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To The Community : About The "theories"

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by ButterPainter, Feb 25, 2016.


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  4. No, not all

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  1. dot01

    dot01 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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  2. Kahsol

    Kahsol Local Serial Liker CHAMPION

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    Yea, and Wynn is a runic letter, but our whole province isn't scribble on paper.
    Oh, and Gavel is a small hammer, but we don't use a province to smack enemies.
    Zombiemonster314, Bebinson and Kalmer like this.
  3. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    I really enjoy this thread, you addressed something that seems like it has/will get out of hand and supplied a fix to it. I agree with you on basically everything you said about the theories. Back in time there was another theory craze that got out of hand and the theories that were told were absolutely far fetched and ridiculous, sometimes borderline shitposts. But I think that if theorists put more thought and think of every possible situation, and maybe even ask some staff members on clarification of the lore then there could be some seriously good theories out there that have true evidence to back them up and that might actually be true. Thank you very much for putting thought into the thread you made and suggesting a fix towards the problem you saw in the theories and adding constructive criticism instead of calling them absolutely stupid.
  4. ShadowMage1

    ShadowMage1 Seraph of Twilight CHAMPION

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    Take notes, @Mr Crack-head. I think Spyro is doing the right thing by withholding some of the things he feels are highly questionable to his theories.
  5. Pretzule

    Pretzule eats pretzels HERO

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    He shouldn't though, if Spyro thinks that they are gaps or it's information that could back up his claim he should do more research on it and actually use it to support his argument, or use it to shape it. If he has information that is being withheld he should figure out a place for it and use it.
    Gogeta, BuffAirSpear, Rawb and 5 others like this.
  6. Tyralion

    Tyralion Knights in the Tiger Skin VIP

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    Now that is what I will agree with, and something I'll try to add my two cents in.
    You see, @SPYROHAWK , your theories were really interesting when they were just beginning. But now, as the time passes, they are starting to have less and less solid ground to stand on; they are starting to crumble from just one counter-argument. Stop, take some time, think about your theories for once, or you may risk unleashing a whole lot of hatred from people.
    Also, concerning secrets - I've never had any idea why all 9 of you can't come together and post a gigantic thread of all the information you have for others to either trust it or to prove it wrong. Remember how you were saying that you created the "Grand Theorists" thread to tell others that you are not a group of people within another group of people, but a bunch of people who like doing common things? Now's the time to prove it, tell us that you don't want to hide the information, let others join the fun. No community likes secrets within it, especially when it's something as fragile as "theories", which can be proven wrong in an instant.
    And now, as flame wars/rants started happening, you have to take action to stop the spread of fire, for it may, and WILL, consume you.
    Hope you listen to us.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    Thunder, Bebinson, Kahsol and 2 others like this.
  7. JohnDSi

    JohnDSi still a dead idiot HERO

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    for those who are tired and sleepy like me

    tl;dr stop rushing theories like burgers from mcdonalds
    Gogeta, ashdalf, px_1 and 1 other person like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So. Welcome to the thread where everyone flames against me!

    I legit just woke up and I see 28 notifications at like half of them are being tagged here. I just read every comment, so I guess it's time to defend myself... I am not going to tag every comment I talk against, but I will talk via subject.


    Firstly: Hiding Info / The Grand Theorists

    So I know many of you are in the mindset that I hold back info. You have a negative view of The Grand Theorists, who you seem to have begun to call the Wynn Theory Illuminati. But I want to get something clear.

    We don't hold back any info. I have been PMed before asking about stuff, and I have given full awnsers about everything we know about the subject. And furthermore EVERY SINGLE TIME WE MAKE A THEORY we are pushing out to the public what we have been talking about. We are not holding back any secrets. Any info we gather we do put out there. So I don't know what this big holding-back-info thing came from. But it's wrong.


    Secondly: Theory verses Hypothesis

    I am sorry, but I really don't see the difference here. Care to explain a bit more?


    Thirdly: Counter-Arguments

    Now this is something that many of y ou have said, and it's something that I have been thinking in my head for a while.

    Is theorizing anylitical writing or persuasive writing. Am I trying to persuade you that this is the truth, or am I trying to analyze the info and tell you what it means? I feel like the big problem you have is that I changed styles. I used to write persuasively, but now I write anyliticaly.

    What is the difference?

    In persuasive writing you show the argument you are trying to make. You make the argument. But you also show that a counter argument does in fact exist. You then go on to prove that while that counter argument exists, it's nothing compared to your argument. I wrote like that in my early theories, but I switched to analytical.

    In analytical writing you take in the info, and make an argument. But you PURPOSLY do not show any counter argument. In anylitical writing you are trying to say "what I think is correct, and there is not other way to look at it". I feel like the problem is that I have started to write in this sense.

    Trust me, I have been thinking about switching back, and looking at this, that's what the community wants me to do.


    Fourthly: Pre-Gavel to Post-Gavel

    Many of you have noted that before Gavel many of my theories were more solid than after gavel.

    I believe the reason for this is that before gavel we had x amount of info that everyone knew pretty well

    After gavel we have a lot more info, and people do not know what everything means very well.

    So making a theory that works during this time is much more useful since it helps tie up this info, but it's also more easily weakened by the fast that we don't know the info we are working with very much.


    So yes, I acknowledge that my theories have been lacking lately. And yes, I am trying to improve.

    I honestly doid not think there was a reason to make a whole thread directed at me, but apparently there was.

    So yeah. That's that.
    Zombiemonster314 and Devourer like this.
  9. noelscrap

    noelscrap Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Although we have made some breakthroughs...

    1) Some involve the ??? quest so we can't talk about them publicly
    2) We only have pieces of the puzzle, and if we presented a half-finished theory we'd get yelled at
    3) Some evidence requires the Follow Up Update to come out
    4) Many topics are connected faintly, so it would be hard to choose a title
    5) Making a theory post takes a lot of time and effort
    6) Since Spyro and other theorists used to keep making theories, we (mostly Spyro lol rip) get yelled at for spamming the forums

    Hopefully you can understand ;)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
  10. ButterPainter

    ButterPainter Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yeah, wasn't too clear. Basically the hypothesis is the beginning, the idea that you start of with (for example: why is Wynncraft's currency Emeralds and not gold ? Is it because of...?) You then proceed to build up your case, until your arguments are valid and impossible to counter. Only then does your hypothesis turn into a theory. A hypothesis, even it's highly probable, cannot be fully trusted. A theory is considered true, and cannot be countered. It is really hard to achieve, but take Einstein theory of relativity as an example

    Sorry if you felt targeted, but it had to be done, you weren't the only case. Don't worry, I'm sure the Grand Theorists will do great in the future !
  11. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    Actually, tbh, a theory has as much ability to be disproved. For all we know, our theory of gravity can just be mole people with a big magnet, as it's our interpretation in understanding how the world works in a way logical to us. So a theory is never 100% true, but is also never 100% false.

    And hopefully tomorrow, I can boost some morale round here.
  12. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Well, looking back at my post on your "Dern is a realm" thread, I realize that I may have taken things a bit too far, if you're wondering Why I'm like this, I made a profile post explaining that on my own profile, so there's that.

    It has been one hell of a day, but maybe, just maybe we can get your theories fixed.

    You see, when someone like you posts low-quality quite frequently, and please note I am NOT saying that as an insult, people begin to sort of form a "stereotype" off that person, and they think that this person will always be the "half-done theory guy", and I don't believe that, sure, your threads could use a lot of work, but I believe that you can improve, and if you think my recent post on your recent thread says the exact opposite.


    See, the thing is, on that thread, when Pillowpet said the point of that thread was to prove him and Bank wrong, that was basically my, and I'm assuming other people's, breaking point, the "ok were sick of these threads" feeling, and I'm sure that's why that thread erupted into absolute chaos, we were basically all sick of this, and wanted to "retaliate"

    About the "Theory-Illuminati" thing, this brings us back to the "stereotype" mindset, however, since you are retaliating to the "stereotypers" by telling them, "No, we do NOT work this way", this shows a sign of improvement, and that's good.

    And, I guess you could say that my post on here was very passive/aggressive towards you, and you're right:
    Yes, I did vent off quite a lot of steam in that post, however, this brings us to what I think will be the biggest improvement, "Making a theory on something we already know of, but giving us a whole perspective on it", similar to the Wynn theories back in the day, if you look at @PillowPet 's recent thread, you'll notice he gives a new perspective on something, even though it's something we already know of, those are the kinds of theories that are interesting to me! And I'm sure this may be obvious to you, but face it, we know nothing about Dern nor the storyline, and I realize you want the storyline to release so badly, and you and the other theorists have made desolation and **** in an attempt to solve the unfinished puzzle, but from a storytelling standpoint, having more dark forces corrupt the landscape just seems repetitive.

    It's time to bury the hatchet and end this conflict, I know you and the theory-illuminati Grand Theorists can improve

    Have a fun day

    -Your neighborhood crack-head
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    This. This is what I needed instead of a two page flame war.

    I take all this inter consideration and thank you for being so mature in your response. I believe some people can learn from you.

    (I was actually thinking of making a "how can I improve my theories" thread in the N-bar section)
  14. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I'm on mobile for the rest of the weekend so I'll keep an eye on this thread
    Gogeta, Nyam, JohnDSi and 3 others like this.
  15. ashdalf

    ashdalf wagoo wagoo

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    We did it guys! The paragraph king is here!
    Enderman1234, px_1 and Rawb like this.
  16. Rawb

    Rawb Disciple of Bak'al

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    Im sorry anyone that somehiw might get offended but...this cracked me up so hard
    Gogeta and px_1 like this.
  17. Bank

    Bank Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I think we should make theories a bannable offense! No? Just me? Okay....
    Yuno F Gasai, Nyam, Rawb and 16 others like this.
  18. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    So he can look at this thread and say " Man I think that flip is the sexiest person around, and that this thread puts mine to shame"
  19. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    most wynntheories should by called wynnhypothesis'
    Gogeta and Zombiemonster314 like this.
  20. DJBorbo

    DJBorbo Wannabe edgy memeboi HERO

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