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Community Event What do you want to see added to the game?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Chickenfinity, Jan 27, 2022.

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  1. Rage_21

    Rage_21 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    fr rol tp scroll when

    also make dilcks canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. MrRussetPotato

    MrRussetPotato Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Make amplifiers boost the stats after an item is identified to make it seem like it did something
  3. schwandex

    schwandex Well-Known Adventurer

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    I’ve been playing a lot hollow knight recently, so my idea is heavily inspired by it:
    When dern comes out, there will be 4 shrine things which will let you change each spell to one more dark magic-y. Each one will get upgraded in a way, but will also get get worse in some aspect.
    some ideas are:
    -escape: can give you immunity frames in first dash, but costs more mana
    -totem: deals more damage, but instead of normal heal it drains health from enemies in the area
    -meteor: less damage, more impact area or dot effect
    -Bomb arrow: leaves some dark particles in the ground that damage enemies, but it’s slower
    -multihit: less hits (less damage), but at the end it throws enemies into the ground and ‘burrows them’ (stun) for a second

    To access them you may need to do a quest that will reward you with a map
    bolyai likes this.
  4. scootingscooter

    scootingscooter Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    oh my god we need this

    i agree with everything you said about raids and dungeons

    make raids and dungeons great again!
  5. BlueTheSniper

    BlueTheSniper i makea da builds CHAMPION

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    Poprony likes this.
  6. bolyai

    bolyai Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Realy cool idea imo! I hope they don't just make these into major ids and make 1 item for them making them feel really limited due to not being useable with anything else.
  7. Retepeter_

    Retepeter_ Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Some travel method, I think brooms would be cool they could let you float a limited blocks above the ground and you could level them like horses
    Thega likes this.
  8. LegendMC119

    LegendMC119 why do we exist? just to play wynn CHAMPION

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    Hmm... Its alot of work but I would really like if the CT would focus more on the main storyline and release Fruma or Dern sometime... its kinda sad that you guys just left us on a cliffhanger with the silent expanse and RoL storyline, I would like to see like a "Realm of Dern" Storyline where you go through the portal into dern and it will have like a Raid and it will like tell you the History of the Silent Expanse, how the Olmic city used to be before the attacks led by dern etc. because im very curious how the silent expanse looked before being taken over by darkness and also i would like to see more info about the eye and how the eldritch outlook was made, also i would like to meet Lari again.. in dern or whatever. but i would like to meet lari again, and also what happened to bob? like the last actual piece of info about bob is the "Nilrem's Secret Letter" nesaak secret disocvery which basically talks about a dark power which if i had to guess is probably ralated to dern or the eye... thats all i want. i really like the story and i want the CT to expand it.. i hope my wish will come true one day, Thanks.
    Voxels and luckeyLuuk like this.
  9. SirCmt

    SirCmt SirCmt CHAMPION

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    A lot of suggestions in Guild-Staff Communication are overlooked, so I'll list a few I think should be added (then some misc ideas after that):
    - Updated API
    - Custom Guild Ranks and Perms
    - Guild Housing (please)
    - Research System (basically contributing to the guild earns points which can unlock permanent upgrades for your guild)
    - Practice Wars (with custom stats)
    - Guild Gauntlet (basically non-warring competitive mini-games between guilds each week to determine an overall winning guild (more info in glstaff :sunglasses:))
    - Personalized Rewards (members should be rewarded for doing lots of wars, and shouldn't rely on chiefs handing it out)
    - Custom MOTD
    - Choice of Guild Objective Difficulty (with scaling rewards (from very easy to objective that requires you to grind for hours))
    - More Non-Warring Guild Features (please i am begging)
    - Guild PvP (both allow you to attack other players in your guild, and a feature that allows guilds to have PvP battles)
    - 1.19 warring as non-warring gamemode (the idea was that two guilds would duel, and take turns spawning enemies, and the guild that survives the longest wins)

    I also have some housing ideas since I am something of a houser myself:
    - Disable durability usage (or a toggle for it)
    - Access Housing NPC from Slot 7 (re-add the compass to that slot and give it the functionality to remotely access the GUI (should also point out how silly it is having it so you have to fly all the way to the front of your house to access it (e.g. someone who you gave perms to starts griefing and you have to fly back then access the GUI (just a hypothetical))))
    - Access Block Bank from any Enderchests placed on your plot (e.g. in regular mode, regular bank, in housing mode, block bank)
    - Make the Block Bank store every item in infinite stacks rather than 64 stacks (e.g. if you put 5 stacks of dirt in, it would occupy 1 slot, but allow you to take up to 5 stacks from that slot)
    - Custom Housing Name (basically just add /housing name but also give full colour functionality so i can make it look fancy)
    - Add a "mailbox" NPC (basically an NPC that allows you to leave a message at someone's housing for later)
    - Add a donations NPC (also good if people want to donate materials to you)
    - Add parkour and checkpoints system
    - Allow the entity of Combat Dummies to be changed (e.g. you could make it a Baby Zombie, or a larger Slime)
    - Add Merchant Booths as a placable NPC (would display the owner's current trade market items at all times)
    - Add Custom Merchants as a placable NPC (would allow you to sell items solely at your housing (e.g. more personalised mythic trades))
    - Add an option to Item Pedestals for players to buy the item on the pedestal (not allowing untradables) (would obviously allow you to set the price)
    - Add custom text NPCs (basically you can just put simple dialogue on the NPC)
    - Add custom text Holograms (floating text)
    - Rework Build Stands:
    - Currently, Build Stands are (in my opinion) poorly designed. They only provide benefit to the owner of the house you're in, and it's hardly worth buying CHAMPION for this feature alone based on how small the use case is (only ever in your house). Therefore, my idea to change it is:
    - Remove the CHAMPION requirement to use or place a Build Stand.
    - Unify all the builds of Build Stands into a single NPC (meaning ALL your builds on the Build Stand can be stored in a single one (this does not mean you can stack 10 build stands for 10x more builds, it would be synced between Build Stand NPCs))
    - Slots would scale to your rank
    - No Rank: 2 slots
    - VIP: 4 slots
    - VIP+: 6 slots
    - HERO: 8 slots
    - CHAMPION: 16 slots (this is to still incentivise getting CHAMPION for those who want this extra bonus)
    - Your personal Build Stand can be used from any Housing, rather than just your own.
    - This way, everyone can interact and use Build Stands, but CHAMPION is still given the highest perks of the feature (which is a good compromise rather than just restricting it entirely behind a rank (plus you get double that of HERO rank))
    - Add custom permissions system (e.g. people who you are mutually friends with can do x, y, and z, guild members can do x and y, normal players can only do x, etc.)
    - Add Housing Chests (would allow a small number of items to be stored in your plot (max of 10 like other NPCs)) (this would also extend with the permissions system, so some players could gives / take items)
    - Add Debug Stick item (would allow you to rotate blocks, change block state, etc.)
    - Add Teleporters (similar to HSB)
    - Add more customizable visiting rules (rather than public or private, allow guild members, allow mutual friends, allow party members, etc.)
    - Add a GUI that shows a Guild's stats when you interact with their banner (e.g. shows guild level, members, their badges)
    - Change the way blocks are broken (always destroy the block you have an outline for rather than the one you are currently standing in (e.g. standing in trapdoor and breaking another block will hit trapdoor))
    - Change the way paintings are chosen (either always choose biggest, or add a GUI that lets you select the painting)
    - Change the way Crafting Stations are picked up (must be right clicked, opens a GUI, click "Remove Station" (frustrating when you accidentally click too close then it gets destroyed))
    - Allow NPCs and Merchants to have their skin / variant changed (e.g. different villager type, Dwarven / Rymek Emerald Merchant look, set it to your or another player's skin(?))
    - Allow Item Pedestals to have their Pedestal component hidden (so that you can just have the item floating)
    - Allow the player's spawnpoint when they enter Housing to be changed (or go back to where they previously were (if they did /housing leave))
    - Make chests not be invisible when relogging
    - Make torches, signs and other "attached blocks" drop when the block they are attached to is broken (or go back into your inventory)
    - Add a "Visit Housings" daily / guild objective

    These are some of the ideas I had for Guilds and Housing (even though I did put up more ideas for Housing, Guilds honestly needs more non-warring content). Most of the Housing ones are either bug fixed or QoL, but stuff such as holograms, custom NPCs, build stands rework, etc. are all ideas I think would make Housing more enjoyable to play (and visit). As I said, Guilds is probably more in need of new content, as warring has been the crutch of keeping the guild community (and a fair majority of the endgame players) from just quitting outright. Even still, players will eventually get tired when it all gets done, and there's minimal incetive or motivation to keep holding onto territories when the game has gotten stale. Anyhow, rant about that over, let me know what you think about my ideas. Or not. Up to you.
    MineMasterRC, 514425, Thega and 6 others like this.
  10. Ingo

    Ingo Class Building Enthusiast HERO

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    Thanks to raids, items crafted with t3 sky mats are now accessible for everyone (and the lower raids are great for extra crafting xp, which is especially useful for players without champion = who can't join prof worlds. @ Salted fix champion slots). Some of the best recipes still need ingredients that are level >103, making gathering dernic still useful. T3 mats are one of the main reason why I'm running TCC currently.
    That's a great idea
    Making them tradable would have a huge negative impact on making builds for hunted mode. Making a whole build with only untradable items already is hard enough, there really is no need to make it even harder.
    Dungeon items are some of the strongest non-mythic items in the game. Writhing Growth (best heavy melee/cancelstack leggings for damage), Peaceful Rest (best non-mythic spell wand for content where you get hit enough to effectively use endurance, in raids for example), Centipede (highest +tier helmet that's still usable - necrosis isn't), currently-dead-Rainbow-Sanctuary (more of a rainbow problem), Orange Lily (best non-mythic spell bow), Dying Lobelia (best poison bracelet), Sawtooth (again a rainbow problem, before .3 I had some really good sawtooth builds), Infidel (very potent spell spear for offensive builds), Dune Storm (great helmet for rawstack builds, sadly rawstack is bad anyway), The Exploited (great dagger for rawstack builds, same problem as dune storm. Also a great healing offhand), The Evolved (best poison bow), ...
  11. Voltsa

    Voltsa Well-Known Adventurer

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    Trade market API: prices, quantity ect
  12. cmosier

    cmosier cmosier VIP

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    thanks for the info on how the material market works, since i'm not really involved i didn't know about that. i agree with t3 materials being more common overall, though i still don't really get why they're easier to get from raids than manual gathering. then again i don't know much of a solution here
    man i am surprised i forgot about hunted mode when writing this. i think a good solution would be to change the mechanics of hunted mode so that when you die you can't drop items with a dungeon requirement (and possibly a quest requirement too (looking at you grookwarts items))
    i think you misunderstood my point here. to quote myself: "I feel that every dungeon should feel special, and that players should be able to look forward for their upcoming shopping spree." dungeon merchant items don't really give this satisfaction of each individual dungeon run being a reward, as most (good) items take multiple runs and are pretty grindy to obtain (The Nothing, Hashr Claw, Centipede (i hate cls (i hate cls (seriously doesnt it take like 5 runs))), all of FF lmao). the problem with this is that, with the exception of those runs where you just got enough tokens to purchase the item you're going after, each run doesn't give you anything special at all. that's the thing i'd like to see changed
    Ingo likes this.
  13. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    untradable builds are a symptom of the flaws of hunted

    tradable merchant items would be probably fine if hunted wasn’t treated like a neglected child
  14. MatForYoga888

    MatForYoga888 High Gavellian Transcriber

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    That's already a thing
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  15. NagisaStreams

    NagisaStreams Sertified idiot CHAMPION

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    Make it so you can see the max amount of NPCs so you don't do what I do and buy 30 pedestals not knowing there was a cap of 10 :(
    Speaking of which, make it so you can have more housing pedestals.

    Class Specific quests would be cool, although it does not need to be like each quest is in the quest book, just make one quest that changes depending on class.
    514425, Enderclaw and Uniimog like this.
  16. SomeRandy

    SomeRandy Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yeah, but not a lot.
  17. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    I want grass
    starx280 likes this.
  18. starx280

    starx280 The boy who cried lunar VIP

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    Buff lunar

    Actually not memeing much though, considering it’s risk factor I think it definitely deserves a higher damage reward
  19. Stealth321

    Stealth321 Well-Known Adventurer

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    This is my chance to contribute… I could change everything. I want a shaman mythic with a major ID- but I would love the ability to be able to fish while on oak boats!
  20. TaintedL1on

    TaintedL1on Remove Champion bomb bell CHAMPION

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    It just sucks that it's impossible to make money selling T3 lvl 100 mats now. Before raids I could easily get at least 45EB per T3 lvl 100 mat. Now I'm lucky if I could sell it for 5eb, on a good day. I legit make more money selling bulk t1 lvl 90 materials than I do from 100s or 110s.
    Enderclaw likes this.
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