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World Dual Wielding 1.9+ Hand Items - 125 Supporters And 11 Likes!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Zernoxi, Dec 6, 2016.


Will this be a good idea?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. Some flaws (explain in thread)

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  1. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Please read the whole post before voting!

    Please reply to the thread after voting as praise/feedback!

    Wynncraft will inevitably soon need to fully update to 1.9+, so this idea might be useful for the otherwise wasted slot of the other hand. The items will be an accessory-like item in the second hand that can give buffs to the user can be a good way to use the other hand in my opinion. It will also contain a special move like the powders; the special moves will have a cool-down to stop being too abusable or a charge (using melee, the charge will be like charging up powder specials). Special abilities are also used such as slowness, blindness or self-buffs such as reduced damage for a period of time. There will also be requirements depending on the strengths/weaknesses of an item. The way to activate the special moves will be Shift + F (default button). When activated, the weapon and hand item will switch places then quickly switched back after the use of the special move.

    For example, tomes - it could buff or add side effects to basic attack or spells. Buffs could be like knockback, higher attack speed or slowness.

    If the items in the other hand are used as an special move then it should have tiers: I, II, III, etc. To upgrade the tier of one's item, there would be some sort of NPC to upgrade the item and also re-roll (this not count as a re-roll, it will be based as an identified item), the player would need certain stones to upgrade the item (e.g. Thunder Stone). The items will also different rarities such as unique or legendary and also tradeable. It also act as accessories like bracelets, necklaces and rings. Therefore, can be found be mob drops or in loot chests.

    I think Wynncraft will soon be fully compatible with 1.9 and this is the perfect solution to use the other hand.

    ID Examples and Runes: Second post

    Thanks to all the people in the old thread, your feedback is appreciated: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/1-9-usage-of-other-hand.167580/

    Special thanks to niltonomegacool for helping!

    Please vote in the poll to show your support!

    Poll Meanings:
    • Yes - Means you have no problems with the idea.
    • No - Means you do not like the idea. If so please give feedback, do not just vote, I can only improve with the help from others as I can not see every possible weaknesses in what I type/create.
    • Some Flaws - Means you like/dislike it but/as there are still a few problems. Please post in the thread about the problem and also show that if you like/dislike the idea.
    1st Supporter!
    5 Supporters!
    10 Supporters!
    15 Supporters!
    20 Supporters!
    25 Supporters!
    30 Supporters!
    35 Supporters!
    40 Supporters!
    45 Supporters!
    50 Supporters!
    55 Supporters!
    60 Supporters!
    65 Supporters!
    70 Supporters!
    75 Supporters!
    80 Supporters!
    85 Supporters!
    90 Supporters!
    95 Supporters!
    100 Supporters!
    105 Supporters!
    110 Supporters!
    115 Supporters!
    120 Supporters!

    Started first original thread: https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/1-9-usage-of-other-hand.167580/
    Expanded on the original thread.
    Started new thread with more expansion on the topic.

    Vortex Shields are added.
    Vortex Quivers are added.
    Vortex Gloves are added and Cog Sets are added (only Cog Totems and Shields).

    Item descriptions are expanded and Vortex Set is finished.

    Item descriptions are expanded.

    Item descriptions are expanded and Cog-Tipped Arrows are added.

    Cog Hooks are added and Cog Set are finished.

    Slimy Set are added (only Slimy Tomes are added).
    Major update is done - All special moves damage calculations will be done in % form.

    Slimy Shields and Slime-Covered Arrows are added and Major update is still being done.

    Slimy Set are done and Major update is done.

    Added Unique items.

    Heartbound is finished.

    New system is used to upgrade the tier of the hand items.

    Cog Set has been nerfed and other sets have been tweaked.

    Added and finished Runes.
    Added and finished Portable Stonehenge.
    Fixed IDs to 0.3 & 1.3 for positive IDs and 0.7 & 1.3 for negative IDs.
    Added Spectral.

    [COLOR=#ff0000][COLOR=#ffffff]Massive update soon...[/COLOR][/COLOR]

    This will be updated.
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  2. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Item IDs Examples
    Vortex Tome: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +5% - 20% Spell Damage
    +1 - 2/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 2/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    78% Neutral Damage
    111% Thunder Damage
    111% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs to the void for 5 Seconds disappears with enderman particle. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: A giant vortex spawns with a 5 block radius where the cross-hair is aiming, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. Mobs within a 4 block radius of the vortex will be dragged in and dealt damage up to the maximum amount; the damage will be spread out as a poison-like effect and 30% of the maximum damage (Neutral, Thunder and Water respectively) will be dealt per 0.5 Seconds. This vortex lasts for 5 Seconds. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Tome:
    Tier II
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +5% - 35% Spell Damage
    +1 - 3/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 3/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    104% Neutral Damage
    148% Thunder Damage
    148% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs to the void for 7 Seconds disappears with enderman particle. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: A giant vortex spawns with a 7 block radius where the cross-hair is aiming, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. Mobs within a 8 block radius of the vortex will be dragged in and dealt damage up to the maximum amount; 28.571428% = Approximately 29% of the maximum damage (Neutral, Thunder and Water respectively) will be spread out as a poison-like effect and damage will be dealt per 0.5 Seconds. This vortex lasts for 7 Seconds. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Tome: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +5% - 50% Spell Damage
    +1 - 4/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 4/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    130% Neutral Damage
    185% Thunder Damage
    185% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs to the void for 9 Seconds disappears with enderman particle. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: A giant vortex spawns with a 9 block radius where the cross-hair is aiming, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. Mobs within a 12 block radius of the vortex will be dragged in and dealt damage up to the maximum amount; 27.7% recurring = Approximately 28% of the maximum damage (Neutral, Thunder and Water respectively) will be spread out as a poison-like effect and damage will be dealt per 0.5 Seconds. This vortex lasts for 9 Seconds. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Shield: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +5% - 20% Spell Damage
    +1 - 2/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 2/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    78% Neutral Damage
    111% Thunder Damage
    111% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs flying with a vortex-powered round-house kick. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When in-use, the player does a 360 degree revolution representing a round-house kick; only does one spin. The damage will always deal the maximum amount (can be affected by weakness or resistance). Knockback is dealt to mobs that are hit; knocks mobs back 2 blocks.

    Vortex Shield:
    Tier II
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +5% - 35% Spell Damage
    +1 - 3/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 3/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 450% Damage
    117% Neutral Damage
    166.5% = Approximately 167% Thunder Damage
    166.5% = Approximately 167% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs flying with a vortex-powered round-house kick. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When in-use, the player does a 360 degree revolution representing a round-house kick; does three spins but damage is decreased to 150% per each spin (Total maximum damage: 450%). The damage will not always deal the maximum amount (can be affected by weakness or resistance). Knockback is dealt to mobs that are hit; knocks mobs back 4 blocks. After effects of this are Slowness II and Resistance I.

    Vortex Shield: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +5% - 50% Spell Damage
    +1 - 4/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 4/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 600% Damage
    156% Neutral Damage
    222% Thunder Damage
    222% Water Damage
    Description: Sends mobs flying with a vortex-powered round-house kick. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When in-use, the player does a 360 degree revolution representing a round-house kick; does fives spins but damage is decreased to 120% per each spin (Total maximum damage: 600%). The damage will not always deal the maximum amount (can be affected by weakness or resistance). Knockback is dealt to mobs that are hit; knocks mobs back 6 blocks. After effects of this is Slowness III and Resistance II.

    Vortex Arrow: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +5% - 20% Spell Damage
    +1 - 2/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 2/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move
    10% Neutral Damage per 0.5 Second
    17.5% = Approximately 18% Thunder Damage per 0.5 Second
    17.5% = Approximately 18% Water Damage per 0.5 Second
    Description: Mobs get dragged by a mysterious and mystical shroud of purple mana swirling around it from the shot magical arrow. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the special move is activated, an arrow is shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. When shot, the arrow will drag mobs that are within a 3 block radius towards the arrow. While being dragged, mobs will get a poison-like damage. The arrow will stop dragging and stop damaging mobs when it hits an object. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Arrow: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +5% - 35% Spell Damage
    +1 - 3/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 3/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move
    15% Neutral Damage per 0.5 Second
    22.5% = Approximately 23% Thunder Damage per 0.5 Second
    22.5% = Approximately 23% Water Damage per 0.5 Second
    Description: Mobs get dragged by a mysterious and mystical shroud of purple mana swirling around it from the shot magical arrow. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the special move is activated, two arrows are shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. The two arrows will at least be 2 blocks away from each other. When shot, the arrow will drag mobs that are within a 5 block radius towards the arrow. While being dragged, mobs will get a poison-like damage. The arrow will stop dragging and stop damaging mobs when it hits an object. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Arrow: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +5% - 50% Spell Damage
    +1 - 4/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 4/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move
    20% Neutral Damage per 0.5 Second
    27.5% = Approximately 28% Thunder Damage per 0.5 Second
    27.5% = Approximately 28% Water Damage per 0.5 Second
    Description: Mobs get dragged by a mysterious and mystical shroud of purple mana swirling around it from the shot magical arrow. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the special move is activated, three arrows are shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. The three arrows will at least be 3 blocks away from each other. When shot, the arrow will drag mobs that are within a 7 block radius towards the arrow. While being dragged, mobs will get a poison-like damage. The arrow will stop dragging and stop damaging mobs when it hits an object. This is count as a separate poison-like effect and won't count towards any poison debuff that are already in place.

    Vortex Glove: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +5% - 20% Spell Damage
    +1 - 2/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 2/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    78% Neutral Damage
    111% Thunder Damage
    111% Water Damage
    Description: Mobs get dragged towards the prepared player using the magical properties of the vortex. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the skill is activated, a small vortex spawns 3 blocks away from the user. This will drag mob/s towards the user and dealt with the maximum amount of damage, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. The vortex only lasts for 3 Seconds.

    Vortex Glove:
    Tier II
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +5% - 35% Spell Damage
    +1 - 3/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 3/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    104% Neutral Damage
    148% Thunder Damage
    148% Water Damage
    Description: Mobs get dragged towards the prepared player using the magical properties of the vortex. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the skill is activated, a small vortex spawns 2 blocks away from the user. This will drag mob/s towards the user and dealt with the maximum amount of damage, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. The vortex only lasts for 5 Seconds.

    Vortex Glove: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +5% - 50% Spell Damage
    +1 - 4/4s Mana Regen
    -1 - 4/4s Mana Steal
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    130% Neutral Damage
    185% Thunder Damage
    185% Water Damage
    Description: Mobs get dragged towards the prepared player using the magical properties of the vortex. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When the skill is activated, a small vortex spawns 1 blocks away from the user. This will drag mob/s towards the user and dealt with the maximum amount of damage, it can also auto-aim to the nearest mob/s like how meteor auto-aims. The vortex only lasts for 7 Seconds.

    Cog Totem: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +9% - 39% Melee Damage
    +1 - 2 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 13% Fire Defense
    -7% - 13% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    168% Neutral Damage
    66% Fire Damage
    66% Earth Damage
    Description: A series of razor-sharp cogs are summoned from the ground to rise at the opponents. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 10 cog-shaped objects are spawned in a series from underneath to surface level using the cross-hair to aim or to use the auto-aim system like meteor. Mobs within a 4 block radius of the cast move will be dealt with the maximum damage. This move will be a once off.

    Cog Totem: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +9% - 69% Melee Damage
    +1 - 3 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 23% Fire Defense
    -7% - 23% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    224% Neutral Damage
    88% Fire Damage
    88% Earth Damage
    Description: A series of razor-sharp cogs are summoned from the ground to rise at the opponents. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 10 cog-shaped objects are spawned in a series from underneath to surface level using the cross-hair to aim or to use the auto-aim system like meteor. Mobs within a 8 block radius of the cast move will be dealt with the maximum damage. This move will be a once off.

    Cog Totem: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +9% - 99% Melee Damage
    +1 - 4 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 33% Fire Defense
    -7% - 33% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    280% Neutral Damage
    110% Fire Damage
    110% Earth Damage
    Description: A series of razor-sharp cogs are summoned from the ground to rise at the opponents. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 10 cog-shaped objects are spawned in a series from underneath to surface level using the cross-hair to aim or to use the auto-aim system like meteor. Mobs within a 12 block radius of the cast move will be dealt with the maximum damage. This move will be a once off.

    Cog Shield: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +9% - 39% Melee Damage
    +1 - 2 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 13% Fire Defense
    -7% - 13% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    168% Neutral Damage
    66% Fire Damage
    66% Earth Damage
    Description: Mobs are pushed away with god-like strength that can be only be achieved by mechanical assistance. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, the player will push mob/s in front 4 blocks away, while dealing the maximum amount of damage to mob/s pushed back. Mob/s will only be pushed back and dealt damage if they are in front of the user.

    Cog Shield: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +9% - 69% Melee Damage
    +1 - 3 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 23% Fire Defense
    -7% - 23% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    224% Neutral Damage
    88% Fire Damage
    88% Earth Damage
    Description: Mobs are pushed away with god-like strength that can be only be achieved by mechanical assistance. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, the player will push mob/s in front 8 blocks away, while dealing the maximum amount of damage to mob/s pushed back. Mob/s will only be pushed back and dealt damage if they are in front of the user.

    Cog Shield: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +9% - 99% Melee Damage
    +1 - 4 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 33% Fire Defense
    -7% - 33% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    280% Neutral Damage
    110% Fire Damage
    110% Earth Damage
    Description: Mobs are pushed away with god-like strength that can be only be achieved by mechanical assistance. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, the player will push mob/s in front 12 blocks away, while dealing the maximum amount of damage to mob/s pushed back. Mob/s will only be pushed back and dealt damage if they are in front of the user.

    Cog-Tipped Arrow: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +9% - 39% Melee Damage
    +1 - 2 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 13% Fire Defense
    -7% - 13% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    168% Neutral Damage
    66% Fire Damage
    66% Earth Damage
    Description: People are bedazzled by the clunky and awkward yet strangely effective cog-tipped arrow with its amazing ability to capture and kill. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, an arrow is shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. When shot, the arrow will stop mob/s that are within a 3 block radius of the arrow's tip, also dealing the maximum damage. Mob/s will move in 3 Seconds.

    Cog-Tipped Arrow: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +9% - 69% Melee Damage
    +1 - 3 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 23% Fire Defense
    -7% - 23% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    224% Neutral Damage
    88% Fire Damage
    88% Earth Damage
    Description: People are bedazzled by the clunky and awkward yet strangely effective cog-tipped arrow with its amazing ability to capture and kill. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, an arrow is shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. When shot, the arrow will stop mob/s that are within a 5 block radius of the arrow's tip, also dealing the maximum damage. Mob/s will move in 4 Seconds.

    Cog-Tipped Arrow: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +9% - 99% Melee Damage
    +1 - 4 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 33% Fire Defense
    -7% - 33% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    280% Neutral Damage
    110% Fire Damage
    110% Earth Damage
    Description: People are bedazzled by the clunky and awkward yet strangely effective cog-tipped arrow with its amazing ability to capture and kill. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, an arrow is shot automatically where the cross-hair is aiming. When shot, the arrow will stop mob/s that are within a 7 block radius of the arrow's tip, also dealing the maximum damage. Mob/s will move in 5 Seconds.

    Cog Hook: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +9% - 39% Melee Damage
    +1 - 2 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 13% Fire Defense
    -7% - 13% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    168% Neutral Damage
    66% Fire Damage
    66% Earth Damage
    Description: With the help of the great Corkus mechanists, they have helped created the Cog Hook, with its useful ability to increase mobility with its jet-propelled grappling hook. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a cog-shaped object with a chain attached behind it will shoot towards where the cross-hair is aiming; the hook will only extend 12 blocks. Will attached to a block, it will drag the user 5 blocks to the direction the hook was shot. If the hook is attached to a mob, the hook will deal the maximum damage.

    Cog Hook: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +9% - 69% Melee Damage
    +1 - 3 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 23% Fire Defense
    -7% - 23% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    224% Neutral Damage
    88% Fire Damage
    88% Earth Damage
    Description: With the help of the great Corkus mechanists, they have helped created the Cog Hook, with its useful ability to increase mobility with its jet-propelled grappling hook. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a cog-shaped object with a chain attached behind it will shoot towards where the cross-hair is aiming; the hook will only extend 16 blocks. Will attached to a block, it will drag the user 7 blocks to the direction the hook was shot. If the hook is attached to a mob, the hook will deal the maximum damage.

    Cog Hook: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +9% - 99% Melee Damage
    +1 - 4 Attack Speed Tier
    -7% - 33% Fire Defense
    -7% - 33% Earth Defense
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    280% Neutral Damage
    110% Fire Damage
    110% Earth Damage
    Description: With the help of the great Corkus mechanists, they have helped created the Cog Hook, with its useful ability to increase mobility with its jet-propelled grappling hook. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a cog-shaped object with a chain attached behind it will shoot towards where the cross-hair is aiming; the hook will only extend 20 blocks. Will attached to a block, it will drag the user 9 blocks to the direction the hook was shot. If the hook is attached to a mob, the hook will deal the maximum damage.

    Slimy Tome: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +15 - 65 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 11% Health Regen
    -10 - 19% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    66% Neutral Damage
    78% Thunder Damage
    78% Fire Damage
    78% Earth Damage
    Description: By empowering the espers of the slime, the caster itself can be one with the slime, unlocking the ability to slow everything down the gooey slime touches. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in all directions from the user, extending out to 4 blocks away in all directions where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were; the slime blocks will be a ring-like shape around the player. Any mob/s that is in the vicinity of it are dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness I for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness I is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Tome: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +15 - 115 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 19% Health Regen
    -10 - 33% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    88% Neutral Damage
    104% Thunder Damage
    104% Fire Damage
    104% Earth Damage
    Description: By empowering the espers of the slime, the caster itself can be one with the slime, unlocking the ability to slow everything down the gooey slime touches. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in all directions from the user, extending out to 8 blocks away in all directions where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were; the slime blocks will be a ring-like shape around the player. Any mob/s that is in the vicinity of it are dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness II for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness II is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Tome: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +15 - 165 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 27% Health Regen
    -10 - 47% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    110% Neutral Damage
    130% Thunder Damage
    130% Fire Damage
    130% Earth Damage
    Description: By empowering the espers of the slime, the caster itself can be one with the slime, unlocking the ability to slow everything down the gooey slime touches. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in all directions from the user, extending out to 12 blocks away in all directions where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were; the slime blocks will be a ring-like shape around the player. Any mob/s that is in the vicinity of it are dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness III for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness III is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Shield: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +15 - 65 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 11% Health Regen
    -10 - 19% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    66% Neutral Damage
    78% Thunder Damage
    78% Fire Damage
    78% Earth Damage
    Description: With the shield's sticky touch, its wielder is able to spread its slowing properties to whom ever it comes in contact with the slimy substance. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 3 slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in front of the user in a straight line, extending out to 4 blocks away from where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness I for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness I is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one). Also knocking back any mob/s who touch it 3 blocks backwards.

    Slimy Shield: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +15 - 115 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 19% Health Regen
    -10 - 33% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    88% Neutral Damage
    104% Thunder Damage
    104% Fire Damage
    104% Earth Damage
    Description: With the shield's sticky touch, its wielder is able to spread its slowing properties to whom ever it comes in contact with the slimy substance. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 5 slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in front of the user in a straight line, extending out to 8 blocks away from where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness II for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness II is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one). Also knocking back any mob/s who touch it 5 blocks backwards.

    Slimy Shield: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +15 - 165 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 27% Health Regen
    -10 - 47% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    110% Neutral Damage
    130% Thunder Damage
    130% Fire Damage
    130% Earth Damage
    Description: With the shield's sticky touch, its wielder is able to spread its slowing properties to whom ever it comes in contact with the slimy substance. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, 7 slime blocks will spawn from 4 blocks away in front of the user in a straight line, extending out to 12 blocks away from where the original spawn-point of the slime blocks were. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness III for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness III is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one). Also knocking back any mob/s who touch it 7 blocks backwards.

    Slime-Covered Arrow: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +15 - 65 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 11% Health Regen
    -10 - 19% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    66% Neutral Damage
    78% Thunder Damage
    78% Fire Damage
    78% Earth Damage
    Description: Using its sticky capabilities, these horrendous arrows are able to slow any type of enemy down, big or small. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a straight line of slime blocks will spawn from in front of the user, extending out to 5 blocks away. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness I for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness I is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slime-Covered Arrow: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +15 - 115 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 19% Health Regen
    -10 - 33% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    88% Neutral Damage
    104% Thunder Damage
    104% Fire Damage
    104% Earth Damage
    Description: Using its sticky capabilities, these horrendous arrows are able to slow any type of enemy down, big or small. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a straight line of slime blocks will spawn from in front of the user, extending out to 10 blocks away. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness II for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness II is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slime-Covered Arrow: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +15 - 165 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 27% Health Regen
    -10 - 47% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    110% Neutral Damage
    130% Thunder Damage
    130% Fire Damage
    130% Earth Damage
    Description: Using its sticky capabilities, these horrendous arrows are able to slow any type of enemy down, big or small. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a straight line of slime blocks will spawn from in front of the user, extending out to 15 blocks away. Any mob/s that touch the slime will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness III for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness III is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Bomb: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +15 - 65 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 11% Health Regen
    -10 - 19% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 300% Damage
    66% Neutral Damage
    78% Thunder Damage
    78% Fire Damage
    78% Earth Damage
    Description: Only the stealthiest and fastest of people can use this item to its fullest potential. When used right, it can slow down any enemies, big or small, and still do massive damage. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a slime bomb will be thrown within a 4 block radius of the user, being able to aim with the cross-hair. Any mob/s within a 3 block radius of the bomb will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness I for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness I is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Bomb: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +15 - 115 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 19% Health Regen
    -10 - 33% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 400% Damage
    88% Neutral Damage
    104% Thunder Damage
    104% Fire Damage
    104% Earth Damage
    Description: Only the stealthiest and fastest of people can use this item to its fullest potential. When used right, it can slow down any enemies, big or small, and still do massive damage. Only usable every 50 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a slime bomb will be thrown within a 8 block radius of the user, being able to aim with the cross-hair. Any mob/s within a 5 block radius of the bomb will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness II for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness II is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Slimy Bomb: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Assassin/Ninja
    +15 - 165 Raw Health Regen
    +3% - 27% Health Regen
    -10 - 47% Walk Speed
    Special Move = 500% Damage
    110% Neutral Damage
    130% Thunder Damage
    130% Fire Damage
    130% Earth Damage
    Description: Only the stealthiest and fastest of people can use this item to its fullest potential. When used right, it can slow down any enemies, big or small, and still do massive damage. Only usable every 60 Seconds or a charge.
    Effects: When activated, a slime bomb will be thrown within a 12 block radius of the user, being able to aim with the cross-hair. Any mob/s within a 7 block radius of the bomb will be dealt with the maximum damage and given Slowness III for 5 Seconds (if any mob/s are already induced in Slowness, it will go out like so: 1) If the mob/s have a higher Slowness debuff, then Slowness III is not given. Instead, the timer on the higher Slowness debuff will be reset. 2) If the mob/s have a lower Slowness debuff, then the Slowness given in the special move will be priorities, meaning the lower Slowness debuff will go away and is replaced by the higher one, which also resets the timer on the higher one).

    Portable Stonehenge: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +150 - 650 Health Bonus
    +7 - 13 Defense
    -5% - 8% Speed
    -1 - 2 Attack Speed Tier
    Special Move
    Effects: +20% Defense bonus for 3 Minutes. Only usable every 20 Seconds or a charge.

    Portable Stonehenge: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +150 - 1150 Health Bonus
    +7 - 23 Defense
    -5% - 14% Speed
    -1 - 3 Attack Speed Tier
    Special Move
    Effects: +30% Defense bonus for 3 Minutes. Only usable every 30 Seconds or a charge.

    Portable Stonehenge: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Mage/Dark Wizard
    +150 - 1650 Health Bonus
    +7 - 33 Defense
    -5% - 20% Speed
    -1 - 4 Attack Speed Tier
    Special Move
    Effects: +40% Defense bonus for 3 Minutes. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.

    Heartbound: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +50 - 216 Health Bonus
    +17 - 72 Raw Health Regen
    +8% - 33% Health Regen
    -5% - 10% Melee Damage
    -5% - 10% Spell Damage
    -1% - 3% Speed
    Special Move = 50%
    Effects: This special move is like the Mage's/Dark Wizard's Heal spell. Only usable every 15 Seconds or a charge.

    Heartbound: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +50 - 382 Health Bonus
    +17 - 127 Raw Health Regen
    +8% - 58% Health Regen
    -5% - 12% Melee Damage
    -5% - 12% Spell Damage
    -1% - 5% Speed
    Special Move = 70%
    Effects: This special move is like the Mage's/Dark Wizard's Heal spell. Only usable every 20 Seconds or a charge or a charge.

    Heartbound: Tier III
    Class Requirement: Warrior/Knight
    +50 - 548 Health Bonus
    +17 - 182 Raw Health Regen
    +8% - 83% Health Regen
    -5% - 17% Melee Damage
    -5% - 17% Spell Damage
    -1% - 7% Speed
    Special Move = 70%
    Effects: This special move is like the Mage's/Dark Wizard's Heal spell. Only usable every 25 Seconds or a charge.

    Spectral: Tier I
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +3% - 13% Fire Damage
    +3% - 13% Water Damage
    +3% - 13% Air Damage
    +3% - 13% Thunder Damage
    +3% - 13% Earth Damage
    -14% - 26% Health Regen
    -11% - 20% Reflection
    Special Move
    Effects: Increases all elemental damage and defense by 20%; lasts for 3 minutes. Only usable every 20 Seconds[I] [/I]or a charge.

    Spectral: Tier II
    Class Requirement: Archer/Hunter
    +3% - 23% Fire Damage
    +3% - 23% Water Damage
    +3% - 23% Air Damage
    +3% - 23% Thunder Damage
    +3% - 23% Earth Damage
    -14% - 46% Health Regen
    -11% - 35% Reflection
    Special Move
    Effects: Increases all elemental damage and defense by 30%; lasts for 3 minutes. Only usable every 30 Seconds or a charge.

    Spectral: Tier III
    Class Requirements: Archer/Hunter
    +3% - 33% Fire Damage
    +3% - 33% Water Damage
    +3% - 33% Air Damage
    +3% - 33% Thunder Damage
    +3% - 33% Earth Damage
    -14% - 66% Health Regen
    -11% - 50% Reflection
    Special Move
    Effects: Increases all elemental damage and defense by 40%; lasts for 3 minutes. Only usable every 40 Seconds or a charge.

    Nature's Call: Tier I
    10 Strength
    15 Defence
    +3% - 13% Fire Damage
    +3% - 13% Fire Defence
    +3% - 13% Earth Damage
    +3% - 13% Earth Defence
    +2% - 7% Melee Damage
    +2% - 7% Spell Damage
    -6 - 26 Raw Spell Damage
    Special Move = 150% Damage
    50% Neutral Damage
    50% Fire Damage
    50% Earth Damage
    Effects: A huge tree spawns with auto-aim like meteor. The hitbox is 4 radius. Must be charged in order to use this move or a charge.
    Upgrade Runes
    Earth Rune I - Upgrades Tier I items to Tier II.
    Earth Rune II - Upgrades Tier II items to Tier III.
    Thunder Rune I - Upgrades Tier I items to Tier II.
    Thunder Rune II - Upgrades Tier II items to Tier III.
    Water Rune I - Upgrades Tier I items to Tier II.
    Water Rune II - Upgrades Tier II items to Tier III.
    Fire Rune I - Upgrades Tier I items to Tier II.
    Fire Rune II - Upgrades Tier II items to Tier III.
    Air Rune I - Upgrades Tier I items to Tier II.
    Air Rune II - Upgrades Tier II items to Tier III.

    1) Note: More items will be added.
    2) Note: Some information will sometimes be unfinished/not editted as I may not have time to finish.
    Last edited: May 22, 2017
  3. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    ARG, got to add more items...
  4. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Vortex Tomes seem a little OP. Doing 200 elemental base damage (not counting elemental defence) is a little much for lvl 25.
  5. Molfu

    Molfu student

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    it would be cool if assasins had another Knife

    Lunes8123 likes this.
  6. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Tbh the names should be more unique but I like the concept.
    How about "Empty Tome"
  7. setery10

    setery10 Well-Known Adventurer

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    Not sure if dual wielding works on wynncraft, there's probably a way around it but still
  8. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    I am going to be away soon, so I won't be able to go edit my thread but keep post as much as you can to show your support and your feedback will be appreciated!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2016
  9. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Bump! 10 Char.
  10. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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  11. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    Bumpy Bump You're a Wynncrafter, Harry
  12. NightcorePhantom

    NightcorePhantom Ruler of Elkia VIP+

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    So practically Copy Zentre... cough... sorry
    Gigavern and Cloud like this.
  13. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Welp, I didn't know that I was copying someone else...
  14. NightcorePhantom

    NightcorePhantom Ruler of Elkia VIP+

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    A server to be exact
    But i cant think of a better idea anyways
  15. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Bump me please!

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    You should be more specific. How many arrows? How many blocks of knockback? Stuff like that
  17. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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  18. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Bumpy Ride!
  19. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Vortex Set is finished!
  20. Zernoxi

    Zernoxi Forum Assistant of the Mighty Forum God

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    Yay! We have passed the 10 Supporters mark!
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