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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    i mean, finding the light
    ty ima change that
  2. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Minor 1.18 Spoilers!
    I don't really care about the yellow tent being replaced, and I honestly prefer the new one.

    This is probably the most unpopular opinion on the thread so far.
  3. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    oh so those "collect 50 tokens" bit doesnt matter? damn i thought i actually had to collect alot of tokens to open the next path OHWAIT i do. Also yea a 2nd phase and the floor falling down isnt a gimmick at all lol
  4. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    Highest i've seen is 40 tokens (in which case there are slimes and each large slime will drop like 8 tokens because splitting). Second highest is either Ice Barrows or SST (both of which have TONS of enemies to kill to collect tokens. In my experience, rooms where you need to collect tokens (or whatever) take at most 2 minutes.

    The reason why I didn't list SST is because it WASN'T especially creative or interesting, so I can somewhat agree that SST isn't that great. I don't know where you got the second phase (never mentioned that) though. In fact, I don't think any of the dungeons have "second phases" unless you mean corrupted versions.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
  5. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    I feel like this thread turned from “Unpopular Opinions” to “Negative Opinions”, which aren’t the same thing.
    Hashr (as of right now) has two phases, one with fake hashr and the other where the floor collapses and you fight lion-like hashr. I agree that it’s a lame fight, especially when the previous dungeon has arguably the most unique dungeon fight
    WithTheFish and by2011 like this.
  6. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    sand swept tomb boss has a 2nd phase where the floor drops and i said 50 because even having a token requirement is ridiculous
  7. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    for sst, that's why i didn't put sst in my list (the most recent one)

    also, so you're telling me the dungeon's shouldn't have a token requirement or entry fee? a level 76(?) should be able to just breeze through ice barrows and fight the boss because he/she should be able to skip the combat via just running through with a horse? (if you make it survive for x seconds, a similar problem arises)
  8. FatalFatalis

    FatalFatalis Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    1. Quests are amazing and probably the only thing it keeps me playing the server. I can skip all that boring grind from old Wynn and I'm happy they have done quests for Molten Heighs before I reach that zone because idk if would like to farm 5 levels until the next quest appears.

    2. I like Eye of the Storm quest, even if it didn't make a lot of sense (most of the quest don't make sense to me, but at least they are fun). And Nagarath was a good fight mostly because it has a badass theme.

    3. I've never done any dungeon.. never.. I've been playing in this server since warrior used to fight with a shovel and VIP city was a thing, but I've never entered in a dungeon. But the quests were good at least.

    4. I don't like 90% of the Wynncraft OST, maybe because it's the same instruments over and over again (noteblocks) but I think it's because almost every zone theme is... generic and "happy". I listened to what I suppose is the "Dern" music and knowing how dark that place is, the music feels too happy... or maybe energetic, I don't know how to describe it since writing this in Engish is already hard to me. Probably, my favorite theme is this one:

    It feels so unique compared to the rest of the cities music (I've never been in cities past Cinfras, since I don't have enough level to get there, I don't know if this change there).

    5. Mage is powerful is an unpopular opinion? Because I saw a lot of people saying that Mage is shit and I'm here, one-shooting almost everything with meteor. I usually don't need heling potions because the healing spell, and if I'm going against a powerful enemy, I use the ice trail if it's too fast and then spam meteor. Teleport is useless to me right now because horses and the power of ice trail. Maybe all of this change in higher levels.

    6. I've made this account only to post this comment.

    7. I hate fishing.
  9. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    im saying forcing me to fight up to 40 enemies just to get to the next area to fight up to 40 enemies is a waste of time and takes away from my enjoyment
  10. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    and I want my dad to come back but that aint happening
  11. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Things definitely get significantly harder in higher levels, but if CoW and Death were easy for you, most of the game shouldn't be much of a challenge (besides LI and possibly Qira). I haven't noticed an abundance of people saying Mage is bad - possibly just because Heal got nerfed in the recent past.
    FatalFatalis and by2011 like this.
  12. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    Was planning to revive this when 1.18 was fully released, but I have a bunch of new things that I want to post so I'll bump this anyway:
    • A server reset is the worst thing they could possibly do. It would screw over tens of thousands of players and all the effort they put into the game, just so a minority of people would end up pleased. If it happens I would consider flat-out quitting the game.
    • The Item Team has done a good job so far, and at the very least it's nice that we have a group of people balancing the game. Having only two people who made items beforehand (one of which couldn't even touch mythics), was awful for balance.
    • Lament is underrated and you guys complain too much about it having slightly less damage than some other mythic wands when it has other positive qualities.
    • The Economy Update might be the best update in the game.
    • That being said...
      The new tutorial, while good for new players, will end up being extremely frustrating when you're on your fifth class. Because of this I doubt I'll enjoy it that much.
  13. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    While it is a little bit longer, it's not unreasonably long and it has cool new sections that show off the quest system nicely. Besides, Wynncraft is intended to be played, at most, 4 times (1 on each class). Anything beyond that is going to feel repetitive no matter what.

    Definitely. While it's not on the scale content-wise of Gavel, the content it does have is a lot more polished. The only main thing I'm mixed about is the crafting system, but I played it in the way that it wasn't intended to and they already said there are changes being made, so I don't want to say anything concrete about it until the update launches. (Except get rid of the weight limit)
  14. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    I really love the revamped quest “King’s Recruit” but its heavily focused on the professions instead of the whole game, it needs to show the items that you can identfiy and introduce the blacksmith, I know this will make it longer but something like when you kill the zombie it drops a hat and a dialogue comes from another person saying that its sealed and you need to identfiy it.

    Note: I’m not sure if this is necessary but the new blacksmith really suprised me because i didn’t know that you can sell potions, scrolls and food to the blacksmith (I didn’t know about this for a long time, i discover it from a thread).
    Druser likes this.
  15. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    In my opinion, Wynn always had a bad tutorial, as far as explaining game mechanics goes. Idk how good the pre-gavel tutorial was, but for the post-gavel one, it doesn’t really explain anything. I didn’t know what skill points did, or what I could do with my unidentified items.

    Although from what i saw from people streaming the beta, the new one looks better than the old. I like how it explains gathering and crafting, arguably the most complicated part of the game (other than elements) and I love how moving NPCs are introduced early to impress new players. Also, it fixes the plothole about the Fruma memory erasing border thing, which is nice.
  16. faragoo

    faragoo Gavel citizen

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    I remember when Wynn had a PvP mini game, it wasn't terribly good, but it was fun while it lasted
  17. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    TBH the real tutorial is the first sixteen levels or so. Think about it. The kings recruit teaches basic combat mechanics and crafting, then the Enzan’s brother quest teaches you about powders. The Decrepit Sewers and its respective quest teach you the basics of dungeons, Tunnel trouble teaches you some of the basic non fetch quest mechanics (NPCs following you, stealth mechanics, etc), and Elemental Exercise teaches you the basics of the elements in the world. Then at level 11 you learn how to obtain new spells, and at level 16 you get your first spell upgrade
    WilsonKry, faragoo and Spinel like this.
  18. ParkourTNT

    ParkourTNT Wynncraft has houses in the 1.20 update :D HERO

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    Yes, your right but my whole point was about identifier, the blacksmith and how that i didn’t know that you can sell potions, scrolls and food, i didn’t mention this but i didn’t know that you can reidentify your items for a long time and i discover it by accident.

    Edit: About the other things like powders, some behaviors for mobs, how to get a key to open the dungeon, elements, all of these i didn’t mention them because they were already obvious or that you learn them from quests (Oh wait thats what you already said).
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2018
  19. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    I feel like they should just add that into the tips section they have
    Ok; I’m not sure if this is an actual unpopular opinion but I really like Lunar spine. You’re basically creating your entire build off of trying to cast as many spells as possible in the four seconds or less that you have mana. It’s interesting and adds a fun gimmick to combat, and makes it extremely good for clearing hordes
    Druser and ParkourTNT like this.
  20. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    A few more that I have now, but most of these are about the forums and its users instead of the actual game’s content:
    • People should stop being so whiny and entitled about updates. Now, only a very small minority of people feel this way, but these are the people who forget that we’re entitled to even expect updates. I’m talking specifically about 1.18 and the professions system. A lot of people asked for this, and now we have them. Just because you didn’t want them doesn’t mean that other people did, and just because you don’t like them doesn’t make the update objectively bad.
    • The only reason why the 1.18 RTD miscommunication wasn’t cleared up earlier was to avoid the backlash, let’s be real here. There was no way in hell that RTD was coming along with professions, desert discoveries, miniquests, CIB, AND MH questline in a single update, so there’s no way that it was even planned for 1.18. Even though I think more people would’ve been more understanding if we knew about professions and MH earlier, but no, they decided to leave us in the dark like they always do. I’m usually not a cyncical person, but I just couldn’t ignore this shitshow just because of how much it annoyed me.
    • ”Opinion” and “Criticism” are my least favorite words on the Internet just because of how misused they are. Not really specific to Wynn or its forums, but still those words are misused on here a lot.
    • This community isn’t much different than Gamefaqs or Hypixel. The only difference is that it’s smaller, the staff is more mature, and because it’s small, more people know each other. There’s still a good portion of assholes on here, including some on this thread. I’m not saying I’m perfect myself, but some people just take it way too far with cynicism and pessissm. The first sentence of this is more of a hyperbolic statement, but there are still a minority of users who act this way.
    • Remember when I said that the staff here is mature? Yeah, even that’s a stretch. Sometimes, they joke around so much that it’s really frustrating when you want a serious response. Like for example, the bank pages thread in the hero beta. Why is the cost of bank pages such a big deal that we can’t know how much each page costs?
    • The General Suggestions section should be removed. A lot of newbies come on here only to make a suggestion, which most of the time, gets shit on. It’s not like suggestions get added either, most of the good ones that people actually want (seaskipper, item lock, professions, better bank and questbook) have been added now, and other common suggestions, like taxes, casinos, and companions, are either abusable, unnecessary, or make the game less fun.

    None of these are meant to personally attack anyone, rather I’m just criticizing certain actions of some people that bother me. Not sure if any of these are unpopular, or opinions, but hey, they’re how I feel about the forums and its users, so close enough. Also, most of these only apply to a minority of users, so I’m not generalizing the community as a whole.
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