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"what Are Your Unpopular Opinions In Wynncraft?" - Remastered

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WithTheFish, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. JaydonTheWarrior

    JaydonTheWarrior Nerf tanks, buff paladin. HERO

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    *Still has never found one*
    Yes, me to.
  2. StormDragon4

    StormDragon4 Horribly Inactive HERO

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    pretty sure 95% percent of people will disagree but I actually like running Fallen Factory and it's still my favorite dungeon. (EO is close though)

    99% of the quests are fun to play and I had no problem with them.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  3. BqwaOLD

    BqwaOLD Famous Adventurer

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    fine I'll try it
    7Red_Dragon7 and That_Chudley like this.
  4. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Honestly agree with every one of these. People bash EotS for having a nonsensical story and boring gameplay, but it really only takes three seconds of your time to which can't be said for some other bad quests.

    As for my opinions:
    • Gavel quest (and by extension Gavel) aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be. Most of them just need a build/command block revamp. Story wise they are usually no worse than Wynn quests.
    • Mythics were a mistake.
    • Not really unpopular considering most people probably haven't thought about this, but in terms of atmosphere, Lost Soles is one of the best quests in the game. Please never revamp that build. It feels like its own little world.
    • (Regular) Endgame enemies should have way more health, maybe even double or triple. Right now they're a joke.
    • Wynncraft's OST is subpar and overrated.
    • Dungeon bombs were a mistake.
    • Quests with multiple options to progress the story aren't needed. People will always make the most profitable choice anyway and nobody gives a damn about block game morality.
    • Adding Fruma as a full playable province is a bad idea.
    • People should stop begging for a "main storyline".
    • Skill point potions, in their current state, should be removed from the game.
    • Dwarves and Doguns is bad. Offensively so.
    • The Eye is pretty much the only good boss in Wynncraft. What the game really needs more than anything right now is a revamp of the mob system to have more customisable pathfinding, more customisable attacks that aren't just hugging the player, or shooting the same kind of projectile and making it so mobs can better interact with command blocks. Until that point, Wynncraft's mobs and bosses cannot become more than the joke they currently are.
    Mistrise Mystic and SmileyAlec like this.
  5. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    Yeah, if you're slapping something and it's a good build we'll meme about it but we won't trash it. If you slap meta stuff in a suboptimal fashion and try to pass it off as good we'll totally trash it. There's a difference between using Vaward in Sawtooth thunder spellsteal with Tesla because it's the only piece that gives the hp and skillpoints you want alongside a bit of damage, and running BM Gravity Vaward.
    Iboju and Madkurre like this.
  6. the drink

    the drink the CHAMPION

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    CountBurn and Epicness937 like this.
  7. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    1: boreal is insane and slept on. As well as hpr warrior

    2: mage is extremely boring and only fun with pure or lunar (and probably warp too lul)

    3: warrior while still the worst class is better than people make it out to be.

    4: endgame is horrible. Li gets boring once you can solo no pot easily. And eo isn't fun after 20 times...

    5: about 90% of the quests in the game are enjoyable even after the 10th time

    6: grookworts items are overrated.

    7: I like the new detlas it's more open and colorful

    8: warrior legendaries need to be an exception to baselines and not be punished for being tanky
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
  8. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    The random minigames in a lot of gavel quests are immersion breaking and need to go, or at least be changed to fit the theme (looking at you, random slider puzzle in EotS)

    LI shouldn’t cost money; it punishes poor people and is not effective as a money sink for the rich. Still better than dungeon keys but that isn’t saying much.

    Vaward is actually alright and I’ll use it if I can’t find pants that better fit the build I’m trying to make (or am too poor to afford the alternative)

    BPC and Cumulonimbus shouldn’t exist in the same slot
  9. Def

    Def uwu CHAMPION

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    I hate Archer. Not because the class isn't great, but because how boring it is to grind. I HATE being far away from the mobs. It's so much more fun to be right up there whilst fighting mobs. Any other class I enjoy grinding with.
    Mobs that that spam teleport need to be removed immediately.
    Guild wars dont need to exist in its current state. It's literally "I take this land to take it back 500 more times with ease whilst the other clans do the same damn thing"
  10. Shots

    Shots Yellow Rose Enthusiast HERO

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    Homework is boring so it's epic sauce time.

    - Stop taking a massive shit on people who use skill pots, or really any pots for that matter.
    - The "it's generic" excuse still has no meaning and contradicts the very idea of class building itself, i.e you can build and use anything you want. I consider atlas to be even more generic than vaward because it's slapped on literally every slow melee hybrid to ever exist and yet it's praised as god incarnate. That doesn't stop me from using it in a build because it's good, just like vaward.
    Oh I mean haha atlas is the most epic accessory in the game please don't kick me from the Atlas Inc. discord I enjoy lurking there.
    - Not everything that's viable has to be meta.
    - Stop changing morph for the love of god. It's fine as is right now. Hell, it's been fine on multiple occasions. If you change it again, for better or worse, I will awake from my slumber, get all my hive bows and morph set, and make a video fighting every single fucking boss in the game with FNaF music blaring in the background in the name of Chica's Magic god damn Rainbow with the title being "I Came Back To Wynncraft Solely Because The Devs Pissed Me Off".

    - The Wretches are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be, unless of course you lag but that applies to a lot of other things.
    - Redbeard can go dolphin dive off a cliff and hopefully die for real this time.
    - Doctor Legendary is overrated. The third phase is really the only phase that stands out as decent-good to me (which is also the case with Qira). Most of the other LI bosses are better.
    - On that note, the only good or better boss fights in the game are as follows: Durum Protector, Charon, Rymek Luke, Prison of Souls, Plague Doctor, Geyser Pit (assuming they fixed the minion bug, because I wouldn't know since I left), Aerie of Recluse, Psychomancer, Cybel/Wybel, Death Metal, Aledar & Tasim, and The Eye. I don't know if that's an unpopular opinion or not because 90% of the population don't even know what half of the bosses I just listed are.

    Oh sorry what I meant was Yahya's fight is the best.

    - Assassin and Warrior are the best classes in the game because Dark Souls taught me that it's not about gear it's all about fashion. Nothin' like dancing with a pitchfork, flying around with a scythe, or fisting your opponent to death.
    - Archer is still the most broken class and Shaman's power is both overrated and underrated by the majority of players (although I will admit I consider it the second strongest).
    - Haha spell mage. Eidolon statue gang ftw.

    - The gathering professions are fun. I hate doing crafting though.
    - Corrupted dungeons are fine as an alternative to grinding until actual Gavel dungeons get added.
    - Grinding is honestly pretty easy even without an xp set (although one is obviously recommended in later levels).

    - The tutorial puts too much of an emphasis on professions, but it does establish the bare minimum of what you need to know for Wynn otherwise. Thus, I don't feel it deserves all the hate it gets, but it's certainly not a good tutorial by any stretch of the imagination.
    - Wynn's lore is pretty decent.
    - Eye of the Storm is fine.
    - I still don't understand why people consider 1000 Meters Under to be the best quest in the game. It's good, but certainly not up there with quests like Misadventures, Point of No Return, Corrupted Betrayal, A Hunter's Calling, etc.
    - Dodegar's Ultimate Weapon is fine because at least you're actually working towards a reward for your grinding. Only real issue is the drop and spawnrate of those wooden pricks is awful despite only needing 10 of the chips.
    - Aside from Psychomancer, and Solar Vanguard/Oceanic Judge because they're ok, the Hive is not good. It follows the usual mentality of "melt or be melted" in pretty much every single room and RNG can sometimes just decide your time has come and make you sit in a single room for three minutes. The same applies to ToA, but it's even worse since it doesn't have any entertaining boss fight aside from Death who's ok. The only true redeeming factor is that the rewards from both are good.
    - Wynn excels much better at making some good-amazing characters. These include, but are not limited to, Bob, Witherhead, Theorick, Slykaar, Antikythera, Adamastor and Urdar, The Phoenix Prince, Ariodo, The Eye, Bak'al, Doctor Legendary, and DEATH.
    - It also excels at making me want to pull a shotgun out my ass and fire at point blank range due to Lucio, Aledar, Maxie, and Axelus. I know your eyes may deceive you, but yes, the last 3 are indeed 3 different characters.
    Oh wait that's not unpopular uhhhhhh

    - Lootrunning is only fun in RtD.
    - The desert was the area that didn't need secret discoveries. Like, at all.
    - Challenge builds are now a dead meme thanks to spider build.
    Please just let it die I'm sorry.

    Lastly, and most important of all...

    - BILL's suicide strike should be removed, SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPY should no longer be required for a quest so I can kite it wherever I want, Mirror Man needs to move faster so I can kite him better, and CAID's """"bug"""" is just a feature. Also, gun with legs is actually leg with guns.
    xSkiing, thepicferret, Jbip and 10 others like this.
  11. HV_Metal

    HV_Metal Convergence VIP

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    - Warrior is a fun class because you don't have that one and only one spell that will clear the game for you, but several spells that you must use together for full efficiency (and it's still not completely efficient duh)
    - Guardian is underrated.
    - Walk speed is overrated. haha, air bow go woooooosh, ima list it for 62583431 stx haha.

    - Housing should be real.
    - Wars should be given more purpose.
    - PvP in Wynncraft can't be helped.
    - Dogovi > Maex

    - Antikythera feels more alive than those other dungeon bosses, despite it being only a computer.
    - Dr. Legendary is the most annoying boss ever with his teleport, push and charge spam. Seriously, it's not fun. Even getting oneshot by Cybel is less frustrating than this.
    - Orcs steal some overpowered axe, burn down some villagers' houses and get away with it. Peace treaty 100 for you. And obviously the villagers can't be bothered to act because they are limited by this same vague peace treaty.
    - There should be more quests like "The Hunger of Gerts II" where you approach the same story from a different angle.
    - Yansur is annoying and it's funny how even the bosses of the Hive make it known.
    - I'm surprised how Axelus is treated at the dwarven festival. As if noone knew he is the king's son. Seriously.
    - That being said, as the quest plays out, it pretty much becomes obvious how easily a player could wipe out the dwarven army.
    - Aledar got nearly taken down by monsters which for a normal player are childs' play by level 100; how did he even get to level 100? He shouldn't be allowed to start the quest! Nor that other imbecile, Lucio. I'm surprised they even considered to sacrifice us in their original plan.
    - It's a bit sad you can't explore the alternate Silent Expanse in Point of No Return.
    - Bak'al is corrupted Salted.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
    xSkiing, StoopidDog, Spinel and 8 others like this.
  12. sarscov2

    sarscov2 Noob

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    Wynn should have some repeatable end content (btw, here some good example from another game: A tower with infinite floors, where each floors becomes harder and harder with random monster from the whole game, each floor clear makes you earn some stats bonus (only in the said tower for the current run), when a floor is too hard and you can't clear it, you can reset the tower and start a new run over and over. When clearing some special floors, you could gain some special items/gear/whatever to use outside the tower)
  13. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    Oooh I got another one, here goes

    Class building sucks
    It's a personal thing, mostly. Most items I find are really just fine, and if they're better than my current gear and I can wear them, then I will. But most of the time I'll find something that I can't wear due to weird skill point requirements or one hugely jarring negative identification. Except it doesn't matter most of the time. I get by just fine, and the class I main, Warrior, is statistically speaking the worst of all of them. Oftentimes I'm using items that are fifteen, maybe twenty levels behind my combat level, and just with a couple health potions and strafing a bunch, I'm able to defeat any quest boss the game throws at me. I don't mind having to retreat at times to get my health back up with my Amulet of Rejuvenation. I'm at level ninety, why shouldn't it be at least somewhat of a challenge? But then I try to construct my own endgame build, and it either just doesn't work, is so expensive that it's just not worth it or has one major downside that I'd rather use my mediocre build than a "situational" one. All of it leaves me conflicted on class building as a whole. I get it's fun to try optimize the way one plays a video game -- God knows I love watching speedruns -- but class building is so incredibly confusing and so... messy, I can't wrap my head around why and how people do it. Maybe I've just got undiagnosed dyscalculia, who knows.
  14. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    Wynncraft isn't terrible in every way possible
    Miles_, Jbip, Violet Knight and 5 others like this.
  15. Accelll

    Accelll Well-Known Adventurer

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    - strati is overrated
    - spring sucks bc any water build already has good MR
    - damage gap between mythics and legendaries is way too high
    - agil/dodge is overrated
    - parkour sucks
    - command blocks are buggy af
    - difficulty means more than "hehe boss do big damage"
    - fallen factory has the worst dungeon gameplay but has the BEST dungeon dialogue by far
  16. 99loulou999

    99loulou999 ArchangeList VIP+

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    ArchangeL can actually be used as a weapon, slider and weathered might deal more damage, but damage is not the only thing that matters
  17. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    Corrupted Underworld Crypt isn’t broken, and its okay that the boss enters the walls.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
    FRITZPAL likes this.
  18. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    #class_builds is actually on topic at least 75% of the time, albeit in a roundabout way
    Chrysitis likes this.
  19. PopePurpleTTV

    PopePurpleTTV *:^)=Immortal=(^:* Media CHAMPION

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    Shaman isn't broken.

    Warrior totally can complete with the same lvl late game.

    Archer would never need a nerf.

    Mage is not interesting (Even though I fucking play it)

    Quests can sometimes just be REAL FUCKING t e d i o u s after bugging out and we have to wait whole updates (weeks to months) for them to be patched to actually play them! :D

    Hmmm That one might be a bit too real... Eh...

    No life-ing wynncraft isn't healthy!

    Oh fuck, I did it again.
    FRITZPAL likes this.
  20. one_ood

    one_ood c lown VIP

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    where is the unpopular opinion lmao
    Epicness937 likes this.
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