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Community Event What do you want to see added to the game?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Chickenfinity, Jan 27, 2022.

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  1. SomeRandy

    SomeRandy Well-Known Adventurer

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    An actual mob grind spot for emeralds. Can we please have that?

    Quests or events where they reward PROF XP.

    Maybe increase the xp gained from both gathering and crafting profs
    514425, Thega, Voxels and 2 others like this.
  2. TheEpicCajun

    TheEpicCajun bee HERO

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    Adding more spells is LONG overdue. We have had the same spells with the same spell upgrades for years now, with the most tweaks happening during the Silent Expanse update (which was nice). This could work while maintaining that golden rule of having only four spells by switching out spells in spell slots bound to your mouse combos (for example, you could swap out Heal for a new spell on your R-L-R slot). I don't need to state how this will benefit the game overall.
    Dr Zed, Thega, Voxels and 6 others like this.
  3. P1xell8ted

    P1xell8ted Hello

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    Last edited: Feb 1, 2022
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  4. Nieke

    Nieke Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I sorely miss a dedicated space for a classes tomes. I wish tomes were only class-type-bound, then it might not be as needed , but as it is right now tomes really pile up. I wish there were a few tome library pages in the tome menu.
    weapon tome page
    the powders represent mythic and fabled tomes, blank powders are for the rainbow tomes
    page buttons could be added in the top corners or between the top sections

    two more pages, one for the 7 fabled armour tomes and one for the mythics and we have everything we need for now in 3 pages, expandable and future resilient

    we can even make people do more content for the luxury of being allowed to store tomes on its class

    The trade market is fine for normal items, but for stackable items it is a little rubbish right now, most things aren't being offered because it just doesn't make sense to waste a precious slot, among other concerns.

    There is a lot of wasted trade potential. Professions are needlessly gatekeepy because of this. The offerings on the market are limited and often distorted by insanely low supply (people randomly trying to sell something not usually sold). A lot of stackables are thrown away.

    I regularly sell random level materials and ingredients for 1eb each, because I know I can and it justifies my time trying, but most people are not crazy enough to buy at the common rates.

    I wish there was a separate market for stackables, where you have many more slots, possibly for every item (unlockable to make it reasonable?), where you can just adjust the price without relisting, ideally where you can add/remove to/from a trade. A dream would be that market also acting as storage, so you can add however much you like to a slot and still separately set the quantity and price to sell from that slot. So pouches can finally feel like something other than pure storage pages.​

    Trade history for mythics (at least). Maybe have it show a time stamp of some sort. No need to say how much this would help me with scamming, now I could finally spend millions in 5% taxes to manipulate the trade history up in price,

    War practice towers on a war world, that does not save changes. Being able to try again and again at difficulties that you need to progress your setup and skill will be a game changer. People not being able to participate because of for one example full teams in the real wars or not being able to learn because of them missing the real wars is a major issue.

    Things I would like to see on and about the map: a Llevigar rebuild and a major ocean touch up with additions. The ocean needs (mainly for war balancing reasons) more faster travel options. I like the lone outpost with its gate defence mini game and more cool little places should exist and possibly interconnect. It could be just plain fast travels, with boats and balloons, but what I would really love to see is a crafted teleport scroll.

    Extra class slots for ironman characters, not much to it, I just don't feel like I can justify wasting a class to an ironman type. If implemented this would encourage people to do it, it would add to your wynn experience rather than being a difficult and painful trade-off.
    heart6008, Thega, Voxels and 6 others like this.
  5. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    More interactions between different quest NPCs, such as what was done in the Festival of the Blizzard. Personally, I think that was one of the coolest parts of the event and I'd like to see it be expanded upon.

    Also, more updates and bug fixes to Housing please :)
  6. SynthesisCT

    SynthesisCT Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    omg I love your suggestion for tomes, having them be unlockable and then interchangeable in library system like that would actually save like 2 bank pages worth of space
    starx280 likes this.
  7. Mole

    Mole Novice Souvenir Collector HERO

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    Ok so I had to skim through what everyone said to try to come up with something that hasn’t been stated, and I have two things I think would be cool.

    So the first is sorta an extension of the whole bank saving space idea. There are plenty of people who play the game and have precious bank space being filled up by quest items, so to save room, to see what quest items you have on a singular class, you can see them in like a command that you can check to see the list of quest items you have. Either that or I dunno just find a way to house quest items without using bank or inventory space.

    Alright so remember all the short time use items like the bipedal spring and the speed surge? What if we had more of these types of items with one use, but make them do like spell type attacks? Kinda like a one time use spell scroll(example would perhaps be like a fireball scroll, or lightning scroll), but put a long(ish) cooldown so it doesn’t change combat all to much, only adding extra damage or effects to enemies here and there.
    Voxels, starx280 and luckeyLuuk like this.
  8. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    For 1.21 (or another future update) I want there to be an NPC in the Guild Hall for players to simulate the old 1.19 war system (aka Legacy Guild Wars), where you can pick what territory to war on*, although the mob setup in every territory would always use the max "22k" mob defense setup (albeit slightly buffed)

    There would be "fastest time" leaderboards for each territory that tracks the fastest solo wars (as well as per-player "personal best times" for each territory), although leaderboard/best time eligibility for a given war would be invalidated if consumables are used. As these are simulated wars, inventories and soul points are preserved before entering a war, which means that players don't lose soul points here, and whatever inventories the players had upon a war’s conclusion are "reverted" to when the players initially enter the war, so there isn't any item/durability loss to worry about

    There would be options to do these wars solo or with a group, but the group option would only be available when in a party or a guild, with a max playercount of 8 players per war.

    *Wars completed through this NPC are simulated and entirely separate from the current system, and they do not affect 1.20 wars/currently owned territories.

    (TLDR: Being back (simulated) 1.19 wars through an NPC in the Guild Hall (with per-territory fastest time leaderboards; and per-player PB times for solo play), which preserves items and soul points, and has options for solo and group play)
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    99loulou999 likes this.
  9. 514425

    514425 Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'd like a better tie-in ingame for the elements in the lore. I see numerous players who enter #class-builds looking for builds and although we are happy to oblige, I'd like there to be more ways in which the information about the elements is spread. Order of the Grook is one of my favourite quests for this reason, because they explain the elements themselves and what they represent. In addition, Kelight's notebook was a nice piece of lore for the same reason (because it hints that players should spread into multiple similarly-elemental gear). It can be as simple as adding various dialogue lines around Wynn, like an Elkurn NPC who remarks on that some corrupted more strongly attuned to thunder and fire drain the life and energy of their victims, tying in to the tendency of TF items to have life/mana steal.


    In addition, item lore references places and characters, but the opposite does not happen. I don't understand why. I think it would be cool for, say, two Efilim elves to be gossiping and you overhear the following:
    -Did you hear about that relic found in the Caritat Mansion's wreckage last week?
    -Oh? The one given to Elder Berusia?
    -Yes! That one! I heard his face darkened and then he gathered all our best healers to some meeting.
    -What for? I thought that nothing from Caritat was tainted anymore because the incident happened so long ago.
    -Three hours later I saw him walk across town and hand a parcel to a courier. He looked so upset.
    -I wonder if it had to do with that relic? He won't allow anyone to talk about it.
    -Who knows?

    This references Resurgence, but a few other items can be hinted at as well.


    Lastly, please do not trivialise the elements of Light and Dark. Their handling in A Journey Beyond was somewhat lackluster because they were never elaborated on again. Why was Elphaba considered "touched by the darkness" if she worked in the Gavellian Army for years? Why don't entities of the Realm of Light share immunity to those touched by the light? This is beside the point, though.

    Maybe they could be meta-elements, such that they rarely appear as weapon damage and can only be boosted by the damage boosts caused by skill points.
    Dark damage would be increased by Str/Dex and Light damage would be increased by Def/Agi. (75 str and 68 dex means 104.2% increased Dark damage because 53.9+50.3 = 104.2)
    In PvP Light and Dark defense would be raw reduction based on the averaged bonus effect of the skill points. (150 def and 0 agi means you take 40.4% decreased Light damage because (80.8+0)/2 = 40.4)
    Dark resists Dark and Light resists Light.
    In Dern and RoL the meta-elements affect your character to take increased Dark/Light damage the more extreme your skill points are distributed. This is because in Dern you either succumb to the influence of using so much dark (E/T) or get infected as a beacon of light (F/A). The perfectly balanced players would be the hardest to kill using just Dark/Light damage.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    heart6008, Thega, Voxels and 3 others like this.
  10. Raw_Fish

    Raw_Fish Wynn enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Bring back Nether or something like it.
    Despite the current balancing, a FFA PvP arena would be fun. Not to mention the current pvp leaderboard on the stats page is kinda outdated and instead of leaving it like that, reworking it could be a good idea.
    heart6008, Enderclaw and luckeyLuuk like this.
  11. Lex!

    Lex! :] CT Manager Ability Designer QA GM CHAMPION

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    this is actually a cool thing we'd like to do! but dealing damage to mobs via our tools is really finnicky and it currently isn't viable to make stuff like this. maybe someday
    Enderclaw, Stag2001, starx280 and 7 others like this.
  12. Ava Cart

    Ava Cart If you don't like Ava you die CHAMPION

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    lootrunning changes, add a method to generate more raw emeralds into the economy, add more bank pages, make it possible to level a class from 1 to 100 with just quests
  13. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    Totally agree!

    Also (building on that last point), Wynncraft needs achievements!
    Achievements linked to playtime, profs, raids, dungeons, guild wars, quests, secret world ones...
    Voxels, Enderclaw, luckeyLuuk and 2 others like this.
  14. nip nop

    nip nop thinking hurts CHAMPION

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    Hmmm alright I guess I should make a serious answer shouldn't I

    Not against the ideas of a spell/skill tree and more variety at the player's arsenal mechanics wise and I definitely think they should come sometime in the future, but right now what we desperately need to improve is the mob side of content. Mobs haven't gotten a new spell in ages, telegraphs are lackluster at best, and while the new boss-specific mechanics and arena attacks introduced in raids and Bottomless Pit are great, it'd be even better to see them be expanded upon and used more often, although I understand that they are harder to create and the CT probably can't reasonably do them for every single boss in game. You can give the player a million different ways to kill the same mobs, but if they aren't also made more interesting, you've barely improved the combat system at all. A good fight is only as good as its enemies.

    I made this thread a bit back (although I should really update this, I'm not too happy with it looking back at it and the tone I expressed) which I think covered most of the issues I've felt plagued the content but I think one of the biggest new things to add from here is an actual functioning aggro system. With the introduction of raids and the newly updated guild wars, Wynn has expressed a lot more interest in becoming more MMO-like with its challenging endgame multiplayer content and to have not such a fundamental system hurts it in more ways than one. Taunt is a major ID that exists in game, but it barely functions if at all and to have something more complex would be infinitely better, not just for raids or wars, but the server as a whole.

    Dungeons for a while had felt especially outdated design wise, and to see some of the CT members take feedback from the official Wynncraft discord in these last few news posts has been a real pleasure and I'm excited to see where GG and future dungeon reworks go from here.

    Bank space is especially bad currently especially given the prices of higher pages, and essentially the space needed for items has never been higher than in 1.20. Profs becoming slightly more integrated in the main game, housing utilized gathering materials, and tomes as mentioned earlier are all really bank space demanding. I'd like to either see more pages be added and prices lowered, or add separate pages for these sorts of items specifically to store.

    Everything here pretty much. I know that saying "make NPCs better" is not good feedback but really just reading the small interactions between differing characters really shows the CT's prowess at writing. And the addition of multiple dialogue options was utilized pretty much perfectly here. More of that please. PlasmaWarrior has some great housing suggestions also. And, make blocks in housing cost not as much or give higher quantity.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2022
    heart6008, Voxels, 514425 and 12 others like this.
  15. Zaphkyr

    Zaphkyr Skilled Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I would love to see lore finally being added to reliks. As of now, all the new mythics plus every single mythic relik (and 99% of all reliks in general) completely lacks any sort of lore, which I think is kinda sad. I'd even be ready to help come up with some if need be
  16. mrcraftyketchup

    mrcraftyketchup Meleeing Enthusiast HERO

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    In case that aggro gets reworked (Which is something that would be nice as right now it would use some work), can we allow warriors to have baseline taunt on War Scream if they're crouch casting?

    I feel that in the event where the aggro system gets a rework, Warrior which frankly is a meat shield at least by the virtue of its increased effective health compared to the other classes, shouldn't have to use a major id for something that seems core to at least its identity. Archer without Hawkeye and Assassin without Cherry Bombs don't feel any less "full" of a class as opposed to being a meat shield without ever actually being able to draw enemies' attention.

    In place of the taunt major id, you could place a major that would cause War Scream to have increased benefits for a short period of time on using initially. That way Warrior would have gotten a baseline mechanic that is just iffy to otherwise have to get a major ID for, and it would buff the two items it is currently on since I am not aware of many warriors using them anyway.

    Thanks for attention upload_2022-1-28_8-51-43.png
    heart6008, Thega, Voxels and 8 others like this.
  17. DJBillGates21

    DJBillGates21 GYP ON TOP VIP+

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    guild war practice arenas
    set stats/bonuses of a fake tower somehow and be warped into the war
    doesn't use consus/lose soul points
    starx280, 99loulou999 and Mitchelhof like this.
  18. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    Actually, yeah great time to say this specifically.
    An aggro system, better telegraphs, and more interesting mob AI.
    Notice I said interesting, not smart, in reality, all mobs, especially basic mobs need, is a couple of different attacks they can switch between in well-telegraphed patterns that force players to react.
    It doesn't need to be over-complicated, just well telegraphed, with some variety.
    starx280, Leafish and PlasmaWarrior like this.
  19. keithzzz

    keithzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Jungle secret discoveries (Lore about skien, the sodeta guild, tribe stuff, CoW, slykaar, how and why the great bridge was built, and maybe even wynnexcavation.)

    Ocean secret discoveries (Lore about redbeard, the mages, seaskipper, sarnfic, nilrem putting all of bob's pets throughout the ocean, the vikings, and all the other weird and obscure cult shit you can find in the islands.)

    More corkus discoveries and an ult discovery (Lore about legendary island, cerid, the council, and how electromagic was developed. The ult discovery for corkus could probably be something showing the events of when the mechs started turning against corkus or when humans had first arrived on the island through fruma.)

    Adding more to the ocean edge mountain paths would be kind of cool too since there's almost nothing to do in those areas rn besides talking mushroom lore easter egg and regular island.
    heart6008, Voxels, Enderclaw and 3 others like this.
  20. KlokkeBlomst

    KlokkeBlomst Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Sub classes would be a super nice addition, so your able to specialize ur playstyle instead of having the same 4 spells throughout the entire game, example could be mage splits into priest to be more support focused, or warlock to prioritize damage
    Thega, __Kofa__, Enderclaw and 2 others like this.
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