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Void Rift Report!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Cloak, Dec 25, 2015.

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  1. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Since everyone else is doing it, you can ask random stuff to Reflet, too. Also Yhrey or Faelar.
  2. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Faelar: Was your original intention to engage/kill Vesius, and did that change after a guard went to try to finish the job?

    Yhrey: What was your friend like? Before... uh... Nyre happened?
  3. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    "I probably would have tried, if the city hadn't been under the threat of an openly hostile force. No thanks to Vesius of course. After Vesius killed the Watchers and... amended his mistake, I decided maybe he wasn't entirely like the others of his race, so I didn't actively pursue him. It does however, annoy me that one of my number would stoop to such a dishonorable level as to back stab."
    "The other dragon, Gloomtail as he liked to call himself, was a bit of a wild card. He spent a good amount of time locked in the dungeons of Drakonfell, and hated people as a result. He was also very young, and not very wise. Still... he was strong and determined, and his heart was good to those not of humanoid form."
  4. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Ditto. Any questions regarding Thirteen?
  5. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Faelar (again): If Vesius had requested to speak, now assuming the Watchers weren't present, would you have let him or chased him off?

    I feel worse and worse for Yhrey as the days go by...

    You've mentioned some tests. What were they for? Seeing if you were fit to be a killing machine, or what?
  6. Possumness

    Possumness Calls the clock "Precious"

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    Oooh I have one.
    How visible/noticeable are your.... enhancements?
  7. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    In the past, what did Luphyx do which angered Eras (I think that was what he did)?

    Also, going to start releasing information on all four of my characters related to appearance, weapons, etc.


    Eras is the God of Darkness and he watches over the Darklands.

    He wears black robes. Eras would look like a human if he didn't have black wings on his back. He also carrier a black tome. Though nobody knows, his cover is made out of Voidstone, a strange stone which is found near permanent portals to the Void, and sometimes large temporary ones.

    He has the ability to fire weak dark bolts, slightly more powerful and explosive dark orbs, a dark beam which is very powerful which he charges, a shorter ranged but similar attack called dark lightning, scythes of darkness and he can also teleport, like most, if not all, immortals. OH! And I almost forgot, he can control darkness. He can make a cloud follow people, surround an area with it, anything.

    He can also speak the Dark Script. Only he and Daras know the Dark Script (yes, the people of the Darklands don't speak it. Dark Script is a magical and powerful language), as well as a few people in the Void Palace.

    His tome contains the Dark Script within its pages, though he does know it without the tome. The tome... also contains other things... hehehe.

    Three more to go, going to do them later.
  8. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    Oh, right.
    There's a thing.
    Another thing that all the fragments (in theory) can do.

    Usually it can only be triggered by the fragment themselves.
    It's called Reversion, sometimes Primal Reversion.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2016
  9. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    Thirteen was more created and built than just built. Scientist were trying to make a different, better race than humans, and Thirteen was one of the several of this new species that was a beta version. But, a few years after (And this is what the scientists logged him as) Mistake #13 was made, the scientist made one of their last beta versions. This beta version, #19, destroyed everything. Almost. It went crazy and destroyed all the tech, and killed the scientists and engineers, then just... left. Thirteen and the other Mistakes were left in separate lock rooms, which would preserve them. Thirteen's door was blasted off during the wreck. He awoke on night, somehow, and started simply going anywhere AWAY from the abandoned lab. He noticed that some of the Mistake's doors were blasted off, but he saw no other Mistakes. Killed or not, he didn't much care about them anyways.

    That was two years prior to now in the story.

    -My skeleton, which, is larger than a human's (and it's metal)
    -Whenever I lift up my broadsword because I lift it up like it's a hollow pebble ('cause that thing is HEAVY)
    -No eyebrows
    -If you stare deep into the craters of my eyes, you can see a tiny camera-like object
  10. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    Well, I guess the great Q & A Session is underway, I might as well jump in the fray.
    Characters available:

    Tip: Don't ask about Artemis' Father.
  11. Eirika & Ephraim

    Eirika & Ephraim Gone Fishing

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    Artemis: Who's your father? Is he dead? :D
    Possumness and Devourer like this.
  12. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Primal Reversion? Did you get that from Pokémon by any chance or did you think of it? Because I've got images of Ihra turning into Rayquaza because it's green.

    Just remembered another thing about Eras, he carries a stone figure, which is identical to the one Idala has.

    And time for Daras!


    Daras is... ehm, I'm going to keep that a secret a while longer... hehehe. But he's also the King of the Lost Kingdom.

    He wears black robes, just like Eras. He looks human, just like Eras. The only difference in these sorts of ways (does that make sense? not sure) is his wing shape. While Eras' wings are fairly spread out like the draconians, his wings are more like a cloak when he isn't flying. He carries two daggers and he always carries a silver phial from Hythania, as well as her spare Portable Alchemy Pot too. The alchemy pot looks a bit like a small urn, with gold lining it with engravings of plants.

    He can teleport. Not only that, but he is really good with them. He does this thing called 'teleport tracing' where he can trace your teleport. Daras is also good with minds, so he can create good telepathic links. Not only that, but he can collect stray thoughts from the air (e.g. you randomly think about a plan to find him. He comes there an hour later, he finds the stray thought, he knows what you thought. But if you keep your thoughts well hidden, then he won't pick up these thoughts). Daras can bring people back from the dead, though not properly. They would only be shadows of their former selves. Daras can also do 'shift cloning', which is where he uses his own mass to create clones of himself. This also shrinks his real self. If a clone dies, he can find it and absorb it. If he dies, the clones die.

    Daras' daggers are black and engraved with all sorts of symbols, but they aren't magical. However, he is very skilled at using them. VERY.

    While Daras isn't as fluent as Eras in the Dark Script, he still knows many words.

    Ahh... Going to ask Artemis a question.

    I know that you don't like necromancy (uh oh Daras isn't going to have a good time) but... are there any other magic-related arts she doesn't like? A few examples (which happen to be the reasons I'm asking this question):
    1. Alchemy which involves using all sorts of dark incantations and the life force of plants, some of which aren't dark at all.
    2. Soul magic, which is where souls are absorbed into someone to power their magic.

    Neither of these are related to any of my characters... what makes you think that?!
  13. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "Well...uhh...I don't really remember my father all too well. He was killed in battle, trying to defend our forest. The killer then found me, who I mistook to be him, and threw me his bloodied head; before trying to kill me too. He trained me in the arts of Archery, and showed me how to use my powers. He died when I was 7...the...the memory of his death still haunts me..."

    "I'm fine with alchemy if it uses harvested plants; I've helped a friend with alchemy before by growing them ingredients. I'm not sure how I feel about Soul Magic. If it's a deceased friend who's helping you, then I'm alright. If it's simply absorbing souls for the sake of power, not caring who the souls are, then I'm against that. Disturbing the dead to assist you by force is wrong; which is why I've never tried to contact my father's soul."

    I don't doubt they're not related to your characters, you're simply asking questions with little to no relation.
  14. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    "B-but the souls a-are whispering to me. I... I can't stop... not without them hurting me."
    "Idala, drink this. It will help you."
    "I can still feel them around me. The... the only way to stop them is... TO DEVOUR THEM. LET THEIR TORTURING VOICES TURN TO SCREAMS- Oh, please... please stop them..."

    Yay, that purple fits Idala better... and I can see Idala and Artemis are definitely going to get on well together. No, no sarcasm here.
  15. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    "I'd probably do something to stop her, or at least help, if it weren't for the fact we're in some kind of alternate time frame where we have knowledge of the fourth wall, and nothing really matters."

    "I could probably die here and I'd be completely fine..."

    Dark Theme Love <3
  16. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    I have dark theme too, it's just that the only other option for Idala was light pink... which doesn't really fit her. Just highlight the purple. I won't write long texts in purple, he... ah, uncontrolled self does not describe, only devours. Not that her normal self is mentally old enough for long descriptions...
    Nepeta Leijon likes this.
  17. Devourer

    Devourer Lava Warrior VIP+

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    Ok, time to do some more character stuff!

    Something I forgot about Daras. His wounds heal quicker than usual. Surprisingly quick.


    She wears black robes, just like Eras and Daras, but hers have silver tracing patterns all over them. She looks completely human, though she is actually a witch. She carries her Portable Alchemy Pot and several phials:

    Silver Phial - She only has one of these. Daras, as mentioned earlier, also has one. Each phial is half full with a Guidance Potion. Basically, if she or Daras shakes the potion up and down for a few seconds, the phial shaken will lead to the other one. This is in her satchel.

    Green Phial - She has a whole belt full of these. Her belt has 24 of these phials attached to it. Each phial contains a Healing Potion.

    Purple Phial - This is Idala's spare Purify Potion phial. The potion destroys weak curses and slows down the effects of/grants temporary immunity to stronger curses. She carrier this in her satchel.

    Blue Phial - She has one of these. It is more of a small, thin, test tube with a stopper than a bottle. She hides this in her boot. In a last resort, she will drink this. On drinking the contents of the bottle, the drinker (which will almost certainly be her) will be destroyed, except for their soul. The user's soul will be absorbed into Hythania's Black Bracelet. The thing is, she can't use this to trap someone else. If someone else uses it, they will have complete power over her. The only reason she has the potion is if she is going to die anyway, in which case Idala will use the bracelet if she finds it, because of Idala's 'Soul Magic' so she can use her mother to help her even after the time she was likely going to die anyway.

    Second Blue Phial - This is the decoy in case someone who is good at alchemy realises what the blue potion she carries is. Both blue potions are identical. There are no differences. Even the ingredients used are the same. What is the point of having two then? Well, one was made in world, one in the Void. Due to certain ingredients used, which you may be able to guess towards if you think about things in the Void, this affects the potion, but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you drank the potion. The potion makes you feel powerful and see through Hythania's eyes for a single second. Then you dissolve and your soul is absorbed into the Bracelet. And yes, more than one soul can be inside the bracelet, but Hythania has more power than anyone else inside it as she created it. Hythania keeps this in the same boot as the other one.

    These are only the potions she feels she always needs. If she sees an ingredient she may like to keep, she puts it straight into the Portable Alchemy Pot and tests it when she finds something she recognises. Oh yes, and just in case she forgets a recipe, she always keeps her Alchemy Diary with her, which is a small book enchanted to have infinite pages. Which is why she doesn't keep it near Idala, who likes to mess around with it until there are too many pages for Hythania to handle.

    She doesn't have any offensive abilities but is able to cast basic runes and wards, such as shielding from weaker magic for wards and trapping people with runes.

    Her Alchemy Diary is an ordinary looking book bound in leather, and very plain. Inside are all the recipes she has found over many millennia, which is a lot of recipes seeing as she used to explore the Darklands and sometimes Brisingr and the Wild Islands (still need to make a map of that XD) before Idala was born.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2016
  18. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    It used to be just Reversion. And technically, it still is.

    Then someone related it to Primal Reversion from Pokemon and wouldn't stop calling it that.

    So it made it's way in. (Reluctantly)
    Devourer likes this.
  19. Exvhius

    Exvhius Master of the Forsulyn Mural VIP+

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    When one of the fragments dies earlier than expected...

    Eyy, that means things start going downhill!
    "Wait, they weren't already?"
    Oh, seriously? You think I'm soft or something?
    "They're gonna blame me!"
    They already do.
    What did you expect?
    "I- yeah, okay, you have a point..."
    Devourer likes this.
  20. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Hi I'm new to the report. Can someone care to explain what this is about?
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