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SPOILER What Do You Suspect/hope Will Be In 1.20?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by TMY8, May 9, 2020.

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  1. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    100% Gavel will get some places redone. Last updates have had changes made to Gavel as well. It's probably (hopefully) a rework of the decay since I can't recall that being touched upon yet. Also I'm really hoping for a Light Realm overhaul, expanding the Light Realm in both size and content + reworking the original quests to not be so underwhelming. I would even be okay with just changing what we now know as the Light Realm to an area heavily influenced by the Light Realm, so that the true Light Realm can be more on par to SE or Dern.

    By the way, I think this has become an unpopular opinion, but I really want a meaningful level cap rise. I was hoping SE would bring level 110 but that didn't happen, so now I'm hoping for Fruma or Dern to give us that higher level cap. I just really want to explore new areas and be weary and afraid because even my highest level guy is too weak.

    Lastly, as for provinces, I think Fruma will be released earlier on than Dern. Since Fruma is there to provide an origin story and Dern serves for more of a finale IMO.

    I wonder how they'll do those provinces though cause I think of them as Gavel/Wynn sized but 1.14 showed us that an entire province in one update might be a bit too much. I wouldn't mind if a province like Fruma was split into two updates though (e.g. a level 30-80 part and a level 100+ part or whatever).

    EDIT: I also speculate about what's east of the Almuj desert and if there could be another ocean update. small map updates like what we got with lusuco, rymek and dernel jungle are kinda cool as well
    Mistrise Mystic and That_Chudley like this.
  2. williamszr98

    williamszr98 Cyberpunk 2077 have less bugs than this update VIP+

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    bank search feature will be back.

    Im waiting.
  3. RazorGuild


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    I literally could not care lore wise on what the update is, not a big fan of the lore. Just please add something fun for the players to repeadtely grind for LIKE RAIDS ADD RAIDS PLEASE FUCK. and yeah maybe make those raids in gavel too :)??
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  4. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    I might be in the minoruty since I know a lot of people just want more content, but I honestly think a complete overhaul of almost all of the games existing systems to make them more streamlined or in some cases, actually functional is what the 1.20 update really needs to be; In fact, I think it should really be more of a version 2. At this point, I think we have all the content we really need in place, we just need new ways of experiencing the existing stuff to make it more worth repeating.

    First, they need to fix the "lack of endgame" by drastically changing the existence of lootrunning and its place in the game. The endgame of a game is whatever gives the best stuff (or most valuable at the very least), so as long as mythics are only gotten from LR'ing, loot running will always be the endgame and people will always complain about how the endgame of Wynn is awful. Dungeons are clearly the intended endgame for Wynn, so dungeons should be where mythics come from.

    They also need to change the way dungeon rewards and difficulty work. I'm amazed that they spent so long making each dungeon, only to then make them essentially useless once you're a handful of levels outside their intended range. Every dungeon should have a normal difficulty and a hard difficulty which is intended for max level players. Dungeons also need useful consumable rewards to give players a reason to repeat them beyond needing a little more exp. Finally, and I've been saying this for a long time, dungeon fragments are a bad idea and shouldn't exist. Dungeons already have too many items associated with them that need storage (keys, broken keys, runes (and to some extent, avo feathers), and tokens) fragments are just one more thing to store, and the biggest problem is that they have no use. Just give us two tokens instead of one and three fragments, increase the dungeon prices now by 50% ish and convert all the fragment prices into token prices. It might not be a huge issue now, but I can say with some level of certainty there will be at least two more forgery dungeons (CFF and CGG, CGG is basically confirmed), plus a realm of light dungeon (do the quest and you'll know) and there will almost 100% be a Dern dungeon/raid against the final boss when that eventually comes out. each of these will have a key, a token and fragments which will be ridiculous for storage.

    Going on with dungeons, I would really like to see some sort of page added to the compass which tracks dungeon completion counts (would be nice to see in game) and could let you deposit and withdraw usable keys and currency for each dungeon whenever wherever. Not only would this be nice for saving bank space, it would also help solve the non stacking key problem which has been in the game for years now by essentially changing keys from a regular item into a number in a table somewhere.

    I also think Wynn needs a gear improvement system and a gear awakening to unlock major id's, rather than them just being default traits of gear, but I think I'll make a suggestion on that when I figure it out and post it in the suggestions.

    Anyways, that's all I want to see. I really don't want another area that isn't Dern unless Fruma is a level 100+ area (which it probably won't be), I think gavel dungeons are a lost cause at this point (especially if they make any changes to how dungeons work), I think hunted mode was a bad idea since PVP will never be good in Wynn and I think any boss tougher than the eye had better be tough for different reasons since the eye having 300 mil health is about the limit of what my hands clicking can take. All that being said, I completly agree wynn needs a new LI/ToA that isn't based around combat and can be repeated. I don't think a I agree a minigame is the best solution to the problem (wynn has enough of those and they're mostly annoying) but I think having an areas final challenge being based around parkour would be great. Maybe in Dern since it could act as a calm before the storm that would be the final boss.

    Nice post, rereading what I wrote makes me think people might think I'm trying to be mean, so I just wanted to let you know I'm not trying to be a hater, I just have a different idea of where the game should go. Your ideas are just as important as mine :D
    Raids are called dungeons and have been in the game for a long time?
    AlleonVera, Emogla3, J_Lo777 and 2 others like this.
  5. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    What? How do you figure?
    Also, I think RazorGuild was talking about more like the old swarms, or the vanilla MC raids-type deal.
    Mistrise Mystic and Sg_Voltage like this.
  6. Sg_Voltage

    Sg_Voltage 1.18 was the best update, don't @me CHAMPION

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    Because as of now, dungeons are the only repeatable content in Wynn with some consistent (albeit terrible for the mostpart) reward. I assume they're the endgame since the player is intended to beat each dungeon 20+ times to fully unlock everything, which might not be the point, but even getting the T12 tools takes 12 runs. They also combine all the aspects of Wynn (combat, puzzle, various parkour types) into a repeatable event, so even if they aren't intended to be the endgame, I genualy think that dungeons are the best candidate for being made into the endgame by giving the reward system a revamp. That being said, I probably should have been a little more clear on what I consider a dungeon since I personally see LI as a dungeon, so that's on me.

    You're probably be right about RazorGuild, though in my defence I've seen so many raid suggestions I just kinda assume people who mention adding raids forgot that dungeons exist. That one's on me :(
    RazorGuild and Mistrise Mystic like this.
  7. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    What I'm Hoping:
    A mythical place known as Gavel Dungeons, it will probably not happen since they never added them and will never do because they are busy adding other dungeons in other places or remaking the 7 wynn dungeons
    For real tho, Gavel dungeons when? It's been years...
    MlecznyHuxel99 likes this.
  8. Richboys111

    Richboys111 I waste all my money on bank space VIP

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    Darkness powders. Light powders
  9. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    More boss altars spread around Gavel and the Silent Expanse, while adding more explorable areas throughout most of the regions on the map, and also a few new quests
    Last edited: May 17, 2020
    Emogla3 and That_Chudley like this.
  10. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Mmm nice I quite agree

    Especially as a man who uses half his classes as free bank space slaves xD
    Sg_Voltage likes this.
  11. xinny

    xinny on my knees CHAMPION

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    - player riding.
    - a new melee class.

    :pensive: :v:
  12. Asthae

    Asthae ... CHAMPION

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    Arkade likes this.
  13. J_Lo777

    J_Lo777 Wynn Artist CHAMPION

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    Now everyone's gonna be riding a mage that has warp
    MlecznyHuxel99 and That_Chudley like this.
  14. Casparof

    Casparof mythic counter: 2 HERO

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    1-30 should be fast cuz otherwise some of the new players whould be getting really bored real fast like for mage you really need to be lvl 21 begor the class really starts to make sens
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