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What's The Best Random Player Encounter You've Had

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Tey, Mar 2, 2016.

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  1. FlamingPinecone

    FlamingPinecone infinite lava source VIP

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    This guy and I were basically the same level and percent at ToL. I leveled up to 73 slightly before he did, and did some quests. Throughout the rest of the day, we coincidentally kept, meeting each other while doing certain quests. It was weird.

    I also once played a farm hunt game with AbandonedBank.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2016
  2. BeeMiner

    BeeMiner Be Mindful HERO

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    A few days ago... another random act of kindness from @SirKiddo and @Bam.

    After @Bam had guided ziyimonkey and I from Cinfras to Thanos to Thesead. I forget why but I continued on with Bam to Rodoroc. While climbing a mountain, tp'ing up, i got stuck in a perfect 1x2 hole. While I got to hang out in Rodoroc by myself, I met and said hello to @NeonRider whom i think said to me along the lines of "what the heck is a Lev69 doing in Rodoroc". He said "use the tp scroll to get back to .....". I was too enamoured or thrilled to leave Rodoroc ~ despite nothing to do but break pots and explore the buildings. A irl day passed and I finally grabbed the first visitor @SirKiddo. He might have had the same reaction as NeonRider. I asked him if he knew the way to Thesead. He indeed led me safely to Thesead and there I met up with ziyimonkey. SirKiddo was sooo kind again to help both of us through a crazy gallop through mobs and countryside all the way back to Cinfras. I guess we were lucky not to have died along the way. And while catching my breath & a selfie with SirKiddo by the northern Cinfras gates, we came across a Level 2 traveller @And? (IGN kioph i believe) . Ziyimonkey was really concerned about his safety as a Level 2. We hope he travelled far!
  3. the4bestgame

    the4bestgame The king of dank memes VIP+

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    So mine is when me and a friend I had be grinding up did the silver fish dungeon together, we were just starting it for the second time when we see this level 20/23 (can't remember know it was bellow the horse quest level) in undyed leather/chain armor comes in with us, we were talking in skype and we decided we had to get this guy through and to beat the dungeon with him, we later brought him a horse as he was to low a level to do the quest, to this day we have an agreement between our skype group that if they see him they must help him with anything he needs, but they can't tell him that is a rule we have.
    Me and my friend met a low level player in silverfish dungeon and we now act as permanent body gaurds
    BeeMiner likes this.
  4. kioph

    kioph ahh yes heavy melee hmm yes

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    Of course I did.
  5. EchoingWinds

    EchoingWinds they/them VIP+

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    So, my first player encounter happened just after Gavel, when the Treasure Guardian was super op and hard to beat. I was a level 66 and needed to do the Abyssol Goulashes quest. I just came down to the chamber for the second time and noticed an archer was there. He wanted me to help him (I hope it's a him, his name didn't display his gender) beat it, and I did. We parted ways, and after I finished the quest I was on my way to the jungle to do the quest that required Abyssol Goulashes (I really hope that's how you spell them) and just before I reached the Great Bridge we recognized each other. We ended up doing quite a few quests with each other, although I haven't seen him for a while.
    A little bit after this I was grinding to level 78 in ToL (I knew it was nerfed but way too lazy to go somewhere else). I met a level 74 Mage who asked me if I had beaten Wynn Ex. D. I hadn't and told her so, and she offered to do it with me claiming to have soloed Amadel. I found she had one of the wands that had insane mana regen before they were nerfed. Thus that enabled me to finish Wynn Ex. D with dxp, and she forever has my thanks.
    Another time pre-Gavel there were four people all trying to get the same grinding spot, and none of us would join a party. That was fun.
    Devourer, Ironraptor3 and BeeMiner like this.
  6. TheLMiffy1111

    TheLMiffy1111 Previous Leader Of A Revived Wynn Community CHAMPION

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    You met me.
    And the best encounter was I have no idea who.
  7. Sir Devastation

    Sir Devastation Famous Adventurer HERO

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    My fav player encounters are when I get spammed messages from people who think I really give a shit about their problems.
    Im a great person.
    Kahsol likes this.
  8. EJCrusher

    EJCrusher Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I have to damn bump this. 2 people in a row I did this.
    Alright first screenshot with a guy saying im messed up, at the top of chat you can see I typed cordinates and i'm level one, note, I was in thanos, not knowing how to get out, and that guy happened to be there, pretty funny I was honestly going around in places like llevigar, cinfras and even thanos to get people like that.

    And second one was kinda funny too. To be honest what i was trying to pull was a level 1 quest starting ragnis king, seeming thatI couldnt find him, im still trying to get more reactions though, might go to the hive and try.

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    Mimo, Devourer and donda biblioteca like this.
  9. Antra

    Antra Malding since 2014 HERO

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    i have found @Katie when she was still a mod by the zmobie tree at the jungle neer troms (before gavel, duh)
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  10. donda biblioteca

    donda biblioteca donda esta dond CHAMPION

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    Laughing so hard hahahahahah
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