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Weekly Community Discussion (24/01/2020) - Ingredient Discussion

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by Altakar, Jan 24, 2020.

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  1. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Not in wynndata if/yet so idk
  2. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    Ok so: I made a spreadsheet detailing if there is an option (per pofession) for every single possible ID. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IgXPsV7djwuVsE_VZpvBfopG3chyb7sjHEPrUSPe8FM/edit?usp=sharing
    Green means yes (and good)
    yellow im either reviewing for whether they're good/engame viable or I didn't want to give them red but they're not green worthy
    red is yes, but not endgame viable, or just only bad option(s)
    blue: only possible by flipping
    purple: only majors badge option for flipping (alchemism only lul)
    Red, unchecked: NO OPTION- PLEASE ADD OPTIONS IMs (this is most of the point of the whole sheet, to point out what's missing)
    I did add some notes at the bottom too. Also, feel free to reply with why you think something should be changed or if i missed something. took a couple hours...
    Also also feel free to copy and edit your own just dont copy and try to pass it off as urs
    its my spam email leave me alone- my name isnt actually bob smith
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
    Iboju, Druser and Son_Omega_Dan like this.
  3. Benjin

    Benjin Famous Adventurer

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    Things like CUR parties could make these very abusable to level up
  4. btdmaster

    btdmaster Famous Adventurer VIP Item Team

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    To summarize, what needs to be added (these currently have no options ingame):
    For armoring: nothing really, (LQ maybe)
    tailoring: exploding, rainbow dmg%
    weaponsmithing: rainbow def%, thunder def% positive option (LQ maybe)
    woodworking: nothing really, (LQ maybe)
    jeweling- overall worst imo. a lot of things need buffs/new, better options, and several things need nerfs. anyway: thorns
    scribing: rainbow def%, air def%, (+tier maybe?)
    cooking: spell raw, air dmg%, MS, reflection, soul point regen, rainbow dmg% (+tier maaaybe)
    alchemism: stealing, intel (wtf), thunder def%, rainbow def%, flipping options (LQ maybe. imo swap crystal organ to alchemism, change dura, maybe buff the lq a little if needed)
    What desperately needs buffs (not taking into account flipping, as everything should have a positive option imo):
    For armoring: better/new regen raw options, intel options and +tier options.
    tailoring: poison, +tier
    weaponsmithing: surprisingly, nothing really
    woodworking: regen raw, rainbow def
    jeweling: hoo boy. Melee+spell raw, MR+MS options, reflection, exploding, str, dex
    scribing: stealing, LS
    cooking: poison
    alchemism: LS, flipping options besides major's
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  5. Major_Lue

    Major_Lue Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Alright! It's Friday again so we're going to be locking this thread and moving onto a new topic. You'll still be able to view this thread, its content and its replies by following the link on our main thread here where we'll keep a list updated with every weekly discussion thread. We appreciate all of the responses and discussions this week and hope to see you guys on this week's thread here.

    Cheers =)
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