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Guild Titans Valor - Community & War Guild - ♔ - (#1)

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by IceResistance, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. R3YGamer

    R3YGamer Skilled Adventurer

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    IGN: R3YGaming
    Age: rather not tell
    Discord tag: R3YGaming#6097
    Timezone: Australia Sydney, UTC+11 (this is without daylight savings so keep that in mind)
    Highest class: mage lvl 64 currently
    Other classes: all the other classes around lvl 27
    Activity: really depends, anywhere from everyday for 30 min or 1 hour for 3 days
    I like wynncraft combat mechanics
    I don't know what a guild does in wynncraft, this is going to be my first
    Guild History: like i said this will be my first guild
    Referred?: Yes ig by IceResistance
    Additional information: Sometimes I will not be only for more than a week because of holidays or school assessments.
  2. Meeks

    Meeks Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Application Format
    IGN (In-Game Username): ImThings
    Country and Timezone: USA, EST
    Age (optional): 19
    Discord Tag: Meeks#4811
    Highest class? Other classes?: Assassin 91, Knight 71, and a few others that are <20.
    Activity? How often you play?: Recently I've been playing at least a couple hours a day.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: Right now I'm just trying to get my assassin up to max level and after that I'll either play through on a different class or start doing professions
    How can you contribute to the guild?:
    Previous guild affiliations, if any: I was in one a couple years ago, Frozen Wolves I think (not 100% sure on that)
    Interested in warring?: (optional): Sure
    Were you referred to the guild?: IceResistance sent me a random dm to this forum page
    Additional information (optional): My sleep schedule is awful and fluctuates pretty wildly.
  3. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Hi, thank you for applying. We are reviewing your application now.
  4. Midgee

    Midgee Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Application Format
    IGN (In-Game Username): UrMomsABruh (Sorry lol)
    Country and Timezone: US, GMT-6
    Age (optional): 18
    Discord Tag: Onii Chan#3291
    Highest class? Other classes?: Mage - 89, Hunter - 58, Assassin - 41.
    Activity? How often you play?: I am just getting back into Wynncraft, but I am pretty busy with school-related things. If I were to give a rough estimate of the time I play each week, I would say 12 hours.
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: I like to do loot running, and exploring the map.
    How can you contribute to the guild?: Well to be frank I have never joined a guild up until now, I am not sure how I can contribute just yet until I get the gist of how things work.
    Previous guild affiliations, if any: NONE
    Interested in warring?: (optional): I have never done war, I am pretty interested but I would like to see how it goes to make sure it suits my taste.
    Were you referred to the guild?: No.
    Additional information (optional): I have applied for a job recently so I might not have the extra time to play from time to time.
  5. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Hi. You have both been accepted. I have sent you a conversation that includes our discord link.
    Thank you for applying, we are reviewing your application now.
  6. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Thank you for applying. . we are reviewing your application now. .
  7. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    You have been accepted.
  8. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Psst, hello!

    IGN (In-Game Username): PikaLegend_
    Country and Timezone: Australia, UTC + 11:00. At the time writing this, it's 9:35 pm.
    Age (optional): 19
    Discord Tag: PikaLegend#8190
    Highest class? Other classes?: Lvl 105 Assassin
    Activity? How often you play: Minimum 10 hours in a week. If I can escape HSB, that is. Of course, fluctuates with "events" in my life, especially uni work. Main reason why I even dare committing to this is that the next few weeks are breaks. I might become a potato once it begins again, because that's how it seem to go!
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: Exploring the world, Bopping to music, maybe writing guides, maybe loot running. It's been a while.
    How can you contribute to the guild?: Warring, a modest amount of activity, and a modest amount of exp. Am very broke, unfortunately. My life savings have not quite recovered from my previous white horse gambling attempt (and buying a bunch of bank pages).
    Previous guild affiliations, if any: [Qus] The Adventures, [HoL] Holders of LE, [BCr] BuildCraftia
    Interested in warring?: (optional): Yes, please!
    Were you referred to the guild?: No. But now and then Ice pesters me on discord so I suspect he has a crush Came here all on my own volition due to recent news of Guild Update and summer break, just so happens that I had been thinking of joining for months but was a bit busy.
    Additional information (optional): Apart from using this as an excuse to break out of my gruesome addiction of hypixel skyblock, I hope that I have grown to be a bit more mature and wise, and avoid burning myself out like usual. Of course, very excited for the 1.20 guild update, and I believe it could be fun doing it with a guild that I had at least some friendly interactions with, even if it's just a bit!

    I do acknowledge that the guild is currently full in game, but since I'm not really in a rush, I don't mind being put on a queue if needed. Hopefully I haven't forgotten something, I have checked this more than I would like to admit. Ah, yes.

    Thanks for reading this application!
  9. Nimbuh

    Nimbuh Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks for your application! It's currently under review and you'll have a response ASAP!
  10. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    OMG you applied? Why are we even reviewing your application :sob:
    Your accepted! (most likely, still have to go thru the process ahhh)

    Well look at that, I just checked. Your app got accepted.
    PikaLegend likes this.
  11. PikaLegend

    PikaLegend Shocking VIP+

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    Was wondering if I should had just shoot you a DM at first, but thought that would be a bit egotistical to assume I could just get in that way. Had to do it the old fashioned way!

    Will come in and say hello once I finish my final exam this afternoon. Thanks for the spot!
  12. EnragedDovah

    EnragedDovah Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hey there!

    IGN (In-Game Username): EnragedDovah
    Country and Timezone: Spain (GMT +1)
    Age (optional): 21
    Discord Tag: Darkfire#6024
    Highest class? Other classes?: 105 Ninja (proffesions, questing & dungeons), 105 Shaman (Grinding), 102 Mage ( Lootrunning)
    Activity? How often you play?: Everyday, 2-3 hours at least
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: Min-maxing the game: lvling alts, questing, gathering, dungeons, loot running. But the main event is gonna be Raids
    How can you contribute to the guild?: Being a social member and having a great time together.
    Previous guild affiliations, if any:
    Interested in warring?: (optional): Never did it, but I am excited for the guild rework. I will give it a shot.
    Were you referred to the guild?: No
    Additional information (optional): I am basically looking for people to play with, specially looking forward the 1.20 update that will bring raids. Wynncraft is a really great server but playing alone always ends up getting me bored so I wanna enjoy the game with others.
  13. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Thank you for applying, we are reviewing now!
  14. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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  15. Dmorgia77

    Dmorgia77 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    IGN (In-Game Username): dmorgia
    Country and Timezone: USA/EST
    Age (optional): 19
    Discord Tag: dmorgia#7777
    Highest class? Other classes?: 97 Archer/67 Assassin
    Activity? How often you play?: 10-20 hours a week, primarily at night
    What do you like doing in Wynncraft?: I enjoy the quests, exploring, and learning the lore of the game
    How can you contribute to the guild?: Active member who will engage with the community daily
    Previous guild affiliations, if any: None
    Interested in warring?: (optional): Yes, I haven't been in a war before but I want to learn
    Were you referred to the guild?: No
    Additional information (optional): Just getting back into the game again. Originally played in 2014-2015 and want to get involved again and have people to play and have fun with
    IceResistance likes this.
  16. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    You have been accepted! The discord invite has been sent to you.
    We are reviewing your application now. Thanks!
  17. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    You have been accepted! I have sent the discord link to you via forum conversation.
  18. Pally

    Pally Former Titans Valor [ANO] Owner HERO

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  19. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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  20. IceResistance

    IceResistance Titans Valor [ANO] Founder CHAMPION

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    Hi everyone! We are back this year with our annual Winter Festival. I am very excited to share this event with you and everything we have planned this year! Help us make the 2020 Winter Festival one to remember.

    About Titans Valor
    Founded July 2nd of 2017, Titans Valor is a prominent war and community guild in Wynncraft that aims at bringing the community closer together.

    We wish to achieve this by sharing events with the Wynncraft community: such as this one. We are proud to extend to you an invitation to this year's Winter Festival.

    For more information about the Titans Valor guild, review our guild thread.

    Event Details
    Our Winter Festival is a large-scale event for the Wynncraft community that is a series of events in-game and on discord with prizes. In essence, it is a mash-up of two things we love: Wynncraft and the holiday season!

    More information about the event can be found on the Event Document

    The event will take place on Saturday, December 26th and start promptly at 1 PM EST. The event will take place at the Lusuco Festival Grounds, although we will begin on Santa Island.

    Santa needs your help bringing some last minute decorations and gifts for the Winter Festival! This event is a race. You will race by boat from Santa Island to mainland Wynn and from there make your way to the Ice Barrows dungeon enterance. Beware of the Grinch!

    Bring your own equipment, boat/horse only approved methods of travel.
    The Grinch! I saw it go inside the Ice Barrows! I suppose we should follow him in, who knows what he is plotting! A slight detour shouldn't hurt. .

    We will drop a dungeon bomb, in which you will then be released to go into the Ice Barrows dungeon. You will then race your way through the dungeon and get to the boss room. An event supervisor will be outside of the boss room where they account for the winner/s.
    We have finally arrived at the fair, but it is not over yet. Santa needs some help!

    Santa Says is a scavenger hunt that will begin soon after the marathon event closes. The first hints will be posted in the event channel of our discord.
    • Your goal is to complete the tasks that Santa gives you if necessary to receive the next.
    • Hints will be given through a discord role by the event supervisor you found that will give you access to a channel that has the next clue.
    • You may travel in any way you wish, there are no regulations on this.
    • You may work together, although everyone has to go through every NPC and its tasks if one is provided.
    • The winners are whoever finishes the scavenger hunt first.
    Assemble your teams and players! It isn't a true Winter Festival without Pig Puck. Rules for this will be laid out and matches organization in-game.
    Alright everyone! It is time for our giveaway as always, lets see wha- they, they are GONE! Everything! The Grinch has stolen all our prizes!

    This is a game of classic hide and seek that will take place in the Festival Grounds. Your goal is to find the Grinch who has stolen all our goodies! First to find the Grinch wins this event, but seriously, find him or the giveaway is lost!
    We have other smaller events planned in between each one, such as 20 Questions, ect.

    Some will be revealed during the event. We are following suit from traditional activities from past years, and one of them in particular seems better off in the moment and without notice.

    Yes, we know that this event is the day after Christmas, but then again we are the type of people that have our Christmas lights up all year round.


    Members that contributed to this event.
    Titan Spirit Team - @Assassin420, @IceResistance @Calluum,@_Eth3real, @Inobel, @Fireball_98, @Pally, @geode, @hallomifrendo, @ChargePump

    Hope to see you there!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2020