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Tool [unofficial] Wynn Expansion V0.027.c (a Continuation Of Shsupercm's Wynncraft Mod)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by EHTYCSCYTHE, May 16, 2017.

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  1. AlexisPlay

    AlexisPlay I'm that one guy who is a guy. VIP+

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    You need to re-download for now. ^^
  2. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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  3. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    some feedbackerinos from the unpopular and only sorae

    1) quest book text
    way too small and unreadable
    the grey looks really weird on the background of the book idunno
    I love the quest book lock thingy though where you don't have to flip a billion pages just to see the quest you're currently working on
    same with the quest description toggle

    2) coordinate thingy
    basically irrelevant now since Wynn implemented a coordinate thingy on the bottom bar anyways
    but then again sprint bar does take that space up when you start to sprint
    and frankly i used f3 for coordinates anyways

    3) add exit button for menus
    i don't want to reach all the way to the upper left of my keyboard just to press ESC just to exit out of the quest book/mod menu/etc

    4) mod option menu
    speaking of the mod option menu, this is fucking brilliant
    props to you

    5) I Can't Believe It Doesn't Require Curse!
    this > wynnenchanced
    basically everything important in wynn enhanced
    just in one non-curse required package

    6) item locks
    imo they need a visual indicator not the name in the inventory menu being renamed to "LOCKED"
    sort of like Wynn Enhanced

    7) item highlights
    maybe it's just my potato pc
    because every time i look at a highlighted item it seems to start lagging my game out

    8) no legacy support
    this is the biggie
    i had to go and disable some stuff in the mod config while playing on 1.10.2
    and it still wouldn't work
    so i had to reinstall optifine/the mod, reset all my keybinds, and stuff
    (it's actually not that much of a hassle but it would have saved me about 15 minutes)

    9) intrusive default settings
    the default XP bar setting will get in the way of your hearts display, especially if you have two or more rows of hearts
    setting it above everything just takes up more space in the middle
    the territory taken thing is cool but not really useful in a lot of situations since Hax is just going to take literally every territory back anyways
    the side XP bar is sorta neato but also really intrusive and takes up a lot of space

    10) music thing
    pretty coolio
    i'd suggest making it so you can choose a specific song but then again VIP+ perks

    overall i'd give this mod a 7/10
    looks sorta clunky, it's useful, doesn't require curse, but still has a few glaring flaws to iron out

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Firstly thank you for taking the time to give feedback on the mod!

    1) Some of the quest descriptions can be rather long so it needs to be somewhat small so that it dosent drift off the page. Though ill change the colour for the next update to make it more readable.

    2) I added this in purly because i have a friend who plays Wynncraft occationaly and constantly whines about not being able to see cordinates when springing or when casting and that they don't update instantly (as for F3, the server has the gamerule "reducedDebugInfo" set to true so it dosent help if your using a vanilla client, forge dosent care about this setting at present)

    3) Thats a fair point that i'd never considered, ill try to add close buttons to all the menus

    4) Thank you :D I dont want to restrict players to playing a way they dont want to and if they dont like somthing they can simply turn it off

    5) I see no reason why to require a specific launcher to use a mod. To me its like saying you have to use an LG monitor to place a specific game

    6) I try to differentiate my mod between Wynncraft Enhanced and try to keep a clean look where i can. I get where your coming from though and ill look into that again to maybe add a more distinctive indicator as to a slots Locked status

    7) I am just utilising vanilla's team system to highlight items and players so there isn't really much i can do without just rewriting the whole code for it (which would take quite a while) as with most things though they can be disabled

    8) Your the first person ive heard of trying to use the mod in 1.10.2 and while i fully acknowledge that many people like 1.10.2 i dont really have any intentions in back-porting. and im really sorry that getting to work was such a pain for you and that you had to reset your keybindings. (if you could tell me why you like 1.10.2 so much and dislike 1.11.2 i might be more inclined to consider backporting the mod, though back-porting is a big task)

    9) I've tried to make the default settings set part in way which most people will like the setup and part to show off certain features. There isnt really a good spot for the XP bar other than the two settings ive added (if you can think of any where else that might be better feel free to let me know)
    The Territory News bar is purly as aesthetic thing really and dosent really have much of a purpose, its just there to give Wynncraft guilds a bit more life to them. Seeing your guild on the bar knowing that everyone will see you taking a territory can be a really good morale boost for small guilds. And just becuse Hax is the top guild dosent mean they will always remain in that spot, Yes it will be hard to overthrow them and may well never happen but you have to have faith that the Wynncraft staff will add more to guilds to make them more than just a one sided domination game. Besides guilds arnt for everyone so not everyone will have it turned on.

    10) As for this all credit goes to SHsuperCM and XavierEXE. I had nothing to do with the music player at all. And yeah allowing players to choose which song would violate VIP+ and discorrage people from donating to the server (not that many people buy VIP+ just for the jukebox, though i did by Hero just to be purple in chat)

    I try to add things that people want and add options for anyone to disable pretty much anything they dont want. I try to make the mod as smooth and as unintrusive as i can though i fully admit im not the best at all at making things unintrusive nor look the cleanest. but i try and when people have better ideas i try to implement them as best i can.
    mizzkissy, donda biblioteca and sorae like this.
  5. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    the legacy support thing isn't really your fault, i just got peeved that it wouldn't work even after your fix on 1.10.2
    i 100% understand all of your points

    but it's pretty cool to see a mod dev respond to feedback like this

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thank you for understanding and again thank you for your feedback! Since i'm the developer of the mod i often end up living in myown little development bubble and dont consider everyone's needs. so its always good to hear from someone that doesnt 100% love the mod (though not only hearing from people that dont like the mod is a good sign).

    And thank you again! I try to keep responses mostly professional on this thread though im not the best at spelling or grammar, but people generally don't care about then unless it directly impacts the product at hand
    donda biblioteca and sorae like this.
  7. Shya

    Shya I have no friends! HERO

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    I've been using this mod for a while now, and I would like to give some feedback.

    The Mod Maker

    The mod maker is extremely active and dedicated updating his mod, and I've many times contacted him with issues or new ideas, and I always get a fast response.
    The issues are usually fixed within a day by the amazing mod maker EHTYCSCYTHE :)
    The mod maker is super intelligent and always thinks about everything, whilst having a good ethic, never making something unethical
    And is very trustable so I will always download it without any worries about my personal information or items ingame.

    Features I like a lot

    Being able to see real item names
    - This has been extremely useful for picking up items I like, making my inventory less messy and causing less emeralds to be wasted on identifying items.
    - This works perfectly and if I want to be surprised more I can always turn it off and only be able to see their rarities

    XP to lvl
    - This works perfectly, and helps so much when leveling to be able to see how much I need for leveling, and how many procentage.
    - Whilst the genius Scythe also has thought about the displays being changed, so I can adjust it to my liking :)

    Player highlights
    - This feature is so nice for when you're following around people to be able to see where they are located easily. It is also extremely useful for seeing if somebody near you has any relations with you
    - Like if I see a friend, I could instantly hide behind the nearest object and wait for them to go away! ^-^

    - The killfeed makes grinding so much more fun, it helps see that you are really progressing to level, when looking at the xp bar can make you give up.

    Guild Livefeed
    - This is SO useful when you are doing a lot of wars, to instantly be able to see what terretories are owned by non-high levelled guilds, so you can take them over easily.

    Guild Optimizations
    - This made me with a bad computer able to do wars without 1 FPS, making wars so much more enjoyable, fantastic feature! And very thought out by the amazing mod maker.

    The Music Player

    - Very good for hours of great music ingame, and easily accessible :)

    Spell Cast Keybinds
    - This has been such use to me for easily casting spells whenever I need to, takes a bit to get used to though.

    I could go on for days cause it is filled with fantastic features, but my favorite is the ability to customize everything and put on whatever you'd like to, when I saw how many pages of options there was
    I was blown away, and instantly sold so much :)

    Scythe is the best mod maker to exist, and the best friend to exist.
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
    C4rdiaK and donda biblioteca like this.
  8. AkwardZebra

    AkwardZebra Sole Creator of Wynn Expansion

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    I have been using this mod for a while, and I gotta say I really like the coords.
    Slayne likes this.
  9. LeeSoonkyu

    LeeSoonkyu Wake me up when dern's come outâ„¢ HERO

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    Does this mod work with 1.8.9?
  10. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    sadly doesn't

    you're not really losing anything when you go to 1.11.2 anyways

    if you have a """gayming""" mouse like me you can bind some of the side buttons to cast spells (you'll have to bind the button to a specific key first though)
    especially gaming mouses catered towards MOBA players

    also I just tried the spell keybinds thing
    it's surprisingly consistent with low attack speed weapons
    also minor complaint
    locking an item basically locks that entire inventory slot which is really annoying in stuff like bank classes
    Last edited: May 25, 2017

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Just a quick Disclaimer: I have talked to Naaj everyday since the first day of release and they have helped me on several points about the mod. Naaj has always enjoyed the mod and has been a great person to talk to on support and many other things, as such Naaj has earned Helper on the mod.

    Thank you for your feedback and im glad you are enjoying the mod as much as you are!! I hope to continue with updates that meet expecations of the level of standerd as set foruth by the mod

    Being able to see real item names:
    This is something that the original mod SHCMWynn had and im aware that there might be people who liked that it didn't obfuscate what items were what, so i decided to keep support for those people and just include the standerd formatting that i use on obfuscated items.

    XP to lvl
    Again another standered feature that i took alot of the base code from and expanded upon. I dont really have much else about this.

    Player Highlights
    This idea was taken from Wynncraft Enhanced though i saw no reason not to expand its capabilities to friends and guild mates. And i liked being able to see exactly where my friends nearby were making getting lost from eachother a much lesser occourance. Pluss as you stated makes running into people you know alot more noticable which can result in convosations taking place that otherwise would have not.

    This is the thing i worked on last befour the 0.019 update and was rather difficult to get working well. Its also the only thing i had a clear vision of befour i even started working on the mod, back when i was still using SHCMWynn. I personaly hate grinding mobs endlessly to level up, its proberly the main reason why i dont play as much as i have done in the past, and its amazing how such a simple thing as a killfeed can fix that so quickly

    Guild Livefeed
    While that wasnt the exact intention for the territory feed its still somthing that people value and im glad people are finding uses for even the most mundane of aesthetic additions!

    Guild Optimisations
    While this is somthing that will never be included in default wynncraft becuase it wouldnt be verry cohesive with the rest of Wynncrafts combat system. However blocking most of the entities involved with showing the infomation, in wars specificaly where there are already alot of mobs at once, allows your computer to focus more on whats left which can vastly improve FPS and general gameplay in wars so i added an option for it (though its disabled by default incase people really like the mob names, healths, damage indicators, and item drops in wars)

    The Music Player
    Im glad you like the music player and although its somthing i did not work on at all, Ive left it in because there will always be some people who liked the old Features of SHCMWynn and some will have liked the Music player

    Spell Key Bindings
    This is somthing that ive done a coupple of times with my mouse and keyboard though having it run ingame instead is a much more preferable setup, for me atleast. And im sure many other people, like yourself, who dont have drivers with inbuilt marco features would like and utilise these key tied macros.

    Thank you for your feedback (even if a little bias XD) and ill try to continue, as best i can, developing this mod with new features, improvments to existing ones and any bugfixes that may arise.
    Shya likes this.
  12. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Im proably just stupid but how do I access the options menu?

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thats a good suggestion, do you think i should unblock it entirly when you have another screen open, or should i make it so when pressing shift for example it prevents all the locking mechanics when inside an inventory?

    Open the quest book and in the top right there is a gear, click it to access the options
  14. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    No problem
  16. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    that's probably the better solution

    although in a perfect world you could have seperate locks per class

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Okay ill try to implement it in that way, thanks for giving me your opinion on the matter!

    And i've thought about that though as far as i can tell there is no good way to differentiate between two classes if they have the exact same level, class, quests completed etc
    i could try just downloading whichever class best matches your current state when you leave or somthing and accociating those locks to it but idk if its really worth downloading basicly your entire profile just to know which class has which locks setup (though i may still end up doing this, its just not high priority at the moment)
  18. TNG

    TNG Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    So uh, I got a question. How do you change the placement of the cord thingy? Also, how do you turn some features on and off like item high-lighting? I suggest that you leave sort of like a button manual just so people know how to use the features. Other than that, I'm really likin' the mod, good job!

    EHTYCSCYTHE Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    When you have the "Show cordinates only when holding compass" setting turned off the cordinates will use the alternate spot to the XP bar (eg: if you have the XP bar above your action bar then the cordinates will take the spot bellow it)
    I'll admit i do need to add a tutorial to show how some things work, though its not super high priority at present.
    But im glad you like the mod! and thanks!
    mizzkissy likes this.
  20. mizzkissy

    mizzkissy De enige echte! HERO

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    I just recommended this mod to my friend and he adores it!
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