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Community Event Weapon Creation Contest! Ends December 2nd

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by valvoid, Nov 23, 2017.

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  1. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Name: Muspelheïm
    Type: It's an axe, simple as that.
    Element: Fire
    Lore: Named after the Norse realm of fire, this weapon stays true to its name. Created by unconventional means, this axe was not forged with steel or metal, but instead enchanted obsidian, made to never shatter. The colossal rage of the creator fusing with its magmatic origins created this devastating weapon. With every swing, everything in it's path is razed, and energy is leeched from its victims.
    But at a severe cost.

    Passive Abilities:
    Enemies explode on death.
    Enemies catch on fire when within 5 blocks of user if weapon is equipped.
    User gains 25% of HP back after killing enemy.
    User loses health over time (Wither I effect).

    Activated abilities:
    Rage Release: Activation and deactivation by R-R-R, user loses 3 maximum hearts for duration of move. User gains speed II and strength II.
    Realm of Fire: Activates after 10 enemies are killed in 2 seconds and lasts for 15 seconds. Upon left clicks, weapon fires fireballs that have a small explosion upon impact. Gain fire resistance for duration of ability. Temporary trail of lava created.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2017
    DiamondWarrior59 and valvoid like this.
  2. Samulander

    Samulander Teleport is the best spell

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    Type: War Hammer
    Class: Warrior/Knight
    Elements: Fire
    Attack Speed: Slow
    Lore: This obsidian-forged hammer was once wielded by the commander of the Great Dogun Army in the last stand against the siege of their Ancient capital during the Dwarves War. It's grip is covered with old runic dogun inscriptions.
    Passive: Hitting the same enemy 5 times consecutively gives you 50% bonus damage against all targets for the next 5 seconds.
    valvoid likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Weapon: Silverback
    Element: Energy/Aura
    Disclaimer: Everything here SHOULD be possible w/ armor stands or resource packs. Since others include descriptions and stuff, I assume you will be doing that anyway...

    This silver sword is shaped like an oversized saber. It's crossguard curves down across the handle, and it's large single-edged blade is cut in two (front and back). Inside the small cut between the two parts of the blade is a small beam of energy (can be done with a colored glass texture). Sketch for visual: https://imgur.com/u8MM7vF

    The color of the energy running through the blade (as well as the energy in all it's other abilities) changes with the user's Aura. This is usually their favorite color. When a player wears full leather armor, all dyed the same, this becomes their aura until they next change their aura. At default, it's light blue.

    The sword takes durability damage when used, or when it's abilities are used (as described in the descriptions). The sword will never break, but when it reaches no durability, the sword gains no more benefits than if you were using a stick or punching.


    Change Form: When you switch this weapon to your offhand (via the F key) it rotates to the next form (or back to the first form if it's on it's last). The forms change what the sword does. Your items automatically switch again, putting the sword back into your main hand. If you deselect the sword, it returns to it's default form.

    True: The sword's default form, with the energy beam glowing normally. While in this form, the sword takes no durability damage, and slowly regains durability.

    Powered: The sword's energy beam dims a little, and glowing energy covers the edges of the blade (same as Aura color). While this is active, the sword slowly loses durability. While this form is active, the sword GREATLY increases in damage, and the user gets a speed and jump buff. The sword also cuts through any elemental resistances to Energy or Aura. However, they take slightly more damage.

    Slashed: The sword's energy beam dims a little, and the top edge of the blast glows with energy. During this form, the user can right click to slash in the air. This uses up some durability. The slash is a line of energy (diagonal) that's approximately 3 blocks in length (made of particles the same color as the Aura color). The slash continues going forward in a straight line for 20 blocks, even going through blocks. The slash damages enemies it hits, but continues going through. The slash goes forward from the player's sight vector along the X/Z axis, not up or down if the player is looking slightly up or down.

    Shot: The sword's energy beam glows brightly. During this time, the player can right click to shoot a beam of energy (which uses up durability, energy beam = Aura color, probobly a particle effects). The beam travels in a straight line where the player is looking, like an arrow or other projectiles, but is not affected by gravity. The energy beam has unlimited range, but is destroyed once it hits a block or entity. It deals damage on impact.

    Tipped: The sword's energy beam dims a little, and the very rip of the sword glows. When shift-right-clicking, or landing from a 5 block height of higher while shifting, the sword creates an explosion of energy. This energy is the same color as the user's Aura, and this ability uses a great deal of durability when used. The explosion is probably an expanding sphere of particles, and deals a lot of damage to nearby enemies (say, 3-5 block radius?). If this is done by falling and shifting, the fall damages is halved, and that half is added to the explosion damage (and increases radius by some coefficent).

    Shielded: Your The sword's energy beam dims a little, and a shield materializes in your off hand. If your offhand is used, this form is skipped. If the shield is removed from your offhand, it rotates to your next form. Whenever you block with this shield, you take no damage instead of partial. And, instead of the shield using durability, the sword looses durability.



    I don't know how it started, but Silverback is "my" weapon. Whenever I would imagine fight scenes or fantasy settings with me in it, I always have my trusty sword, Silverback. Due to this, my IRL car is named Silverback (it's a silver/grey car). ANYWAY, Silverback's abilities have changed over the years, but this is more or less what it's current abilities are. (In all my daydreams, my Aura always is either a Bright Red or a Crimson, and the sword is light blue while not held. That's why I said those two colors for default)
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
    Tato, Samulander, highbread and 3 others like this.
  4. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    You win the thread. Just... you win. With that amount of detail, you probably deserve it.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.
  5. highbread

    highbread highbread HERO

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    Woo, it's a contest for second place now :D.
    SPYROHAWK likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Awe, thanks, guys! I've spent so much time in my daydreams, I couldn't possibly allow myself to NOT make Silverback detailed!

    Although, some of these features may be very hard to do with command blocks (especially the Aura coloring) but I think it might be doable
    valvoid likes this.
  7. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    No problem. BTW, do you need 5 LE?
    SPYROHAWK likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    As I currently only have 4 LE, yeah, I need all the money I can get
  9. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    i see u used that name generator
  10. Tezzeret

    Tezzeret You dare bring light to my lair? You must DIE! VIP

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    Actually, no. The name is from a video game called Two Worlds, and the actual weapon is based on something for another thread.
    Lexwomy likes this.
  11. ghoti0315

    ghoti0315 buff assassin CHAMPION

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    Weapon: Memestaff
    Class: Mage/Dank wizard
    Requirements: 69 int and 69 agi, level 69
    Damage: 690-690 in neutral and all element dmg, sanicly fast attack speed
    How to attack: spam left click 13 times then go to toilet then show a most hated singer in the monitor and dab to it, remember to record this and post it in youtube, named 'dabbing in a loser haha call him/her loser'. And then you will see some memes is destroying the enemies. Dont die during this process though.
    Ids: +420% sd, +420 sd, +1337% walk speed, +9001% meme damage, +600000000 int (all fixed value)
    Rarity: Dank Item
    Slots: 420
    Lore: r u gay y r u even luking @ dis w8 u suk cuz u dunt even know wut is a mehme and you gut rekt cuz u watched dis shit and gut destroyd bai da memes cuz ur a gay ass & a lusar k tits or gtfo
  12. Pearhair

    Pearhair If life gives you lemons, tell it to not be cliche VIP

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    Most of this relies on whether weather detection works or not, and I don't actually know if it works (maybe /stat in tandem with the /weather command, or something on fire testing if its raining?). Most of the other features should be possible with scoreboard objectives and either /replaceitem to change the bow's damage or something to affect the arrow itself. Anyway, here it is:


    Element: Wind (and more, occasionally)

    When this weightless bow is drawn, there is no need to notch an arrow in its place. Instead, an arrow of pure stormy essence is created, ready to fire. The longbow itself is made of ordinary wood, but its color depends on the weather conditions outside. What's special about the bow is that its arrows become powered up with movement, and change effects based off of the weather. It's probably a really high-tier weapon.

    Long ago, a great storm completely destroyed one of the world's largest forests, but stopped as soon as it destroyed the Great Tree at its center. When people went to investigate it, this bow was found in its place, surrounded by a desolate wasteland of mud and splinters.

    Storm Surge: Whenever fire an arrow from this bow, you become much faster and progressively slow down until you fire another arrow, after which you speed up and progressively slow down again. The faster you are moving when you fire an arrow, the more bonus damage the arrow deals on impact with an enemy.

    Storm Striker: Firing an arrow while moving has different effects in different weathers. The bow itself will change color to indicate this.
    - Clear Skies (white): No additional effects.
    - Rain (grey): The arrow deals additional water damage, and gains additional knock back.
    - Thunderstorms (black): The arrow deals additional lightning damage, and gives you a higher speed boost from firing it.
    - Snow (light blue): The arrow deals additional ice damage, and briefly freezes the target.
    - Hurricanes / Tornadoes / Scripted turbulent weather (dark red): The arrows explode on impact, dealing massive damage to everything around the target.
  13. China

    China you used to call me on ur banana VIP+

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    Skies Wrath
    A windy bow, capable of controlling strong winds, and creating tornadoes.
    Crafted from pure wind, caught by determined, skilled, and crafty Skyraiders, who all perished at the end of their voyage.
    High Speed Boost. Jump Boost. A shield of gust that blows enemies away.
    valvoid likes this.
  14. DiamondWarrior59

    DiamondWarrior59 Tryhard Shopkeeper

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    Is it possible to change our entry? I think I came up with an idea I like better.
  15. Gebis8

    Gebis8 Lost

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    Weapon types



    The weapon switches between four different modes upon pressing the drop key. This costs 10 hp. It starts out as a staff and circles like this: staff to tome to dagger to spear to staff.
    The staff shoots slow moving light grey orbs of magic in a spread of four quickly. It deals air damage. If the shadow damage is 100% the air damage is 30% of it. It has the appearance of a dark brown, murky stick with pale tentacles twisting around it.
    The tome shoots out light green tentacles in a cone reaching 4 blocks in front of the player and 5 blocks high that deals AoE water damage. The
    damage is 100% shadow and 100% water. It has the appearance of a leather bound book with iron bonds whose ends are tentacles. It is open on a page with text and a picture of a tentacled mass.
    The dagger strikes very quickly and poisons the target for 2 seconds. Left clicking performs a sweep attack for 5 hp. The dagger deals earth damage for a value of 90% shadow and 50% earth. It looks like a dagger with a blue handle with a dark green, eyelike gem on it. The blade is sort of waving in it’s shape.
    The spear pokes enemies for 100% shadow damage and 200% fire damage. It can also be thrown like a javelin for 50% shadow damage and 120% fire, just for the measly price of 5 hp. This has a 1 second cooldown. It has the appearance of a long spear with bronze tip and a tattered green piece of cloth where the tip meets the pole.

    The weapon of a thousand forms is a name often given to this item. It easily shifts between different forms. However, this is not without penalty. The weapon slowly siphons the users soul to bring sealed horrors closer to this realm. This happens with only one warning, the weapon turning into dark, fog like mass creeping across the skies upon the release of the strongest beasts. This process is said to be the most painful thing a human can experience and the beasts the most cruel. All this, without any sort of meaning. Some say however, that it is no weapon, but a shapeshifting horror itself bringing the wielder down just for it’s own enjoyment...

    Every 10 minutes of holding the weapon will decrease your healthbar by half a heart. Your damage increases by 5% every 10 minutes too. This continues until half the bar is lost at which point the player is insta killed after 5 minutes, at this point a high pitched enderman deathsound plays. They will also recieve a 100% damage bonus which stacks with the earlier buffs. When half the bar except one heart is lost, all players recieve heavy blindness.

    Every minute after a heart is lost there will be a 5% chance of hostile and heavily buffed endermen, slimes and/or evocation fangs to spawn at the players position. This chance increases up to 15% as health is lost. The mobs are hostile to everything so they could be used by the player to attack other enemies.

    The player gains speed III while holding the staff, water breathing and nightvision IIII while holding the tome, jumpboost III while holding the dagger and fire resistance III while holding the spear.

    Every hit has a 0,5% chance to instantly kill targets. This becomes a 1% chance when the player gets blindness.

    Swirling symbols spin on the ground below the player, slowing entities. This has a 5 block radius.
    DiamondWarrior59 and valvoid like this.
  16. valvoid

    valvoid Build/CMD Hybrid HERO

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    Yes you may
  17. yellowscreen

    yellowscreen Certified Lurker

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    Name: Book of endless pages.

    Element: infinity, math, knowledge, paper.

    Type: book

    Lore: Infinite pages, infinite knowledge, but only finite capacity.




    Gain resistance 1 and strength 1.


    Can be triggered by switching into secend hand by pressing F (can’t trigger in Any other way). Returns to primary hand slot and summons a knowledge orb(fireball) in front of you. Based on what it hits, a diffrent effect will activate. It has a 10 secend cooldown.


    Activates upon fitting an enemy. Pages surround the enemy and it gains slowness 4 and weakness 4 for a few secends.


    Activates Upon hitting the ground. Creates a wall of pages. If something walks into the wall of paper, they are slowed down and take damage.


    Activates upon hitting the caster. The caster gains regeneration 2 for 3 secends.



    After hitting an enemy, a scoreboard goes up by 1. At 5, it goes to 0 and summons a ”math beast”, a invisible iron golem with armor stand papers and the enchanting table bookself particles surrounding it. It has the hp and damage of a zombie times 2.

    Notes: I change my entry to this. This is a idea I have had for a long, long, time. The lore and abilities are INSIDE the book (Some next level design). (The book has a slowed attack speed)
    valvoid and Samulander like this.
  18. DrX2345

    DrX2345 Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    The Axe

    Wielded by the great warrior-bards of old, this mighty weapon is capable of smashing skulls, dismembering limbs, and ripping out incredible solos.

    Element: Music, metal

    Appearance: basically just a red electric guitar upside down to how a minecraft tool appears in the hotbarar, i.e. you hold it by the neck, with the body as the head of the axe.

    Damage: the standard attack is basically an axe (that is, you swing it and it does damage with the blade), and it has a slow attack speed. It has heavy damage, possibly with the abilities in the lore. Idk, maybe a stun/crippling blow effect?
    It also has a charge bar which builds up when you do damage, like the powder specials in Wynn. When fully charged, this allows you to press a certain button (idk which), activating it's special ability.

    Special ability: 'Shred Solo' - this is my favourite part of the weapon. When the bar is fully charged, you can let loose an epic guitar solo, knocking back, stunning and quite heavily damaging all nearby enemies. If possible, it would have a solo, maybe created with a resource pack and note blocks, just to add to the weapon.

    Another ability: 'Distortion' (or 'Overdrive') - Crank up the gain on your amp to double your attack speed, and increase damage by 50%. This lasts for 10 seconds, and leaves you without any sprint left.

    Note: the Solo ability could be a short one which just happens once, or a longer solo which immobilises the player and has a beam (I guess like a beacon light) with note block particles (the musical notes) floating around it, preferably moving away from player. It would have the same effect as the previously stated one, but maybe with quite low damage per hit, but fast hitting.
    Yes, i did get this idea from looking at my guitar and the nickname for electric guitars.
    valvoid likes this.
  19. Twin Lotus

    Twin Lotus Straw Hat VIP+

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    Spirit Wind


    Rapier (Iron Hoe)

    Wind, Physical


    A rapier reconstructed with a nearly unbreakable material. After being swung and stricken by lightning at the same time, the rapier has not stopped vibrating since. The vibrations are said to be so intense, the rapier creates wind barriers around it periodically.

    Passive Abilities

    For 1 second after each swing, the rapier emits a great wind barrier at its tip, deconstructing all projectiles within in a small radius around the user. However, the user vibrates little-by-little along with it -- until the duration ends or the rapier is dropped.

    If the user crouches successfully for 1 second, all opponents within a medium radius of the user are knocked up and the user gains a 5-second boost of minor movement speed.

    This ability has a cooldown duration of 30 seconds.

    The user takes control of the rapier; upon every time the user starts sprinting while holding the rapier, the movement speed of the user will increase drastically over the next 3 seconds and after, reverts the user's movement speed back to normal.

    This ability has a cooldown duration of 20 seconds.

    Sonic Weaver
    Upon Windspout being completed, the user will gain Sonic Weaver for the next 1.5 seconds.

    If the user jumps within the Sonic Weaver duration, an explosion appears instantly from behind the user's direction of sight, launching the user forward and damaging opponents on the user's end.

    This ability is a one-time use for each completion of Windspout.​
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2017
    valvoid likes this.
  20. BusyEXE

    BusyEXE Still stuck with the Hallowynn PFP since 2019 HERO

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    There's also a item called "The Axe" in Terraria.
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