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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. H0Y

    H0Y H0Y HERO

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    He's a tsundere obvs.
    ParkourTNT likes this.
  2. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    And the Content Team should do the same, loud and subjective doesn't necessarily mean wrong.
  3. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Subjective means that something is heavily opinion-based and many people would have many differing opinions on it.
  4. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Objectivity doesn't exist, it's just what most people agree on in their "subjective" opinion. The game is built on opinions. If you think something is "subjective" you shouldn't dismiss it just because you might not agree with it, you should consider it and maybe try to see if more people share said opinion.
  5. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    You are not wrong, but I find it understandable that people find it very heard to weed through loud and subjective opinions to find a compromise that will make them game better, but not perfectly fit what some people want, leading to loud and subjective opinions on that which is new, rinse repeat, it takes a toll on a person.
    You're absolutely correct.
  6. NicBOMB

    NicBOMB Maker of Builds | Lurks on Forums | 1 Mythic Found CHAMPION

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    Mythics are too far beyond rare. Their drop rate should be increased. Math is fun.
    I believe you just stumbled upon the concept of merit based employment... (or in the case of CT, merit based acceptance)
  7. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Also here's just a lot of my opinions, unpopular or not.

    • Quests are pretty much the only thing that make Wynncraft stand out. I don't get why people skip them, with a few exceptions of course.
    • Wynncraft's music is mostly trash.
    • RNG isn't good game design.
    • Bullet tanks are not good game design.
    • Marginally different bullet tanks are not good game design.
    • The Qira Hive should be reworked, we already have Tower of Ascention, the fighting rooms don't fit with the Hive itself at all and having a more open and big environment in which you have to hunt down mobs would be much better.
    • The Dungeons and Discoveries update was trash.
    • I like the general themes and appearance of the Decay more than the Corruption, but I think it should be reworked and maybe even made non-magical.
    • The Olux swamp has a really good atmosphere.
    • A lot of items have no reason to exist.
    • Normal items shouldn't be drops.
    • Not every bloody molecule in the Wynncraft universe should have lore. I don't get why people think every quest should have tons of backstory and tie into the main lore, which isn't that interesting anyway. I also hate the fact that every dungeon except Fallen Factory is connected to the Corruption. It just makes them less unique.
    • 70-80 is the best level range in Wynncraft.
    • The item team has done a terrible job.
    • I hate most of the mod team.
    • Wynncraft just needs to stay away from pretentious and overly serious quests. I'm not going to take it seriously anyways. Interesting concepts in both gameplay and setting should be prioritised.
    • Eye of the Storm isn't the worst quest and I think people are just mindlessly agreeing with Selvut for no apparent reason. That doesn't mean it's in any way good though.
    • We need new mob AI for Wynncraft combat to be fun.
    • The four classes we have are enough. There isn't really any clear playstyle that isn't a hybrid of multiple.
    • The idea of a summoner class is fundamentally flawed.
    • The Canyon of the Lost is one of my favourite areas and I don't get why people have trouble with it.
    • Corkus was disappointing.
    • I don't get why people want more endgame content in the form of an even harder Legendary Island and things along those lines. I've heard that a couple of times and it seems like people don't understand that LI is already a harder version of previous bosses. Why not suggest something original for and endgame challenge?
    • These forums are just one big prejudice-fest. The CT and moderators' opinions are held in much higher regard than those of "normal" people, regardless of their actual validity.
    • Gimmicky and abusive builds are a much more interesting meta than just piling together good items.
    • Waluigi doesn't need to be in Smash.

    Oh wait that last one wasn't Wynncraft related, but these are my opinions anyway. Have fun disagreeing.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    A lot of people, including myself, have voiced our own criticisms separate from Selvut’s. While I do also agree with a lot of Selvut’s criticism of the quest, it doesn’t mean that Selvut was the first to ever voice that criticism, nor did everyone just hate it for no reason except that Selvut didn’t like it.
    Eric Yang likes this.
  9. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Care to elaborate?
    Dr Zed likes this.
  10. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    I will try to keep the fact that I am CT out of my opinion.

    .The Item system and the texture pack was the best part of Gavel and made the game less of a Minecraft MMo and more of a real MMO (I also think they are the reason wynncraft is not 100% dead).

    .Wynn should not take itself too seriously. It's ok to have dark place like Skiens and some real lore, but in total the game should be fun and comical.

    .Most Paths and caves suck

    .Unique items are fine, not every item needs to be the best at what it does.

    .People complain about grinding too much (It can be overused, but it's not the bane of all existence).

    .Early game Dungeon Shop items are too much, by the time you can afford them you are a higher level enough to get better items.

    .Lord of the Clocks was a meme and not a good quest.

    .The Ravine Masks are a bit of cool side content.

    .CSST was the greatest mistake of all time.

    .Bob is not an interesting hero. (Twains are much cooler)

    .Corkus is somewhere on the list of greatest mistakes. (It's interesting but useless when it comes to making the game feel more whole)

    Anyway that's all I wanted to share.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    The game isn't balanced. To make it balanced is an impossible feat, but the job of the item team is to make the game balanced. Until the game is balanced the item team won't have done its job properly.

    However, straying away from what I think is doing a good job and talking more about some actual content: I think that items that are good at one thing are often overshadowed by other multi-purpose items that weren't even made for that thing. As an example: Thrunda Ripsaw is rarely used because of Infused Hive dagger.
  12. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I don't get then why you are criticizing something for which you said that it's impossible for the item team to do. It just sounds like you're overlooking a lot of what the item team has done so far. While some changes have been mixed, most like the Hive change and the cancer nerf were definitely needed. Furthermore, I don't see what the alternative would be if you're proposing it's impossible to balance the game anyway. The whole reason why the item team was created in the first place was to bring and act on more feedback of experienced players. Again, it's not perfect, but back then Selvut had to make every non-mythic item by himself, and he wasn't even allowed to touch mythics, which were woefully unbalanced at the time.
    Too be fair though, it was polished and it felt whole. It's a bit unfair to place the blame of the game feeling unconnected and inconsistent on Corkus alone, especially since it's mostly endgame.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  13. EgdarTheRuiner

    EgdarTheRuiner Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    People praise ToL as a good quest. While it does have story significance it's a boring fetch quest that has you running around like a headless chicken over the whole damn map and a boss fight that you can't possibly solo without a fire/air weapon at level 68 and getting a group together is so difficult you have to pray that some level 100s taking ToL for their guild help u or wait until level 90 to do it. Also, fuck the canyon in general. Also tagging on from what Shanaro said there are so many areas and islands around places with no significance at all, which would be really cool if they were developed. Also gavel dungeons are a meme at this point which is a shame because moving mountains got me hyped when I first noticed it. And last but by no means least remove flamethrower it's such an aids spell (not really an unpopular opinion but eh)
    i actually quite like a lot of the rest of the things in the game like corkus, the wynnexcavation quests the guild system, boss altars and the lore but idk
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
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  14. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    Several things you forgot to consider. First, Hive Dagger is a hive item. It's supposed to be very powerful. However, by choosing to use it, you are giving up a hive item while you can still fit Ripsaw in a build with another hive item. In addition to that, Ripsaw also differs from Hive Dagger in terms of stats and playstyle.

    Thrunda Ripsaw has life steal, allowing it to provide sustain and fit in playstyles and builds that are quite different from those using Hive Dagger. Don't always think of items as better/worse versions of each other, each individual one fulfills their own purpose or may have qualities that another doesn't. Rarely are items actually straight up overshadowed by others, and issues in items that do arise are eventually fixed.
  15. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Something being pretty much impossible to fix doesn't excuse it being bad. A very large portion of the items was created when the item team wasn't a thing, so the stats were kind of whatever. Now there is a team for that and they have to fix the tangled mess they were presented with. So that means either try to fix all those broken items or decide that a lot of items are the same and not thought out well and just cut them. Most items have no reason to exist and the meta is decided by how much an item is better than another item which is designed basically exactly the same. If you ask me they should've cut a lot of items a long time ago and specialised in giving all the items an identity of some sort. How is Diaminar different from Ignition? Or Awakening from Infused Hive Bow? Sometimes even mythics have this problem. Can you tell me the big difference between Idol and Tidebinder? Or Singularity and Manablast? How about Weathered and Slider? The difference is that one is better than the other, no major changes in design philosophy, just the same item, but with lame stats.
    Druser likes this.
  16. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Uh... no. I did it at-level with a level 50s rainbow weapon. I'll take the opportunity to prove this wrong more concretely on my second playthrough by soloing CoW with water spear at-level (in case you're considering rainbow to include fire/air).
    EgdarTheRuiner likes this.
  17. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    I've never seen anyone praise ToL, I thought it was just a fact that the quest sucks ass.
  18. Headset_O

    Headset_O I used to do stuff for this server CHAMPION

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    Oh man, personal opinions, time to overdo it!

    • Wynn is pretty much a CraftedMovie experiment that got out of hand, if it was actually conceived to become this popular it might have been way more mature and serious (with less cheesy lore)
      • The process of Wynn evolving from that small thing to a full MMORPG which is still being expanded is absolutely amazing and underappreciated
    • There is too much demand for endgame content while putting off early game content as useless, I have seen people act like they are entitled to that. Too many people are forgetting about the masses of players quitting in the early levels and the fact that we can't just cram all the new stuff in the higher levels, otherwise we would still be stuck with the original Wynn quests (of course endgame still needs content)

    • We need to let the playerbase know more about the way we work on content and I don't just mean deadlines:
      • When applying for CT nobody actually knows what they are getting into and how it's going to play out
      • Revealing the systems we use for things like quests and mobs will not only give applicants an idea on what to expect, normal players will also be able to understand our limitations and how not everything we do is to be taken for granted
      • During development we need to inform people as to what we are working on. Nothing specific, like "We are working on a Detlas revamp", that should be left until we actually have something to show and are sure it's going smooth. The general direction of the update should be given out, like if it's going to bring in more gameplay aspects, is it more quest and exploration focused, just revamps?
        • We shouldn't be scared to release some information and then worry about possibly scrapping those parts of an update. If we scrap it there is a good reason to it and letting players know is better than having them get angry and claim laziness is at fault
      • CT in general needs to be less walled off from the community, I still miss the build night streams, great way to give some insight and humanize the CT a bit
    Basically people need to stop thinking that we are working on the new Elder Scrolls, we are just doing this for fun and sometimes it's not easy as it is, the high expectations don't help with that.

    • Gavel needs a revamp, the builds feel outdated, the map itself feels a bit clunky and there are some quests that show their ancient limitations

    • Some players just seem to feel obliged to play Wynn, there is nothing wrong with just stopping and coming back from time to time to check out new content. If you like the community you are welcome to stick around the forums and discord, but you don't have to feel forced into waiting for the next update and then getting disappointed because the last months spent waiting didn't lead to the exact thing you were expecting
      • Replayability isn't really something we can consider, since our systems make quests pretty straight forward
    • Wynncraft is its own game which uses Minecraft as engine, nobody is gonna stop me from claiming working on and for it isn't at least some sort of actual game development experience

    • People are way too obsessed with items, balancing, buils and trading. I understand that it's something to keep you busy and helps you with LI and such, but I would only completely understand it if PvP was a way bigger thing
      • You people also get too obsessed with memes (I'm looking at you Toy with your discord emotes)
        • Before you want to complain, no, moin is not a meme or something I came up with

    I know this is heavily CT biased. I'm not claiming everything we do and decide on is irrefutably the greatest, there just has to be a bit more understanding between the two factions, CT and playerbase.
    Tsuneo, Gone2Dream, Thomka and 19 others like this.
  19. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    While these pairs of items are similar to each other, they definitely have significant differences. For example, Singularity requires 200 more skill points and does 1.3k dps more damage with all Earth powders than Manablast, which makes it way harder to use in builds. In addition, Manablast is leans more towards spells with its mana regen and negative mana steal. Awakening doesn't have any powder slots and is only rainbow, so it can't achieve the same damage as Hive Bow nor can it specialize and enjoy powder specials, which can vastly change your playstyle/fights. Not to mention that Hive Bow is more geared towards spell. Though others like Diaminar and Ignition are what you described though.

    The thing is, however, it's not necessarily a bad thing to have substitutes to of other, more powerful weapons. For example, if you wanted to use the Hive Bow, but already spent your Hive token, then you'd be out of luck to not have an alternative. Plus it allows other builds to use second weapons that don't have the necessary sp requirements for the better one.
    Druser likes this.
  20. Electrolysis

    Electrolysis person VIP+

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    Diaminar boosts health, doesn't provide as much sustain, and has a lower tier of attack speed allowing one to boost it further to try achieve more dps. Ignition also has a high exploding value (actually pretty useful) and works better in tankier builds due to a higher base dps and sustain

    Awakening is a no req no slots rainbow weapon, making it a great secondary for abusing weaknesses. Hive Bow, on the other hand, is a hive item, meaning it is very powerful and is probably better off as a primary. In addition to that, all its damage is neutral with five powder slots, allowing you to customize it to use the element(s) best fitting to your build

    Manablast is quite anti-melee and oriented towards spell, where Singularity doesn't have any specific orientation and can therefore be used in builds where Manablast wouldn't fit. Singularity's weaknesses are entirely different from those of Manablast, having a crippling walkspeed detriment and insanely high requirements, requiring you to compensate for them differently. And Singularity has those nice 15 powder slots, that being its main specialty

    Weathered is very heavily oriented towards air due to the agility req and more effective in combat. It also doesn't cripple your dexterity like Slider does, instead giving it a boost. This allows it to synergize with some thunder items in the build. Slider has up to 52% walkspeed and neutral dmg with 2 powder slots (guess what you don't have to put air powders on Slider) and no requirement, which makes it a great secondary weapon for both travelling and getting around elemental weaknesses, although it functions just fine as a primary as well.

    Okay, I'll admit that these are pretty similar and go toward the same playstyle. However, Idol does have a larger reliance toward raw spell for its damage. The main thing that sets these apart, though, is their requirements. Idol's high int req forces you to build more int to compensate, while Tidebinder is less restricting and can even be used as a secondary in some cases. You also need to consider the fact that, since one is a Mythic, while the other one is a perfectly viable legendary, it means that not everyone will have access to Idol. As a result, Tidebinder is still relevant for its purposes. (also tidebinder has weird agility boost and extreme boost to water def)

    And remember what I said earlier:
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