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Top 5 Best And Worst Quests From The Level 21-40 Range

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by WoahItsAmethyst, Dec 21, 2020.

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  1. flyingman

    flyingman Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Imo the Lost Tower quest could be better if the book was "blessed" or preserved by some magic and if you could actually read the book and maybe help the guy translate it from ancient Wynnic (If something like that exists) and you'd learn stuff about Ancient Nemract and life only a few years after the portal opened.
    AlleonVera likes this.
  2. TigerYaisou

    TigerYaisou Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    uhhh have you done the secret room in ???, he has quite a bit of lore, more than most NPCs
  3. WoahItsAmethyst

    WoahItsAmethyst Trying out all the class archetypes VIP+

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    He has a little bit of story about him, don't get me wrong, but Cluck Cluck didn't even really need to exist as a quest. I could see why it would be part of a quest, but as a standalone quest it doesn't work
  4. Bwitty03

    Bwitty03 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    what seagull section?
  5. Da Homeboi

    Da Homeboi maybe tell me if somethings wrong with the wiki HERO

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    This quest in my opinion is WAY too short. It feels like wasted potential in my opinion, I seriously think this could go into more lore of Charon, and exactly how he came to be, or exploring what Ancient Nemract used to look like. I feel like it could have been a very memorable quest, but in the end, it's just "Hey can you go see this thing for me? Ok thx gb" and that's it.

    I'm actually kind of surprised how I haven't seen Grave Digger mentioned here either, it also feels very lackluster, you just retrieve a will, get 12 Rotten Flesh, kill Sayleros' Brother (I actually kind of like that fight because it gets progressively weaker to the point its somewhat funny), and then give his will to Sayleros. Again, it could dive into more lore surrounding Ancient Nemract, but unfortunately, it just feels wasted without any lore whatsoever.

    However, I would say that there are also good quests thrown in there too from 21-40. Recover the Past, for example, is amazing, I did not join Wynncraft until sometime in May 2020, and from what I've seen, The Tower of Amnesia just felt like a boring fetch quest, but instead, for the new one, not only do you get 2 memes, you also get a glimpse into Fruman life. It truly makes you wonder exactly what will happen next.

    Misadventure on the Sea is also a great replacement to Sister City. It was based on a CraftedMovie video, and the premise is also very good, and it truly shows how Jbip is a master of his craft, it is an interesting premise, as you get kidnapped by a Sailor who is a Pirate instead, and you do tasks around the ship, then kill the Colossal Rat (I still think Giant Rat > Colossal Rat), and then make your daring escape. There is nothing you can do that can improve this quest as it has already been improved when it was made.

    My 2 cents on the whole thing. (Took the shameless plug down since I don't exactly know whether or not it counts as hijacking a thread or advertising.)
    AlleonVera likes this.
  6. tig

    tig "Because EO parkour killed my grandma, OK???"

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    #5 Studying the Corrupt

    This quest just personally pisses me off. There isn't even really much to hate about this quest if we're being honest. Everything up untill the last part is actually pretty good. That last part being: "Oh, you mean this guy was corrupt? Shit, why didn't I think of that? I guess I can just open this tomb thing now, lol." What??? You're trying to reach a guy that lived in Elkurn, a town thats known for being in the closest proximity to The Roots of Corruption and you "never even considered for a second" that he might be corrupted? How stupid are you? Given where Elkurn is and the fact that Wynn has been at war with that very thing for 1000 years that should have been the first thing you tought about! It doesn't help matters that this is the prerequisite to the worst dungeon in the game either. Honestly, I would be 100% fine with this quest if it didn't happen for such a stupid reason, this quest only exists because the starter NPCs are total dumbasses.

    #4 Lost Tower

    I would have put Pit of the Dead or Cluck Cluck on this list if it wasn't for my personal experiences with this quest. I remember doing this quest way back in the day before Gavel was even out and I was brand new to the game. It was a misserable experiance. I couldn't find the tower to save my life, I kid you not, it took ne two hours to find this damn tower the first time I played this quest. If I wasn't scarred by this quest 4 or so years ago I probably wouldn't even have it on this list tbh. Theres nothing to it, it isn't worthy of being here.

    #3 Tribal Agression

    So two tribes are at war because they stole eachothers totem things and they're fighting because they want them back. But they can't just give them back to eachother because then we couldn't add another stupid filler quest. But wait! Eagle tribe guy is actually willing to give the Owl tribe their totem back! So why doesn't he just give it back in exchange for their totem? Well because then we couldn't have another stupid filler quest! Instead of logic prevailing we have to do a two step quest thats actually 4 steps. Talk to guy, repeat, kill boss, repeat. This quest sucks.

    #2 Green Gloop

    I usually wouldn't put a fetch quest this high (or low?) because they aren't interesting enough to take up these valuable spots but bad spawnrates just make this quest such a slog to get through. Anyway that's about it, I'm not gonna talk about it.

    #1 Ice Nations

    Nothing like getting sent to the middle of nowhere in the ocean to sludge through this trainwreck just to grab another stupid quest helmet right? This quests entire story hinges on some random guy being a greedy asshole. He's convinced that the other dude on the other island with the other people stole the treasure during a shipwreck... or something, and he want's it back. And even though other guy told greedy man that he didn't have it, greedy man for no reason just decides to not believe him. Hey, bro, if you can assemble an army big enough for a civil war, can you atleast try to send a team to see if maybe the people that attacked you stole your shit? No? You're gonna make me do it? And then give me a quest helmet afterwards?


    #5 Tower of Ascention

    This quest is just easy to enjoy. For once the lack of story is absolutely perfect, just fight enemies to progress. A trial of might. There isn't much to this one but it's just impossible to dislike.

    #4 Wynn Excavation Site A

    This one is a bit biased. Ever since I first played WynnEx Site D it has been my absolute favorite quest. The puzzles where great the boss was great and the story was incredible for the time. People that didn't play Wynncraft in the old days probs don't apreciate that quest the way veterans like myself do. And it all starts here. Sites B and C aren't particularly good on their own, but are made better by their followup. This quest is not only made better by said followup but is also good enough on it's own to grant it a spot on this list. The parkour is fun and the little riddles are nice too. Also Vade is an dick that never paid me what he said he would at the begging of the quest.

    #3 The Dark Descent

    If you really think about it this quest isn't really great but honestly walking though fallen ancient Nemract in the shadow realm is one of my favorite moments in any quest. I really like being in sort of alternate dimensions if you will, and this place definitely fits the bill. And being able to watch the fall of ancient nemract as you go though is just really cool IMO. Other than that there isn't a whole lot here other than Gracken, whom I really like, but that's enough to put it on this list for me. This quest is cool, it earned it's spot here for me.

    #2 Kingdom of Sand

    This and Dark Descent are kinda tied for me tbh. While dark decent is more focused on the dungeon we're actually unlocking this quest decides to focus more on the Creden Tibus (No clue if I spelled that right). While I would normally prefer the dungeon quest to focus more on the actual dungeon it unlocks I'm fine with it here. The secret discoveries do the majority of explaining Hashr which let's this quest focus of the Creden Tibus. And I actually am kindof interested in them despite not having a whole lot here. There is also the gameplay which I think is slightly(?) better than Dark Descents wich is waht gives it an edge. Here we get to break into a mayors house and read uis diary so we can dig up some dirt on him and get him kicked out of office. That's pretty cool, it's also really fun to run through the house. So yeah, slightly better than Dark Descent but not as good as...

    #1 Misadventure on the Sea

    Oh my, who saw this coming? There is nothing to say about this quest that hasn't been said by someone. This is almost everyones #1 in this section and maybe even in the entire game. I'm not gonna write an essay about why it's good because everybody already knows. This quest is just solid all around and there is really nothing to dislike here. Easly a top quest in the game.
    AlleonVera likes this.
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