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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. Gort

    Gort His Royal Pimpness CHAMPION

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    I mean tbf I did basically say the game is generic and boring af and no one ripped me apart ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Craic

    Craic Yeet

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    I like the noteblocks but all the songs seem to get mixed together in my head as many of them have a very similar structure.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  3. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    You're criticizing someone for disliking an RPG element, where your argument is that you dislike shooter elements. Not only is this an argumentum ad hominem but it's also contradicting itself.
    He did not deny this. You're assuming people who use CSST to level up like doing it, when in fact it's more a necessity (kinda like taxes I guess?).
    No, he doesn't hate it, he's simply not a fan of it. He also did not specify what aspect of Wynncraft's music he didn't like (e.g. that fact that it's noteblocks, the general theme, etc), but you're assuming he doesn't like it in its entirety.
    A couple years ago I played Wynncraft with a friend, and he was terrible at navigating. Some people simply aren't good at it.
    Which only work if you've visited the city in question before.
    Again, an argument ad hominem.
    The Forgery doesn't have lore. Neither does Half Moon Island, the Bear Zoo, the Lion Lair, Pirate Bay, Troll Island, that gigantic statue near Kandon-Beda, most of Molten Heights, the castle near Gelibord...
    No substance to this argument. Yeah, Flam's argument didn't have any either, but that's no reason not to explain your point.
    That's just rude. I saw no indication of irony or sarcasm or the fact that this is a joke anywhere.
    ThomAnn100, Siri, WithTheFish and 3 others like this.
  4. Flam

    Flam Dumb fox, 67 iq. Mage of Light, eh.

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    Looks like I worded things very strongly for no reason. I'll answer each point separately:

    1. The only shooter game I play is Overwatch and not even that much. @Edit: forgot to say I actually find ~30% of the quests ok, ~50% of the quests infuriating and frustrating in some way and ~20% of the quests just plain boring and annoying - such as Eye of the Storm, Realm of Light quest line, Memory Paranoia, Jungle Fever quest line, ... - which probably are responsible for thwarting my opinion on quests. Also, doing them with some headache was not a good idea, especially those around level 70 in Lexdale/Gelibord/Efilim.
    2. I might be being weird/contradictory in here, but I like RPGs. It is my second (third?) favourite game genre.
    3. Completely agreed, though it speeds up the 71-100 proccess by a LOT.
    4. I didn't say I hate them. In fact, they're well done, they're just not the kind of music I could listen pretty much all the time. Also, I'm definitely not fun at parties. In fact, I can be pretty destructive and frustrating to deal with when I'm mad at something, though I'm trying to control it in some way despite failing at this pretty much all the time, yay.
    5. I had never been to Rodoroc before and, considering how I'm just skipping quests (and CSST) all over while pushing to 90+ (got it today, hooray?) and been bombspamming Royal Bugs and bots near FF's entrance from 63 until I was 84/85, I had no clue how that place looked like.
    6. I understand and somewhat agree - I used a term that was way too strong. I should have stated "lore in general just doesn't appeal to me as it doesn't affect the gameplay at all despite giving a reason for things to be what and like they are". Just not my cup of tea.
    7. I don't like how trade happens in this game because it isn't "fast", though it is more realistic in some way, as you have to go through a forum post, then offer and then meet up whenever both parties are online and willing to trade. Perhaps I'm into faster paced things than Wynncraft in general is, considering I love Path of Exile. I think it's also important to state I'm someone who generally prefers to get stuff by oneself (i.e. without trading) when not extremely time consuming and/or rng based, such as Mythic items and some Legendaries I feel like buying - only a Clairvoyance and a Maelstrom so far.

    As an addendum, I'm not fond of Hypixel as well and I might do an all quests run in the near future for a paradigm shift.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Druser likes this.
  5. BethJerry

    BethJerry BFG 9000 CHAMPION

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    I think what he finds upsetting with the door of time is that our first real introduction to it was kind of lackluster compared to how a lot of the players thought it would be introduced. That's not to say that the first quest using it is bad, or that we don't expect more. However, I think a lot of people expected a lot more out of the door of time for being kept shrouded in mystery for so long.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  6. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    It is kinda unpopular, cause as much as it stings to hear stuff like "most altar bosses are bad" I can kinda understand it and recognize that it's true, though some of it's subjective to be fair.
    RicRicc and Dr Zed like this.
  7. InfernoWraith

    InfernoWraith A random spastic with opinions

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    Leveling sucks and there should be an option to skip it since I fucking hate it from the bottom of my life.
    CSST is the only way to level quick and efficient so it needs to stay in
    Mythics need to be less rare and accessible to the general population instead of the 0.01%
  8. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    fallen factory is pretty fast
    dragonlings are even faster, only reason why people don't like it because you sadly have to spend effort to become stronger an a role playing game
    RicRicc likes this.
  9. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    -I don't like what's happened to Theorick. He went from being mildly interesting to some guy who was nice, then got corrupted. Just like everyone else. It's like the only way someone can have negative emotions is: being corrupted, being a bandit, being dumb (Tribal Aggression), being a villager, or being rightfully angry. There are probably examples of people not being nice but also not having those characteristics mentioned above (namely the Avos), but it's honestly not a lot. This paints the world in a black and white view (which it is - light is good, darkness and corruption is bad, decay is bad). That's it. It's so boring. Theorick was actually interesting once. He had a strong characterization (I'll admit, his previous incarnation was a little dumb - getting so angry at some weird brother of yours that you ice over a whole town), but now he's just yet another nice guy who is now a bad guy because of the corruption.

    -Gavel is confusing. Thematically. So, like, the decay is like the corruption... but not. I mean, corruption exists in Gavel (I think? - in the Realm of Light [based in Gavel, sort of] and that cultist hand in Lexdale from EotS [but that might not be canonical]). So.. what's the point of the Decay? What makes Gavel manifest Decay and not Corruption, like Wynn? It's never explained.
    -We can also talk about the villagers. They are depicted as greedy folk... and that's it, really. The only villagers who we see as nice guys are the Caritats but they got corrupted (how exciting.. /s). There are some nice folk, here and there, but villagers are characterized by their greed. But it only really comes up in the Hunger of the Gerts quests. If you're going to do that, just go the whole 10 yards (is that an expression) and critique America, or the early colonization of the Americas by Europeans. Gavel feels really inconsistent.
    -The cities never feel different (at least to me). We see that places like Olux are poor and places like Cinfras are rich, but it never entirely feels that way. Both cities have guard golems, both cities get invaded by the occasional mob, and all of the citizens sound the same. None of the citizens sound higher class or lower class than any of the others. Building on that, we have no idea of any kind of government in Gavel (at least, the current government). It must exist, right? In the quest The Hidden City, Narder says "Now, the villagers have very strict rules about Humans living in their lands, and it's VERY illegal." Illegal? Well, this is the first time I've ever heard of it. Who said it was illegal? The mayor of Thesead? Well, probably not him. So, who, then? Is Cinfras just controlled by the guilds? What are their laws pertaining to other magical creatures? There has to be some, right? We know orcs are bad- they attack us and Captain Kymer in the quest Clearing the Camps (might I ask, captain of what? Some kind of military? The Llevigar city guard? What, exactly?). So... what do other people think about them? There is more than one quest about the clearing out of magical beasts in Gavel, sanctioned by some kind of government. EDIT: There have been mentions of Kings of Gavel in the past. There is no mention of them in the present time (unless I'm missing dialogue somewhere).

    -There should be mythic quests (like exotic quests in Destiny 1/2 - especially ones like the Whisper quest and Sleeper Simulant quest). The mythic obtained from these quests should have static rolls and should not be able to be re-identified. The quests should be hard. I don't have a concrete idea for this, sorry. Locking all mythics behind RNG just isn't a good idea. It's basically, get lucky, lootrun for a bit/just do normal activites like grind, get a mythic. Or, lootrun since gavel came out and a mythic still hasn't dropped for you, neither of which are fulfilling.

    -Grinding in higher-skilled activities (such as Dcave or the Dragonlings) is not fun. It's just a test to see if you can survive. It's not fun because you're basically doing the same thing as what you're doing in Freezing Heights (wearing out your left click button), but with a higher risk of dying.

    -Quests have no replayability factor. What's the point in replaying Memory Paranoia? Nothing new will be discovered. No new lore, no loot, no secret pathways, nothing. The only reason you're doing this is because you need the xp and it's marginally less boring than grinding at Herb Cave.

    -Fantastic Voyage is a shit quest (on the replay). There's nothing new to be discovered and you can't just speedrun to finish the quest quick. You have to switch to 1.8 to get the boat section to work (unless that got changed), and the dernic section is only interesting the first time around when you realize that it's Dern (or something like Dern, what the community approximates to be Dern).

    -You can definitely play Wynncraft on a mac. I did it. For about 2 months. Averaged about 20fps. Then I quit. It didn't have anything to do with the mac.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2018
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Agreed, more actual stuff about aspects of Gavel besides "greed decay parasites" would be great. There's so much that deserves to be expanded upon.
    Dr Zed likes this.
  11. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    CSST is good for the game.
  12. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    One shots are an entirely different problem that plagues most of the game because otherwise you’d probably never die
  13. Argagaes

    Argagaes Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    1. I prefer the pre-gavel item system
    2. I prefer semi afk grinding options like how herb cave used to be
    3. I dislike how adventurer armor (this wasnt too bad though), nether armor and builder armor was "ruined"
  14. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    but no matter what this mob will 1shot you, and its a mob your level not like a level 20 walking into ahmsord
  15. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I don’t know about everyone else, but this dialogue doesn’t portray Theorick as a nice person if you ask me
  16. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    To be honest on top of the note blocks I just don't like most compositions. I do agree that note blocks are a big hurdle to overcome, especially because you can't have long notes.
  17. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    This thread is the ultimate example of that no mater what is done to the game there will be a group of people that hate it, and a group that loves it.
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I wouldn’t say it’s that extreme. People play the game differently and enjoy different aspects of it for different reasons, which there is nothing wrong in that. Sure there is the problem of nostalgia and all, but the general consensus is that the game has tremendously improved overall.
  19. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    Wynn does prioritize making new content rather than revamping old content, it's just when something is revamped it is often more noticeable. But to address a point I think your getting at, if all wynn did was make new content we would end up with a bunch of old fetch quests, outdated slabspam builds that don't function well for gameplay (caves full of cobwebs), and a few cool new quests with cool new builds. If the Province of wynn was never redone before Gavel came out the early game would be udder trash and gavel would be full of cool knew stuff. Everyone would just play gavel and ignore wynn, and new players would not be able to get into the game because they could not get to the cool stuff. So it does end up being a balancing act of adding cool new stuff and updating old hecky stuff. (Btw most large build revamps are suggested by builders because there is not enough work for them, not because it's a priority) (And the best kind of new content is one that builds on old content and/or effects all levels, and just adding a new island does not do that very well)
  20. Lumia

    Lumia Making your potatoes since 2002. CT Manager HERO Builder

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    Applied to a collective opinion of people, you are correct, but my comments were more directed to people who take there own opinion as gospel and dismiss the idea that countering opinions are existent and or valid. This is often the reason Game Designers and Dev stop listening to people, because people are loud and subjective. I think if people recognize that they are subjective, and depending on the topic outright wrong, the game can move forward to be an actual better game and not the wet dream of few loud people. To be clear, I am not targeting anyone in this thread, or the idea of the thread itself, I think this thread is a good first step to making the game better (that step being airing of grievances in a way were all people can get there say, not just one person).
    BethJerry, RicRicc and Dr Zed like this.
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