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What Are Your Top 3 Favorite Remade Quests From This Update?

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by nicktree, Jan 22, 2021.


What are your Top 3 Favorite Remade Quests from this Update?

  1. ROL 1: Worm Holes / ROL 2: Taproot

    21 vote(s)
  2. Iron Heart (1 & 2)

    10 vote(s)
  3. Reclaiming the House / Acquiring Credentials

    13 vote(s)
  4. ROL 5: The Realm of Light

    42 vote(s)
  5. ROL 3: Headless History / ROL 4: Finding the Light

    40 vote(s)
  6. From the Mountains

    7 vote(s)
  7. Lazarus Pit

    10 vote(s)
  8. Aldorei's Secret Part 1

    9 vote(s)
  9. Forbidden Prison

    27 vote(s)
  10. Lexdale Witch Trials

    24 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. nicktree

    nicktree wynncraft player HERO GM

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    Glad to hear you like the new quests but can you tell me what these directions are and how they are different from previous quests in updates?
    Shoefarts and burble like this.
  2. Shoefarts

    Shoefarts I fart on shoes CHAMPION

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    Like how the blue highlighted text when a character tells you to go somewhere. As far as I recall, previous quests didn't have this feature.
  3. CaptainTurko

    CaptainTurko Nesaak Sauna Enjoyer HERO

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    Lari as a boss actually gave my 104 archer a run for its money! That being said, I only had a speed/parkour build with thunder and air weapons the first go-round, so I wasn't able to out-damage her lol
    Namakobushi and nicktree like this.
  4. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    Some feedback on some quests that have been reworked and I couldn't replay them on my Mage main:
    Heart of Llevigar:
    I really like the Sparks and explosions when you first enter the room, it gives the feeling that it is dire and must be completed ASAP.
    And not to mention, that little finishing touch at the end with a Parasite there just really gives the quest a run for its money, because you then learn that the Parasite there was probably what's causing the power to go haywire.

    Clearing the Camps:
    I kind of like this quest over the old one, the way to get to some of the bosses are kind of unique, like how Velta (I think I got the name right) is hidden under some mud near a stump, and the bosses are also much harder than before, having about 5-8k HP, along with some dangerous spells like Charge, which makes these bosses kind of memorable.

    Memory Paranoia:
    So because I already completed the quest on my Mage Main, Memory Paranoia at first has some small changes, like a date so we know exactly when this takes place, but the end cutscene in my opinion is really great, as it shows Mr. Caritat having an argument with Lari telling her that the Decay is nothing to worry about now that Dullahan's gone, and proceeds to build the mansion. The only part I think kind of needs a rework is at the end, Mr. Caritat will speak to you and you have a boss fight with his remains (I actually really like that part and kind of miss it).
    Namakobushi and nicktree like this.
  5. Lego_DW

    Lego_DW yeppers HERO

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    of the three quests ive done (wormholes acquiring credentials and hero of gavel) all 3 have broke. extremely hard to enjoy anything when i cant do anything

    as for what i was able to do for the quests, wormholes is just a waiting simulator and i dont care for it. AC is better than what it was but thats not saying much
  6. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    As soon as I saw Bak'al jumping into the Realm of Light I had to give the RoL my favor!
    Jbip, MlecznyHuxel99 and nicktree like this.
  7. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Some rando she's only known for a couple of months who also accomplished more towards healing the light in those couple months than she had in a literal millennium because she's trying in vain to remain pacifistic, and who also hounded and harassed her causing her to go through a crisis of faith and get told bold-faced by the very being she begged to awaken that that's something she needs to do and that's why you were chosen to begin with.

    The eight level gap between Finding The Light and Realm of Light, it's supposed to be that she's coming to grips with what happened. Everything, not just your influence, but EVERYTHING, over the past thousand year span, and she outright SAYS she's not quite ready- She's just kind of swallowing her emotions with an aspirin and carrying on. Of course, if you jump straight from Finding The Light into Realm of Light without that gap it seems sudden, but keeping in mind that level gap helps pace things out a bit better.
  8. TheWitch3r

    TheWitch3r "Killing monsters" CHAMPION

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    True. The thing I don't really like about her is that she abandoned every common sense when she met Bak'al. She's rather...impulsive I would guess. Hopefully not a fatal mistake.
  9. bobbot5000

    bobbot5000 Well-Known Adventurer

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    People don't give enough credit to from the mountains, I just really liked the setup for the dwarven questline as well as general worldbuilding with the addition of dwarven context to the quest.
    Jbip, the drink and MlecznyHuxel99 like this.
  10. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Even a eight-level gap shouldn't turn someone who has been "LETS NOT KILL ANYONE WE CAN ALL BE FRIENDS, AND KILLING IS COMPLETELY WRONG" for 1000 years to "HEY LETS KILL BAKAL HES BAD", without EVEN trying to convince bakal to be peaceful? I feel like she should have at least tried talking with bakal first then said "ugh looks like I have no choice, if you keep corruption the light I will have no choice but to kill you".

    And in RoL 4 I already felt like the plot is out of place, why did she even try to KILL you? Like shouldn't she try to create a "permanent" barrier or something to trap you inside? I feel like a better plot would be her trapping you inside a hole without knowing that there were corrupted mobs there, the mobs decay the light, break the barrier and escapes and goes after her, after you defeat the mobs she sees you hurt (from your battle with mobs) and then realise what she has done, then orphion steps in. I feel like that would be a much better plot than the current RoL 4
    Shoefarts likes this.
  11. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Bakal pushed a number of buttons of hers, just like you did in FTL. She was overwhelmed with emotions and wasn't fully cognizant of what she was doing- in effect, she was throwing a tantrum. She tried so hard to accept that you were replacing her, which was nearly admitted by her in Taproot as a great fear, but she cut herself off. Not difficult to put the pieces together, though. And then, you follow her through the portal after she finally gets the chance to, in her eyes, do something useful and prove that she HASN'T been replaced- then you follow her, try to intrude on the conversation, eavesdrop, and follow her to do the task she felt she needed to do, which was whatever the Canned Abis would have done to the Guardian of the Forest(it was more an excuse to get you to follow her and stoke her anger, the plant itself is just a plain herb). She just couldn't take it anymore- You saw her yell. She felt like you were stealing her life's purpose- Have you ever felt that? Ever figured out how that might feel to someone?

    It must be horrendous and terrifying to think that CENTURIES of effort were useless, that you devoted yourself to a force that wouldn't support you out of a fluke and that you wasted all that time and stepped over all the people you were close with to fulfill a goal that was never meant to be fulfilled.

    It justifies her anger. Throwing you down a hole never to be seen again isn't exactly better than murder, you know. As for Bakal, he pushed her buttons similarly. She rekindled her faith in Orphion after the Guardian's speech and some soul-searching, and she's trying to keep her morals down. You see her attack some creatures in the Realm of Light before Bakal comes in- She states she had to fend off some creatures while you were within the first monolith, and she does kill a number of the Blinding Gliders before going over to the rift, so she's put that down, even though she does outright say she's not totally ready.

    That, just because she knows she has to do it now and has the wherewithal to do so, it doesn't make her feel any better about it. That she's longing for the day when all this is just a bad memory and she can finally stop.

    So, she IS ready to attack and kill, then Bakal comes out of a CLEARLY dark portal, threatens her life, and taunts her by saying that Orphion is already fallen. That's like three berserk buttons all at once! Putting her life at risk? Given she's prepared to kill when necessary now, that seems pretty necessary. Minion of the dark? Pretty damn obvious considering the portal and the talk of influence. Hurt Orphion, the being she swore her allegiance to and aims to protect? Yeah, this dude with the fucky face needs to die.

    Plus, you exaggerate when you insist she believes killing is completely wrong, even as far back as The Worm Holes. She believes and says, verbatim, "I understand you are taught differently where you come from. I do not envy you, though I still thank you for your aid thusfar. Your methods are...disagreeable, but you still have a sense of right to you, I feel." So, you might want to just think a little more critically about her, instead of looking at a surface level skimmed-read characterization.
  12. Shortsightedness

    Shortsightedness Somehow the IGN doesn't change on forums VIP

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    Yeah I think your points about Bakal is right, but I still stand by my point about RoL 4. She has always stayed true to pacifism up to this point, so why should she try to KILL you? Shouldn't she just treat you like how she treats the other creatures, trapping you with a light barrier? Yes she felt that you were stealing her purpose, yes permanently trapping you isn't much better than killing you, but it would fit with her pacifism better in this situation.
    Shoefarts likes this.
  13. Hypochloride

    Hypochloride Well-Known Adventurer Builder

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    Because unlike other creatures, youre taking her job as the light guardian, she feels unworthy when you came and it irritated her, the other creatures just appeared and shit but you slowly show her that she is not worthy at all
  14. QKhanh2308

    QKhanh2308 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I would argue. The effect you had on her is very different compared to the parasite.
    In the parasite's case, she tried to talk it down despite getting hurt by it because she's a pacifist, that's what she does.
    In the player's case, the player literally stole her job and made her have an identity crisis. It is frustration, anger and most of all confusion.
    She 'knew' what to do in the parasite's case, and she followed it no matter the results. In the player's case, she had no idea what to do to prove her worth.
  15. ditsario

    ditsario it's always christmas somewhere in the world VIP+

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    I still don't really get why she didn't listen to Dullahan, though. 800 years of someone close to you telling you that you need to do something, and 200 more of knowing that not doing that thing cursed that person to dying and turning evil should surely have an effect on someone, right? But in Worm Holes, she still refuses to kill a murderous worm infected by darkness.

    To be fair, it is stated/indicated in Finding the Light that she believes killing would go against the Light's goals, even killing a creature of pure darkness. And we aren't told how the Orphion's chosen thing works, so it's possible Lari's power can't be given to Dullahan or someone else for some reason. But I still just find it hard to believe that she could go 1000 years without snapping like she did in Finding the Light, unless, at the same time, she was also doing a lot of things in which pacifism did work where violence wouldn't. (I haven't done all the secret discoveries yet, so this may be the case, but I somewhat doubt it.)
    Shortsightedness and trex1611 like this.
  16. Potatomancer

    Potatomancer Budget Wither

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    Because I never got past level 73 i can only say Heart of Levigar and Blazing Retribution. From videos Lexdale Witch Trials looks cool.
    nicktree likes this.
  17. burble

    burble dragon fruit go roar VIP+

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    I've completed all of the reworked quests now, and it's definitely hard to narrow it down to my top three. They were all enjoyable, though some more than others. I thought something was missing from Iron Heart, both parts one and two, though I'm finding it difficult to put my finger on what exactly it was. Iron Heart isn't a bad quest by any means, but it just didn't feel like anything special, either, I guess. Both parts were very short, and Part 1 just felt like setup for Part 2, which wasn't very remarkable on its own. Part 2 was pretty much just moving from place to place and talking to people. I would've enjoyed more . . . "investigating," I'd say. Interacting with objects shining with green particles around the town with Detective Hart in it, maybe following clues to one of Olux's golems in time to see them malfunction and run away. As it stands, I don't think the player has enough agency in this quest. Though this is all just my opinion, of course, and I'm sure a lot of work went into it. I liked it still, just not as much as the others.

    Anyway, this thread is about the quests I liked the most, haha, so I'll talk about that. Forbidden Prison is, without a doubt, my favourite. I already made a post about it in the Feedback section, so I'm not going to get too much into it.

    Second would probably be either Reclaiming The House or Acquiring Credentials. Neither added much to the lore, but they both had fun mechanics, like waiting until the guards' backs are turned before either cutting ropes or shoving them off. I like quests that are basically stealth missions, which is what Reclaiming The House was, and Acquiring Credentials reminded me of a scavenger hunt (with all the hints--in a good way. I love scavenger hunts.) I'd consider these kinds of quests "popcorn" quests. Though they don't build upon the main storylines much or build the world (though the part where the villager mentioned that humans aren't allowed Gavellian passports I found interesting, and it'd be cool for a quest in the future to explore the political tension between humans and villagers in Gavel in the future, though come to think of it, Hidden City sort of does that already.), but they're very fun!

    And my third favourite would be Finding The Light, or The Realm of Light. I hope it's not the end of that questline (because I do not like cliffhangers, and the ending was very abrupt. >.>), though the reason I like the new Realm of Light quests is Lari. She's definitely the most complex character in Wynncraft (IMO, of course), and it was nice to follow along her arc beats and watch her development near fruition. I know some people said they were annoyed by Lari, but personally, I think that's fine. Her actions that annoyed them were in character, so her annoying people just means she's flawed--which is a good thing. And besides, it's easy to sympathize with a character who takes an impulsive action when you understand the reasoning behind the action. I mean, I get salty when I'm on a parkour server and am attempting a jump for five minutes and someone comes rushing by and does it on their first try, so I can imagine how . . . shocking and frustrating it must be for you to dedicate your life to something (and elves have very long lifespans), only to fail, fail, fail, with one of your closest friends' minds becoming twisted, and then some random human comes along and finishes what you were attempting to do for centuries in, like, a day. How useless you'd feel, and stupid, and worthless, incapable of doing the one thing you've been trying to do. Your one purpose. My one qualm about her as a character is that we're never really told why she follows her morals so strictly. I think it'd be easier to relate to her, and that people would feel less of an urge to slap her, if we knew why.
  18. Fearlesscat369

    Fearlesscat369 Well-Known Adventurer

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    im only level 60 so i dont know any of the later remade quests but I like enzens brother quest cause now it has some meat to it and it introduces the secret discovery system to new players
    nicktree likes this.
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