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Void Rift Report!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Cloak, Dec 25, 2015.

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  1. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    That would have effected Vesius' actions. Significantly.

    On the bright side... Er... Well... At least Jeffery's in stasis and not dead. (For you, at least)
  2. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    (Assuming this is what you meant when you said "that") Would Vesius seriously be able to hear Reflet if she had laughed, even while he was unconscious?

    And FYI the cracks aren't coming up at will or anything. The Watchers and the destabilization are subjects of her emotions. The crevasse the guy jumped into literally just appeared because she was mad.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
  3. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    No, I mean Vesius wouldn't have killed the Watchers if he knew they were essentially a part of you.

    He's currently quite unconscious. Left alone, rather dead.
  4. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Ok, going to post a bit on the Wars of the Doomed.

    The Blockade

    This is when the friendship between the people of Nyme and the people of Fellak was ruined. It all started when Nymian traders found the roads to Fellak fortified. Camps had been made everywhere and stone fortresses were occupied. Soldiers were everywhere. The Nymian authorities were told about the Fellakan Blockade. The armies of Nyme instantly surged forward and actually caught the Fellakans by surprise. The Nymian army wiped out the three northern fortresses and also started to destroy the one nearest to Fellak when the Fellakan army arrived. While the magical prowess of the Nymians was great, it was not strong enough. Once the soldiers from the camps in the southern plains found out about the Nymian army, they joined in the battle. Spells and arrows flew everywhere, swords, lances, axes and spears clashed. Eventually, the Nymian army was forced to retreat, as they were being attacked on two fronts, back into the forest. The Fellakans did not follow them, as they had to repair the damage and prepare for revenge.

    Nymian Army (as a whole) - 100,000 soldiers -> 75,000
    Forest Watch Fortresses (3 fortresses nearest to the Forest of Nyme) - 50,000 soldiers -> 8,000
    North Mining Road Fortress - 30,000 -> 6,000
    Brisingr Road Fortress - 25,000 -> 22,000
    Fellak Guard Fortress - 42,000 -> 28,000
    Fellakan Army (not including fortresses and surrounding camps) - 10,000,000 -> 9,800,000
    (Total Survivors of whole Fellakan army - 9,864,000)
    Other effects on the Wars: Wars started, though unrest had been happening for a while. North and South Forest Watch Fortresses abandoned and soldiers relocated to Central Forest Watch Fortress. North Mining Road Fortress abandoned and soldiers relocated to Central Forest Watch Fortress. Northern part of the Blockade heavily damaged.

    Battle of the Tree Ambush

    Twenty years after the Blockade, the Fellakan Army was better prepared for an attack. But not only that, it was preparing for its own assault. The Fellakan army had met with the Forest Watch, which had been far more than expanded. They then marched into the forest. But once the entire army had entered the forest, they were surrounded by the Nymian Nightblades. The full Nymian army then attacked. After a battle where the Fellakan army could have been destroyed, the Fellakans managed to escape. The Forest Watch helped the retreat but the Nymian army did not leave the forest, as they knew the strength of the Fellakan army. Once back at the capital, the Fellakan General, Cralgas, was awarded the first 'Feligstone Amulet', which is a Fellakan symbol of courage. However, the battle had been a disaster for the Fellakans, though the wars over the next few years would not damage them as much.

    Nymian Army - 470,000 -> 430,000
    Nymian Nightblades - 100,000 -> 95,000
    Forest Watch - 250,000 -> 120,000
    Fellakan Army - 9,940,000 -> 6,150,000
    (Total Survivors of whole Fellakan army - 6,270,000)
    (Total Survivors of whole Nymian army - 525,000)
    Other effects on the Wars: First deployment of the deadly and well-trained, though newly founded, Nymian Nightblades. First time the Feligstone Amulet has been awarded.

    Fire and Anguish

    Countless years later, after so many attempts at different methods of warfare, the Fellakans realised that they could try to destroy the Nymians forever. At worst, the Nymians would be heavily exposed to their attacks. So the Fellakan Army brought forth catapults and loaded them with flaming projectiles. They fired these at the forest, and soon the fires spread. While the area around Nyme had been slightly burnt before the fires were put out with magic, they raged far into the south of the forest. The fires awakened and angered the great Nymian Shadow Spiders. Many of the spiders rushed out of the forest and attacked the nearby Fellakan army. The rest came to Nyme. Though the residents were terrified, these spiders came in peace and offered an alliance so that they could both destroy the Fellakan army. The Fellakan army had been heavily damaged yet again and they retreated quickly. Eventually the spiders following them were destroyed as they managed to reform around the Brisingr Road and Fellak Guard Fortresses.

    Nymian Army - 600,000 -> 550,000
    Fellakan Army - 7,000,000 -> 4,500,000
    Other effects on the Wars: Alliance between Nymian Shadow Spiders and the people of Nyme. Soon after this event, the Spider Cavalry was created.

    Siege on the Forest Watch

    Thirty years later, the people of Nyme were ready. The forest had barely regrown after the fires but they now had the Spider Cavalry, an elite fighting force of Nymians riding the spiders they had recently allied with. At a cold and dark Winter night, they struck the Forest Watch Fortress. The Fortress barely knew what had hit them. The Nymian Nightblades silently took over the fortress and then creeped back into the darkness. The Nymian Army then took over the entire fortress. While a signal had been sent, the Fellakan Army was met by the Spider Cavalry and forced to retreat.

    Nymian Army - 600,000
    Nymian Nightblades - 150,000 -> 125,000
    Spider Cavalry - 50,000 -> 45,000
    Forest Watch Fortress - 200,000 -> 0
    Fellakan Army - 4,600,000 -> 4,250,000
    Other effects on the Wars: Forest Watch wiped out. First time that the Spider Cavalry has been seen by the Fellakan army.

    Going to add two more important wars tomorrow, and bare in mind that there were thousands of other battles and hundreds of wars. These are just the main ones. And yeah, Fellak wasn't doing very well from the start...
  5. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Heeey, I actually came and did it!

    "Please, sit. I know what it took to get here."
    "Ragnyon... If only to see you this once, to speak with you, it would be worth my life."
    "You outmatch any of them one to one. Don't let fear set in now."
    "Of course... As always, it only takes one."
    "All too true. Though... this isn't why you came here."
    "I heard of your prophecy. They seek your execution."
    "I can't stop it, slow it, avoid it. Two days and two nights."
    "Are you really ending your bloodline? Why didn't you comply?!"
    "Because I too was created."
    "What?! How do you..."
    "I don't know, that's the only thing I have never understood."
    I'm sorry for pushing it."
    "Fragment of Might... Receive what you came for."
    "Make it quick. Reinforcements are near."
    Both draconians close their eyes.
    "Many are at their terminal generation. Only one hope remains... one way to free us from the corruption.

    We have been played by puppets. I know not why, but the Creator himself reached out to me.
    He claims to offer us one hope, one last chance to redeem ourselves.

    The Firstborn will be gifted with freedom, a break from The Hive.
    The Firstborn will be cursed with eternity, an endless cycle of misery.
    The Firstborn will be blessed with the key, the Infinity Pylon.
    The Firstborn must be trusted with our lives, the only hope.

    ...that is all I saw, all he told me."
    "This... they seek to kill you to keep your word from surfacing."
    "Just like my predecessors."
    "I heed it, I remember it. It will not be forgotten."
    "Keep your word... and I'll keep mine."
    "May your end be swift, Prophet."
    "May your legacy live forever."

    The two embrace each other as The Hunters close in.

    With a single scream, The Last Prophet is to be forgotten by all.

    All but one...

    EDIT: More lore incoming. I'll try to get it done every day. Maybe put it on a Google Doc or something, idk
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    Devourer likes this.
  6. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I've decided to actually add three because I realised that one sort of counted as a lot more than ONE battle.

    Tri Battle of the Advancing Decline

    It was just a few months after the Forest Watch had been destroyed. The Nymian army was advancing further and had recently destroyed the last remnants of the old Blockade. Now, they were advancing towards the Brisingr Road Fortress. This time, the fortress was prepared for an attack. The Nymian army used their full might to attack the Brisingr Road Fortress. The Fellakan army itself was confronted by the Spider Cavalry. Soon, the Brisingr Road Fortress had been completely destroyed. At the same time, the Nymian Nightblades were preparing to raid the Mining Outposts in the north when they were attacked from behind by the Dark Knights, the Fellakan horse riders. While the Nymian Nightblades were very hard to kill, they were no match for enemies on horseback. Soon, the Nymian Nightblades had been destroyed forever.

    Nymian Army - 600,000 -> 580,000
    Nymian Nightblades - 125,000 -> 0
    Spider Cavalry - 45,000 -> 35,000
    Fellakan Army - 4,250,000 -> 3,500,000
    Brisingr Road Fortress - 40,000 -> 0
    Dark Knights - 200,000 -> 175,000
    Other effects on the Wars: Complete destruction of the Blockade. Brisingr Road Fortress destroyed. Nymian Nightblades killed and completely disbanded.

    The Battle of Bravery and Retaliation

    Just a year later, the Nymian army had advanced further and was preparing to siege and take the Fellak Guard Fortress. Soon after, it would make the final attack on Fellak itself, where the fate of both peoples would be decided. However, the Fellakan Army had other ideas. First, the Fellak Guard Fortress' soldiers were replaced by a newly made group called the 'Judgement Warriors', for they would decide what would happen next in the war. Secondly, hundreds of barrels of gunpowder was stored in sleeping rooms, store rooms, inside the walls and anywhere they could be hidden. Soon after, the Spider Cavalry appeared. The Judgemental Warriors fought bravely but they all soon fell, except for the captain, who had lit a fuse. A minute before the gunpowder barrels were about to blow up, he ran outside of the fuse room to find the last of his men fall before him. He fought valiantly but even he could not survive for long. But the deed was done. A gigantic explosion ruptured from the depths of the fortress, creating a gigantic hole in the Nymian army, which had now surrounded the fortress. The entire Spider Cavalry was destroyed, ending the last of that monster species. The explosion was so large that it was seen from all of the Darklands. Some around the edges of the other kingdoms claimed to feel a slight tremor but nothing more. The moment the explosion happened, the Fellakan army went into action. The surprised Nymian army were even more surprised when the full force of the Dark Knights bearing down on them. The Nymian army ran back to the forest and that war, the most deadly war in all of the Wars of the Doomed, known as the 'War of Fire and Anguish', as that was how the war started, was finally ended. A Feligstone Amulet was buried in the blast area where the fortress once was to honour the Judgemental Warriors for their great sacrifice.

    Nymian Army - 580,000 -> 150,000
    Spider Cavalry - 35,000 -> 0
    Fellakan Army - 3,500,000
    Dark Knights - 175,000 -> 150,000
    Judgemental Warriors - 50,000 -> 0
    Other effects on the Wars

    The Final Battle

    Many centuries later, and after countless more deaths, the two armies stood next to each, face to face. The Nymian army looked straight into the eyes of the Dark Knights. Behind them was the full might of the Fellakan army. The Dark Knights readied their weapons and were about to charge when a horn sounded from the south. A messenger, surrounded by a small battalion of guards just in case, rushed forward and informed both sides of the threat of the Lost Kingdom. For the first time in countless millennia, an alliance was formed between the two sides.

    I won't put the numbers on each side for this last one. I don't really need to, as the countless wars kept both army sizes the same through the years. Nothing happened quite on the scale as events such as the War of Fire and Anguish.

    Next, I'm going to do a bit on each of the three peoples and their cities and surrounding areas. I'm then going to do the War of Ruin just like I did here. Though I'm only going to do the battle at the kingdom itself, as all that happened before that was the destruction of the entire fleet.
  7. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I might make a separate thread (or pm everyone) for more historical/canon lore lines on my end.
    (By canon I mean so I can stop changing my mind every week)
    ??? YP - The Infinity Pylon
    45000 YP - Ragnyon's Prophecy
    27000 YP - The Firstborn (Written)
    24000 YP - Ragnyon's Corruption
    7000 YP - The Spirit Prison
    2000 YP - Ragnyon's Echo
    ??? YP - Exile
    ??? YP - Variance
    ??? YP - Alien
    ??? YP - Deviance
    ??? YP - Wanderer
    ??? YP - Convergance
    ??? YP - Spark
    ??? YP - Shock
    ??? YP - Arc
    ??? YP - Plasma
    ??? YP - Energy
    ??? YP - Blackout
    ??? YP - Fusion
    ??? YP - Tremor
    ??? YP - Breaker
    ??? YP - Nova
    ??? YP - Singularity
    ??? YP - Chrononegation
    ??? YP - Blood Justice
    ??? YP - Bringer of Light
    ??? YP - Judgement
    ??? YP - Eradication
    ??? YP - Solitude
    ??? YP - Emptiness
    One group at a time. (Also, I need more time to go into the background of the Fragments of Decay. I don't work with them much outside of combat, hold Xephyr)
    Devourer likes this.
  8. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I'm guessing that YP is something points.
  9. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    YP is short for Years Prior

    I intend to expand on the history, maybe that'll set me straight for writing the book I am for this.

    Don't worry, I'm not using any of your stuff here. Unless you want me to, in which case, maybe.
    Devourer likes this.
  10. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    If you want to use any of my stuff for the book, that's fine. Especially the present stuff, since, well, Eras has already been to several places in the Darklands in the rp.
  11. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I only mentioned the book because this world has a pretty deep story; if you've seen the original Void Rift... Storywise, this world blows both out of the water. I don't know what I'm going to use or if I'm going to use it, but I'm impressed by this so far.
  12. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Might as well put the different classes and divisions of the army. (Images obviously aren't mine, they're just there for clarity)

    A lot of troops stay around the town of Siracus, Elgyem, and Drakenfell, as these towns contain many vaults, bunkers, and important people.

    The High Commander is named Justin Beiber, and he controls the army as a whole. Each general controls a division.
    The rarest, yet fiercest of the army. They're put under harsh training in the hidden Hall of the Hearth, and many people don't survive long enough to become a Rider.

    -Amazing magic (of every element)
    -Physically fit
    -Good swordplay
    -They have dragons
    -Heavily plated in magic resistant armor, large swords

    There's roughly 24000 Riders, 5000 in training.
    Mages trained to bend the energy radiating from Brisingr, these people are quite common. Many elves possess this ability, yet stronger. As how Dragon Rider train in Rytlee, Fire Benders travel to Teraglyph to train.

    -Fire magic (mostly bending, extremely effective in mass numbers)
    -Can use fire in hand to hand combat (making fiery swords)

    There's about five million fire mages.
    ^ Legolas is my bae

    I mean, they're skilled with the bow. Eleven Archers usually utilize magic, melee combat, and bows, but for the most part, other archers are just regular bowman

    There's roughly 10 million archers, and they hardly ever leave the city they're assigned to guard.
    (They also have horses, which are too heavily plated in the same type of armor to actually be seen.)

    There's only fifty of these guys, but they're well trained. They used to serve the now dead King, but now they just defend the High Commander.

    -That armor... Is insane... Try pentrating it, try. (It's also magically enchanted to be unbreakable)
    -That sword... Is insane... Try getting hit with it, try.
    -They look swag as heck
    -They have healing magic, light magic, and fire magic.
    Regarded as living shadows, these assassins are trained and deadly. They can vanish into wisps of smoke, or flood entire areas with smoke just from their magical ability alone. When they aren't stalking/assassinating a person, they're training. During battles, they sneak behind enemy lines take out key people in the enemy forces.

    -Stealthy as heck
    -Smoke bending, can literally shapeshift into smoke or make black(er) copies of themselves that will lunge at enemies.

    There's only like a million of these guys, forming their own underground society called the "Black Hand."
    The basic foot soldier of the Brisingr army. No magic, they just follow orders and stuff.

    There's about eighteen million of these guys.
    Ignore the green guy. Literally all I could find that looks remotely like the thing. Also, the Thyros is just something that I made up.

    Thyros Riders serve as squires for Dragon Riders. They gather in flocks around Riders, protecting them and even sacrificing themselves of duty calls for it. They usually fight with either bows or lances.

    The Thyros are disobedient, and hey usually have to be beaten into submission before a Rider can control them.


    There's about two million trained Thyros Riders.
    Will add beasts soon
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
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  13. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    I probably should have mentioned...

    Events in the primary storyline are in Chapter format.

    Chapter 1: The First Rift (Vesius' Arrival)
    Chapter 2: Ancient Scars (First 5 on 5 Fragment duel)
    Chapter 3: In The Dark (Appearance of ????)
    Chapter 4a: Solitude (Vei dies)
    Chapter 4b: End of Innocence (Ihra dies)
    Chapter 5a: The Prophecy (Vesius ascends, Ihra lives)
    Chapter 5b: The Shattering (World is destroyed - terminal chapter)
    Chapter 5c: Terminal Corruption (Ihra lives, Vesius dies)
    Chapter 5d: Lost Prophet (Vesius ascends, Ihra dies)

    -Any more and the spoilers are too much. Epilogues are game... But that isn't all of them. Which one will you shoot for?-

    Epilogue a: Disengage (All fragments are dead)
    Epilogue b: Silence (World is destroyed)
    Epilogue c: The Void Queen (Ihra ascends, defeats -)
    Epilogue d: Refugees (Some fragments remain stranded in the world)
    Epilogue e: Chrononegation (Keep the colony alive)
    True Epilogue: Lasting Hope (Vesius and Ihra ascend, defeat the Source of Corruption, evacuate the remaining draconians from their crumbling world, and The Haven is built)

    EDIT: Now that Chapter 2 is coming to a close, I'll add some more detailed skillsets for each draconian.

    ...eventually. When it's not super late and I'm not feeling dead.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2016
    Devourer likes this.
  14. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I'm assassinating that High Commander. Now.
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  15. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Ah but you see, that is physically impossible. Justice Beaver is protected by a magical power called "annoying voice." Whenever he feels threatened, he can start singing "Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhhhh." You will find it causes a few minor things like fangirling, crumbling into oblivion, and asking for an autograph. Mostly the second one.

    Also, before you say the assassin just wouldn't be detected by Beibs, I should warn you that Beibs has radiates an aura that is so handsome, male or female, your assassin will fall over dead in infatuation from merely being within one hundred feet of him.

    Devourer likes this.
  16. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Luckily, the Darklands have made a breakthrough in magical items. In the forest of Nyme, they recently made a powerful magical item called an 'earplug'. It was designed for one purpose: to grant safety to those who which to destroy the evil tyrant of Brisingr, Justkillit Beaver.
  17. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Oh no...

    Is it too late now to say sorry?

    EDIT: Also I found this picture. Not joking this is what High Commander Justin Beiber actually looks like
    Devourer likes this.
  18. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    "Ask the Apocalypse. Find out for yourself."
    Vei, can we not break the fourth wall by impulse just because I'm tired?
    "It's your fault anyway, idiot."
    Did you just...?
    Yeah... so I did.
    "Well... Am I going to kill it or not?"
    This isn't even canon! Or the right thread!
    Put this in a spoiler so I don't have to eject... that... from the RP.
    "You're going to do it anyway."
    Yeah, okay. You're right. That's not going to be a thing. Not if I can help it. (And I can)
    "Are you done with this fourth wall crap yet?"
    Let me have my fun.
    Eirika & Ephraim and Devourer like this.
  19. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    But it's so cute ;-;

    (I found the picture by searching "Beaver Man" e_e)
  20. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    That just makes it even more scarring.
    "Like me, when I can get back at you for CONTINUING TO DO THIS."
    It's been a long day. I'm bored. Deal with it.
    Now I'm done.

    "OOC: YOU SONUVA..."
    You sneaky little...
    (I swear I'm done. Just having a little fun after two hours of filling in a table.
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