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Void Rift (rp) - Intermission

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Exvhius, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Rineth seems a bit wary of the interjection.

    "...No, Lady Xlentia spends most of her time in the Void either alone or with her brother. Are you feeling okay, Imp-chan?"
  2. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "Y-Yes, fine." Imp-chan says, rubbing the side of her head, "I just...got a little overexcited, I think. A lot has happened recently."

    "Could you tell me more about this god of fire and rebirth? If this world has a...place where souls go, I'd like to familiarise myself with it." Imp-chan asks, seeming to have calmed down.
  3. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "Atavul doesn't usually seek out souls given his penchant for... recycling them. You'd be better off turning to Idhaenna for an afterlife-type matter, she's the goddess of space and souls - though I don't know terribly much about either beyond general utterances, I'm afraid."
  4. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "Do you know where I could find either of them? Do they have some...high council or shared home or something?" Imp-chan asks.
  5. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Rineth shrugs.

    "Again, I'm afraid I don't know terribly much about either beyond general utterances. If you don't mind the dark, I can see if someone in Lady Xlentia's palace could help you... well, provided you can keep yourself calm. You don't seem like much of a rabble-rouser, but the countless in the walls aren't fond of conflict."

    Rineth shudders, glancing off to the side briefly.

    "...Just between us? The guards couldn't keep them all from the last person to pick a fight in the temple halls. Lady Xlentia isn't the thing to fear - they are."
  6. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "The...walls are alive?" Imp-chan asks, "Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've been somewhere like that...They don't scream in agony, do they?"

    Imp-chan ponders for a moment, not expecting an answer as she makes odd expressions to herself, looking toward the ground as she strokes her chin in thought.

    "If you could, I'd like to visit this Lady Xlentia's palace then. Maybe you could introduce me too her, too. She probably knows about the other gods herself, right?" Imp-chan says, "I'm sure I can keep myself calm in some...hellish, living palace."
  7. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "Oh, no. Not like that - they're more like bees. Don't mess with them and their home, and they won't mess with you."

    Rineth climbs to his feet, now utterly towering over Imp-chan in height.

    "I was going to visit one of her shrines here before I headed back, but there was a morning ceremony from the nearby village. It's probably over by now, if you don't mind tagging along while I finish my errand," he offers.
  8. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Looking up at Rineth, if only for a brief moment, there's a hint of determination in Imp-chan's eyes. She straightens her right arm, as if holding a weapon, before it falls loose again.

    "Sure, I'll follow along." Imp-chan shrugs.
  9. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Rineth blinks at Imp-chan before looking through a satchel for something.

    "Give me a second, I might have something to help quiet down whatever's in your head," he utters.
  10. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "I'm used to it, don't worry about me," Imp-chan says calmly, "I think my powers just need some time to adapt to the new environment. Finding either of those gods should help."
  11. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    After a moment, Rineth takes out a small talisman and looks it over before putting it back in his pocket at the top.

    "Well, you may as well introduce them, then," he says, starting to walk off towards a somewhat distant orchard.
  12. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Imp-chan follows the talisman with her eyes, before following along behind Rineth.

    Imp-chan stays quiet as she follows, though she slips out her gun and idles with it as she does so; checking it over, taking out the odd bullet and looking it over, and spinning it in her hand.
  13. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    It's a simple talisman, appearing to be commonly made and rather basic both in effect and potency. It doesn't seem meant for shadows, though - moreso for unwanted spirits trying to force control over a body not their own.

    "I've never seen a weapon like that. What's it like?" Rineth asks, the ceremonial headdress making more noise than his footsteps despite his size, "I haven't been sent out to any combat zones yet, so I apologize if the question seems ignorant."
  14. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "It gets the job done in most scenarios," Imp-chan responds plainly, spinning the gun back and forth, "Ammunition usually isn't difficult to come by, and it lets me deal with most threats from primitive to advanced. Nothing quite stops the common man or beast than a gun and a bullet to the head. I've got myself out of a lot of jams with it."

    Imp-chan takes out a small gold coin from her pocket, flipping it into the air in a straight arc. She aims and fires at it as it reaches its apex, though only seems to clip the side of the coin - causing it to spin erratically before burying itself in the ground. The bullet itself flies harmlessly skyward.

    "Damn it..." Imp-chan mutters to herself as she picks up the ejected casing, shoving it into her pocket.
  15. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Rineth flinches at the sound of the shot, but doesn't seem too bothered by it.

    "Ah, doesn't seem too great for stealth," he utters, rubbing his ear a bit, "and a little vicious, but if it gets the job done then who am I to judge?"
  16. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "You don't really need to be stealthy with it to begin with," Imp-chan shrugs, "I do have options for that, if I need it though."

    Imp-chan grabs at her belt, as if expecting something to be there, but ends up grabbing nothing instead.

    "Where's my- Oh," Imp-chan says, a little confused, "I've got stealth covered, anyway."

    Imp-chan slots her gun back into its hip holster, locking it in place.
  17. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    OOC Segment!
    Since the reference image here wasn't exactly made for Imp-chan's proper appearance in Void Rift, I've created a newer and far more fit for purpose one:
  18. GlacierStaff

    GlacierStaff Skilled Adventurer

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    Hello! I'd like to apply for the RP because it seemed really interesting and my friend @Nepeta Leijon sort of recommended me it helped alot with my application. This is actually my first ever wynn forum post.

    Tulip sat on the edge of an old, chalky cliff, looking out at the ocean as its azure waves marched to shore. The waves struggled to climb up the beach, only to fall and be dragged back, trampled under the next wave following close behind. The salty sea air caught her black hair, blowing some of it into her face. With an annoyed sigh, she brushed it away, catching a few strands of grey between her fingers. The stress was killing her.

    She turned her attention to the pier down below. She thought coming back here, close to her hometown, would perhaps stir up some memories, or at least calm her down a little. Instead, the memories of what happened here just stressed her out even more. It wasn’t long after Tulip had grown through puberty that she’d decided to set off on her own. She didn’t have a lot to take with her, even the clothes she was wearing now she’d found discarded outside a clothing shop – a dirty earth-brown shirt, some well-worn, faded-blue shorts, and a soft, dark purple cotton scarf she’d taken from home – one of the few things she had taken. She pulled it tighter around her neck as another blast of cold sea air washed over her. She extended her legs, feeling the soft grass atop the cliff run through her toes. Footwear often felt too confining to her, she could only trust ground that she could feel below her feet, and so she often went without shoes.

    Tulip reached for the small leather pouch at her side, filled with stones she’d collected on her travels across the land. She felt around in it, clicking the stones together, before finally pulling out a brown, speckled-white one with a small lump on the top. She threw it up in the air, following it with her eyes as it reached its apex. Tulip concentrated, feeling her energy begin to drain as she used her powers. The stone hung in the air, as if held by an invisible hand. After a short moment, she let out the breath she hadn’t realised she was holding, falling back on the cliff. The stone fell back to the ground with a quiet thump. Tulip sat up and picked it back up, before tossing it over the cliff and concentrating once more. She briefly multiplied the stone’s speed, causing it to suddenly gain velocity and fly further out to sea, where it made a barely visible splash into the water.

    Suddenly, a voice called from behind Tulip.

    “Tip? Tip, is that you up there?” The voice called, using Tulip’s nickname. Tulip ran the voice through her mind – it was someone from her childhood, that much she recognised.

    “Tip! It is you! Why didn’t you tell me you were back?” The voice said, getting louder. Tulip turned around to face whoever was approaching her – it was a girl almost as old as she was, with long, brown hair and a pair of simple, round glasses resting over her eyes.

    “Grace?” Tulip replied, recalling her friend from the pier when she’d been younger.

    “It’s so great to see you, Tulip,” Grace responded happily, “Someone on the pier said they thought they’d seen you climbing up here, so I had to come check. Where have you been? You just disappeared one day without telling anyone. Your father, well…”

    “I’m sorry, Grace.” Tulip lamented, breaking eye contact, “I just...remember how we used to play around in the grass throwing pebbles off a cliff. You, me, and—”

    Tulip racked her brain for her brother’s name. She could’ve sworn that they’d all played together, yet all that remained was a blurry image of his face. She tried letters, random names, yet none seemed to stick.

    Grace took a seat next to Tulip. The sun setting. More memories returned from Tulip’s childhood. Picking flowers, finding a ladybug in the grass, returning home late as the sun had set. Her father collapsed on the floor, a bottle in his hand.

    “Tip? You trailed off there, are you alright?” Grace prompted, worried.

    “I’ve...I’ve been out looking for them. My mother, and my brother. It’s where I’ve been for…” Tulip said, trailing off as she thought about how long she’d been searching. She’d lost track of time...years ago? How old was she? How old was Grace, for that matter? Tulip had always thought she was the older one, yet the once youthful Grace now looked old enough to be a schoolteacher.

    “You’ve been gone for over half a decade, Tip. Why are you back here, though?” Grace inquired.

    “I just thought coming home might bring back some memories, is all.” Tulip sighed, “I...remember you like yesterday though, Grace.”

    Grace smiled at Tulip, a warm smile – one like a cosy fireplace after a miserable stroll through a cold winter’s day.

    “I just wish you’d told me you were coming home, Tip. I wish you’d told me when you left too. I woke up one day, and suddenly you’d just...gone. Your father up in town didn’t even respond to me for a month. Or anyone, for that matter. It’s hard to believe you’re even here now.” Grace chuckled. There was a sadness behind her eyes though, a hint of betrayal in her voice.

    The two sat quietly for a short while, listening to the cascade of waves marching into the pier, breaking against the sandy shore, and retreating to the safety of the ocean. A few gulls squawked below, one flying up over the cliff right in front of them.

    “Did...you want to come and stay at my place tonight, Tip? My mum’s making chicken pie. We’ve got a spare bedroom since Henry moved out. He’s a fisherman now.” Grace explained. Tulip wasn’t surprised Henry – Grace’s younger brother – had become a fisherman. Whenever she’d visited Grace, he’d be carrying home another bucket of crabs or small fish he’d collected from the rockpools.

    “I... Sorry, but I've got too much going on in my mind right now.” Tulip responded flatly, lost in her thoughts.

    “You can’t even stay for the night?” Grace asked, sounding hurt.

    Tulip shook her head, holding back the bad memories - and the tears.

    After another brief moment of silence, Grace spoke up again, “I want to help you, Tulip. With whatever’s going on in your life right now. I can tell something’s not right – you always used to have this...joyful spirit in your eyes. Now, there’s an emptiness,” Grace explained, putting a hand on Tulip’s shoulder supportively, “I’m your friend, Tulip. You don’t need to continue alone.”

    Tulip shook her head, brushing off Grace’s hand and turning away. She pulled her scarf around her face, hoping it’d hide her tears. Instead, the memories of home it brought back just made her cry more.

    “Tip?” Grace asked, concerned, “What’s wrong?”

    “You don’t understand what I’m going through,” Tulip sniffled, “You can’t help. Just...Just leave me alone.”

    “Tip…” Grace muttered, trailing off and reaching for Tulip again.

    Tulip stood up, taking a few steps back – unintentionally stepping back towards the edge of the cliff.

    “I’ve been searching for over half a decade for my mother, and my brother, and I haven’t found anything on them!” Tulip shouted, emotional, “You’ve always had a loving family, don’t you get how it’d feel to watch them walk out on you, and watch the only family you have left deteriorate into someone you don’t even know anymore? Who loves getting drunk more than he loves you!?”

    “What? Your father loves you, Tulip!” Grace retorted, standing up herself.

    “No he doesn’t! You don’t know him!” Tulip spat back, taking another few steps backward.

    “Yes, he does! Ever since you left, he’s the one who’s been searching for you! The authorities are sick of hearing his voice at this point with how much he’s called them! He’s probably going to be overjoyed when he hears you’re back here!” Grace replied, able to keep her emotions a little more in check.

    Tulip paused for a moment, tears idly rolling down her face. Grace took the opportunity to step forward and embrace Tulip in a hug.

    “Please, Tip. Let me- let us help you.” Grace said quietly.

    Tulip hugged her friend tightly, but nodded, sniffling.

    The ground suddenly slanted, and became steep. A loud crack sounded, and Tulip felt lighter. The edge of the cliff rumbled and began to fall beneath Tulip, taking her and Grace with it as it plummeted towards the rocky ocean below. Almost without thinking, Tulip pushed Grace backwards – away from the falling cliff and onto safe ground. Panic spread in a stain across Grace’s face as she realised what was happening. Tulip gasped as the edge of the cliff finally disconnected and fell, time seeming to slow down to half as fast.

    “TULIP!” Grace yelled, seeming to run lethargically through the air towards Tulip and slowly extending a hand. Tulip was frozen, she couldn’t move as the broken edge of the cliff moved farther and farther away, shock overtaking her.

    Tulip quickly got to her senses as time sped up again, reaching her hand out toward Grace’s – but it was too late, she’d been too slow to react, and now she found herself falling – wind rushing around her body, hair blinding her eyes. She closed them shut, trying to focus as she felt herself accelerating towards a painful death below. She focused on herself, concentrated, and then opened her eyes when she felt herself slow.

    The broken piece of cliff continued its descent before smashing into the rocky ocean before. A rainbow of emotions flashed across Grace’s face, panic, then terror, then confusion, then momentary relief, then panic once more. She called for Tulip, asking what was happening, but Tulip couldn’t respond – just as she had slowed herself, so had she slowed her ability to speak. Tulip felt her energy depleting rapidly. She still didn’t quite understand her powers – she’d saved a man from falling to death once before, but he was near the ground when she’d slowed him; she just had stop his speed from being deadly. Tulip was still at a fatal height, and she likely wouldn’t be able to keep herself suspended long enough for Grace to do anything to save her. She’d just delayed the inevitable.

    Faster now was Tulip’s energy being depleted – such was the trade with her power; the more potential and kinetic energy the object she was affecting had, the more of her own energy needed to be spent to change its speed. She kept holding on, even though she knew it was futile, refusing to give up. Everything went black. The last thing she saw was a look of horror on Grace’s face.

    Tulip hit the ground with a quiet thump.

    Tulip opened her eyes, then sat up quickly, taking a sharp intake of breath and clutching her chest as her heart pounded at her ribcage in protest. She wasn’t dead. Or...was she? Was heaven some kind of giant library? In the distance, she saw a woman with small black horns atop her head step through a portal. Confused, she got to her feet, looking around, hoping to find someone else who might know more about where she was. Was she dead? Where exactly was she?

    “Hello?” Tulip calls out.

    Tulip has black hair, with strands of grey starting to appear out of stress. She’s used to a nomadic, scavenger-esce lifestyle where she rarely stays in one place and wears what she can find – and currently wears a simple (if dirty) brown shirt, faded blue shorts and her mother’s scarf. She doesn’t often wear anything on her feet, preferring to go without shoes to leave her feet bare – which has inadvertently hardened the soles of her feet to be more resilient to rockier or sharper terrain. She’s a little taller than average (a touch over five and a half feet) and is around her mid-twenties in age. She carries a pouch of stones (tied to her belt) with her at all times for use with her powers, and is often searching for more stones or small objects to pick up and store in it.

    She’s quite used to scavenging for food and surviving on her own, and doesn’t like to stay in one location for long. Her ultimate goal is to find her mother and her older brother who left when she was young, leaving her only with her father who spiralled into a deep depression and created a rift in their relationship.

    Tulip has the ability to multiply the speed of any moving object around her in a certain radius. Multiplying the speed of a moving object by any amount more than 1 would increase its velocity, for example (so multiplying it by 2 would double its speed), while multiplying it with any amount below one would cause things to slow down and begin to move backwards (0.5 – half speed, 0 – no speed or a full stop, -1 – reversed speed).

    Tulip doesn’t use mana or some form of magic casting system to alter speed. Rather, it takes her physical energy in order to alter the speed on an object. A fraction of the energy that would be required to change the speed of the object as it moves is taken from Tulip – so slowing down something that's already moving fast takes a greater share of energy, but stopping something that’s not moving much at all takes a lesser share of energy – though the energy taken isn’t one-to-one.

    If Tulip runs out of energy, she’ll collapse as if she’s exhausted herself, though depending on how much energy she was using at the time, it’s possible for her to exhaust herself to dangerous levels – like running way too fast for far too long.

    Tulip’s primary weapon is her pouch of stones – throwing a stone and speeding it up can cause it to act like a stone-bullet, but the faster she makes it fly, the more energy it takes. While her abilities could also be applied to projectile weapons or melee weapons (such as speeding up a sword to make it ‘lighter’ and easier to wield), her inexperience with them makes her quite incompetent, but her experience with using stones for self defense makes her aim at tossing them quite good.

    Tulip also only discovered her velocity manipulation powers recently, so she doesn’t know the full extent of her abilities, nor how to use them properly – she only knows how to speed up or slow down at most 3 objects at a time, including herself (which has an exponential growth cost to her energy due to using her own energy to affect her own speed, which then costs more energy to maintain).

    Let me know if I should change anything!
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2023
    Exvhius and Nepeta Leijon like this.
  19. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Sorry for the falloff. I started physical therapy for my hand last week, and while a lot of forward progress has been made...


    Let's see, where was I...?

    Rineth lets out a nervous chuckle.
    "I don't think you'll have to worry about hostiles here, Imp-Chan. Even if this weren't a peaceful place, Lady Xlentia's watchful eye never turns blind to her followers and their friends. You may fear her, but I assure you she is by your side just as much as she is mine."

    As the duo walk, a slight breeze kicks up. There's no magic behind it, and everything does indeed feel peaceful. With hardly any lingering spells affecting the area, things are certainly far calmer than the library.
    This is a really fun concept, I like it!
    You might need to give her a bit more energy to work with out of the gate - note that the average power level of characters in Void Rift tends to be higher than most RPs - but that's something that wouldn't be too hard to tweak as we go. Accepted - happy to have you!


    A draconian in a blue robe responds, looking up at Tulip from a desk with a pile of scattered papers.

    "Oh, hello. I... don't recall seeing you before. Your name, if I might ask?"

    She can't see their face from under their hood, just a dull azure glow around two slitted pupils.
  20. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Imp-chan brushes the hair out of her face as it gets blown across it, seeming to stay on guard despite the peace. She glances behind herself, checking to see if she's being followed.

    "I'm going to need some food for my travels here," Imp-chan mentions, "Would I be able to get some at the village near the shrine?"

    Imp-chan takes out a silver coin from her pocket, letting it catch the light, carefully studying it. A small rune seems to be engraved on one side, with an intricate pattern on the other. She squints at it before putting it back in her pocket, instead taking out another silver coin. The new coin has some common writing on it, marking it as "Ten," which she keeps on hand.