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Weird Facts About Yourself!

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by Hiryu, Dec 28, 2015.


Do you...

  1. Hate taking showers, but staying in it for a long time

    24 vote(s)
  2. Eat something delicious and after a few minutes, you tell your friend that you're hungry

    8 vote(s)
  3. Say something that you dislike, and after trying it, you become addicted to it

    7 vote(s)
  4. Eat raw noodles

    5 vote(s)
  5. Eat ice

    11 vote(s)
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  1. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Oh, we talking about weird personal things now? OKAY!

    1) When I was a wee babby, I tripped and fell onto the edge of a bathtub, dealing a blow to my head. I still have the scar from this event, more than a decade later. Very traumatizing.

    2) When I was (6?) years old, I liked the taste of pennies. One time, I accidentally swallowed one. My parents were very much scared.

    3) When I was in elementary school, while eating lunch UNDER A ROOF, a seagull flew under and left a present on my head. I have a fear of seagulls now. They're EVERYWHERE.

    4) When I was (I don't remember), I went to church on Christmas Eve with my family. At some point I got tired and started crying, so my mom took me back to the car, where she told me to try some of my aunt's potato salad. Later that night, I threw up. Worst Christmas ever.

    5) When I was (LOOK THIS HAPPENED A LONG TIME AGO), I fell into the flamingo pond at the San Diego Zoo while taking a family picture. Gurgle gurgle.

    If I can think of more, I'll post them.
  2. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    1. When I was young, I had long hair. I'd constantly have to tell people I was a boy (though looking back I did look quite feminine). I had my hair cut for charity, but I've been re-growing it since I was about 14.
    2. I love wandering around my dark house at night, but I'm scared by the concept of wandering in a dark forest. I however love the concept of wandering in a dense forest during daytime (I blame Slender: The 8 Pages).
    3. Sometimes whilst watching videos, I slowly, subconsciously, slide around my chair until my chest is facing the back of it as I watch.
    4. When I was 5, I fell in a pool. My head went under, my hands were sticking up and out of the water. What felt like 5 Minutes was a matter of 5 Seconds, but I saw some strange things when I almost drowned.
    5. I've never posted a picture of myself online (though family, friends, and this one weird girl from my secondary school has), and I don't plan to ever do so. I feel as if it may break the illusion I have created about myself.
    6. I never had imaginary friends when I was young, however, I created them when I was feeling depressed at school (bullying really). I was around 14 at the time, and continue to have these imaginary friends.
    7. I feel as if my imaginary friends may personify some aspects of my personality, but they've denied it. (I might tell you their names, I might not, it depends. (They don't like it when I tell people their names though.))
    8. I remember very random things awfully clearly, like putting a sausage roll in my microwave and thinking about how I remember very random things awfully clearly. I'm not kidding.
    9. I sometimes personify food whilst I eat it. An example could be some chips/fries wondering where their friends went, then screaming as I eat them.
    10. I had a nightmare (which I remember very clearly) about a demonic Barbie doll telling me to marry it within 9 days, or it'd kill me. I walked around a strange dream world for a couple days pondering this, eventually marrying the doll on the 7th Day left.
    11. Following dreams, I remember a way I used to exit dreams is standing by a road and waiting. In a strange meta-dream, while doing this, I thought I may be in reality already.
    12. At night, I once saw a strange ball roll into my room whilst I re-entered it from going to the bathroom. It startled me, but I never saw it again, as it was a figment of my imagination.
    13. I once saw a blue, fluffy, severed hand clenching and unclenching in my wardrobe/closet when I was young. I've closed it every night since.
    14. I occasionally try to move things with my mind, thinking I might have telekinesis. All attempts so far have yielded little results.
    15. I've had an immense fear of dogs since I was young, but ever since I've owned a dog of my own, that fear has vanished.
    16. Sometimes, when I kill a character in a game, I imagine their life, and how their family may never see them again. I sometimes feel so guilty I reload my last save to avoid killing them (this is mainly in Skyrim, an example being a poor beggar I killed).
    17. The night before my 3rd Birthday, I had a dream about my 3rd Birthday. My 3rd Birthday went exactly as the dream went.
    I'm a weird person...
    1. I feel like I want to tell people/talk about my imaginary friends, but half of me doesn't...
    2. One of my imaginary friends invaded one of my dreams once. It was really weird being able to chat with them normally, yet weirder how they managed to invade my dream...
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  3. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    • I can never sleep.
    • I have terrible memory, which is why I forgot all the weird facts about me.
    • I lie a lot.
    • You know what I said about having bad memory, scratch that I lied, I only remember oddly specific things like it takes 1.3 light seconds to get to the moon.
    • I haven't had a serious injury in my life, or not that I could remember.
    • Yeah, I'm not too interesting, it's not worth getting to know me. :P
    • I don't get amused easily.
  4. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    *When i wake up i cant fall back asleep
    *Even though im not tired i can still fall asleep
    *My dad is a legitimate genius and is rarely wrong (its difficult :P)
    *I have an odd memory, i forget all the important things, but the non important things i remember for years
    *I rarely laugh or smile, though i do find things funny
    *I fucking love corgis
    *I can play a game for a whole day, yet i cant watch movies at all
    *I cant sit still yet i dont have ADD or ADHD
    *Though im 13, i still use my imagination and play around.
    *My first game(s) were portal half life 2 and WoW!
    *Never had a serious injury ever.
    *I talk to my self, to the point of having conversations with my self
    *I lie about my name, birthday (its july 20, not january 1st like i always put that for some reason, and for some reason i like to stay anon of my age, but i trust dis forum)
    *I have over 20 passwords, mostly varients, but over 20
  5. le_mega_barbare

    le_mega_barbare Dwelling in Fire Emblem HERO

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    I can corroborate.
  6. TurtleTheSeawing

    TurtleTheSeawing That dragon that's studying magic HERO

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    Oh god... gotta put 2 in one post just to catch up...

    OK, GOT IT!

    Sometimes I get VERY sassy, and I come up with brilliant comebacks to things.

    Just ask @Waddle_Dee

    I get anxiety attacks about a LOT of things, 99% of which I should never be afraid of...

    For example: when I see a very sharp pointed pencil, I just imagine myself falling onto the pencil, and my neck getting stabbed by it, and killing me... I...Have...No...Fucking...Idea...Why...This...Happend.
    Omfg... me are almost the exact same... I mean, you'really 2 years younger than me, but, my birthday is the day after yours.
    I've never had a serious injury ever
    I still love to use my imagination! I have a couple sticks lying around my house, that I've used as swords, and I always imagine myself on some epic quest sometimes!
    I have that odd memory

    I don'the really have any of the other things, but I have variations of them... but I do have ADHD, and my first games weren'the those games.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2016
  7. AetherArising

    AetherArising Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    "I love wandering around my dark house at night, but I'm scared by the concept of wandering in a dark forest. I however love the concept of wandering in a dense forest during daytime (I blame Slender: The 8 Pages)."

    Same here :D i often times wake up at 5 or 6 so i just get up and come down. Its 6:13 am as im writing this

    1. I never had imaginary friends when I was young, however, I created them when I was feeling depressed at school (bullying really). I was around 14 at the time, and continue to have these imaginary friends.eated about myself.
    2. I feel as if my imaginary friends may personify some aspects of my personality, but they've denied it.
    Thats scarily similar to me actually. I'll elaborate why in a convo, but idk if im rdy to post more info about myself on the forums :P

    2. One of my imaginary friends invaded one of my dreams once. It was really weird being able to chat with them normally, yet weirder how they managed to invade my dream...

    Ah yes. This happens to me occasionally. I'll meet/be one of the characters in the dream, and when i awake sometimes i'll be able to "remember" the dream by "talking to them"

    I once saw a blue, fluffy, severed hand clenching and unclenching in my wardrobe/closet when I was young. I've closed it every night since.

    Slightly different here - One time when i was about 4 i had a VEEEERY high fever. Like it got to 110 or more, and i had hallucinations. I very strongly remember them, one of them scarred me for life, but i similar to you saw a disembodied/severed yet living hand. It was tapping on the window. I ran like hell.

    The night before my 3rd Birthday, I had a dream about my 3rd Birthday. My 3rd Birthday went exactly as the dream went.

    Final response: This happened to me too. Having it happen is weird, but i was able to dodge any ladders etc that tried to fall on me from memorization
  8. Antra

    Antra Malding since 2014 HERO

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    Im me, Thats it i think
    Oh i also milk cows for money (this sounds weird if you think about it)
  9. WithTheFish

    WithTheFish Internet Macrocelebrity CHAMPION

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    My best "friend" until 6th grade was a plastic frog, not joking. When I was younger I also thought that I could genuinely see into the future.
  10. Paradoxical

    Paradoxical Machina Infinitum VIP

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    Why are you almost an exact clone of me... this is creepy. 90% of these are also true for me!
    Also a few more about me:
    -I have a near perfect memory concerning random details such as obscure movie quotes
    -Almost all of my passwords are complex variation of a single four digit number
    -I can play the violin at first year college level despite being in middle school
    -I hardly ever notice things when I'm reading or just deep in thought, but I can be very attentive and pick up minute details when I want to be observant
    -I am almost immune to cold weather (I can wear a T-shirt outside in 55 degrees (Fahrenheit) weather)
    -My nightmare never have anything to do with what actually scares me in real life
    -I am half Danish, and bilingual
  11. Krek

    Krek Unrelenting Parasite

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    I absolutely terrified and hate pretty much anything that flies. This includes but is not limited to: Wasps, Bees, Birds, Planes, other air based vehicles, and of course, butterflies. YOU CAN NEVER TELL WHERE THOSE LITTLE SPAWN OF SATAN ARE GONNA GO, FLYING ALL AROUND LIKE "HEY LOOK AT ME, I'M A FRICKIN' BUTTERFLY, FEED ME NECTAR AT THE ZOO WHILE I FLOAT AROUND UNPREDICTABLY!" That one episode of Spongebob I saw in my youth where it shows a close up of a butterfly didn't help either.
    Betka.101 and Alexandress like this.
  12. TheZygartist

    TheZygartist Not really anyone anymore

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    TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
  13. Minitinipower

    Minitinipower just a guy

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    1. I haven't cried in a long time...
    2. I have 2 eye colors, bad-ass
  14. bnmaz

    bnmaz Item Hoarder VIP+

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    i can fit a w hole ping pong ball in my mouth
  15. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    That spongebob episode... its the very reason I'm scared of butterflies. Why spongebob.
    Lol we're (almost) the same.
  16. Enderman1234

    Enderman1234 Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    The funny thing is, that i forget a lot of that stuff and i looked at yours and i was like "Oh yeah!"
    not bagged milk likes this.
  17. Alexandress

    Alexandress French boi VIP+

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    Waw god, I'm scared of butterflies because of that fuckin spongebob episode tho...
    Kusu~ and not bagged milk like this.
  18. Feasgar'Ciaradh

    Feasgar'Ciaradh Nailed it!

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    1. I dont like Sponges... I have a Spongophobia
    2. I dont like MLG
    3. I hate the "Logic" of my Friends
    4. I like Alpacas and Lamas
    5. Im Vegetarian! #VegetarianForTheWin!

    r3kt m8 >:|
  19. not bagged milk

    not bagged milk bagged milk VIP+

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    Same. *High-fives*
  20. Feasgar'Ciaradh

    Feasgar'Ciaradh Nailed it!

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    #VegetarianArmee #VegetarianForTheWin #WeAreVEGETARIAN #Vegetarian
    Best Vegetarian Friends
    not bagged milk likes this.
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