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Void Rift (rp) - Intermission

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Exvhius, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "What is going on here?" Solus demands, surprised at Amethyst's sudden appearance.

    Artemis looks to the royalty, and then to Amethyst, raising an eyebrow.

    "Is there a problem?" Leilia asks.
  2. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "Go on, destroy my home again." Amethyst says, keeping her gaze dead on Artemis. "You know I can't stop you."
  3. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "I simply came here to say I was taking my leave, though Amethyst was acting rather strange to me when she called me for a private meeting." Artemis explains.

    "Oh, in what way?" Solus asks.

    "In addition to insulting Aj behind his back, and asking something of him that may infringe on the truce you have made between your realm and his, she was also incredibly rude to me. She called me a liar, and my words hollow. As well as this, she said I shouldn't return here, and I fear she meant that she'd attempt to keep me out through violent means," Artemis describes, looking a little teary eyed, "I considered Amethyst a friend, especially with all the good things you said about her, but I don't think I can do that anymore."

    Solus and Leilia take a moment to think, casting their gaze between Amethyst and Artemis.

    "Please bring me the guard that was stationed outside of Amethyst's room when this happened, I'd like to have them verify these claims." Solus asks to the guard next to him, sounding serious.

    "I shall get them now, your majesty." The guard says, swiftly leaving the room.

    "What do you say to this, Amethyst?" Leilia asks, seeming concerned.
  4. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "I was unaware of the nature of the truce. I asked him to promise he would not declare war on this realm while he lived. I am no fighter, I only hoped to keep her away from myself. She destroyed my home and bound me once, then left me with broken bones. Regardless of what the guard says, everything Artemis said was true. He has a reputation in my home reality - nicknamed The Black Plague as he leaves ruin in his wake. Cities, towns, forts, villages - he has shown no remorse for turning bustling nations into ghost towns. I understand he is a king and should be respected as a royal, but his actions towards me and any old friends that might be alive at home are barbaric enough for me to risk these blasphemous words." Amethyst says. "You had a wicked grin on your face as you left my chambers. I doubted after I tried to negotiate one last time with you that you would have left peacefully after you refused to answer a handful of my questions. Unlike last time, I have a head. I won't watch idly while you gut me out of my home."
  5. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "These are certainly some...bold accusations, Amethyst." Solus says, as two guards enter the throne room; one the guard from before, and the other the guard from outside Amethyst's room.

    "You called for me, your majesty?" The guard says, bowing.

    "There's been a dispute between Artemis and Amethyst, which I am certain you witnessed. Would you mind explaining to me what you saw when the two of these met, until the time Artemis came here?" Solus asks.

    "Yes, your majesty. Artemis arrived at Amethyst's chambers and looked inside, though since Amethyst was not present, she instead decided to meditate. Amethyst appeared from the carpet, and stated that Artemis was not lying. Artemis asked her what she would gain from lying-" The guard explains.

    "You may skip the irrelevant details. Did either of them act at all strange to you?" Solus inquires.

    "Yes. She demanded three kilos of something, and a signed blood contract from the king of shadows stating that he would never go to war with our realm. However, when Artemis said it would interfere with the truce between our realms, she instead demanded to publically humiliate the king of shadows; once immediately, and once every three months if he did not deliver the resource she asked. Artemis stated that she would speak to the king of shadows, and then Amethyst began to act strange." The guard recalls.

    "Strange in what way?" Leilia asks, concerned.

    "She gave Artemis an odd smile, and told her to send a letter next time. Then her expression and tone became very serious and intimidating, and said that Artemis had wasted her breath and lied through her teeth. If I may quote her directly, she said that 'flattery may get you somewhere with my siblings, but actions speak louder than your hollow words here,'" The guard quotes, "Then, she mentioned that the only friend of Artemis that she could trust is someone called Thirteen, and that Artemis should get out and never come back."

    "How did Artemis respond to this? Did she have a sort of 'wicked grin' as she left?" Solus asks.

    "No, your highness. She actually looked quite hurt and offended by what Amethyst said to her, but she simply smiled it away and said that she would be in touch, and then she left." The guard recounts.

    "Is that all?" Leilia questions.

    "Oh, no. There was one more detail," The guard suddenly says, "Artemis changed to a form of a death guardian partway through her meeting with Amethyst at Amethyst's instruction. She changed back to the form of a forest guardian after she said she would be in touch. I believe that is where she may have seen a wicked grin, as you describe, as death guardians can look unnerving at times."

    "Thank you. Unless you can recall any other significant details, that is all we need." Solus says.

    The guard nods, bows, and takes his leave. Leilia seems to give Amethyst a rather disappointed look.
  6. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "I was willing to negotiate one last time before they left. Seeing... the shadow king... hurt. I was not in the right mindset in the throne room, so I offered Artemis to come to my chambers for a potential re-negotiation. The humiliation request was a nod to him requesting to place something called a "jack o' lantern" on my head for comedic relief. My intent to go through with it or not is clearly irrelevant at the moment. When Artemis did not provide an answer to my first question after telling her that her response would not affect my willingness to negotiate, I was concerned she had ulterior motives." Amethyst says, gaze fixated on Artemis. "Despite that, I assume do owe you for permitting me to retain the shred of dignity my headless self had left at the time."
  7. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "In this situation, as with many others, your past is irrelevant to us. We have taken you in and provided asylum in our palace, up to and after your condition regarding your head was resolved. In that, we do not care about your past actions - bad or good - but instead your actions from your new life here. We understand that you may have had sour relations with some of our visitors, and that we can accept. However, we cannot accept the mistreatment of not only a guest and a forest guardian, but someone such as Artemis herself," Solus explains, "Insulting her and telling her to leave and never return, attempting to slander her in front of us, and causing this disturbance as a whole when she wished to leave is unacceptable. I would hope you would understand how this looks, as you yourself said that actions speak louder than words."

    "You are to formally apologise to Artemis, and then return to your chambers until Artemis has left the realm. Am I clear?" Leilia says, suddenly serious and a lot scarier than usual.

    Artemis bows to Solus and Leilia, "Your majesties, I don't require such kindness. I understand if Amethyst does not wish to apologise, as she is likely still rather shaken up upon seeing Aj. I can understand how seeing the creator of past trauma can affect someone." Artemis says politely, before giving Amethyst a sympathetic smile.

    Solus and Leilia return their focus to Amethyst, tension in the air.
  8. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Amethyst nods, turning to Leilia and then Solus.
    "Yes, your majesties."

    She turns back to Artemis.
    "In the name of my late son; I apologize both for alienating you during my blind rage, and for what he had done to deserve death at your hands. I wish you safe travels, and please do be careful around the Golden Queen." She says, ending with a bow - and a hint of a grimace.
  9. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "Thank you." Artemis says, sounding genuine.

    The guards keep their eyes on Amethyst, the tension still somewhat present.
  10. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Amethyst vanishes, promptly reappearing in her chambers, before crying.
    "Damn this war..." She sobs, burying herself in bedding.
  11. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    A short while later, there's a knock on Amethyst's door, and someone enters. Judging from their appearance, it first looks like Artemis, though her voice corrects this illusion.

    "Amethyst? What's wrong?" Bea asks, walking over to where Amethyst is and sitting beside her.
  12. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "Go, before I screw up again!" She wails, an exhausted grimace on her face as she suddenly sits up and turns to Bea.
    "The Shadow King came, as did my son's killer. They wanted my help, and instead I snapped. Go, before they do something to you too!" She says desperately, seeming crazed from traumatic memories.
  13. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Bea instead gives Amethyst a hug, something beginning to calm Amethyst's mind. Bea holds Amethyst tight, "It's ok. We're safe here." Bea whispers, trying to calm Amethyst down.
  14. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    She jumps a bit when touched, before resting her head on Bea's shoulder, saying nothing.
    "I can't stay here... if I die over there, I can at least see my kids again..." She utters between tears.
  15. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "Don't say things like that," Bea says, concerned, "You're safe here. It's worse than the realm of shadows over there."
  16. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "I've drawn the ire of your king and queen in my rage. I'm not safe here, I'm not safe anywhere... at least there I can be with family."
  17. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "They can sometimes be...harsh. I'm sure they're not going to order your execution or anything though. You're still here, and the guards let me into your chambers," Bea says, before letting go of Amethyst and showing her a rich orange, almost gem-like fruit, "This was grown outside it, too. Another forest guardian must've left it for you, it's a rare fruit."
  18. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Amethyst leans back a bit, sitting up on her own.
    "...I only felt you come here. Are you sure it was already sitting there?" She asks, shaken but a bit less crazed.
  19. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Bea nods, offering Amethyst the fruit.

    "You should have it. It'll make you feel better." Bea says.

    Artemis and I look around a graveyard of buried soldiers on Earth, checking for Amber.

    "We're not going to really check every graveyard and battlefield on Earth, are we?" Artemis asks, sounding tired.

    "Just the ones that matter." I say, searching.

    "We don't know if she'll agree as much as Amethyst. She may hold the same grudges against us." Artemis says.

    "It's better than making a few of my palace stuff unemployed to purchase several kilos of orichalchum." I say, pausing to talk.
  20. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Amethyst takes it hesitantly.
    "...Is it poisonous?"

    There are no traces of Amber at this site. Artemis gets the feeling that the dead here might be too old for an undead to feed.