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What Was Your First Week Of Wynncraft Like?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Mar 30, 2019.

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  1. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    everytime I wanted to go to an echest I would go to nemract because I always died in nivla so I didnt find out that detlas existed for a long time, I remember going into the ocean alot because I was always at nemract
  2. Jelliee_

    Jelliee_ ♡Owner of SDY♡ VIP+

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    I joined about a month before DnD with archer, and I basically had no concept of levels.
    - Tried to run through Nivla at level 3, hid in the Powder Master's house for a while, died to spiders
    - Proceeded to grind on Emerald Trail until level 15
    - Attempted Underworld Crypt at level 15
    - Went to Nesaak at level 15
    - Didn't use the bank
    - Thought the Roots of Corruption was a level 100 area
    - Thought the only way to get to Time Valley was to walk from Detlas
    - Thought hostile mobs only spawned at night
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  3. Bleiiz

    Bleiiz The Hole Finder HERO

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    Joined in the beginning of September 2016 with a friend, and following his idea we did not look up anything about the game. SO:

    -Chose warrior because I thought defense would be superior to healing and mobility (I know I was not the brightest mind)
    -Spent 1 hour going back and forth the plains doing absolutely nothing
    -Did not know Detlas existed and how I was supposed to store things (Ragni didn't have a bank at this point)
    -When I got an emerald block, kept trying to access crafting tables to turn it into emeralds and vice-versa
    -Completely ignored NPC indications and TRIED to go straight to Nesaak as a lvl 10
    -Didn't know an ocean existed until lvl 20
  4. Shots

    Shots Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    -Asked my friend what the best class was (they said mage and this was pre-nerf heal).
    -Got to pigman ravine and quit mage because the damage was pathetic and I couldn't beat pigman overlord (yet managed to solo DS).
    -Tried out all the others and settled on assassin.
    -Proceeded to R-L-R.
    -Didn't realize spin attack blinded enemies when I got the upgrade (only realized it blinded enemies when I was in the middle of trying to fight Bob alone for the first time).
    -Spent an hour or two looking for a lost sanctuary key guardian because the old spawnrates for those things (especially if you don't know where to look) can go yeet themselves into oblivion.
  5. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Almost 6 years ago...

    My first real memory of the server was exploring emerald trail and getting to level 8, and then meeting these two guys who I forget the names of who told me they had found a really good grind spot! The three of us went off of the path and they took me to Ancient Nemract where I managed to stay alive by camping on part of the ruins and healed them so they could grind easier, chipping in with damage where I could. It wasn't effective for grinding at such a low level but it was super fun regardless.
    WithTheFish likes this.
  6. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    You know exactly what I was doing after every school day.

    I don't remember much from my first week, aside from accidentally dropping my Kelight's Toothbrush in the spider dungeon and immediately dying afterwards. I remember it vividly. I didn't know that the forums existed and I had no one in-game to complain to so I kinda just shoved it off until I grabbed a new wand. I do also remember plotting out how I was gonna reach the Roots of Corruption and Detlas, because I thought the map was way bigger than what it actually was.
    Naraka00 and WithTheFish like this.
  7. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    Had no idea Detlas existed. I never went into Nivla because it was to spoopy and went around the beach side to Nemract before ever going to Detlas. I was also a dumb dumb who never did any quests and would just grind mobs outside Nivla and when I was like level 20, the spiders in Nivla. Also, I chose warrior because I played on some other server that was a bit like wynncraft before and I played a Dwarf class on there. And I thought dwarf and warrior were similar. No idea why.
    Naraka00 and A Human like this.
  8. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    Some of these are mashes of my first week on my old account or first week on my new one.

    Didn't know that the game had custom items,
    didn't know it wasn't a server where you could break stuff.
    When I first found Detlas, I asked if I could have a diamond sword.
    I tried to go to Troms at level 14.
    When the Quest Update rolled around (not first week but i feel like mentioning) I thought the NPCs were actual people that I could talk with in chat and ask questions.
    I thought I'd be banned when I accidentally killed a cow somewhere in the Detlas Suburbs
    I was terrified of going into the Pig Valley because 9-10 year old me got fucking freaked out at the sight of a mob chasing after me at full speed when I turned a corner. I never went back there until I was level 30.

    I first joined in August of 2013 on an old account, I was like, lvl 19 or something before I switched. The first thing I did was go to the Savannah and tried to kill an ocelot or whatever its called again... at level 3.

    Also, when I came back after a year following gameplay update I didn't even know that the community had made guides to what had changed, and I ended up figuring the game out from scratch on my own.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
    WithTheFish and A Human like this.
  9. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    • I chose archer as my first class. I soon found out that archer was the worst choice as a newbie playing in the early game.
    • Instead of following the path outside of Ragni, I decided to be a dumbass and go out the north gate. That’s when I found Maltic, a town that had nothing to do at level 5.
    • I couldn’t find Enzan’s brother and I didn’t know what to do with unidentified gear, AND I was an archer on top of this, so I couldn’t beat the giant rat.

    This is just about all I remember, since I was stuck on those two quests I just quit. I’m glad I gave this server a second chance though. It’s been almost 3 years since I’ve started playing and I’ve had a lot of good memories created simce then.
  10. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    It's alright, nobody can beat that godless beast.
    A Human and Spinel like this.
  11. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Yes but my point was that I chose archer as my first class, which was objectively the worst class for it. Every other class has much better crowd control at lower levels than archer, which was very useful when killing it.
  12. T9Creeper

    T9Creeper o.O HERO

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    Hmm, my first week of wynncraft would be my new best friend & I in power levelling & exploring.
    -Died countless times in Nessak at lvl 20
    -Didn't believe Troms, gavel or Almuj
    -Chose mage, thinking it was the most powerful
    -I think i was lvl 30 at the end of the week
    -Sadly my newly found friend quit after that week, traumatic af .-.
  13. vxmpy

    vxmpy sanctus dominus infernus HERO

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    I joined in 2013, meaning I was a 10 y/o who barely understood English.

    -quests were almost impossible for me to understand without videos and google translate
    -Ragni to Detlas felt like I was the greatest explorer in the world on the adventure of their life
    -used the same low level bow for like the entire time
    -exploding and breaking pots to get emeralds instead of fighting
    -the most I did was probably some skeleton dungeon
  14. PrimaNocta

    PrimaNocta Well-Known Adventurer

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    I joined July 19 2013. My first class was a Mage I believe. I recall traveling through Ragni to Detlas and grinding to level 20 or so on my first session. I never bothered with many quests until level 15 or so because it was much more efficient to kill mobs. I'd just come out of school so it was summer, and listened to all the punk rock bands like sum41, green day, simple plan, and avril lavigne. It was great, I was 11 back then so all I really did was kickback, play wynn, and listen to punk rock all day long. Now I'm 17, revisiting Wynn, relaxing, listening to more rock, and spending my final weeks of highschool taking it easy. Man this server has been with me for so long, I wonder how old Salted is. prolly an old man
  15. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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    I only remember snippets. I joined in March of 2014, and chose Mage, because at the time I was already really into Mages and Wizards, and joined the server hoping I could play as one, and that it'd be a nice quick dip into the server. I ran through the super short tutoriel, and when I entered Ragni, I was very confused. I didn't know chat was local, and I distinctly remember wanting to ask "how do I make my chat darker?" but thought that would make me sound dumb, so I didn't, and figured it out later myself.

    I probably would have quit Wynn back then, if not for one player. I don't remember their exact IGN, but I remember calling them "Rose" in my head, so that must have been some part of it. They were about lvl 10 or so when I was lvl 2, and they helped me understand the basics of the game, and was extremely nice and supportive. I didn't know how to add them to my friends list, and although we made a party, I don't think either of us knew the party would be disbanded once we both log off.

    That player, Rose, is why I still sometimes go back to Ragni to help introduce new players, because that is what really made an impact on me, and got me into the server and it's one of a kind community. Now for some random tidbits:

    -I remember I was scared to death of the Savannah, and I honestly wish I was as naive and weak as I was back then to be genuinely intimidated by an area in Wynn, it's an exhilarating feeling.
    -I remember the first time I saw the world restarting I thought if I was online when it hit 0 I would lose all my progress, and would log off beforehand every time.
    -I remember thinking I was hot shit because at lvl 20 something me and a friend explored Twains Mansion, which we had no idea what it was at the time, but were walking around Wynn Plains telling other players of our epic journey inside "Herobrines Mansion" (There used to be a Herobrine Head somewhere in the House, so I just gave Twains Mansion that name until I did the quest).

    -This isn't really first week of Wynn, but its a time I didn't realize was so special until years later;
    At around lvl 70 or so, I bred horses and got a White Horse for under 30 LE. I originally thought I had barely got through it, especially with the lack of inflation from Pre-Gavel, 1 stack was a shit ton back then, but turns out I was incredibly lucky. I named the Horse Pluto, and then switched it to Snowflake in 2016, and have had it ever since.
    H0Y, Tsuneo, Salted and 1 other person like this.
  16. DominikGamer

    DominikGamer Nothing to see here HERO

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    I was like: what does dis do???? And wtf is that, what is a spell?
  17. Treebeard68

    Treebeard68 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I remember very little, but I know I started around 2014-2015.

    It started when my brother (he was 8 or 9 and I was like 9 or 10 years old) showed me Wynncraft. (This is the case with most games/servers that I played) I also did not play with him at all, because he found Wynncraft pretty boring.

    My first class was archer. I'm not sure why I picked archer, probably because it was the first class I saw. And, boy did I love it. When I first got on, I remember actually listening to the tutorial and not quickly skipping through it, and I wasted about 5-10 minutes the in tutorial killing zombies before actually going to Ragni. After going to Ragni, I discovered quests quickly and did most of the quests around Ragni, like Prison Story, which is sadly now removed, Enzan's Brother, Spider Cave I think is what it's called, and Cook Assistant, which I never finished, and I believe have still not finished on my level 100 archer. I remember getting a legendary when I started too.

    This is where I forget a lot of stuff. I know around level 10-20, I made quite a few friends that were level 75 that wanted to help me, so I always adventured with them across the province. Sadly, they all quit before Gavel came out. I also remember doing the dungeons A LOT. I did the Zombie Dungeon and Animal Dungeon a lot and is where I got to level 30. I also remember getting to level 30 in the first day.

    Level 30 was very quick and not much happened. I remember doing Craftmas Chaos and getting the Santa Hat for doing it, and I don't remember much else. I remember doing the old Silverfish dungeon a lot and doing some of the quests around Almuj. I remember doing the old bank quest a lot later because I was too lazy to clear my inventory and get water bottles. I didn't do many quests around level 30 and just did Silverfish Dungeon or farmed around Almuj Desert.

    Level 40 I remember almost nothing that was important, besides joining the guild Shadows @Tealy and warring a lot. (I don't even remember how we warred, because most of us warred in Almuj/Nemract and we were level 40.) Being in Shadows was probably the favorite time of my Wynncraft experience, because I made so many friends there, and everybody was pretty nice. Warring with the guild was a lot of fun too. I remember completely ignoring the Ice Mini-dungeon (now Ice Barrows) and having to get 1 LE just to buy the Ghost Helmet for the old Twain's Mansion. I also remember doing Underice, and being confused on why everybody used Squid Daggers, constantly shouting about buying/selling Squid Daggers. I don't remember how many quests I did in Nesaak, mostly because I didn't know any quests to do. I remember starting Tower of Ascension, and thought it was really cool, and I remember doing Ice Nations. I also did Frost Bite and didn't care for the quest because it was bland and just fetchy. I also remember reading about a rare "Kraken" mob in the Wynncraft Wiki that spawned under the Nesaak Lake and then waiting, hoping that it would spawn one day for me to see it, in fact, I read about a lot of mobs on the Wynncraft Wiki during this time.

    For level 50-60, all I did was farm around ToA all day, killing the enemies that protected it for XP. I'm pretty sure I quit at that time because I blue screened and I thought my computer was cursed. Luckily, I came back before gavel, and got to 75, but that is nowhere near the 1 year mark.

    This was pretty much my 1 week experience. I leveled up really fast.

    Hopefully I can edit this later, because I have to go.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2019
  18. DutchSpruceRun

    DutchSpruceRun Adventurer VIP+

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    The only thing I remember is that I walked straight to Nemract and was hooked instantly, I did have to go after that because it was late.
  19. Mmm

    Mmm Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I went to Nemract and got drunk out of my mind
    (back before the Drunkness potions had a level requirement)
    Jelliee_ likes this.
  20. RazorGuild


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    Found Wynncraft through a couple of friends and decided to try it.

    Joined in Dec of 2016, (not too long ago) and was amazed at first sight. I thought to myself, this really was a fucking giant mmorpg in god damn minecraft. Keep in mind the quality of previous servers I played was fucking garbage (factions, skyblock, etc) and was blown away by literally everything.

    Got to nivla (some people in this thread apparently didn’t?) and really fucked around there wayyyy too long. I remember hitting mobs with my shitty level 1 wand trying to get xp. Funny part is that I (think) I got closer to nemract than I did detlas in my first few hours.

    Then I found detlas, which lead to doing quests, anddd of other bunch of shit.

    Not very exciting, but hey still have that love for this server, even if it’s not perfect
    what the actual fuck.
    Take likes this.
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