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Website & Forums Vote: In-game rules section on Wynn discord?

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Hesnilo, Dec 11, 2022.


Should we dedicate a discord channel for IN-GAME RULES / Forum rules?

  1. In-game rules channel YES

  2. In-game rules channel NO

  3. Forum rules channel YES

  4. Forum rules channel NO

  5. In-game + Forum rules channel YES

  6. In-game + Forum rules channel NO

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Hello everyone!

    I'm not certain if this has been proposed before. Perhaps we should create a section/s on discord with the In-game rules and/or forums rules for all players to view?

    This would bring better convenience for everyone without needing to open up the forums while on discord. It also allows new players to the game/discord with inadequate knowledge of the rules, to skim thru them before asking questions.

    Leaving the in-game rules on the forums does promote new users to explore the Wynn forums though.

    Feel free to leave your thoughts below! It would be much appreciated :sunglasses:
  2. Hesnilo

    Hesnilo A 5am coffee ☕ VIP+

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    Another two potential counter arguments to not adding in the in-game rules onto the discord would be:

    1. The in-game rules list is quite a long list. Clarifications of the rules would perhaps be accompanied into the channel. Would everyone be bothered to read it?
    2. Some in-game rules are enforced within the game only, and not inside discord.

    An argument for putting the in-game rules (and not the link) to the discord would be:

    1. Some in-game rules are enforced in discord also.
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