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What Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Nov 3, 2018.

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  1. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    The ever shifting meta and constant nerfs to items never lets anyone get the sense of satisfaction in RPGs where you've reached the end and are powerful enough to stomp your enemies into dust. You constantly need to find new and better items and constantly morph your playstyle so you're not slaughtered. It heavily discourages creativity in builds because some bosses and enemies are downright impossible to beat without the right build.

    Legendary Island is badly designed. The boss battles aren't fun and are uninteresting. It boils down to you just fighting a ton of mobs that have a ton of health and a ton of attack damage. There's nothing unique about them and they're pretty forgettable.

    Wars aren't fun, they're designed to keep you playing infinitely because whenever you feel like you've achieved something, another guild can easily swipe that away. Like LI, except instead of fighting one mob with a ton of health, you're fighting 1000 mobs each with 1/1000th that boss's health.

    It was better when you could charge bows to fire, instead of having arrows magically appear and fly out the end of your bow whose string doesn't even move.

    Dungeons were better when you didn't need a key to enter them. Inversely, CSST is a badly designed dungeon in many ways and all attempts to nerf it haven't done anything. It lacks the creativity and reward of the dungeons I remember, and is basically just a very long hallway you need to walk down.

    Following on from my last point, I dislike the design of all the new Dungeons, as they are clearly just the old dungeons that have been gutted out and stuffed with content to try and make you wait longer (Most visible is the new animal dungeon. The giant tree you used to have to parkour up is still there, but that's now more a set piece).

    Yes, I know that all of these opinions I've stated can't be easily changed due to game restrictions (People breaking the game with builds, boss mobs acting like regular mobs with a ton of health etc.). However, that doesn't mean I can't still point out that they're badly designed.
    NicBOMB and Lemon like this.
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Are you talking about the regular dungeons versus the corrupted dungeons?
  3. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Can't be susceptible to nerfs if no one uses it in the first place /impeccable granite shears
  4. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    No, all the new dungeons. I liked the dungeons they updated from the walk-in Dungeons, but then they gutted those out and made them take longer.
  5. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I mean, I like most of the dungeons mostly because there's a gimmick to each of them, which makes them more memorable. You got the boat ride and mini-bosses in the Underworld Crypt, the falling bridge part in SST, the puzzles and timed survival sections in Ice Barrows, the creepers in Lost Sanctuary, etc. I would say that Fallen Factory is probably the most polished rn. Whereas in the old dungeons you had nothing like that. Not to mention that dungeon bosses were vastly improved, the old names kinda sucked and were bland, there's dialogue/context now, and there's actual rewards now for dungeon running, including way more xp.

    I also found the old animal dungeon to kinda annoying because you needed friends, and that there was that one parkour section that always lagged me because of the redstone lamps.
    Also what about YahyaBot and Dr. Legendary?
    by2011 likes this.
  6. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Not the old old dungeons with Lava Cow and such, but the next dungeons after that when they were updated. The ones where the Skeleton Dungeon required you to weigh down a couple of pressure plates, and the Jungle Dungeon was free to walk into and was considered a mini dungeon.

    I've always died on Orange Cybel (because he too suffers from the case of being a regular mob with way too much health and attack) so I can't say much for Doctor Legendary, however Yahya Bot is a step in the right direction. It's basically a 'survive for this long to win' which is a nice premise for a boss, but it doesn't feel like you interact with the boss much and it's less about your skill as a player and more about just spamming your movement spells to get away.

    Besides, supposedly the whole fight is just you trying to not OD on magic mushrooms.
  7. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I think that was also before the gameplay update. I never really liked the minidungeons just because they were so short and were barely worth doing. I don’t remember that part of the skeleton dungeon, though that dungeon hasn’t changed that much besides the boss and tokens.
    Yeah, I don’t think they should have included cybel. He’s meant to be an endgame boss already like Qira, so buffing his already high stats makes him seem impossible.
  8. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Are you kidding? People used to run the Jungle Dungeon all the time, since it was basically what CSST is now. Free XP for little effort.
    Gogeta and Dr Zed like this.
  9. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    You’d probably know better than I would since I only did it a couple of times.
  10. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    ? there are tons of builds that can steamroll all of the current content in the game
    let's just take notes:
    you enjoy creative dungeons, dislike uninspired dungeons
    you want actual rewards for dungeons
    let's look at fallen factory, the most recent dungeon (thus the most accurate possible representation)
    -unique (has tons of gimmicks: moving parkour, the conveyor belt which is designed poorly but you know, it was interesting for like 5 runs for me, the fact that you putting the items in the hopper doesn't just break an out of place diamond/gold door, it actually does something)
    -the boss is unique but still manageable (which is what you seem to have wanted in LI)
    -it's rewarding, giving you some of the best items in the game (what you wanted) although the weapons are pretty subpar
    and that's better than what we have with current dungeons? one of the oldest tricks in minecraft?
    -a boss with insane damage where you can summon walls in order to protect yourself?
    -alright yeah infested pit is pretty meh.
    -a boss where you have to create a pit of lava to kill an otherwise "unbeatable" boss (at that level)?
    -a survive section where you're pitted against super mobs + a boat ride where you're bombarded by mobs + a tower defense type boss?
    -yeah sst pretty boring too i guess
    -an invisible maze that's not unfair to navigate and has a somewhat interesting way to navigate it + a timed corridor/hallway/tunnel where you're bombarded by mobs where you have to be quick not be pitted into a survival phase? also the boss is alright
    -a tunnel where you have to protect a mob through tons of enemies that are quite powerful in order to open a door with the aforementioned mob?
    -a idk what it's even called section with that skeleton boat phase with a cannon + a boss where you have to summon mobs by standing on pressure plates while defending yourself while you stand on said plates?
    -fallen factory already mentioned

    if you think about it, orange cybel is a pretty interesting and creative fight if you get past the fact that it's insanely hard on most classes (although on archer i find it to be fun and matrojan phase 1 is harder for me)
    -small arena
    -boss has survival phases, just like yahya
    -boss flies on phase 5
    -boss has the pressure plates that you have to avoid for the most part, which spawn a ton of minions that can be helpful or detrimental
    -boss has the cores that are a one shot factor if you're careless
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Cruuk, Shots and Druser like this.
  11. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Imo I disagree for some points. I'll separate it into sections so it's not a massive wall of text.
    I think Cybel alone is technically one of the easiest mobs to fight in the entire game outside of the fact that you have to literally rely on rng for 3/5 phases. He just runs straight at you and his spells are extremely easy to predict (even in phases 2 and 4 excluding suicide strike, but not phase 5 where he literally flies like you said, which is the rng factor there). His phase 2 and 4 are pretty nice additions to the boss to make it seem unique, but the player has (probably, maybe not the egg though) seen something similar (not the same) to this type of thing before in bosses (being either Alkevo or the egg from Aerie of Recluse), making it lose some of it's touch of uniqueness. Phase 5 is literally just plain bs and basically all you can do is go near him when he's not spamming charge but as soon as he starts spamming again literally just go ballistic with the movement keys/movement spells and pray to god he doesn't land on you. The reason phases 2 and 4 are rng is because sometimes he can explode after literal seconds, whereas other times he literally takes 8 minutes to explode. Phases 1 and 3 are literal memes. As for his defense, I understand why they can't make him 100% immune to fire/thunder, but at least it would've forced you to use a secondary if it didn't already.
    The disintegrator cores are unique, yes, but beyond easy to counter (and anyone who has died to them was either careless as you stated or just kept getting pull/push spell spammed into oblivion). Literally use f5 or just move them to a general area away from cybel and they will never be a problem until they started pulling you towards them or cybel pushes you towards them.
    The plates are arguably the most interesting part of Cybel, but they've never actually been a problem outside of causing me to lag more.
    The small arena could've been unique, but by the time the player actually gets to Cybel they've already been introduced to this type of arena (Matrojan/Death Metal).
    tl;dr I'd give it a 4 or 5/10 for boss design, as there are some unique bits, but the boss itself in reality isn't actually as challenging on the surface as it may seem, but instead relies way too heavily on rng for if you die or not.

    Also now that I'm here just ranting at a screen I'm bored so even though this question wasn't directed at me I want to answer it anyways
    Arguably one of the most unique and best bosses in wynncraft, but also one of the easiests. It starts out as normal, but then you quickly realize Yahya has extreme resistance to everything and 1 million fucking hp (and probably proceed to think the game is trolling you). You then get teleported to some random spot and the survival simulator begins, each phase of it being different than the other. The one main issue I have is that it's so goddamn long (at least 6 minutes to be exact). Since I've gotten LI medallion, it just becomes a wall for trying to speedrun through it (honestly that was probably it's intent), so it's more of a chore. Overall though, I would give the boss a solid 8 or 9/10. Fun, unique (literally no other boss has a very clear relation to it that I can think of outside of Yahya), but gets tiresome after some time. Even though it is an easy boss, being an easy boss is not necessarily bad as long as it's still the above. Another good thing I forgot to mention is that even though every single other boss of LI is literally just a remade/revamped and stronger version of a previous boss (even doc legendary is now), whereas Yahyabot's only relation to Yahya is the 1hp phase (and their names/level references ofc).
    One of honestly the most fair bosses in wynncraft, while still providing a challenge. The first phase is pure flamethrower spam sure, but flamethrower is easy to dodge if you're patient (and in a giant room like this one, unlike idol's). The second phase switches to a melee phase, which is definitely the easiest phase but it's nice to see it go from ranged to melee to test how you can handle both. Finally, it goes to more of like a hybrid based boss, utilizing close ranged spells such as meteor and charge while having ranged melees. The tnt really just kind of exists, but it's a nice touch to the boss since it's kind of like the cores but isn't as punishing as them to the point where if you literally touch them (even if it's not your fault) they don't kill you immediately, and you can actually kill them. Doc also has a variety of weakness, damages, and defenses for each phase (off the top of my head I can only remember the weaknesses, being Thunder, Air, and Earth). Overall, very unique boss fight.

    Or should I say it was a very unique boss fight.

    As we all know, Qira's boss fight got changed. If you look at the new Qira compared to Doc Legendary, you quickly realize that it's almost exactly identical with some minor changes and only a couple of major differences. The only real difference between the first phase is that Qira has a heal bot ai whereas doc doesn't (heal bot ai is where the mob follows it's fellow mobs instead of you). The second phase is pretty much the dead exact same, and while Doc utilizes more movement with charge/tp, it's really the same for the third phase outside of that. However, two differences to be noted is that the minions are much more prominent of a threat in Qira's fight, Qira has no elemental weaknesses whereas Doc does, and Qira utilizes the web spell where Doc doesn't have it at all, rather utilizing spells like push/pull. I understand why they did it, as all of the bosses (excluding Yahyabot for 99% of the fight) are supposed to be related to a boss fought (most likely) in the past, and it is mentioned that he wanted to recreate Qira in a mech version. Nonetheless, it took away most of Doc's unique identity as a boss, but he's still not a bad boss.

    Overall, I would rate Doc a 7.5/10. He's not as unique anymore, but he provides (for the most part) a fair yet challenging fight for the player, and is a good final boss for LI. I would honestly say Doc is harder than Cybel once you get over Cybel's ridiculous rng factor.
    EDIT: Should mention this is coming from the perspective of if you were to solo the bosses I've spoken about, although most people usually associate it with that perspective anyways.
    One last thing before I'm done ranting
    I'd like to add that the specters are probably one of the first times a player has ever seen the design of what is an unkillable mob. Sure, you could argue Garoth was like that, but he technically still could be killed at that level via lava (edit: said level instead of lava originally sorry), and your goal is to kill him. On the other hand, the specters aren't meant to be killed (and frankly at that level unless you sit there for like 3-5 minutes they won't die), and exist to provide debuffs and just be generally annoying. We see them utilized into 3 more unique aspects, as the 3 of them in the boss each do something different to provide support for the main enemy, a.k.a Theorick. One is fast but runs away when you hit them, another can provide a slow debuff to you, etc. We see this mechanic similarly used in Plague/Virus Doc with the silverfish (which iirc really one is only practically killable while another can suicide strike), and there's only 3 different ones exactly like the specters. One factor added now into the mix is the fact that there's more than just 3 of them and it's meant to try and swarm the player.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Dr Zed and by2011 like this.
  12. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    every quest that isn't on the wynn province is boring and just feels the same. Even some quests on wynn province are super boring but at least not every quest has a boss or is a 2-parter. Not to mention instead of improving existing content they add new stuff like the 1.18 update coming out that is bound to have problems.

    Oh also when a quest added/changed after or during the gavel update its super and unnecessarily complicated. Here's the new lvl 3 rat quest for example:
    step 1. gather poison crate
    step 2. kite around an unkillable mob (at that level)
    step 3. put poison into water hole
    step 4. watch cutscene of water being poisoned and sprinklers killing the zombie
    step 5. walk out around the hole but make sure you're not too slow or the zombie that one shots you will respawn.

    They can clearly do whatever you want since they add quests to everything and make the quests suck except for once in a blue moon its alright or even more rarely its good and nobody will give a damn what they do. I mean like 90% of the users are children who don't know what criticism is and will crucify you if you talk bad about their game. I made a joke post relating 1.18 to runescape and not only did they not take the joke but a mod locked the post. Literally every post i make criticising the game gets hate because i guess im just not allowed to dislike the game or im disliking it wrong or something.
    This game and its community has gone down the pits ever since the gavel update. Now i have to fight myself to do the quests and after a while i got so bored that now i just come on to collect my crates.
  13. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Wait shoot I forgot one last thing oof
    I agree with the fact that it is badly designed, but not for the same reason (kinda). I think most of the bosses are fine and are actually pretty memorable (hell I remember the LI bosses better than the bosses they are based off of, although it probably doesn't help that I've ran LI at least 64 times due to medallion). Sure, they're not as good as others (Challenge of the Blades, Aerie of Recluse, etc. although I would say Yahya definitely is), but they're fine as is. Also for the second point, that's true for almost all bosses in practically any rpg (that I've played at least), but with exceptions such as Yahyabot (for most of his fight). Imo the reason it is badly designed is because of two reasons.

    I love bosses (honestly one of if not my favorite thing about most video games), so when I'm offered to do a Boss Blitz, I'll usually gladly accept. One issue that sort of arises is the fact that LI (mostly) consists of revamps of older bosses. Don't get me wrong, sometimes revamped and harder versions of previous bosses you've fought in the past are a good thing. For example, I've recently been playing Path of Exile, and one of the main bosses of Act I is Brutus. Later during Act III, I encountered a mini boss of sorts which was literally just Brutus except stronger. It was nice to see the first main boss I had ever fought in the game come back again. LI works in a similar way, bringing back old foes from your past (or some of them you might've never even knew existed like Idol or Plague Doc) to fight. There's just one issue with this.

    LI, when you actually look at it with honestly just a swift glance, is just a grinding simulator.

    Again, don't get me wrong, you should be rewarded for doing a challenge such as this. The issue arises when you have to repeat it over and over and over again. The bosses slowly become less and less interesting, and really after beating LI 3 times most people just don't give a damn about the bosses anymore and are just mindlessly fighting bosses for the sake of getting rewards if they weren't already doing so. While it isn't necessarily wrong , since as I said before you do indeed need to be rewarded in some way, it turns an actual decent challenge as a boss blitz into more or less just another form of grinding, except you're doing it for loot instead of xp, taking the effect the bosses first had on you when you fought them away. I don't know if there's a way to actually change the reward system since it's not as grindy (don't mind me glaring at the medallion atm), but I'm just throwing that out there. If the intent was to make you grind instead of be a boss blitz, then continue I guess, but I (personally) don't like the idea of that, as it makes more sense for something like a dungeon to be "grind and get rewarded".
    The order is for the most part just all over the place to me. Imo, if you're going to try and make a boss blitz type of challenge, it is best to have it get progressively more difficult. While this definitely depends on the player of what you find easiest->hardest, let's take a look at the order of the bosses for a second from my opinion:
    You start out with Mummyboard, a fairly simple mechanic boss to understand, and a nice start to LI. Virus Doc comes next, which is also fairly easy to understand and fight and presents the idea of minions in LI to you. So far so good.

    Then you get this random spike in difficulty with Corkus.

    While I wouldn't call Corkus exactly difficult, and the boss fight isn't bad, where on earth did this random spike come from? Mummyboard and Virus Doc are both different from each other sure, but they at least had easy mechanics to understand and were similar (kinda). Both had 2 phases, both had only a few spells to utilize, both were ranged, etc. Corkus is over here like "Oh hi yeah I have 5 phases and a multitude of spells at my disposal and my minions are actually a wall to whatever element you're using for the most part so uh yeah have fun".

    If I was to put the order, I would definitely put Mecho CoW after Virus, as it makes a lot more sense to me. Mecho CoW (and CoW) both have one of the easiest designs of any boss in existence in wynn. He's literally just a fast corrupted thing that runs straight at you and can make you stuck with superfast attack speed. His minions honestly exist just like Mummyboard's, really not doing anything. He also only has two spells, being multi-hit and pull (or push I forget which), making it pretty clear as a boss fight in how to beat him. It would provide a nice transition from the 2 ranged mobs before it to a representation of melee mob's potential. However, I will admit it wouldn't make much sense story line wise, as CoW is one of the main bosses of wynn, whereas Mummy, Virus, and Corkus aren't. This is most likely the reason why the order is the way it is though.

    Then we get the even more stupid jump with Idol.

    Don't get me wrong, Idol isn't particularly hard either. It's just that compared to the other bosses before it, why in hell is the boss with 10 PHASES THE LITERAL 4TH BOSS?????? Idol is arguably one of the most versatile bosses in wynn due to this (what it lacks is it's ranged capabilities, as it doesn't ever swap to a ranged mob, although one of them has arrow storm), meaning it has so many spells at it's disposal to the point where it has nearly every single one (the only one I can think of off the top of my head that it doesn't have is suicide strike). This boss should be so much later as like the 8th boss. It's not difficult if you actually take the time to learn it's spells and actually bring additional weapons outside of your primary, but it's arguably harder than every single LI boss outside of Cybel/Doc.

    I would 100% put Robo Bob here instead. If we ignore the fact that it also wouldn't make much sense, it provides a nice transition from Mecho CoW (as it does right now). The reason Mecho CoW to Robo Bob is a pretty nice transition is because it's basically saying "Ok, you've managed to deal with simple mechanics so far. Let's see how you do against 5 mobs each with a unique mechanic instead of 3 like Virus doc, but also add one or two more spells while still keeping the melee aspect of Mecho CoW."

    Yahyabot is honestly fine where it is. It's a halfway point to represent you've worked hard and need a little break from the action with a (mostly) calm boss fight (these were actually good points to make in my response to @Dr Zed but eh). If I was to move it into my own order, I'm not really sure where I would put it to be honest with you, as it wouldn't have as much of an effect as it does now. That is one of the things I will give the order of the current bosses along with (attempting) to keep it somewhat like the story line order in a way.

    Death Metal is also fine where it is right now. However, with my list, I would move him up to the 7th boss (assuming we do indeed keep Yahyabot as the 5th boss), since I would move Corpus up to the 6th boss. Death Metal in theory is simpler than Corpus due to it's lack of phases compared to Corpus, but the minions are practically a boss within a boss in Death Metal.

    We've already discussed Robo Bob and Mecho CoW, so moving on.

    We then get to Cybel.
    Cybel as the 9th boss in theory seems like a great idea at first glance to me, but if you consider it, the placement of it is legit terrible as of now. The two boss fights before it were both very simple and much easier than that of some of the previous bosses (such as Idol or Death). Then Cybel, who in theory should be a really easy boss as I discussed in the post above when I was responding to @by2011 , just says "fuck you" and hits you with the most bs you've seen up to this point. What is this bs? Rng, that's what! All of the bosses did have some type of rng to them ofc, but not as much as Cybel. If I were to represent this difference then the RNG of the bosses before Cybel is basically a mosquito. Small, annoying, etc. Cybel's RNG is about the equivalent of if you lived in Africa and got swarmed by Killer Bees.

    Extreme example but you get my point.

    Cybel is just dumb, and there's no denying it (well there is but you know what I mean). It makes no goddamn sense why he exists other than to remind you Orange Wybel exists. Honestly just remove Cybel (and yes, everybody does say that as a joke, but they've got a point whether they explain it or not) or rework it so it's not like 70% rng to actually win and 30% actually utilizing mechanics of the boss to win. I don't even want to include it in my order because it literally has no place there. If you were to rework it so it's not just literally "oh make sure you don't hit the cores/plates and pray to god I don't screw you over by not exploding or landing on your head when I'm legit flying", then I think it would be fine as the 9th boss in my list. How you would do that, I've got no clue, as the extent of my knowledge with anything to do with codes in minecraft literally starts and ends with "@e effects everything I guess".
    EDIT: I forgot to mention Cybel can literally trigger the pressure plates himself, and there's the dupe glitch, which furthers my point about it.

    I described more in detail what I like or disliked about Doc in response to @Dr Zed. Doc is fine where he is, despite people saying "lol doc's easy" or whatever. He's a good final boss to end it (until you inevitably have to fight him again 7 more times or something to get a buncha random diamond accessories for your characters).
    Reason 1 tl;dr If it was intended or was not, I'd much rather prefer if LI was more of just a boss blitz and didn't just turn into another grinding simulator.

    Reason 2 tl;dr Current order: Mummy, Virus, Corkus, Idol, Yahya, Death, CoW, Bob, Cybel, Doc
    My altered order: Mummy, Virus, CoW, Bob, Corkus, Death, Idol, Cybel (If you did indeed make it where the fight isn't ridiculously RNG based, otherwise just remove Cybel entirely), Doc
    ^Yahyabot still haven't decided. If I was to chose, I might leave it as is as the 5th boss, since it would represent a transition from the easier/simpler bosses to the more difficult/complicated bosses.

    Advantages: Makes it get progressively difficult instead of random spikes in it (my opinion), which to me is better for this type of challenge.
    Disadvantages: Doesn't relate as well to your story and your past, as Bob and CoW are both more prominent in the story than something like Corkus. Yahyabot also (to me) fits much nicer in it's spot in the current order than anywhere I could place it in my order.

    Sorry for the huge essay though.
    Also sorry for tagging you guys if you can't find it oof
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2018
    Druser, Dr Zed and by2011 like this.
  14. FluxifiedGod1

    FluxifiedGod1 AAAA HERO

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    1. Yea the meta destroys the game and makes most of it a joke.

    2. I think he means dungeons were better when all you had to do was navigate rooms and fight mobs with parkour instead of fighting a specific amount of enemies (to pad for time), do some parkour with disappearing platforms and inaccurate buggy slime block jumps, and fight a boss who didn't have 3 phases or who you didn't need to bring up platforms that take 1000 years to raise/lower or didn't need to do anything complicated and time wasting to fight a boss you spent extra time finding super rare enemies (in the case of corrupted dungeons) to even enter it then waste 10 more minutes just getting to the boss door before having to fight like 50 other enemies to fight the boss.

    3. Dungeon gimmicks don't make a good dungeon. And constant enemy hordes isn't fun, its challenging. Challenging isn't good with no substance behind it

    4. orange wybel sucks. It's hard for the sake of being hard. you take one wrong step or get knocked into a pressure plate by the mobs that pull and push you around and 100 fast moving enemies that deal insane damage come and most likely kill you. If you manage to survive that watch out because it will happen again if you aren't watching every single pixel as you move. Not to mention its insanely high hp pool which will take you hours to do. I get the purpose of a raid boss but its not like qira, bob, death, and amadel in that it's a fair fight. Its like legendary island in that you need an entire squad of people who could one shot death to even stand a single change against the wybel (also legendary island is the laziest "tower of ascension" it's literally just old bosses turned super bosses because they ran out of dudes in armor with a sword ideas). Also it being a secret boss that you can die just getting to makes it even worse when you get one shot by a squad of rowdy wybels that you had extremely little to no control over them spawning or not.
    Also legendary island is hiding behind lore. Here's a question: How are they even able to create the robo bosses if you killed them already? And how do they create robo bosses of creatures that nobody in wynn knows about except a few people like the orange wybel and death. Nobody who met death has lived, that's the entire point of death himself in wynncraft even if the ToA version is fake. And just saying "they made robo versions" is so obviously a way to get away from the "its literally copy/paste" argument its appalling. And to get the best gear you need to fight some of the worst bosses but now its 10000000x stronger because we hate you and want you to make a meta that destroys our game. Also letting you be able to just reset all your stats to make a 5 shot build is the worst idea ever just sayin.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
  15. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    so basically he (and you) are saying that dungeons in an rpg that take less than 10 minutes are too much effort
    Alexdacube, Druser, Dr Zed and 2 others like this.
  16. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    I agree with or understand all other points you've made in this last portion except this one (assuming I am interpreting what you are saying correctly). Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are stating that we've killed the bosses (not the robots), so how can there be robots based off of them? If so, this is addressed twice in wynn actually. It is first addressed in the Temple of Legends quest by Garull.
    "While I have seen people return from killing the "beast" he talks about, it isn't often. Be very careful, should you choose to fight it."
    He downright acknowledges the fact that people kill the beast, yet it keeps coming back. It makes sense for CoW though, as he is a being of corruption and thus has undead properties, but when you consider it Garull is basically admitting that things respawn and breaking the 4th wall to an extent. Whether or not this is me just looking way to closely into this one strand of dialogue though, who knows.
    It probably is though let's be real.

    The other time it is addressed (much more obviously) is in the quest "Beyond the Grave". The entire premise of that quest is to justify the reason why you respawn, as the true Death just keeps erasing your memory every time you die and go back to the living, except this once. This could possibly be the case for all other mobs in wynn as well and would justify why they respawn as well. However, this raises even more questions than it does answers.

    Or there's the simple answers, such as they based information off of people who had known about these weird people/things (for example an Olux citizen might've heard rumors about the plague doctor and told Doc Legendary about it) or recorded knowledge of these things before they were killed, but you addressed the reason(s) how they wouldn't be able to exactly do that with most of the bosses with this point.
    There might be something to justify it in Doc's dialogue as well, but I'm too lazy to try and go find it since it's not on the wiki page.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2018
    Dr Zed and by2011 like this.
  17. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I really don't see how popular items ruin the rest of the items. By design, there are going to be inferior, lower-tier items no matter what. That's just how it is in an MMORPG so that way there's a progression system. The only way that meta items do became problematic are when they make the player invincible or one-shot everything. And compared to the past, Wynncraft has come a long way. I haven't seen anything recently that's as ridiculous as old Cancer + melee builds, and they fixed countless other issues such as people wearing multiple Hive items and fixing mage's heal. There is of course still stuff to improve upon, and while you could argue that mythics were a bad idea, saying that the whole meta shouldn't exist is just impossible and goes against the whole idea of a MMORPG progression system.
    H0Y, Druser and by2011 like this.
  18. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    I really like this ordering (partially because the Corkus Accipientis difficulty spike has been screwing me over, since I can't consistently make it past him). Interestingly, your ordering puts the three bosses with small arenas in Gold tier.
    Dr Zed and Shots like this.
  19. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    thoes water fire thunder weapons that are so meta right now
    yea that chestplate is useless
    Druser likes this.
  20. by2011

    by2011 category creator VIP+

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    the thing is, it can be used for combinations of those items:
    or even simply pure fire (considering there's not many fire chestplates out there)

    https://wynndata.tk/s/hMAaOv sitis secondary
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