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Weekly Community Discussion (27/09/2019) - Master Hive Items

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Major_Lue, Sep 27, 2019.

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  1. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    What’s up people! Today we’re starting our weekly discussions about particular topics relating to items, ingredients and gameplay. We want to emphasize this won’t be a one-sided conversation but rather a constructive discussion between the community and the item team. We’ll be sure to keep up with your guys’ posts and respond regularly. As mentioned on our thread here, we’ll be doing this weekly but if there is enough interest and conversation ongoing as the week draws to a close, we’ll roll it over to the next week. If not, this thread will be locked and we’ll move onto a new discussion.

    This Week’s Topic: Master Hive Armours

    During the element revamp, we overhauled master hive items and added six more to the remaining tri-element combinations. For our first weekly discussion, we want to preview the designs for the master hive armour. As mentioned here, one of the most notable things being brought forward from the element revamp would be master hive armours. To keep them in line with the current sandbox we’ve modified their values slightly alongside removing the positive skill points to reel their power in.

    For your guys' convenience Wynndata Custom Item links have been included so you can play around with them easier.

    All that being said, I want to hand the mic over to you folks and hear your feedback! Be sure to give feedback on the concept of weekly discussion threads. It’s a brand new idea for the content team and we want to ensure it’s done right.

    The Item Team =)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2019
  2. Madkurre

    Madkurre construction worker HERO

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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
    Major_Lue, NicBOMB and Bart (MC) like this.
  3. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I like every single one of them, and it looks like some of them got slightly buffed / nerfed since last time we've seen them.

    However, if -15 (irrelevant SP) is staying, why isn't +10 (relevant SP) too?
    strikeflame5356 likes this.
  4. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The bonus skill points were a main feature due to the higher requirements present in the elem revamp. We decided to remove them as they had so many positives and kept its negatives as its only downsides to using them. They're powerhouses of the 3 represented elements so restricting use (not disallowing) is a fair downside for them. They're still possible to be used with other elements but it's a bit more effort.
    Druser likes this.
  5. SnapDoomy

    SnapDoomy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So, things like, mythic boots for example, will stick to their SP req? because it was impossible to make a trio-element build using one of the mythic boots due to the stupid sp req.
  6. victorpotato2

    victorpotato2 Broke af HERO

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    i feel like the 50 req is too high knowing that each item has -15 in the other 2 elements and no +10 sp anymore. The items are limiting options. Whats the point of twilight chest if thanos chest exists.
  7. Je Hooft

    Je Hooft No Longer Hardlocked on A Hunter's Calling HERO

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    tfw boreal patterned aegis is turned into cumulonimbus 2.0
    (sorry for the disgusting white part on the picture)

    Anyway, what chestplate will I use now for my TWA? It was kinda nice to have 2 pieces of armor that helped me make a TWA build. Was it intended to remove the combo of boreal-patterned aegis + cumulonimbus? If so I would like to know why since there isn't really a good replacement for the aegis (maybe booster plate or thermosphere but those are both barely lvl 80+ and after that there's only armors that boost only 1 of the three elements in the build)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
    Take and Zepic12 like this.
  8. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    General thoughts:
    - BPC is 45% 250 raw 1 mr. I can see it having uses, but... it depends. (I really hope Intensity gets raw spell...)
    - Let me take a moment to talk about slow melee. 1k raw is not a signficant amount of damage for slow melee. It's a 1k boost to dps at most on three of the classes (counting Quake damages), and perhaps 1.2-1.4k on Archer. The lack of raw melee access on slow melee gear severely hinders its use outside of Archer.
    - Twilight-Gilded Cloak seems fine, although it's really hard to tell without context.
    - Anima looks better, and basically how I expected it to be. I see it primarily having use on Assassin, and maybe on Warrior if one is enterprising and particularly skilled at combat, since those are the two classes that benefit from high mana.
    - Elysium looks nice. The walkspeed in particularly seems like it would be very helpful. One thing to note, the balancing point for 325 raw vs. 50% is somewhere around the range of particularly strong Normal speed bows.
    - Slight buff to Chaos Greaves is nice, although I'm still a little concerned about it having low power. ETW in revamp worked more because of Bete Noire (and to a lesser extent Brainwash) than because Chaos Greaves was particularly useful. Wish it got some mana, but I'd say that was mostly a problem in revamp because there was only 1 viable ETW helmet and it took away your mana, so we'll see.
    - Assuming good -tier access stays, Abyss looks pretty good (spell Compiler time!).
    - Eden-Blessed Guards looks pretty good I guess. Honestly I feel like the biggest benefit of revamp Eden was the skill points. We'll see.
    - Heph Sabs still looks bad, but kind of depends on the other options. In revamp, being a special-based archetype, the amount of health sustain TFA had was not enough for the pitiful damage.
    - Gaea-Hewn Boots looks pretty good. Not much to say there. I still think that either it's hpr is too high or Eden's hpr is too low.
    JaydonTheWarrior and Bart (MC) like this.
  9. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't have time to talk about all of them right now, so I'll come back to this thread later. Also just a disclaimer that I've only ever played spell archers in my entire wynncraft career so I might be missing experience/knowledge in certain areas.

    Chaos-Woven Greaves

    I have a suspicion that CWG's role may be overshadowed by Cinderchain in many cases. The latter offers 65%-70% effective spell damage (I'm defining effective spell damage as spell damage + elemental damage), whilst CWG only has 60%. CWG's higher hp is countered by Cinderchain's natural Defense points. I may be wrong, but the 1k-ish dps that CWG's poison offers looks rather negligible considering both items are used on spell builds, and surely not enough to merit its Master Hive status in my opinion. It also doesn't make sense in my opinion that an ETW item is so closely rivalled in damage potential by a TWF one of the same category.

    Boreal-Patterned Crown

    The ms on Madkurre's BPC looks odd to me; I'd think TWA builds worked ideally (if not solely) with mr instead. The high evasion that they get from ws and agi buys them time to regenerate the mana they need to attack, whilst this playstyle would be much more difficult if you also had to attack mobs in the process. Everything else looks okay.
    Stag2001 and Druser like this.
  10. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    BPC has mr, @Madkurre you done goofed
    Take likes this.
  11. DragonEngineer

    DragonEngineer Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Will the hive weapons and accessories be adjusted to be balanced with the armours? Kinda felt like using Hive armours is a must.
  12. Druser

    Druser ele defs don't matter HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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    imo the weapons as they exist balance well with the armors. I kind of agree about the accessories though, particularly Intensity.
    DragonEngineer likes this.
  13. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Man, these sound like names an edgy 13 year old could come up with. I love them! As for my opinions, they were mostly formed by "I was on wynndata 6 hours and tried to build the best builds I can" so what I'm mostly looking for is for the items to be self-explanatory, so you always know what it's meant to do and what build would benefit from it.

    Boreal Crown's 1/4 mana, stupid spell/water damages and new helmet status probably means we know what every single mage is going to be wearing. Third eye no more and Stardust's age was long ago.

    Obsidian Framed is the absolute UNIT of the helmets, with its -2 tier and 1k raw damage. Combine with the 15% elemental damages and we now know what the new raw melee builds

    Twilight Gilded gives +1 AS, and AS seems to be rather rare in the new revamp from what I understand.

    Anima Infused Cuirass is the wet dream of any water-fire build. That hot 3/4 mana regen and steal means that it's gonna fix something I found pretty odd - there aren't that many viable options for water-fire chestplates.

    Esylum. 4.2k health, 30% melee damage, 25% speed and other big damages.

    Chaos pants. The trend of ridiculous ids continues. 2250 poison. Necrosis has 1200-5200 and zeroes your other damages, while chaos gives you 30% spell, elemental and melee. I get a hybrid vibe: The poison will make any sort of continued attack more damaging, while the huge damage buffs apply to both spell elements (water/thunder) and the melee element (earth) so it seems to incentivize you to use those damages, not waste them - thus hybrid.

    Abyss is the "steal" build. Nothing much else. Everything else is sort of meh. Nothing just seems to be noteworthy.

    Overall, the feeling I get is that the items are meant to be the "ultimate perfect incredible" item of their playstyle because they are so hard to obtain, and as such they define much of that playstyle.

    Eden. 50% and 500 raw health regen, so this is CLEARLY meant for tanking. The 5% damages and 30% elemental defences seem to also say this, as does the colossal 4600 health (still outmatched by both boots). The bigger question is: This is viable for tank, but is tank viable?

    Hephastus-forged has an even bigger 5400 health, and also gives other defesive buffs and 25% move speed. 4/4 mana steal means it gives lots of mana, but not reliably. Seems to be a speedier tank boot. This might mean that it's a "hit and run" tank that goes in, steals mana, goes back out.

    Gaea hewn is sort of the same as before. Still boouts, big damages, big mana regen, big health, big everything. It's still great.

    Overall, other than Abyss, they all feel intresting and intuitive to me - it feels like I have a good idea of what they are meant to do (though I probably do not) and how to use them, and what their playstyle is like.
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  14. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  15. Gone2Dream

    Gone2Dream Luto Aquarum enjoyer HERO

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    I still miss the ability to go full on mage tank and put every part of the hive master armor on it.
  16. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    for this change I feel like anima got hit the hardest since many current anima builds uses medeis which have +30 sp and got shafted by new anima. this makes many anima builds break since there's not much +sp helm worth choosing from to cover up the sp lost.
  17. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    don’t rly see a problem here
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  18. Fwap a Durp

    Fwap a Durp Stuck at home -.- CHAMPION

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    when you are going for pure thunder/thunder water it starts to show.
    to have good damage, sparkling visor will have to be used as it's the highest damage helm apart from old anima, and with that you lost 30 skill points and it will be hard to go for high dex req weapons like cata and divzer

    of course if uniques get skill point bonus then it will not be a problem
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  19. Endercomet

    Endercomet HongKonger

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    still don’t see a problem
    Bart (MC) likes this.
  20. Qzphs

    Qzphs Unskilled Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't like Eden-Blessed Guards and Gaea-Hewn Boots when they're compared side-by-side.

    It seems like they're just too similar. Their differences are few; EBG has a bit more elemental defenses and 50%hpr, whilst GHB offers 400hp and 30% effective spell damage, but everything else about them is virtually the same.

    At the moment I would think that EBG is the one that is outclassed by the latter; GHB should be able to achieve similar results to the builds that EBG is otherwise intended for, and bring better damages to the table on top of that. 50%hpr really doesn't bring a lot to the table even when you're making a build that either incorporates health regen or dedicates itself to it entirely.
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