_potato Dead? VIP+

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    Forums are better than the actual game
  13. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern. HERO

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    GOD yes. I want another ??? quest (this in itself is an unpopular opinion)
    starx280, Uniimog, xKar and 1 other person like this.
  14. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    It was more fun to explore in Wynncraft back when the map showed the locations of quest but didn't show you where you were. (As long as you didn't use cords.)
    starx280 likes this.
  15. ImmaDonut

    ImmaDonut Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    The new build style of places like inner molten heights is SO much better compared to the random block variation in other places like most wynnexcavation caves. It just shows that A lot more attnetion to detail was put into the build then a simple world edit command. If i was In charge of everything, I would redo everywhere where there are two contrasting blocks that are randomly mixed. Like in the molten heights - sky islands transition, honestly cant stand to look at it.
  16. 182 others

    182 others Well-Known Adventurer VIP Builder

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    I'm probably gonna make a bunch of enemies by this statement but I genuinely think Gaia is underrated, I would still call it worse than the other Mythics (except for Warp as I hate lootrunning and don't give a shit to speed, then to me Gaia is far better than Warp lol), but not by a long stretch and the feathers fly is nowhere as cool as the envoy questline and rol quests are one of the bests in the game (not sure if this is really unpopular but)
    starx280 and fishcute like this.
  17. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    The Gameplay update was one of the worst post-Gavel updates, and if it weren’t for the economy update, it probably would be the worst update.

    The biggest problem with the update is that it added so little content that the game desperately needed at the time. The Gameplay update is when we should’ve gotten the molten heights questline or just substantial endgame content for that matter, instead, we got powders, QOL improvements, reworked dungeons, boss altars, and 8 new quests (technically 7 because in their own words, ??? is not a quest). Credit where credit is due, powders and boss altars were great additions, and QOL stuff is always nice. However, aside from the quests, boss altars, and the dungeons, there was no content added. You would expect those things to be high-quality because the quantity was lacking, but no...they aren’t. (Well, except for boss altars, we’ve already established that they were a great addition.)

    First of all, the quests. Out of the new quests we got this update, I only really like The Hidden City, Enter the Dojo, and Recipe for Disaster. The Hidden City has an interesting plot with just okay gameplay, Enter the Dojo is an assortment of challenges that kept me on my toes, and Recipe for Disaster is a fetch quest, but still manages to be fun. Out of the others...
    • Elemental Exercise is a terrible tutorial for elements and isn’t very fun on its own merit either
    • ??? was fun when it came out because it was a community event to find the solution, but now that it’s been solved, the magic’s gone and it’s a pain in the ass to complete today.
    • The Canyon Guides is a filler quest that will only make you hate the CotL even more.
    • The Canary Calls is...fine. There’s nothing offensively wrong with it, it’s just not particularly good.
    • The Fortuneteller feels like a level 50 quest, not an endgame one. Also, it may be just me, but it’s really confusing and doesn’t explain lore well. Also Also, why even let us choose what we do with the book if wealth is the objectively better deal?
    As for the dungeons, while they were an improvement over the old ones, almost none of them were good at launch. The only good dungeon at launch imo was Ice Barrows (this in and of itself is an unpopular opinion). As for the others...
    Decrepit Sewers is a serviceable introductory dungeon, but that's all it really is.

    Infested Pit is bland. It's not offensively bad, but I'm struggling to remember what even happens in this dungeon.

    Lost Sanctuary is repetitive. This one is widely regarded as the worst dungeon today, and for good reason.

    Underworld Crypt is boring. The vast majority of the dungeon is just waiting around. It's a shame too, because I adore the theme and atmosphere of this dungeon; I love Greek mythology.

    Sand Swept Tomb was too short and abusable at launch, but was thankfully fixed in 1.18

    Ice Barrows, as I've said, was the only good dungeon at launch. I may be biased because I love snow, but I like this dungeon because it's a good length (it's long, but it's not that long), it's challenging, and Theorick is a unique boss fight without feeling too gimmicky.

    Undergrowth Ruins had tons of issues at launch, but was thankfully fixed in 1.19

    And Galleon's Graveyard used to have a cannon minigame that was broken, but was replaced with a different minigame in 1.17. Also, unless they changed it in 1.20, the whirlpool mobs had issues with performing their pull spell.

    Oh, and I almost forgot to mention that this update added corrupted dungeons. I'm not upset by their inclusion, I'm more upset by the wasted potential. Imagine if corrupted dungeons were unrecognizably different from their original counterpart. Instead, they're just a reskin of the original dungeon with minor modifications.

    I've seen people defend this update by saying that it was never meant to be judged as its own thing, and it should be viewed as part of the Gavel update. I would accept that excuse if it didn't come out 8 months after Gavel. Within 8 months after the Gameplay update came out, we got Hallowynn and Wynnter 2016, as well as Corkus, and those updates combined added way more content than the Gameplay update did. There was never an excuse for the lack of quality and quantity included in the update. I decided to rant about the Gameplay update because although I think 1.18 was worse overall, 1.18 is more universally disliked. Most people either don't talk about the Gameplay update or defend it.
  18. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    …you're not going to talk about how bad of an update 1.20 is?
  19. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    The Canyon Guides isn't as painful of a quest as people say, but it still sucks and the devs need to change the dudes AI so it's similiar to the key statue in UR
    starx280, fishcute and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  20. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft would be better without coordinates, and less hand holding (Coordinates can be disabled).
    Quests should not be written with children's mental capability in mind.
    Qzphs and Quint like this.
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